[WuKong Patch] General Discussion - Page 25
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United States485 Posts
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9871 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
On July 30 2011 04:28 arnath wrote: ... Gangplank still easily ban-worthy. Fiddle suuuuper broken. Orianna still easily ban-worthy. I personally don't consider Udyr ban-worthy because he's pretty easily counterable late game but his lane sustain is still super broken. Jax's burst probably pretty broken but it's too early to say for sure. Taric and Soraka brokenly good supports, etc ... Without saying what is "broken" or not: - gp is very strong yes. But I dont see him as a stronger champion than alot of other bruisers. - fiddle is very blue dependand, he also is more easily shut down by bust and disables than other ap carries because of his suicididal skillset. - jax has a very weak sustain early game there are alot of lanes he cannot handle very well. - taric and soraka can both be counterpicked with healing reduction carries bottom such as mf/trist. (well mb taric to a lesser extend.) I cannot say much about orianna but I'am pretty sure some ppl have figured out ways to deal very well against her during the laneing phase? | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
On July 30 2011 05:35 Mogwai wrote: I don't play renekton but I think he sucks on giant donkey dick these days FWIW. I had MR runes and a nullmagic start as Cho'gath because our Jarvan demanded mid after I bought! And I barely lost lane against him. He's.. pretty underwhelming. edit: Taric might actually be a good ban right about now, he can snowball bottom lane if the person he's with isn't retarded and good luck dealing with Taric throwing around 700 damage dazzles because his lane got fed. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On July 30 2011 04:29 r33k wrote: Maybe he just felt weak from my standpoint because I went wits end malady mallet, all items that don't feel strong right away. WHAT? Wit's End basically is a BF sword for less than 400 gold. How would it not feel strong right away? It's a ridiculous early/midgame item that doesn't scale too well. It becomes worse as the game goes on (still stays really strong even lategame). | ||
United States17077 Posts
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Italy3402 Posts
On July 30 2011 06:06 spinesheath wrote: WHAT? Wit's End basically is a BF sword for less than 400 gold. How would it not feel strong right away? It's a ridiculous early/midgame item that doesn't scale too well. It becomes worse as the game goes on (still stays really strong even lategame). Got stomped early, went 2 or 3 dblades but what made me feel weak is that I usually can trade like a pro with wits end but it was obv. completely useless vs pirate. Could have gone dodge boots but I never upgrade boots before my first real item unless its going to be zerks/mercs. | ||
United States1317 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
On July 30 2011 05:35 Mogwai wrote: I don't play renekton but I think he sucks on giant donkey dick these days FWIW. That was my impression, but then every now and again I see one on a high Elo stream just raping everything in sight. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
On July 30 2011 07:26 arnath wrote: Yeah I've been banning Fiddle and GP first priority, then Orianna, then kinda whatever I feel like that particular game. does orianna generally win lanes vs kassadin? he is kinda good vs ap mages. | ||
United States1267 Posts
and season 1 isnt really ending tonight right? Im not gonna make it up another 40 today, I just cant do it =/ | ||
United States17233 Posts
On July 30 2011 08:49 red_b wrote: is silver 1475 or 1500? and season 1 isnt really ending tonight right? Im not gonna make it up another 40 today, I just cant do it =/ It's like 1495. and season 1 isnt really ending tonight right? Im not gonna make it up another 40 today, I just cant do it =/ If it was ending tonight, don't you think there'd be a giant notice on the front page of LoL? | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
no one believes me but morde is hella broken right now | ||
Canada1043 Posts
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United States644 Posts
Let's see: her early game is ridiculous with jump, especially bot lane with an aggressive support she can do extremely well. he late game is ridiculous with her passive range. She has two ways to get away from tanky dps (same number as vayne exact trists are more drastic) her ulti repositioning is a pretty nice soft counter to FUCKIN FIDDLESTICKS she has the most insane steroid in the game and i guess she has a heal debuff which is nice, especially in bot lane versus a heal heavy support like soraka. I dunno, she just seems potent, especially with how the game is being played right now and how all her counterparts are being nerfed | ||
United States17077 Posts
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United States1277 Posts
On July 30 2011 05:51 Niton wrote: What items do you need to do 700 with dazzle? I've been using the NA support build with him but I guess this is Ap taric?edit: Taric might actually be a good ban right about now, he can snowball bottom lane if the person he's with isn't retarded and good luck dealing with Taric throwing around 700 damage dazzles because his lane got fed. | ||
United States870 Posts
edit: apparently i'm wrong ![]() | ||
United States4223 Posts
On July 30 2011 09:01 Brees wrote: i like playing fiddle and gp so I usually ban morde/whatever no one believes me but morde is hella broken right now i believe you, inept! | ||
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