[Patch Talon] General Discussion - Page 91
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Canada1528 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
On September 01 2011 08:19 NeoIllusions wrote: I played a game with a Korean premade where one of them went top lane as Nunu and proceeded to shit on a Kennen. Not sure how but I guess point-click Ice Ball > Shuriken. And yeah, every team fight after that, that same Nunu would get Triple or Quad kills. Real. Yeah one of my games to gold I got carried by a Nunu who stomped Vayne solo top, much lulz. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
Idea: Drings / Full AP page + Q sustain > any sustain hero out there. You're kinda fucked if you don't get a solid advantage but I guess it works quite well. Especially if 96% of people will assume you're a retarded troll/newb. =D | ||
United States37500 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
On September 01 2011 08:07 HyperionDreamer wrote: Epic video shake. As soon as LS dashed to that ward, I saw what was coming l0l. Well played. Thanks :D I have more videos uploaded. I really liked this one though haha. Still lost the game though T_T | ||
Canada1528 Posts
On September 01 2011 08:27 Southlight wrote: The problem I have with Nunu against Bruisers top (esp bruisers that have decent sustain) is that a farmed bruiser >>>>> farmed Nunu. My Irelia would be annoyed by Nunu for instance but I'd still get my farm, and 20 minutes in when we're both farmed one team's more terrified of the other team's solo top than vice versa :x This is pretty true, and going solo top as Nunu basically mandates you to build a lot of AP to make yourself relevant, considering how much farm you'll be getting. I still think he's pretty under-rated with regards to sustain and harass in pretty much any level game up to the tip-top. | ||
Australia2542 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
On September 01 2011 06:42 zalz wrote: This is the problem with 20+ people flipping out just cause i call Swain a terrible champion. One half screams in one ear the other half in the other. One guy asks this, the other guy flames me for even answering it. If i don't answer then ill get flamed for not answering. There really is no dealing with a crowd like that. The only issue is that no matter how "good" you may have once been, what matters is current ability when talking about how good a champ is. Your posts all reek of someone who is out of touch with how to play the champ and your whole way of "arguing" is to declare yourself right and everyone else wrong, even when you have glaring errors in how to play the champ, which were pointed out repeatedly. The words of high Elo players come with a lot more weight because they've obviously played with or against the champ in extremely competent hands, else they wouldn't be facing that opponent in the first place. It's glaringly obvious that champions, items, and metas all shift over time, which is precisely why you factor in current ability, not past ability. Moreover, the longer any game is around, the better the average player is. Being top X at a game means very little when few people are actually decent at it. The reason you got reemed so much is you went around making declarations with obvious flaws and when those were pointed out, you did little more than go "I'm right, you're wrong." On September 01 2011 06:41 NeoIllusions wrote: Uh, might help if you tell us what champion(s) you're playing. Ya, it's really dependent on the champ, or at least the type of champ. Melee either don't want to give malz a creep advantage or want to make him push then have an easy jungle gank with a lunge on the melee putting you largely past the creep wave, for instance. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On September 01 2011 05:48 red_ wrote: None of this addresses his weakness in the lane phase(mediocre jungle, mediocre top), and you're going to blow through your mana pool so fast that chalice won't matter(teamfight scenario... for farming that's all well and cool but then you're back to square one where you suck ass vs other tops). Also SV really doesn't make much sense, his heal really is small, spammable or not... dedicating an item to that seems so silly, I'd much rather grab raw MR/Armor in that slot(BVeil more expensive but allows him to shrug off a kite spell on his engagement which could be important, also more hp+mana+mr). I wouldn't call his jungle mediocre, but it's obviously not top tier. I think my fastest straight clear on him without a leash was 4:15 (including recall to buy boots, running back to red before clearing it), but I might be able to shave another 5-10 seconds off that with some practice. His biggest issues are really that first blue camp, his mana dependency, and the lack of community knowledge on how to build him. If Sheen dropped wards it would be hands down a better jungle item for him than Wriggle's. On September 01 2011 08:47 tyCe wrote:And that suggestion about having every user marked for their ID and Elo? Bloody ridiculous; the idea has no actual thought process behind it. If people were required to ID themselves, then who's going to post given the inevitable personal backlash coming if another poster didn't like what you said? I would stop using these sub-forums completely, even though I don't plan to troll anyone anyway. I'd keep posting. Charity Gold league represent! | ||
United States5635 Posts
On September 01 2011 06:56 Southlight wrote: Turkey's trying to make Nashor's Tooth on every champion. I dunno how it'll turn out. On a side note I was never a fan of NT on Kayle, as I definitively felt the Korean style of RGB -> IE -> triple pot was muuuuuuuuuch stronger. That was quite a debate back then though. There were a lot of good builds on old Kayle though. GRB/IE/PD, GRB/Malady/wit's, GRB/Lichbane/Rabadon's, it almost didn't matter at all as they all did craptons of damage in slightly different ways. Except for NT. On my gigantic theorycraft 5 second DPS Kayle damage sheet of doom NT absolutely sucked arse compared to other options no matter when or where you stuck the thing. The only reason why anyone ever got away with NT was because Kayle's late game scaling was fantastic and as long as you started with GRB you couldn't go *that* far wrong. In terms of DPS though NT still sucked arse even with GRB which pretty much confirms just how completely awful it is in general. I mean, it's initials are even N. bloody T. . As in, NOOB TRAP. As for Skarner, I also have a theorycraft Skarner sheet (which even calculates Q cooldown for any given CDR/attack speed) and the amount of DPS you get from NT is pathetic. GRB is a fairly efficient item but only with max stacks, and NT lets you spam Q more but sacrifices all hope of actually killing something before the enemy team decide to help their teammate and kill you. If you want to kill stuff on-hit IAS items are the most "reliable" and give the most DPS for the buck. They neither require you to spam nor require your shield to be up to work. I think people have covered Skarner's bleh-ness before pretty well, so I'll just say that I think that he suffers both from terrible early game scaling and a toolkit which gives him zero ability to go on the offensive against anyone that has any vision of him. He's more kiteable than Udyr (that's saying something) and is mediocre in lane to boot. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 01 2011 08:47 tyCe wrote: This thread has gotten so full of fail. Regardless of whether zalz is right or wrong shouldn't mean that randoms can come in post facto (actually something like 2-3 pages late) and bandwagon the poor guy. Neo you should discourage this type of blatant trolling seeing that this is still TL and all. And that suggestion about having every user marked for their ID and Elo? Bloody ridiculous; the idea has no actual thought process behind it. If people were required to ID themselves, then who's going to post given the inevitable personal backlash coming if another poster didn't like what you said? I would stop using these sub-forums completely, even though I don't plan to troll anyone anyway. Anyway, so zalz mans up and gives his Elo and people fail so hard at reading comprehension in their eagerness to put the guy down even harder? I'm just a noob around here, but has it always been the case that people with different ideas get jumped on by random scrubs after the notables have done their talking? And it's tolerated too it seems; no bans, no warnings, no informal disapprovals? Anyway, carry on. I usually enjoy reading the 5-6 fresh pages of posts in the morning. When I read through it earlier it seemed civil enough. When I get home from bashing skulls in street fighter tonight I'll have a closer look at it. I don't usually like to moderate things retroactively like this, but in this case i'll make an exception. the beginning of a mob mentality against an unorthodox thought process is definitely something we frown upon and take seriously. it's a plague on fine forums like this. while i can't say right now that i'll definitely take any sort of action, everyone should be aware that tyCe has a valid point in this post. Neo and I WILL take steps, if necessary, to snuff out behavior like this. This sub-forum is still very much a work in progress, and it's gone very very well so far. Let's not muck it up with bad attitudes! | ||
United States1317 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
On September 01 2011 09:00 arnath wrote: My god, Loci and TreeEskimo are streaming at the same time ... I don't know how to handle this. 2 monitors. Have both streams up on both monitors. 2x the Loci. 2x the Tree. | ||
United States17077 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() Edit: as for those who were wondering a few hours ago, he does max W on Morgana first. | ||
United States17233 Posts
On September 01 2011 08:47 tyCe wrote: And that suggestion about having every user marked for their ID and Elo? Bloody ridiculous; the idea has no actual thought process behind it. If people were required to ID themselves, then who's going to post given the inevitable personal backlash coming if another poster didn't like what you said? I would stop using these sub-forums completely, even though I don't plan to troll anyone anyway. There's nobody forcing you to "ID yourself." It'd be a nice option for those who want to. People trolling because of rating would be moderated against, so that's not an issue. There's a big difference between having a difference of opinion because what you see in-game differs from high Elo play and demanding that you're right and someone else is wrong because it works based on the mistakes people make at low Elo. It's not uncommon for someone low or mid Elo to say something against the grain and for it to be taken seriously, provided it's well thought-out and well articulated. If having your Elo shown would make you quit the forums, you're probably not the kind of poster the TL subforum wants. I'd much rather have someone willing to defend their ideas than someone who runs and quits because they're forced to explain why something would still work versus opponents playing solidly. Lastly, please use paragraphs. | ||
United States17077 Posts
On September 01 2011 09:07 Alaric wrote: I can't seem to ever find Loci streaming. Screw that EU time and daily job. ![]() Edit: as for those who were wondering a few hours ago, he does max W on Morgana first. No he doesn't. I talked to him and he gets it to 3 and then gets Q to 3. After that he alternates both to level 5. He just said that on the stream, too. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=13770763#post13770763 | ||
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