I'm so going to buy this. If Riot keeps up, I think I might actually end up spending 8000 dollars on LoL :|
Also, I should probably change my caster runepage to have flat MR in the reds... going to have absolutely no caster specific runes on the page. Unless you count mspeed quints as caster specific
Mobility boots would seem fun on AP heroes. I'm going to try mobility boots on Lux tonight. Running down river at full speed to land that ult....ahhh can't wait!
On September 14 2011 02:37 Two_DoWn wrote: I would never get swifties, ever. I just hate them as a boot. The possibilities you give up for a TINY bit of extra movespeed doesnt seem worth it. Mobility boots I would consider only if you plan on ganking a LOT and there are no stuns on the other team and they are all very tanky. I always get the on Ashe because she needs to outrun slowed enemies or to chase them down and if you ever get to Phantom dancer, you almost fly and positioning shouldn't be a problem.
On September 14 2011 02:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: As long as people are talking a little about boots, I've thought that for AP mid, boots of mobility or swiftness would be better than sorc boots. For example I think they'd be great with LeBlanc lvl 6-11 or so, for getting full combos off in lane and also for getting to other lanes faster than normal. Even if the 20 MR means she isn't getting kills, anyone she fulls combos or lands a snare on almost always has to go back, and that should get towers/dragons more consistently than hoping for surprise kills.
And the boots would be better defensively against skill shot champs (morg, brand) and ganks. Any time they miss a skill shot, you are almost guaranteed to hit them back while their shit is on CD and you have faster move speed. And it'd be harder for them to push the lane without getting punished for it because you charge at them when they want to go cast their W.
tyler you're ahead of the curve bro i've been running mobilities on several of my junglers, most notably warwick last night my team scrimmed against a bunch of 2k+ players and their jungle and mid-lane got mobilities every single game, and then just TERRORIZED our bot lane. failed gank? no problem you're back to lane in 3 seconds. successful gank? okay free tower and dragon too. enemies coming to kill you? *runs* *is never caught* *cackles maniacally*
basically movespeed+5 is unbeatable. i think everyone on their team ran 21 utility and MS quints as well. even when we took janna to counter one game we could never catch them in chase scenarios.
You can outrun slowed enemies without boots since they're slowed...Why would you get faster boots so you can outrun people who are much slower than you...Ashe needs zerkers because she has no apsd steroid.
United States47024 Posts
On September 14 2011 02:51 Zaphid wrote:Show nested quote +On September 14 2011 02:37 Two_DoWn wrote: I would never get swifties, ever. I just hate them as a boot. The possibilities you give up for a TINY bit of extra movespeed doesnt seem worth it. Mobility boots I would consider only if you plan on ganking a LOT and there are no stuns on the other team and they are all very tanky. I always get the on Ashe because she needs to outrun slowed enemies or to chase them down and if you ever get to Phantom dancer, you almost fly and positioning shouldn't be a problem. As far as kiting is concerned, IMO the faster autoattack animation of 'zerks is more useful than the MS boost from swifties.
How does everyone feel about the strength of towers? I've been hearing it said that if they were weaker (as they are in HoN/DotA) it would encourage tower dives, meaning more champion kills, meaning less passive play ect. ect. Personally, I don't quite buy this point.
As far as towers go,I feel that they currently reward good positioning, rather than punish bad positioning. 'Why?' I fail to hear you ask, well then let me tell you why: currently if you want to get a kill under a tower, you have a) to have your beefy characters tank the hits, and b) zone or disable the enemy from fleeing to secure the kill.
And really, it's a good thing that early game it's so easy to die to them, since in most lanes where your character isn't naturally outmatching the enemies first blood and 2 or three creep waves means that your lane is losing badly, and then requires them to make a lot of mistakes to make the lane equal. Especially if you have a bad lane match up, it can mean that you're going to be a long way behind where you ought to optimally be going into the mid-game.
Just my thoughts on the matter, feel free to disagree/ Q.E.D I'M RIGHT SO THERE.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
for people to beat you with mobility boots they have to be inherently better than you. They are quite expensive so its not like just dropping 500 on berserkers to get some extra movespeed, they are almost merc treads/sorc boots in price. If they are beating you in teamfights with less stats then you severely got out cs'ed
as for ganking, fast or not wards will see them...I personally hate mobility/swift boots and ive never bought either in my 2 years or whatever it is of playing this game
On September 14 2011 03:22 Brees wrote: for people to beat you with mobility boots they have to be inherently better than you. They are quite expensive so its not like just dropping 500 on berserkers to get some extra movespeed, they are almost merc treads/sorc boots in price. If they are beating you in teamfights with less stats then you severely got out cs'ed
as for ganking, fast or not wards will see them...I personally hate mobility/swift boots and ive never bought either in my 2 years or whatever it is of playing this game
I use mobility on Twitch (lulz) and tend to favor Swiftness on Singed and Cow >_>
On September 14 2011 03:22 Brees wrote: for people to beat you with mobility boots they have to be inherently better than you. They are quite expensive so its not like just dropping 500 on berserkers to get some extra movespeed, they are almost merc treads/sorc boots in price. If they are beating you in teamfights with less stats then you severely got out cs'ed
as for ganking, fast or not wards will see them...I personally hate mobility/swift boots and ive never bought either in my 2 years or whatever it is of playing this game I remember you tell me about Mobilities on AP Sion when your shield getting hit didn't bust the movespeed bubble so I don't believe you.
On September 14 2011 03:09 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On September 14 2011 02:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: As long as people are talking a little about boots, I've thought that for AP mid, boots of mobility or swiftness would be better than sorc boots. For example I think they'd be great with LeBlanc lvl 6-11 or so, for getting full combos off in lane and also for getting to other lanes faster than normal. Even if the 20 MR means she isn't getting kills, anyone she fulls combos or lands a snare on almost always has to go back, and that should get towers/dragons more consistently than hoping for surprise kills.
And the boots would be better defensively against skill shot champs (morg, brand) and ganks. Any time they miss a skill shot, you are almost guaranteed to hit them back while their shit is on CD and you have faster move speed. And it'd be harder for them to push the lane without getting punished for it because you charge at them when they want to go cast their W. tyler you're ahead of the curve bro i've been running mobilities on several of my junglers, most notably warwick last night my team scrimmed against a bunch of 2k+ players and their jungle and mid-lane got mobilities every single game, and then just TERRORIZED our bot lane. failed gank? no problem you're back to lane in 3 seconds. successful gank? okay free tower and dragon too. enemies coming to kill you? *runs* *is never caught* *cackles maniacally* basically movespeed+5 is unbeatable. i think everyone on their team ran 21 utility and MS quints as well. even when we took janna to counter one game we could never catch them in chase scenarios.
I can see it being amazing with Fiddle jungle as well. His passive can make up for the missing MR on Sorc. You can easily catch up to people to fear if they don't have their flash up. Why haven't I thought of this!?!
I feel like Mercury's Treads are going to give you way more usefulness than an extra 20 movespeed in almost every situation.
Simply because once you're caught, Swiftness doesn't help you at all, but Tenacity does. I dunno, you were comparing Sorcs to Swiftness anyway, but Sorcs are only good early game either way.
riven skin so pretty, now if she is decently balanced ill play her foreverever
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On September 14 2011 03:26 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On September 14 2011 03:22 Brees wrote: for people to beat you with mobility boots they have to be inherently better than you. They are quite expensive so its not like just dropping 500 on berserkers to get some extra movespeed, they are almost merc treads/sorc boots in price. If they are beating you in teamfights with less stats then you severely got out cs'ed
as for ganking, fast or not wards will see them...I personally hate mobility/swift boots and ive never bought either in my 2 years or whatever it is of playing this game I remember you tell me about Mobilities on AP Sion when your shield getting hit didn't bust the movespeed bubble so I don't believe you.
doesnt mean i used it I hate movespeed as a stat, I find it very worthless in such a stale game.
On September 14 2011 03:28 Inschato wrote: I feel like Mercury's Treads are going to give you way more usefulness than an extra 20 movespeed in almost every situation.
Simply because once you're caught, Swiftness doesn't help you at all, but Tenacity does. I dunno, you were comparing Sorcs to Swiftness anyway, but Sorcs are only good early game either way. Often if you do get caught you're dead anyways.
On September 14 2011 02:35 Liquid`Tyler wrote: As long as people are talking a little about boots, I've thought that for AP mid, boots of mobility or swiftness would be better than sorc boots. For example I think they'd be great with LeBlanc lvl 6-11 or so, for getting full combos off in lane and also for getting to other lanes faster than normal. Even if the 20 MR means she isn't getting kills, anyone she fulls combos or lands a snare on almost always has to go back, and that should get towers/dragons more consistently than hoping for surprise kills.
And the boots would be better defensively against skill shot champs (morg, brand) and ganks. Any time they miss a skill shot, you are almost guaranteed to hit them back while their shit is on CD and you have faster move speed. And it'd be harder for them to push the lane without getting punished for it because you charge at them when they want to go cast their W.
This is really interesting stuff. I allways wondered why especially swiftness are not bought on ranged champions, might they be ap/ad/whatever who can profit from the additional mobility. They are cheap as fuck as well.
I almost completely stopped buying sorcs anyways. Mostly heading for cdr/mercs. The only champ I still buy em is fiddlesticks because my strategy is to stack flat mpen on him when I think I need it. I guess they are viable on some of the burst champs.
Anyway, I kinda like swiftness but never buy them because noone else does. Mb this is a misconception. There are alot of champs with a very slow base movementspeed like ashe or anivia but they have the kit to kite. Do you really get off more autohits as ashe when you have zerkers? Most of the time I constantly move with her between shots so I wonder if the recommended item is actually better in some/most situations. Has anyone actually made tests about this, or do we have another "nobody does it"-dogma here? I wouldnt be suprised if that is the case, because even after years it happened frequently in dota as well, where ppl would discover things only after a pro team does it.
Another champ that would profit from swiftness is ryze because he doeals consistent damage and not burst, so he has to move around alot for repositioning. I guess the same would be true for cassio.
Anivia and Ashe both consistently get Swiftness, although Ashe seems to have moved on to Zerker like other ranged DPS. I'm not sure if people have moved off Swiftness on Aniv but the best Aniv around (ManyReason) IIRC always ran mspd quints + Swifties, so I do the same. Just makes sense given her bizarre range disparities.
Iunno...I just feel like swifties are just terrible on every champ in 99% of situations. They offer nothing but 20 movespeed, which is very neglible especially when considering on range AD you'll be getting a zeal/PD anyways, which will increase your movespeed a good amount. With just Zerks/Zeal you already have over 400 movespeed. Upgrade to PD and your movespeed is like 420+. Movespeed has diminishing returns so if you get swifties that extra bit is wasted. Not only that but Zerks give a very noticeable increase in attack speed and lets you kite and dps better.
For AP champs, I only get sorcs if I dring stack and I can get it super early. Otherwise, CDR boots are just too good. Swifties could be useful, but the thing is, they're only ever good in laning. Past that, 20 extra movespeed isn't going to do shit, while having a skill of cooldown a second or two early can make or break fights.
Swifties are great on Anivia because of wall. Don't think I'd get them on any other champ though.
I don't think I've ever gotten boots3 that I can remember.