Generally I see few lee sins but when I do they seem to know what the hell they are doing and carry. A clueless lee sin is usually terrible but most people aren't comfortable playing him without knowing him well because of how skillshotty he is and how many abilities he has.
Most people assume he is a jungle champ though. Most people will tell all the Lee sins to go jungle and pick some top champ.
How's udyr after the nerf? Can't imagine it hurts him that much it takes a while to get wriggles and if you haven't raped the lane before that it won't make him that OP as everyone says.
Well, I just played an embarassing game as Udyr.
Either that or their whole team was running MS quints with boots 3 because I couldn't catch a goddamn Xin with 1 point bear+mercs.
On July 29 2011 22:45 GARO wrote: Well, I just played an embarassing game as Udyr.
Either that or their whole team was running MS quints with boots 3 because I couldn't catch a goddamn Xin with 1 point bear+mercs.
did he have PD/FoN?
On July 29 2011 19:06 r33k wrote: The problem I have with lane trynd is that he is basically a melee zilean. With no safe way to farm. His heal feels weak indeed if you're going for the old build, I'm still trying to figure something out but whenever I'm playing on my main I'll mainly go for what my team needs :/
With the old build sure, but if you go Flat AP Quints + Amp Tome you heal yourself for 80 minimum every Q. I played a bunch of Tryndamere games yesterday these were the lanes I ended up against:
- Solo Top vs Wukong
- Solo Top vs Critplank
- Mid vs Orianna
- Bottom with Blitzcrank vs Taric + Caitlyn
- Bottom with Leona vs Tryndamere + Soraka
- Bottom with Leona vs Sona + Vayne
- Bottom with the worst Brand ever vs Sona + Vayne
Out of all those the only setup I had trouble farming against was Tryndamere + Soraka. I won on CS in every other matchup and easily ran most support+AD combinations dry because of infinite sustain. If I had to choose I'd stick to solo lanes, but he works fine in a bottom lane with a CC champion or a support.
On July 29 2011 22:34 Slayer91 wrote: Generally I see few lee sins but when I do they seem to know what the hell they are doing and carry. A clueless lee sin is usually terrible but most people aren't comfortable playing him without knowing him well because of how skillshotty he is and how many abilities he has.
Most people assume he is a jungle champ though. Most people will tell all the Lee sins to go jungle and pick some top champ.
How's udyr after the nerf? Can't imagine it hurts him that much it takes a while to get wriggles and if you haven't raped the lane before that it won't make him that OP as everyone says.
The only good thing about lee sins jungle is that a) its fast and b) its hard to gank him there. I play him alot but not at a decent ratio because I'am often forced to jungle him. As a solo top he dominates alot of matchups and manages the hard ones well because of his insane range on Q and W (means you can still farm a decent amount even if your behind).
As I said my win ratio is rather meh (45%ish) with him because my jungle fails often and because I had a long time figuring his strengths out. An important tipp: never count on your teammates to position for W, even if its super obvious.
My jungle is slowly improving though because I basicly stopped to do early ganks that rely too much on hitting someone with Q (which is very hard if the opponent reacts). I started to just speedfarm the whole jungle and if I spot the enemy jungler I just steal the fuck out of his side.
That said I really love him as a solo top and he never failed me there. An overlevled and overfarmed lee is a fucking beast mid-late game because its so hard to stop him from doing his thing.
Also I had to figure out to build him super tanky (atmogs+), even If I have a tanky lineup. But I often completely tilt when someone calls "tank solo top" and then hesitates to charge in when good situations occur. That really leads me to play super bad.
compared to wukong though: wukong has his (theoretical! because he still has to be fixed) strengths over lee sin. While Lee provides more utility and a better "out" through his W, Wukong has a much more reliable "in" with his E than Lee has with his Q. With reliable I mean less situational because you can just jump on squishies when they are in range, while lee can be blocked easily by tougher opponents (which is usually the case). Lee on the other side can be much more protective than wukong because he can actually safe his carries and mages with W->E (->R) and stuff like that while wukong is simply there to zone out/kill squishies and draw attention to him.
I recently found out that I really love those kinds of champions and want to be good at them part of the reason is what I said earlyer: I start to do really stupid stuff If my tank doesnt take advantage of positioning and stuff like that.
On July 29 2011 23:34 Jaso wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2011 22:45 GARO wrote: Well, I just played an embarassing game as Udyr.
Either that or their whole team was running MS quints with boots 3 because I couldn't catch a goddamn Xin with 1 point bear+mercs. did he have PD/FoN?
Why did you have only 1 point in bear? You really should be maxing it as soon as turtle and tiger are maxed. After level 11 you should have more than 1 point in bear and ppl won't have move speed items by then.
Wukong is too buggy right now for me to get a good read on. On one hand his kit is fun as hell but he's hard to itemize, either you build as a squishy AD and spend your whole time using your E and W to get dash into and out of the fight, meaning you're wasting his damage trying to not instantly explode, or you build as a Tanky DPS with Atmogs and become mostly about ulting in team fights since your damage feels a little lackluster.
He's also real hard to put on a team right now, the only conceivable place for him is duo bottom, but he has a hell of a time farming against ranged AD, although he seems like he could be a serviceable solo top if that lane ever stops being nothing but trololol sustain champs.
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On July 30 2011 00:45 clickrush wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2011 22:34 Slayer91 wrote: Generally I see few lee sins but when I do they seem to know what the hell they are doing and carry. A clueless lee sin is usually terrible but most people aren't comfortable playing him without knowing him well because of how skillshotty he is and how many abilities he has.
Most people assume he is a jungle champ though. Most people will tell all the Lee sins to go jungle and pick some top champ.
How's udyr after the nerf? Can't imagine it hurts him that much it takes a while to get wriggles and if you haven't raped the lane before that it won't make him that OP as everyone says. The only good thing about lee sins jungle is that a) its fast and b) its hard to gank him there. I play him alot but not at a decent ratio because I'am often forced to jungle him. As a solo top he dominates alot of matchups and manages the hard ones well because of his insane range on Q and W (means you can still farm a decent amount even if your behind). How about c) he's super fucking mobile, which, when combined with his speed, allows him to invade the enemy jungle extremely aggressively at very low risk?
He's also comparatively strong at 1v1ing people in the jungle, given how E wrecks melee DPS junglers that try to fight you. Just saying his jungle is fast and safe makes it sound like Amumu's or Olaf's when he has a way stronger kit than that.
does anyone know why people stopped playing teemo?
I'm seriously still so baffled by this.
What champs are generally good against a tanky team? 99% I hear champs who excel against squishies but only a few times will i hear about champs who are good against tanks (excluding late game ranged ad). i've been looking for champs who do fairly well against beefy teams mid-game like malz. can u guys think of more?
Are you complaining about the lack of teemo ?_?
On July 30 2011 01:02 Mogwai wrote: does anyone know why people stopped playing teemo?
I'm seriously still so baffled by this. Because jarvan shits on his face & orb bitch zones the fuck out of him. The new heros that he dickbutts pretty consistently are the ones that are of middling strength; ie Vayne, so why pick them?
On July 30 2011 01:08 Juicyfruit wrote: Are you complaining about the lack of teemo ?_? no, cause I can just go teemo and shit on "better" carries, I just get really confused by it.
EDIT: zzz, just put him bot lane with support and he rapestroys via higher sustained damage pre-BF + blind making the trades retardedly favorable for him. not to mention he dickbutts the top of the sustainability foodchain because they don't have gap closers.
On July 30 2011 01:02 Mogwai wrote: does anyone know why people stopped playing teemo?
I'm seriously still so baffled by this.
this and urgot too urgot like fell off the map with no detrimental nerfs run urgot + any support bot and you will put your dick so far down their throat it's not even funny, but no one is even willing to try it.
On July 30 2011 01:07 billy5000 wrote: What champs are generally good against a tanky team? 99% I hear champs who excel against squishies but only a few times will i hear about champs who are good against tanks (excluding late game ranged ad). i've been looking for champs who do fairly well against beefy teams mid-game like malz. can u guys think of more?
anyone that does %-damage is good vayne, brand, amumu, nasus, malz are some examples of champs that say "tankiness? lolk i just do more damage against you now" true damage champs are similar to an extent though there are fewer of them
teemo's good vs. tanks because mushrooms rape in long drawn out fights.
On July 30 2011 01:20 Mogwai wrote: teemo's good vs. tanks because mushrooms rape in long drawn out fights. Too bad the new tanks have enough burst to make the fights short.
Versus the traditional tanks like malph/garen/galio/morde/trundle/udyr sure. He dickbutts em pretty good with ez pz mallet/mq kiting. Vs Jarvan/Irelia/Lee sin/and I'd imagine wukong, not so much. He's still fantastic for split pushing the entire game, though.
On July 30 2011 01:18 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2011 01:07 billy5000 wrote: What champs are generally good against a tanky team? 99% I hear champs who excel against squishies but only a few times will i hear about champs who are good against tanks (excluding late game ranged ad). i've been looking for champs who do fairly well against beefy teams mid-game like malz. can u guys think of more? anyone that does %-damage is good vayne, brand, amumu, nasus, malz are some examples of champs that say "tankiness? lolk i just do more damage against you now" true damage champs are similar to an extent though there are fewer of them
while this is true to some extend I think it should be mentioned that from a lineup perspektive you want to have either a very strong gank composition with preferably long range/global initiations or a straightup healpoke comp that just sieges turrets and plays very safely/cautious so that the tanky team is forced to engange at bad situations.
I'am not an expert myself but I've seen these two kind of lineups do really well against tanky.
Heal/poke vs tanky DPS team is really really risky and for the most part will fail because 1 person poking will inevitably get caught and then you get aced. Plus you can't contest baron at all, and outside of tower range even 5v4 will be hard for the poke team.
half a page and i'm already tired of dickbutts