[WuKong Patch] General Discussion - Page 24
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United States13684 Posts
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Sweden2226 Posts
On July 30 2011 01:51 Two_DoWn wrote: I have come to the conclusion that Morde is the single greatest champion in the game. ES #1, ES #1, ES #1, ES #1, ES #1, ES #1! | ||
United States496 Posts
On July 30 2011 01:43 UniversalSnip wrote: half a page and i'm already tired of dickbutts agreed rofl, was good the first time tho... reminds me of Chaox trying to get "True" ashe thing to stick... but agreed with teemos, i've been duo queueing with a friend thats been teemoing bot with me, pretttty strong | ||
United States12679 Posts
It was so goddam hilarious. I only don't do it more often because whenever I take Teemo you hear endless amounts of QQ that I just don't want to deal with -.- | ||
TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
On July 30 2011 02:41 Ryuu314 wrote: I only don't do it more often because whenever I take Teemo you hear endless amounts of QQ that I just don't want to deal with -.- Well, that means the system works. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On July 29 2011 19:06 r33k wrote: The problem I have with lane trynd is that he is basically a melee zilean. With no safe way to farm. His heal feels weak indeed if you're going for the old build, I'm still trying to figure something out but whenever I'm playing on my main I'll mainly go for what my team needs :/ His heal feels weak? Try running flat AP quints, perhaps starting with amp tome. I didn't need to do that, though, just the quints were enough. You spam the heal every time it's off cooldown. I also start with Dorans blade and you can harrass every time your cooldowns are up. Not many champions can stand up to you. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
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Mexico813 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
On July 30 2011 03:26 Lanzoma wrote: Riot keeps screwing up new champs in one way or another. They really need a PTR server again, it's painfully obvious their internal tests are not cutting it. meh. They are doing a great job so far. Nothing is really terribly broken. Imo they should rather patch far less and see what happens. This constant patching is too much fotm centered and doesnt let the community figure out the game for long enough. It feels so weird how ppl talk about balance in LoL sometimes. In DotA the patches didnt come so frequent and the "metagame" and "counters" shifted alot between them. PPL werent stuck at 1-2 champs there and if so they couldnt compete because there where much more specific teamcomps and counters. If riot tones down a bit then we as a community would develop much more since the mindset would have to be changed. | ||
United States13684 Posts
On July 30 2011 03:35 clickrush wrote: meh. They are doing a great job so far. Nothing is really terribly broken. ... | ||
United States47024 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On July 30 2011 03:48 TheYango wrote: IMO Riot should slow to something around a 3-4 month patch cycle. The lag time on realizing champ strength seems to be somewhere around 2 months (Irelia, Rumble, Brand, etc.)--naturallly shorter for super broken stuff. 3-4 months lets a new champ get figured out, become fotm, and settle down a bit as people figure them out. The biggest issue holding them back from such a patch cycle, similar to how DotA does it, is because of Riot's goal of champ-every-2/3-weeks model. If they ever made a patch that only put in a new champ w/out doing balance fixes, people would go apeshit. Altho honestly I think they should just make most patches very small, boring patches, that do nothing but do stuff like the recent Annie changes. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States90 Posts
I've been playing Karma, and after Flash I can't decide what other summoner ability I like. Ignite is good and all, but only if I get lucky it gets me a kill that I wouldn't have gotten anyways. At level 5 again, ignite does 150 damage, but for instance Karma's level 2 Q with 30 AP does 128 damage. So if you can get off an additional spell or 2 that you wouldn't have otherwise due to mana it is definitely worth it imo. I think I would rather have greater freedom to be annoying with shielding creeps and harassing with spells with clarity than the bit of extra burst with ignite. Teleport is good too and otherwise I could run CV i guess. I'm still only like level 21 so maybe once I can buy enough mp5 runes it wouldn't be a problem but I also like my armor yellows. | ||
United States1317 Posts
Gangplank still easily ban-worthy. Fiddle suuuuper broken. Orianna still easily ban-worthy. I personally don't consider Udyr ban-worthy because he's pretty easily counterable late game but his lane sustain is still super broken. Jax's burst probably pretty broken but it's too early to say for sure. Taric and Soraka brokenly good supports, etc ... | ||
Italy3402 Posts
On July 30 2011 01:02 Mogwai wrote: does anyone know why people stopped playing teemo? I'm seriously still so baffled by this. Mainly because of Jarvan and Lee Sin. The mushroom collision nerf was also pretty homo since you can't do the 4 plays that made teamfighting with him fun. I tried him again a couple days ago vs pirate and got moderately owned (3 ganks by nocturne and one by ward tp annie with only one gank attempt by my team), I was annoyed because I had only played him once before by mistake when I wasn't even level 30 and had no idea what to build vs AD who is immune to blind. To be honest I can't see him being a bad pick right now, you max Q second and you wreck shit like trynd, ashe, lee sin jax and all those guys who cant do anything while blind. Maybe he just felt weak from my standpoint because I went wits end malady mallet, all items that don't feel strong right away. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On July 30 2011 04:27 OhNeverMind wrote: Question about Clarity... Why does it seem to be considered bad? With 21 points in utility the CD is 153 seconds and by level 5 it gives you 10.15 mp5 (9 yellow flat mp5 runes by comparison give 3.69 mp5). I've been playing Karma, and after Flash I can't decide what other summoner ability I like. Ignite is good and all, but only if I get lucky it gets me a kill that I wouldn't have gotten anyways. At level 5 again, ignite does 150 damage, but for instance Karma's level 2 Q with 30 AP does 128 damage. So if you can get off an additional spell or 2 that you wouldn't have otherwise due to mana it is definitely worth it imo. I think I would rather have greater freedom to be annoying with shielding creeps and harassing with spells with clarity than the bit of extra burst with ignite. Teleport is good too and otherwise I could run CV i guess. I'm still only like level 21 so maybe once I can buy enough mp5 runes it wouldn't be a problem but I also like my armor yellows. In lane, teleport is way more versatile. Lategame, Clarity doesn't scale that well, as most champions will have either solved their regen problems with an item (philo) or be hogging blue buff. Karma in particular is a blue buff user. | ||
United States485 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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