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United States11761 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
Or dying a lot to ganks when I jungled/supported myself up to whatever elo and then started getting 1st pick and playing solo lanes then losing lanes to a lot of ganks. First reaction is that their jungler was better but eventually you have to learn to always prepare for their jungler when you play and it makes more sense when you see top level players being super passive in lane because being too agressive catches the attention of their jungler and they will kill you. Most of the time I see people complaining about elo hell when feeding people rage at them even though they're doing badly, they don't listen when they are legitimately making mistakes but they're too busy looking at heir teammates making more mistakes. If you were 10/0 and then go 10/3 you are probably pissing away a won game being too cocky and it doesn't matter if you're being flamed by a 3/6 dude because the game snowballs hard and the average player doesn't change his play when he gets behind and he gets fucked over by 1 mistake. | ||
United States12679 Posts
And I hate playing Lee Sin because whenever I play him my team feels honor bound to fucking feed nonstop for the first 20 minutes. I had a karthus once who literally died every 2 minutes. 24:30 minute game...he had 17 deaths. No joke. And when I do win, the games are all fucking 50-60 minute backbreaking carrying work. But me stop playing him is mostly because the last ranked game I had with Lee Sin was a 65+ minute win with me going like 15-3-17 or something....then Riot only gives me 6 elo because "servers having issues." Boy did I rage. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:15 Alzadar wrote: I've heard it's possible with Alistar to Headbutt someone and then Pulverize before they are knocked back (essentially stealing Malphite's ultimate), but haven't really been able to do it. Is there some trick to doing this, do you just need the right timing or is it not possible at all? You can do it. It takes a bit of practice, but basically you just want to press Q as soon as you see Alistar start moving after W. | ||
United States2474 Posts
I don't know why it works. But it works. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:15 Alzadar wrote: I've heard it's possible with Alistar to Headbutt someone and then Pulverize before they are knocked back (essentially stealing Malphite's ultimate), but haven't really been able to do it. Is there some trick to doing this, do you just need the right timing or is it not possible at all? some people just press both buttos quickly after another and when he is out of range you see ali just randomly pulverize without anyone near. So dont do that. | ||
Canada864 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:38 LaNague wrote: some people just press both buttos quickly after another and when he is out of range you see ali just randomly pulverize without anyone near. So dont do that. I use to do that when I first started playing him haha. I'm use to it now though, it just takes a little bit of practice. | ||
9871 Posts
Mine: Tristana vs fiddlesticks. All that work... get in position... channel... flash... and trist can just press R and knock you out of the fight from 700 range without taking any risk at all. It's just beautiful. I also like gangplank vs malz. | ||
United States6980 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:54 UniversalSnip wrote: Post your favorite lopsided champion matchups. Mine: Tristana vs fiddlesticks. All that work... get in position... channel... flash... and trist can just press R and knock you out of the fight from 700 range without taking any risk at all. It's just beautiful. I also like gangplank vs malz. When I'm playing teemo and I notice the other team has a singed. Free win top lane. Best part is at my elo they don't change their game plan, and send singed top anyway. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:54 UniversalSnip wrote: Post your favorite lopsided champion matchups. Mine: Tristana vs fiddlesticks. All that work... get in position... channel... flash... and trist can just press R and knock you out of the fight from 700 range without taking any risk at all. It's just beautiful. I also like gangplank vs malz. What kind of terribad Fiddle wouldn't fear the enemy champion with a knockback? ;x | ||
France3578 Posts
Anyone heard of that ? | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:01 Southlight wrote: The quality is restricted for me as well, and I stream anyways but yeah. Though at the moment Xsplit crashing my game is a bigger obstacle than the bandwidth. That said my upload is likewise roughly 1mbps but I can still (when not crashing) stream at decent quality. I think my upload speed at max is something like 512 kpbs so I guess that's a big difference. Maybe I will upgrade....man I hate how behind the times Canada is with regards to internet. | ||
9871 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:58 NeoIllusions wrote: What kind of terribad Fiddle wouldn't fear the enemy champion with a knockback? ;x So many reasons, for example the fact that tristana's R considerably outranges the fear, you could be in bushes, etc | ||
Sweden4641 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:58 NeoIllusions wrote: What kind of terribad Fiddle wouldn't fear the enemy champion with a knockback? ;x The one that goes glass cannon and Zonyas after ulti. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
On September 02 2011 03:37 crate wrote: Smartcast the Q to do the headbutt-pulv combo. I don't know why it works. But it works. Isn't smartcast just when the spell is cast on your cursor as soon as you press it (like Flash, Urgot's Q, etc)? You don't target Q, so isn't it always "smartcasted"? It seems as if smartcasting could only work with skillshots, which Ali doesn't have. | ||
Canada1631 Posts
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United States2474 Posts
On September 02 2011 04:06 Alzadar wrote: Isn't smartcast just when the spell is cast on your cursor as soon as you press it (like Flash, Urgot's Q, etc)? You don't target Q, so isn't it always "smartcasted"? It seems as if smartcasting could only work with skillshots, which Ali doesn't have. No, seriously, just try it. You will notice a difference (unless Riot changed it). I don't understand why it does anything, because like you say it shouldn't. But it does. | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On September 01 2011 15:09 esotericc wrote: How easy does tribunal give out permabans? Some premade got butthurt because I called a lane switch and trilaned so I wouldn't feed then spent the entire game initiating team fights then leaving when I came in to get me killed so I just fed a couple times then just laned on my own. They convinced other team to report me as well saying I was feeding (score was like 5/10/7). Not that I care all that much since I am only level 11 just curious. My previous post on this matter: On August 30 2011 01:32 MoonBear wrote: [...] Regarding tribunal: Generally, it's reviewed by 10 people with the majority decision (normally) standing. However, it's always a Rioter in Player Support or something that decides the punishment. Rioters also have the right to overrule the tribunal in exceptional circumstances. (e.g. People just mindlessly chose to punish all cases without looking). Unless you are utterly obnoxious, the first punishment is generally a warning. [...] On September 01 2011 12:19 StrigHT wrote: So, if one were to get a code like this, but not own the champ...does the champ unlock, or can you not enter the code until you get the champ? Code should unlock the champion as well afaik, unless it's been changed. If I can get my hands on a PCGamer Magazine, maybe I'll make a tourney on TL for the skin. Big if though. On September 01 2011 10:14 barbsq wrote: wow, i dont think i've ever seen an online game company just release API info like that. +1 for riot for really giving to the community It is possible to access the LoL Client Chat outside of the client. Theoretically you could even make an iPhone/Android App to do it too. If anyone can actually code that and is interested, message me and I can give you some help with the server-side stuff. On September 02 2011 00:17 nyxnyxnyx wrote: does anyone play on garena taiwan/china servers (or knows someone who does) ? i'd like to talk to such a person i'm nice and i don't bite ps: i speak chinese too This isn't really much about the server stuff. But if you're looking for a job and can speak one of:
And fulfil at least two of the following:
Do apply to Riot for Game Design, Tech and the like. I can see if I can help as well. | ||
United States1238 Posts
On September 02 2011 00:17 nyxnyxnyx wrote: does anyone play on garena taiwan/china servers (or knows someone who does) ? i'd like to talk to such a person i'm nice and i don't bite ps: i speak chinese too did you not notice my CN League of Legends thread on here? T_T Play with meeeeeeeeeeeeee | ||
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