On November 23 2011 04:07 Sabin010 wrote: some guy is 11th place on NA and all he does is play solo lane soraka. so eat it tap.
It wasn't even me that you were arguing with, what the hell, lol
Hellooooo, we're supposed to always argue with you even if it wasn't your fault. Welcome to the TL team, nice having you aboard, Tap.
On November 23 2011 03:46 Flakes wrote: This morning I grabbed 'Team Liquid B' with the tag 'TL2'
One of you fools add me and I'll make you capt.
Awesome, thanks!
Give it to BP since he's going to be more active than me in the coming month.
On November 23 2011 04:07 Sabin010 wrote: some guy is 11th place on NA and all he does is play solo lane soraka. so eat it tap.
Solo Queue != good play
I've been carried by an AD jungle kassadin in solo queue. Stop creating an argument.
well... I tried making another called TL B and it wouldn't let me cuz this one is called teamliquid B already
wow gg, someone JUST made a gay team called team live badass....took TL B tag
rofl sorry guys i shoulda made it right when the patch finished and i had a chance.
TLB and Liquid were both unavailable when I made TL2
so.... who do i invite? only 8 ppl max on team -.-
TLB was gone pretty early. I went on relatively shortly after the patch and tried to secure TLA and TLB, but the latter was already gone.
Message me if you need TLA.
Should just pretend to be Team Liquid Pro [TLPro]
On November 23 2011 04:07 Sabin010 wrote: some guy is 11th place on NA and all he does is play solo lane soraka. so eat it tap.
Hey look puregoldenboy got to 2300 playing Soraka support.
Still has nothing to do with why you're terrible at listening and playing in a team. lol
For the record, I was pretty fucking wasted. You heard me talk. PureGoldenBoy said right after the remake she was an ap carry and no longer a support after the big heals nerf.
And you stuck me as the ranged ad. My weakest role.
How do you fail at ranged AD? Buy AD. Right click. Win game.
I don't exactly fail at it, but I carry harder with a GP or an Anivia than I can with an Ezreal.
Are you the Ezreal that got all the blues over the AP carry? o.o
I just remember I hit one ult on 4 guys during a push which ended up winning the nexus. I don't even remember getting a red buff.
is there a way to hide posts from certain users like we can hide sections on the sidebar?
So guys, I know its not the right thread to post about it, but I've got a confirmation from BR's ESL Admin Toboco that there will be League of Legends in the IEM São Paulo @ Campus Party. And guess what, I'll be casting the tournament alongside him in the Brazillian stream! :D I'm just so freaking happy about this and had to share with someone.