On January 16 2011 05:38 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2011 05:24 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: The interesting part is that if you have 55% you'll never have a situation where you won't have a crit in three attacks. The trade-off of this is that since it basically forces you to crit every other attack, your average crit chance drops to 49.7% even though you should have 55%. It skews farther and farther the higher your crit chance goes because if you have an 80% chance to crit and you get a spree going it'll force you to get a non-crit to average out, even though a spree of 6-8 crits with that chance wouldn't be uncommon mathmatically. It's used in wc3 and makes sense because almost all abilities have a lowish proc chance. You don't see these horrible returns until 25% where it's one tenth of one percent (which is effectively almost meaningless), and most abilities like bash or crit for example proc at a 15% chance. That doesn't seem quite right, particularly in the 80% example--having an 80% chance to crit is exactly symmetric to the case where you have an 80% chance to not-crit (e.g. 20% crit chance)--meaning if the expected/actual deviation in crit chance is small at 20% crit chance, there's absolutely no reason for it to be large at 80% crit chance.
Like I said I've only read about this so you're basically getting what I read on a google search year(s) ago. Believe what you will, discard what you don't. This is all assuming that they're even using a Pseudo Random Distribution so it could all be completely irrelevant anyways ^_^ I suggest if you want to look into it you google it yourself and not bother with my random blabber as I honestly know nothing about besides what I've read years ago when I was playing wc3 and wondering about it because it actually related to a custom map I was playing at the time.
I'm very surprised they didn't mention nerfing Sivir. As far as I'm concerned, she's the most OP champion in the game atm.
United States37500 Posts
On January 16 2011 08:15 Zato-1 wrote: I'm very surprised they didn't mention nerfing Sivir. As far as I'm concerned, she's the most OP champion in the game atm.
She's not OP. Yes, she has the best farm skill set in the game but she's still squishy and has zero form of CC to boot.
What would you nerf about Sivir that wouldn't turn her into dead weight in team fights?
On January 16 2011 08:22 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2011 08:15 Zato-1 wrote: I'm very surprised they didn't mention nerfing Sivir. As far as I'm concerned, she's the most OP champion in the game atm. She's not OP. Yes, she has the best farm skill set in the game but she's still squishy and has zero form of CC to boot. What would you nerf about Sivir that wouldn't turn her into dead weight in team fights?
Her boob size. Those things are ridiculous.
I kind of like the pantheon nerf. It makes him less of a pub stomper when you can just move out of the way of HSS easier. In current E centric builds you'll need an extra point in w to make it the same as before.
And yay eve nerfs. Now don't need to worry about people dying to her because "OMG EVE OP" and can ban someone else instead.
The Panth nerf is dumb. The problem is that he's impossible in lane, then snowballs with global ult, ganking other lanes he's significantly more farmed than. Instead, they should have increased all his mana costs 20-30%, making it much harder for him to trade blows in lane.
On January 16 2011 08:22 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2011 08:15 Zato-1 wrote: I'm very surprised they didn't mention nerfing Sivir. As far as I'm concerned, she's the most OP champion in the game atm. She's not OP. Yes, she has the best farm skill set in the game but she's still squishy and has zero form of CC to boot. What would you nerf about Sivir that wouldn't turn her into dead weight in team fights? I'd nerf the scaling on Ricochet. The fact that she can be autoattacking my tank and still be dealing a ton of damage to the squishies through Ricochet is too strong IMO; every attack of hers is doing 323% of normal damage if each shot is bouncing 4 times.
Unrealistic? Ok, still 286% with 3 bounces. Or 238% with just 2 bounces per attack. She farms up, then outscales every other ranged DPS by a mile, while simultaneously being very safe because Ricochet boosts her effective attackrange a lot, and she has spell shield and bonus movespeed during teamfights from her ult.
Specifically, I'd make every bounce deal a fixed amount of damage, plus some AD scaling, instead of the current situation where you apply your full AD to up to 6 targets (for up to 352% of normal damage after substracting the damage reduction per bounce).
Considering its paltry mana cost and no cooldown, Ricochet is comparable to Spray and Pray. And the latter is an ult.
On January 16 2011 11:54 Zato-1 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2011 08:22 NeoIllusions wrote:On January 16 2011 08:15 Zato-1 wrote: I'm very surprised they didn't mention nerfing Sivir. As far as I'm concerned, she's the most OP champion in the game atm. She's not OP. Yes, she has the best farm skill set in the game but she's still squishy and has zero form of CC to boot. What would you nerf about Sivir that wouldn't turn her into dead weight in team fights? I'd nerf the scaling on Ricochet. The fact that she can be autoattacking my tank and still be dealing a ton of damage to the squishies through Ricochet is too strong IMO; every attack of hers is doing 323% of normal damage if each shot is bouncing 4 times. Unrealistic? Ok, still 286% with 3 bounces. Or 238% with just 2 bounces per attack. She farms up, then outscales every other ranged DPS by a mile, while simultaneously being very safe because Ricochet boosts her effective attackrange a lot, and she has spell shield and bonus movespeed during teamfights from her ult. Specifically, I'd make every bounce deal a fixed amount of damage, plus some AD scaling, instead of the current situation where you apply your full AD to up to 6 targets (for up to 352% of normal damage after substracting the damage reduction per bounce). Considering its paltry mana cost and no cooldown, Ricochet is comparable to Spray and Pray. And the latter is an ult.
Ya I agree, boomerang blade is enough aoe deeps for her early->mid esp cuz it scales with her AD now the fact that she has shield + her ult (and passive for what its worth, it always makes me fuuu when a sivir gets away due to that 2% =( ) makes her very difficult to gank, which had only been made more valuable with the removal of projectile popping from flash. Her combination of gank safety, ezmode farm and incredibly kickass scaling with ricochet and BB lets a reasonable sivir get farmed easily and have a huge presence in teamfights early. the same would happen if the player was really good and playing another carry, but it is a lot easier to get to that point as sivir imo (as long as you have good reactionary shield use and don't get it juked really easy).
the old spray and pray's only advantage over ricochet was its aspd steroid. in most scenarios ricochet actually has an easier time hitting the enemy team (most teams don't line up for twitch to spray on 5 guys) and i believe that even that steroid was removed?
i like zato's suggestion, it doesn't make her ricochet completely useless at levels 10-14 but it doesn't make her damage output so insane lategame. The problem with this is that whenever riot decides to change scaling like this, they usually overnerf the % scaling -> flat ad modification and it takes them a bit to change it back =( (hello olaf's w)
sivir really isn't that op. her inability to put damage on target is... less than ideal for any teamfight that's done right.
and people seem to not realize how easy it is to kill carries that don't have escapes.
United States47024 Posts
On January 16 2011 16:17 Kaneh wrote: and people seem to not realize how easy it is to kill carries that don't have escapes. She has an extra Ghost and an extra BVeil-like shield. It's not Rocket Jump, but it's somewhat misleading to put her in the category of "doesn't have escapes" with Kog-Maw, Ashe, and Twitch.
New patch notes are out. Will update with thoughts.
They finally fixed loving Ardor. Nasus gets innocent looking buffs that are in practice huge, so does Cho. Heimer looks dangerous.
Will be interesting to see what the new rng does to tryndamere. Nasus buff is huge, even though most baddies will think it means nothing. q is going to HURT.
On January 18 2011 16:38 Two_DoWn wrote: Will be interesting to see what the new rng does to tryndamere. Nasus buff is huge, even though most baddies will think it means nothing. q is going to HURT.
I think it's going to mean nothing...
well, i guess im wrong. Shit. I guess most baddies will think it means something then.
On January 18 2011 16:38 Two_DoWn wrote: Will be interesting to see what the new rng does to tryndamere. Nasus buff is huge, even though most baddies will think it means nothing. q is going to HURT.
The RNG change will make Tryndamere a bit more reliable, however that was never his problem. He always did craploads of damage, the issues came from the multitude of possibilities how you could ruin his earlygame and nullify his damage. The Exhaust change was a huge buff to him, I really expect him to become more popular.
Nasus is huge, especially since MSbuff and stronger Q mean he will not only deal more damage with equal farm compared to now he also will GET more farm than now.
They're effectively identical to the leaked notes.
The magic resistance jungle change surprised me as Riot, to my knowledge, hasn't made any statements regarding a need to nerf jungling as a whole. I expect a lot of junglers to drop off the charts, not just Eve.
Other than that everything's basically in line with what Riot's been saying the past weeks.
These patch notes confuse me ...
1) As somebody that plays a LOT of Udyr, the jungle creep MR thing just pisses me off. What's the rationale for something like this? Aside from that, anybody have thoughts on who the best junglers will be now? I feel like it's an indirect buff to Nunu at least.
2) It's a REALLY small buff, but the thought that Riot even remotely considers Cho'Gath buff-worthy blows my mind. He's effectively unbeatable in lane except for 4 or 5 heroes and once he has Feast stacks up is nigh-unkillable (assuming that you're farming well which is really easy because of how good a laner he is).
3) Nasus buff sounds nice but it's hard to say what effect it'll have (at least for me because I don't really play him much). That's probably what, 100 more damage per Q at end game?
4) Why exactly did they nerf Xin Zhao and Tryndamere? Trynd I can at least sort of understand because of the late game ridiculousness of his ult, but who anywhere thought Xin was overpowered?
5) Holy shit is it about time they fixed the stupid monster camp skull update. The amount of effort it takes to get those skulls to disappear pisses me off so god damn much.
Trundle will be the best at jungling, he's completely unaffected outside of the Smite reduction. Xin Zhao, Olaf, Tryndamere, and some Irelia builds are also similarly untouched. Xin actually got a slight jungle buff with the lower cooldown early.
No more Tiamat Catilynn it seems. Imo they overnerfed Eve, but whatever, I think I will still be able to jungle her. And hopefully in ranked now. Yay, Kennen nerfs. Finally. Basically only his earlygame, and that should be fine.
Wait... I don't see the patch notes anywhere O_O