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Canada5484 Posts
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5286 Posts
pew pew poo | ||
United States27922 Posts
I was perfectly content with poking the down and using my range to an advantage. My positioning was poor in general, but Tap kept insisting on letting irelia jump on him, so fights started earlier than I anticipated. | ||
5286 Posts
of course not every game plays out that smoothly, but its worth noting, just like how regi uses gragas ulti as a poke lategame so that its hard for the enemy team to defend towers - the cd is short enough and it does enough damage that they can easily take a tower, go steal their buffs or take dragon, and come back when its back off cd. xerath has comparable or longer range with his w, and doesn't have the downtime in which they can attempt a desperate hard engage on gragas' team if his barrel is a relative whiff | ||
United States13684 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
I'm not saying that was the right thing to do because the right thing would be to just retreat, let them try to take dragon and we seige the fuck out of them after they get into position to take it. Etc. Edit: I just watched the replay just now. The biggest factors in losing was 1) Renekton not being with the team when objectives spawn despite having the timer for it 2) Sona too aggressive positioning 3) Skarner not instantly-suppressing Irelia when she jumps in. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On November 10 2011 06:54 Juicyfruit wrote: Our team was: Sona, Skarner, Xerath, Caitlyn, Renekton Their team was: Ez, Janna, Irelia, Leesin, Brand Top and jungle don't feel like they fit as well with the other picks. Sona, Xerath, and Caitlyn have amazing siege power, and the enemy team has a non-healer support, plus no hard initiate. Get a top and jungle that complement your laners' siege power, and you can basically just force through towers and deny objectives simply based on the fact that they can't get fights started properly. Picks to consider in that regard: Trundle, Nocturne, Gangplank, Gragas, Cho'gath. Picking 2 melees that only have melee-range abilities is awkward given the rest of the picks. In terms of pure teamfighting, your team is weaker. Your biggest advantage with those picks is vastly superior poke/siege power, and you could have picked to complement that better. | ||
United States9908 Posts
he has excellent harass, pretty good scaling and high lethality once he hits lv6. Hes onpar with Brand in terms of being a well rounded AP Caster oh i c. Malz is a really awkward character. hes the caster who has to be at the frontline but lacks a sort of tankiness to stay and deal enough so he doesnt really work too much even in the tanky dps meta. Swain is much better for that imo | ||
United States10536 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On November 10 2011 08:41 jcarlsoniv wrote: I was perfectly content with poking the down and using my range to an advantage. My positioning was poor in general, but Tap kept insisting on letting irelia jump on him, so fights started earlier than I anticipated. I don't understand why you'd want to bait fights. You have Xerath, Caitlyn, and Sona. They have no hard initiate, and no healer. If anything, you want to poke and siege towers, and then force the enemy to have to choose between engaging off a sloppy initiate, or giving up a tower. GIVING them an opening to start a fight, even as a bait, makes zero sense. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
On November 10 2011 11:06 TheYango wrote: I don't understand why you'd want to bait fights. You have Xerath, Caitlyn, and Sona. They have no hard initiate, and no healer. If anything, you want to poke and siege towers, and then force the enemy to have to choose between engaging off a sloppy initiate, or giving up a tower. GIVING them an opening to start a fight, even as a bait, makes zero sense. The thing is, they WERE sloppy initations. Irelia would run in about 2 seconds ahead of her team while Ezreal is trailing from the side and coming in 5 seconds later from the side and sniping a low healthed caitlyn but otherwise providing no DPS beforehand. We just played them really sloppily because of the reasons I mentioned above. Certainly I wouldn't purposely let myself get jumped on by Irelia if I thought the other team was in position. | ||
Brazil885 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
Mostly it was just a state of panic everytime a teamfight starts, l0l. | ||
5286 Posts
i still dont understand why not lolol | ||
Canada5484 Posts
1) We had a huge fuck-up second dragon where they got 5 kills for 1, AND they got dragon, so we were pretty behind 2) Struggled to get back the advantage and we DID manage to get the score even again, got another dragon. 3) Grouped up to push mid, pushed them back to second tower using seige, then their blue spawned and we wanted to get it 4) Bad positioning while trying to steal blue resulted in us getting buttfucked again So all in all it was just us being too behind to pull off a good seige for most of the game, and then fucking that up when we tried. | ||
5286 Posts
4.x: if they try to engage at their blue fight them at low hp | ||
Canada5484 Posts
At the time my reasoning was that if we did manage to get that blue it was straight up gg seige with blue buff xerath vs no-blue buff brand and no healer on the enemy team. It was 1-step too risky and we paid for it. I had oracle and did a sweep before hand so I was confident they didn't have wards near their blue either. Problem is that our ranged AD didn't come to blue with us right away so it took way longer to kill than it was necessary and they had time to respond. | ||
United States1892 Posts
On November 10 2011 06:54 Juicyfruit wrote: Our team was: Sona, Skarner, Xerath, Caitlyn, Renekton Their team was: Ez, Janna, Irelia, Leesin, Brand Teamfights went bad because the front line really doesn't put enough pressure on their skill-shot based heroes after they engaged on US, and our team is obviously significantly stronger if we can just hold the line and let cait/xerath do all the damage. Cait and Xerath do more damage than Ezreal/Brand unless the circumstances favor Ez/Brand (i.e. if brand's R bounces a ton he does more damage, but if he doesn't then he sucks). Ezreal was just there to try and kite renekton, since he's never going to get much else done; for the most part that's what ended up happening. - Renekton built brutalizer when I think he probably should have just tried to finish his Warmogs so that he can get to work on Atmas and FoN. That 1337 down the drain really hurt his tanking potential and he wasn't able to be disruptive to brand + ezreal. We weren't even counting on him to kill them, but he needed to be a lot tankier. - Skarner didn't ulti Irelia in teamfights. Irelia would just jump me in every teamfight (granted I WANTED because that would put our team in a better position if things worked out right). - Me dying a lot to Irelia. As I said though, for the most part I wanted Irelia to jump me, since she always ends up significantly ahead of her team so that I can ult them all as they're trying to reinforce; that requires skarner to instantly ult her though. We just didn't have that coordination. Essentially, my plan was to be slightly in front, bait the Irelia Q, let her get Skarner ultied, and then Sona ult the enemy team while we focus down the Irelia (she went trinity force first and didn't get her warmogs till a lot later; would have been easy enough to deal with it if we actually played it out properly). Even if my ult didn't hit it would have zoned out the rest of their team long enough since they relied 100% on Irelia jump to initiate. What ended up happening though is that Skarner wouldn't ult Irelia right away, and she's basically beating on me the whole time. We'd end up having to use Xerath stun and sona ult to try and stop Irelia which is completely inefficient. - Mostly a lot of coordination issues with Renekton, and him farming a little too much at the expense of securing objectives. Our biggest losses were when we were forced to fight 4v5 at dragon and them getting a free baron. - I take a lot of the blame for the bad communication. Teamfights didn't work out the way I wanted and I think I should have made it more clear what I wanted from Skarner. I also didn't specifically ask Renekton to come down to drag or not to leave the Baron area to farm. On the flipside, I think eventually we need to get to a point where I don't need to tell our top to come down to dragon when we have the timer and 4 of us are gathered there ahead of time. Same with farming bot while Baron is contested and WILL die in less than 10 seconds. Soraka beats Brand in mid. I can show you. | ||
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