I played Panth vs Cass and I got first blood on her, and she still eventually came around and completely fucked me over with her damage output + her ult zzz
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Canada5484 Posts
I played Panth vs Cass and I got first blood on her, and she still eventually came around and completely fucked me over with her damage output + her ult zzz | ||
Netherlands3704 Posts
On September 02 2011 01:32 Juicyfruit wrote: Casseiopia is 10x more annoying than Orianna, at least for the last couple of week. I played Panth vs Cass and I got first blood on her, and she still eventually came around and completely fucked me over with her damage output + her ult zzz But to be fair, isn't Cass currently one of the bugged AoE champs? | ||
Canada1528 Posts
On September 02 2011 01:34 zalz wrote: But to be fair, isn't Cass currently one of the bugged AoE champs? + Show Spoiler + Yes, she is. Riot needs to seriously get on fixing this, there are professional tournaments being played for a lot of real money being played right now, and they're playing with bugged champions enabled. You would think that amongst the pro players, there would be a good-will agreement not to play any champs that have really bugged AoE.... However, the "take no prisoners, play to win" attitude would dictate that those are the heroes that you abuse the most right now. Depends on whether you want to win badly enough to make other people on pro teams your enemies. l0l, me posting when i'm uninformed | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On September 02 2011 01:23 Southlight wrote: Mmhmm, the point of AP matchups is that if you unload spells on creep "because you can't get farm otherwise" then the other player MUST punish you. If they cannot, they did not position correctly (bad) or just suck (bad). For Orianna this is a double whammy compared to many heroes because her lane presence is dodgable and her defensive skill cannot be used simultaneously when she attacks. Also good Annies farm just fine with AA, which is why they tend to make that hero quite a bitch :[ Mind = blown. That's so fucking simple and obvious but I never really saw it that way. <3 | ||
United States11761 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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Canada1528 Posts
On September 02 2011 01:47 Mogwai wrote: AoE bug is definitely gone. I was laning vs. a brand and he Wed an it didn't hit me. Oh, cool. Good to hear. ^_^ | ||
Canada349 Posts
Ive had great success with him in solo lane (3v3) | ||
United States11761 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
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5286 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + I never had the misfortune of landing in that ELO when I started to play ranked, but returning to that ELO on different accounts while elo'ing them up, I find it fairly easy to win. Minimizing the number of games where you feel that "I feel I played really shitty" for starters will help in "always carry, never not carry". Consistent results in games are often benchmarked by steady cs as laners, and not dying to ganks or opponent laner alone merely because you did not know how much burst he/she would have (know how strong common lane opponents are at what levels, make sure that you've played as or played against most of them before diving into solo lanes). If you think that you are better than your opponent, deprioritize kills for equal or better farm than them and you will be able to carry. Likewise, if you find yourself with a significant advantage in lane, don't let them cheese that lead back by feeding off of your other lanes or jungle. If any role on your team is having significant trouble and you can help by either following your lane opponent or taking the initiative to gank on your own without losing tower, you could try doing so. *Note this was written for solo lanes, generally if you're AD bot you want to farm up and push your advantage via taking down their tower with ward coverage in the river if you are doing well, as leaving the lane usually gives cs and time to the other laner which is usually a bigger deal for duo lane as solo lanes are likelier to get kills ganking and mid lane in particular has easier access to both top bottom and most of jungle than duo* As for jungling, a mistake I see some people make at all ELOs but more often at low ones is focusing wholeheartedly on ganking and neglecting their own jungle. Sometimes it pays off in dividends as you feed off a certain lane or lanes repeatedly and become godlike (probably more common in "ELO hell", but more often than not, I see slightly obvious ganks that are avoidable and thus waste both the jungler and the laner who he is trying to gank for's time. Often the few cs that the person getting ganked is missing isn't worth the creeps that the jungler should be resetting / is getting counterjungled as he fails a gank. If you do gank, try to do it on a lane with cc if you want to assure a kill (and make sure that they are in position to deal it when you are in the ganked's line of sight!) or when they are overextended etc. Ganking to blow summoners, especially when your camps are down, is also fine. There are some heroes I feel are really good for carrying this ELO's level of games with the aforementioned playstyle. For jungling, nocturne. For laning top, a lot of people work. Garen's strong because he tends to dominate other top laners atm which against a foolish opponent can mean snowballing into oblivion. Middle, anything that you are good at farming with while knowing how to abuse their power phases. Annie, brand, etc. I generally prefer getting any role of the above rather than duo lane as it necessitates some level of dependence on the other duo laner, which can turn out nasty. If you want to duo lane, it might be safest to duo queue with a trusted buddy. I think I am combined about 50-3 at this ELO (or slightly above) after my first runthrough on my main account. fairly commonsensical but i hope it would be of any use to people struggling to get out of "elo hell" | ||
United States11761 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
btw, to all the people who're streaming but haven't checked the new thread yet: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=259585 Please make sure to post in there with how you want your stream being represented (I added some people I quickly found, but there are still infos missing). And pretty please stick to the format I posted in the OP 'cause I'm a lazy fag and enjoy copypaste. Edit: Also I'd like to hear some thoughts if we should add streams where it's pretty obvious that the user is not posting a lot on TL and only came here to advertise it. e.g. random 10-100 post user comes, asks to be added and is never seen again. Do we want to add those so the list is more complete (at the risk of "TL user" streams getting less viewers) or should I try and filter that stuff a little bit? | ||
5286 Posts
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5286 Posts
On September 02 2011 02:38 r.Evo wrote: Talon looks like a champ Smashbro should enjoy. To me he seems pretty similar to Panth as to who he rapes and stuff. =P btw, to all the people who're streaming but haven't checked the new thread yet: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=259585 Please make sure to post in there with how you want your stream being represented (I added some people I quickly found, but there are still infos missing). And pretty please stick to the format I posted in the OP 'cause I'm a lazy fag and enjoy copypaste. Edit: Also I'd like to hear some thoughts if we should add streams where it's pretty obvious that the user is not posting a lot on TL and only came here to advertise it. e.g. random 10-100 post user comes, asks to be added and is never seen again. Do we want to add those so the list is more complete (at the risk of "TL user" streams getting less viewers) or should I try and filter that stuff a little bit? most people probably won't look too much at said advertised streams, sticking more to the namedrops of tl or friends that they know. but if they are good streams being advertised, then its win win! unless the bandwidth of the stream tracker thing is pretty big probably ok to put them on there | ||
United States11761 Posts
And according to Smash's interview video apparently playing in a higher bracket and getting yelled at made him improve (maybe not the second part LOL), so maybe you're right Navi. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On September 02 2011 02:44 Southlight wrote: Put it in spoiler maybe. And according to Smash's interview video apparently playing in a higher bracket and getting yelled at made him improve (maybe not the second part LOL), so maybe you're right Navi. well, for me personally, you constantly yelling at me and raging at me helped me a ton. you guys arbitrarily put a ton of trust in me by putting shitty young smashgizbro mid all the time and by putting that pressure on me and yelling at me when I fucked it up, it drove me to get a lot better a lot quicker. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
On September 02 2011 02:38 r.Evo wrote: Talon looks like a champ Smashbro should enjoy. To me he seems pretty similar to Panth as to who he rapes and stuff. =P btw, to all the people who're streaming but haven't checked the new thread yet: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=259585 Please make sure to post in there with how you want your stream being represented (I added some people I quickly found, but there are still infos missing). And pretty please stick to the format I posted in the OP 'cause I'm a lazy fag and enjoy copypaste. Edit: Also I'd like to hear some thoughts if we should add streams where it's pretty obvious that the user is not posting a lot on TL and only came here to advertise it. e.g. random 10-100 post user comes, asks to be added and is never seen again. Do we want to add those so the list is more complete (at the risk of "TL user" streams getting less viewers) or should I try and filter that stuff a little bit? On the subject of streams, I come from the land of bandwidth caps/month and horrible fucking upload speeds. (500k-1mbps) I've tried to stream before but the game gives me 200 or so ms making it very difficult to play, not to mention the quality is very restricted. For all you Amurricans, does anyone stream with similar issues or am I just screwed? | ||
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