[Team] TL B - Page 6
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United States9109 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
edit: o you removed your post. Offer still stands. | ||
United States9316 Posts
I hope that afk comment wasn't about the TL team we're attempting to make..... -_- 1. We're mainly a US team although we have a few EU sign-ups/practice partners, so keep that in mind. US time. Not EU. We're not going to all be up to play at 7 am EU time.... 2. Tap and I were on for about 12 hours today and I got a single friend add until midnight, and that was from Blitzkrieg who has his own team of friends. I forgot who the other 2 that added me at midnight because I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention, but yeah.... (it's ~3 am by me atm and I'm just working on stuff so haven't gotten to sleep) 3. Still want to play with others and see how we work together though at a *normal* hour aka 3 pm not 3 am EST. ![]() | ||
United States1980 Posts
On August 29 2011 14:18 gtrsrs wrote: fight'n words for sure (Yes i empty quoted and No i didn't see what he wrote) | ||
United States73 Posts
I am usually solo top with a melee bruiser or tank.... jax, xin zhao, nasus, mordekaiser (not really a tank), singed, garen, lanewick I can also jungle, mostly WW, xin, nocturne I m a mega garbage AD carry player and a trashy support... can't play those to save my life | ||
United States368 Posts
Solo top with Singed/Kayle/Nid/Zil AD Carry: Trist/Teemo/Ashe AP Carry: Nid/Ryze/Zil Tank: Singed/Shen/Leona Mains: Singed/Trist/Nid/Teemo I have experience all around with the game for being quite new to it (2 months now) but definitely give me a call either Ingame (L3ird) or on my stream through that same name per twitch. | ||
United Kingdom1062 Posts
Normally play solotop bruisers (best with Singed, Cho or Galio) Often times play Support role (because nobody else does >.>) normally as Sona or Taric, but since the healer nerf have been trying Janna and Soraka in place of Sona. I can jungle on Udyr or Amumu, but haven't really tried others in there, I really only do it when there's no other option. I'm really not great at playing Carries though. I can do a couple "ok" (like Urgot) but generally I've only played tanks, bruisers and supports. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
On August 30 2011 02:01 WaveofShadow wrote: I'm not entirely sure where the 'taric' came from on my signup thing since I never play him. I rarely play support; much more reliable with AP carries by comparison. I'll be back home on Tuesday evening so I'll add you guys to friends and we can play then, though being only 1400 I'm sure there are much better people you could take. He probably thought trungle meant jungle taric, hah. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
It is also a verb: 'to go a-trunglin' I guess I can understand the mistake though. :D | ||
United States6533 Posts
On August 29 2011 15:55 BlackPaladin wrote: Take your talk about scrimming with teams other than TL somewhere else please and thank you. I hope that afk comment wasn't about the TL team we're attempting to make..... -_- 1. We're mainly a US team although we have a few EU sign-ups/practice partners, so keep that in mind. US time. Not EU. We're not going to all be up to play at 7 am EU time.... 2. Tap and I were on for about 12 hours today and I got a single friend add until midnight, and that was from Blitzkrieg who has his own team of friends. I forgot who the other 2 that added me at midnight because I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention, but yeah.... (it's ~3 am by me atm and I'm just working on stuff so haven't gotten to sleep) 3. Still want to play with others and see how we work together though at a *normal* hour aka 3 pm not 3 am EST. ![]() maybe i have terrible timing but whenever i ask for games its like ....slienceeee ~~~~ then im like ok team afk ill be back | ||
Korea (South)1042 Posts
Here I am posting again because I am interested in this ^.^ My in-game name is Notomi. I can play AP solo mid/top and also AD carry. I can play support well, but I do not enjoy it at all :D Only thing I can't do is jungle which I never bothered to learn, but I am practicing my jungle with Lee Sin, GP, Noc, and Udyr. If you are interested, do add me/pm me. I won't be able to play though until September 3rd. | ||
United States9316 Posts
On August 30 2011 02:01 WaveofShadow wrote: I'm not entirely sure where the 'taric' came from on my signup thing since I never play him. I rarely play support; much more reliable with AP carries by comparison. I'll be back home on Tuesday evening so I'll add you guys to friends and we can play then, though being only 1400 I'm sure there are much better people you could take. When I put in Tooplark and your entry I was going to not put taric in Tooplark's cause anyone can play taric (even I can play taric... O_O) but then for some reason my mind was like "but he's so fabulous" and I just had to type his name except now it was in your spot. On August 30 2011 02:39 De4ngus wrote: maybe i have terrible timing but whenever i ask for games its like ....slienceeee ~~~~ then im like ok team afk ill be back If you're talking about LiquidParty, everybody in LP is afk lolol. You need to actually message me that's why I said add me ingame. (What's your game name? you're no on the summoner list) o.o | ||
Canada1188 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
On August 30 2011 03:24 Odds wrote: I'm available about 10 pm to 3 am MST every night. Who do I add / play with in game? Blackpaladin same name? BlackPaladin2 or TapiocaBall Please add us. We're not going to add you. 1-2 people adding 20+ isn't as simple as 20+ adding 1-2.... -_- | ||
Brazil885 Posts
My biggest problem would be time. I'm from Brazil (hue), so I'm in BRT time. I also study and work at my college, so I would be online (here) in the brief period of the night. Should be the end of the afternoon for the West Coast. I'll be adding you soon. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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United States1508 Posts
As for this idea of a team TL B, seems like you'd be better off just hosting scrim nights and attempt to have some organized play with set captains who will actually lead and be vocal over ventrilo. In the past there have been attempts by Rugfeeder but I never really heard how well they turned out. I did a couple impromptu inhouse games long time ago but people's e-peens got in the way of any enjoyment. | ||
140 Posts
IGN : Tetrad I main support (Soraka mostly), but I can play AP or AD if I have too. | ||
5286 Posts
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