On November 29 2011 10:15 ChoBz wrote: if we can't get 5.... TWISTED TREELINE
On December 02 2011 08:07 Chaos wrote:It was fun playin with some of you bros last night. Chill games even though that one team tried to ban me out  Anyways I was tellin gandhi if you guys ever need a sub again or whatever i'm down to fill in. This coming week is my finals so i'm busy, but otherwise i'm pretty much always around.
It was fun to be doing arranged games again, although those teams were pretty pitiful. Jump into the TL B channel so that you're easy access if we need you =)
I think I'm gonna buy Heimer and start playing him more in arranged games. He's super strong and real fun to play.
Cue 0-17-3 Heimer in 3...2...1...
On December 02 2011 09:19 Seuss wrote: Cue 0-17-3 Heimer in 3...2...1...
Hey man, that's the Soniv strat. Feed and carry. Live with it or GTFO
Blah, I wish I had time to practice and actually get good.......
New necrosed strat : feed 0-4 top lane every game =D
Team fights 4v5 at dragon, Nasus farming top. Teamfight over... TIME TO TELEPORT!
On December 02 2011 15:06 ChoBz wrote: New necrosed strat : feed 0-4 top lane every game =D
Soniv Strat: feed 0-4 top lane, carry late game.
Necrosed Strat: feed 0-4 top lane, get carried by Soniv
Also, so glad you were watching that, tap. Been a while since I've been trolled by TL teammates.
Let's say I've been having some trouble adapting getting out of the jungle.
Yeah, let's go with that
Soniv's been adapting from playing solo mid.........owait.
I've been adapting from playing everything.
I've been adapting to playing DOTA2
Did you get to play Alchemist last night while he was still broken? Heeeeelarryus.
On December 03 2011 02:32 BlackPaladin wrote: Soniv's been adapting from playing solo mid.........owait.
Hey now, don't be jelly that you're not as bad at cs as I am.
Too be honest, before I stopped playing I was probably only equal. Now I'm 100% sure I'm worse. D:
On December 03 2011 06:43 necrosed wrote: I'LL BE THE BEST TOP LANER IN BRAZIL!!! IM PUMPED UP.
Let's be honest, how much does that ACTUALLY mean? <3
Like 1200 ilos.
Nah, kidding aside, I'm serious. I'm really disgusted by these jungle changes and I want to up my play in the solo top lane department. I've seen from those two games that I have a lot of room for improvement.
That will also compliment my casting, so I'm really pumped to learn soloing top. And I can troll you guys from time to time, so its good :D