[Team] TL B - Page 23
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United States9316 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
The first game, you picked wrong. If you picked AP Janna, don't pick another support immediately. No one is going to expect AP Janna, and they won't pick their support until later. Second, why would you pick Taric against Udyr/WW? They're obviously going to bumrush Cait. Pick Cow. Cow + Janna can peel for her really well. Third, Jarvan was a bad pick. Astarwulf doesn't know Trundle, but that was the right solution. Don't blame it on Gandhi. You expect the solo top to "round out" the team, but the team didn't have a chance of being rounded out because your jungle and support picks were wrong. That's what those picks are for - to counter their jungle or to fill out your lineup. Gandhi did fine that game. He killed the Ezreal and the Sion every fight. A 4v3 is easily winnable with the right picks. The best attitude is to apologize to the team for not picking a better team to handle Udyr/WW earlier. Seeing double bruiser, as it is, should be enough reason to pick Cass if she's open. Yes, maybe he should have picked Irelia. (I also think it's a stronger pick.) The response is "Well, you did well as Akali, but trust me on the pick next time. I should have picked better for the other lanes, but we really needed you on Irelia to give us a chance." And leave it at that. Don't berate him and try to "prove" Irelia was a better pick. He's not listening to you because you were combative and kept raging at him in the middle of the game about how Akali was a shitty pick. Own up to you not picking the other champs well enough. The second game, it was your fault for not picking quickly enough. Time was almost over, and since Garen was talked about as a possible counter to Irelia, Gandhi picked it. The other option was randoming. He did his job by winning his lane. You can't say "he" last-picked Garen. You did because you didn't consider the other options quickly enough. So instead of blaming him, the right attitude is to apologize that you didn't think the picks through quickly enough and tell Gandhi he did a good job for winning his lane. It's a problem of attitude. I don't care if it's not directly your fault, you have to own up to it. Gandhi's good at the technical aspects. He rarely dies, he CS's well, he wins his lane a lot. What more do you want? If the support player doesn't know how to ward and CV? It's your fault for not helping them figure it out earlier, and you should help them with that. Instead of playing the blame game, realize that you're in charge of making the team improve. When Astarwulf said he didn't know how to jungle against Udyr, my first response was "That's fine, you should learn. I'll help you out by jungling against you if we get a chance." When you lose a teamfight, don't say "X did something stupid so we lost that fight." Say "Okay, we can still win this. Next fight, Alistar needs to stay close to Vayne to peel for her and Zilean needs to ulti Y." See the difference? You own up to the blame in the second example because you didn't coordinate the team to fight correctly the first time. It's all about attitude. Don't rage at Gandhi about solo top picks in the middle of a game. YOU'RE STUCK WITH IT. Think about how to improve and say it AFTER the game is over. If you're not comfortable doing picks, let someone else do it. Chaox makes the picks for TSM; Regi makes the calls. TL B isn't coordinated enough to mull over picks together like CLG does. Just try to get better. -- TL B, you need to own up to whatever mistakes you make, and also listen to Tap when he makes calls. I don't care if he tells Gandhi to play solo top Eve. Gandhi can give him feedback, but at the end of that timer, Gandhi should be locked in to Eve. You might lose games, but 1) Tap will have no one to blame but himself for a badpick, and 2) it'll help him get better at picking. If you get caught and lose the team the game, apologize, own up to it, and say you'll do better next time. Obviously if Tap goes on for 5 minutes about how you've lost the game because of it, tell him to shut up. Even in CLG, if one of them does something stupid, he gets berated for 30 seconds. Then Saint and Chauster tell everyone to shut up and play. And guess what? THEY DON'T GO BACK TO THE SUBJECT. They play. After the game, whatever. Talk it out and say it was a bad decision. But own up to it. Your job is to follow the person making the calls and play your role to the best of your ability. | ||
United States2707 Posts
Otherwise, I need to jungle. | ||
5286 Posts
my team also had those problems when we're starting out, im sure u guys will get through them and become bicpro real soon | ||
Canada5484 Posts
On October 06 2011 09:06 dnastyx wrote: Tap, I want you to stop thinking of this as Gandhi's fault. It's your fault. I don't care if it actually is, but if you want to be a good team leader, you need your team to trust you. Step 1 is owning up to everything. You have to realize that at no point did I think top picks were Ghandi's fault. You need to stop think I'm blaming him.I said our top picks were bad. I didn't say GHANDI picked bad. I got frustrated at his Akali simple as that because I asked him to pick Irelia since I thought about my team comp up to that point and what I came up with is that Irelia pick would win us the game. I don't think the way I view solotop is wrong. I'm not saying Ghandi is playing the matchups wrong. I tell him over and over that he's playing his game really well even as I'm telling him Akali is a bad pick. I'm just saying that everytime we discuss solotop, we put too much emphasis on "X beats Y", and we lose track of the team comp. Sue me? Third game, I discussed the possibility of a solotop Olaf. Everyone shot me down immediately saying shit like Irelia will demolish olaf in lane. You have to realize that I try to pick but it's not easy when there's so much ideas flying about with only 1 minute to make the call. Yes I was slow at picking but in 1 minute I picked TWO champions that I thought would go with the team (olaf and galio) and neither went through. So no, I make a lot of mistakes and I never pass on the blame, but I don't think I need to be blamed needlessly either. I didn't make good picks, I know it. That said, I had an idea of what I wanted to do but when it came down to the last pick we didn't go with what I wanted. Even if you tell me Jarvan is a bad pick against bruisers I don't necessarily believe you since I think his cc and armor shred are fairly solid against bruisers while caitlyn can peel for herself fairly well to begin with. Cow would have peeled better but taric caitlyn infinitely stronger in lane and I don't necessarily think we needed cow to begin with when we already had AP janna. I took Taric because I didn't want them to have any shot at bot lane period, and that's exactly what ended up happening. If they took cow, then their team comp would be cow + ww + udyr. That would be very awkward. I was expecting them to take soraka and ranged carry but their team comp would still end up being soraka + AD + WW + Udyr which still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. That's why at the end I was okay with picking Taric and Janna at the same time. Even if you disagree with my picks I do not necessarily make random picks and after that tournament game which I screwed up I tried really hard to get good team comps for us. | ||
United States47024 Posts
Discuss the picks after each game, and rotate around who does the picking--but do have on person do them. You'll find someone whose picks everyone is comfortable with, and from there they can get more comfortable at tailoring team compositions to your team. | ||
United States9908 Posts
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Mexico813 Posts
If you want to lead a team you need to learn what leadership means and what works and what doesn't, and this guy just condensed a lot of wisdom in a few posts. | ||
United States17077 Posts
G_G | ||
Brazil885 Posts
I think we should have a meeting (on vent or chat channel) to discuss some of the management issues we're having. While discussing here on the thread is ok and all, things just go faster when you schedule it. We can also discuss pick strategies, theorycrafting and just chitchat really. Taking some time to know each other can make our synergy as teammates improve a lot. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On October 06 2011 10:32 HazMat wrote: Haha, yesterday one of our players got banned (not perma) and the tourney organizers for the LegoLeague thing won't let him use a smurf. G_G Do you not have more than 5 players on your roster Could have just put the smurf on your ESL team page that you screenshotted for him, and no one would have been the wiser. | ||
United States6533 Posts
l0l | ||
Canada5484 Posts
On October 06 2011 11:13 De4ngus wrote: br0ken game cant l0gin all day. l0l But I just saw you log on O.o | ||
United States9316 Posts
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United States6533 Posts
game broke and kicked me out in like 10 seconds. | ||
United States2707 Posts
On October 06 2011 09:42 Navi wrote: that's sum good advice yo my team also had those problems when we're starting out, im sure u guys will get through them and become bicpro real soon Soon we crush your team every scrim imo huehuehuehue | ||
United States2707 Posts
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United States11285 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
PS I figured out why TL B has no synergy. We all need the same summoner icon. | ||
United States6533 Posts
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