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United States11761 Posts
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United States693 Posts
On July 13 2011 11:17 Mogwai wrote: streaming: dammit i was watching this and it was really interesting but the stream went black T_T its very nice for you to say everything youre thinking out loud, it makes it wayyy better to watch. and you dont think your audience is as dumb as other streamers | ||
United States17077 Posts
On July 13 2011 11:38 Attakijing wrote: dammit i was watching this and it was really interesting but the stream went black T_T its very nice for you to say everything youre thinking out loud, it makes it wayyy better to watch. and you dont think your audience is as dumb as other streamers ya smash is like guardsmanbob but good at this game. Just get on Clg and advertise a bit and you could become superfamous. | ||
United States13684 Posts | ||
United States12679 Posts
On July 13 2011 11:30 UniversalSnip wrote: i don't think he's garbage in solo queue, obviously there would be better choices but who plays solo queue to be optimal all the time anyway? If you're good with him you're still gonna way way outperform people running stronger characters like jarvan Eh Iunno...his ulti doesn't shield anything. He has crappy farming capabilities and no team is going to put him in a solo lane. If he's bot, he's going to have to give up cs to the AD carry. His jungling is slow and his ganks aren't really that great. As with all the older tanks, he can't really tank without farm. Even then, his dps has been nerfed substantially so he can't really kill anything. His ulti doesn't really save anybody until like...lvl 3. I guess his ulti is nice as a teleport for split pushing but really...that's it. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On July 13 2011 11:49 HazMat wrote: ya smash is like guardsmanbob but good at this game. Just get on Clg and advertise a bit and you could become superfamous. Smash #1 depressed high elo stream. Edit: Dude just watched your response.....shit like that is why I am on a jungling strike. Also epic music selection. Only the best neckbeards listen to Miles Davis. :D | ||
United States13274 Posts
did it go black for anyone else? I think that was just you, but not sure =\. | ||
Canada4122 Posts
On July 13 2011 12:01 Mogwai wrote: I'm already on CLG and solomid did it go black for anyone else? I think that was just you, but not sure =\. ] black screen for me :/ | ||
United States2845 Posts
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Canada3508 Posts
Evelynn now has Champion prioritizing Lurker Spines. awesome | ||
United States17077 Posts
On July 13 2011 12:01 Mogwai wrote: I'm already on CLG and solomid did it go black for anyone else? I think that was just you, but not sure =\. Say "2100" elo stream instead of "high elo" because 1700s use high elo to describe themselves. | ||
United States9109 Posts
On July 13 2011 11:30 UniversalSnip wrote: i don't think he's garbage in solo queue, obviously there would be better choices but who plays solo queue to be optimal all the time anyway? If you're good with him you're still gonna way way outperform people running stronger characters like jarvan nah, he's just bad there's nothing that he does well that another champ can't do better (and can do more). his Q is a non-factor at all points in the game, where it used to be a good lane-control skill or babysitting skill. his W is and always will be either total garbage (like it is now) or OP (like it was way back in the day like 1.5 years ago). his E is a legitimately good skill, no complaints. his R is a teleport and nothing more, which you can take as a summoner, so it's not a particularly useful skill. totally not worth an ULT slot especially on such a long cooldown. throw in all the nerfs to sunfire cape too and poor shen just has nothing going for him i love shen dearly and surgeon shen will always be my favorite skin and shen will always be my favorite hero but much like smash when panth finally took the final nail in his coffin - i know when to stop playing him RIP (and fingers crossed that they buff him up again soon) | ||
United States11761 Posts
On July 13 2011 08:23 HyperionDreamer wrote: Finally got back, long day at work. Replay for Southlight: This is a game of myself (Jarman) and my girlfriend (Kogmaw) dual queuing. I'm retarded and forgot to record and I'm too lazy to go back through that replay again for another half hour but in a nutshell You focused way too much on defending and killing jungle creep when in reality there was a lot of exp and money you could have gotten. There wasn't a lot of chat so I'm assuming you guys were coordinating vocally, but if not you really could have directed certain people to go where when to make sure things are keeping up. First of all, they had no jungler yet you didn't really grab their buffs, which is important because when you have free reign and double blue buff most junglers jungle ridiculously fast (provided you don't die with it). You also had a lot of gank opportunities that you simply whiffled (for instance early on you went wolf -> golem -> wraith when you could have just done a quick gank after golem) because you're already there, instead you basically took a full jungle route extra to get from golem to wraith then allllllllll the way back up top for a gank, which worked out, but if it didn't you'd have wasted a lot of time... but then you further wasted time by attacking a tower which you didn't finish. You also leached a lot of exp/gold from your teammates by being there, and pushing lanes is also not a good idea as a jungler because it exposes your teammates (not as big of a deal in this case because they had no jungler). Route inefficiency aside you had a tendency to wander pretty aimlessly. Track pushes, track opponents' whereabouts, there were a lot of moments where you'd sit in a bush for 20 seconds hoping for a gank opportunity when in reality you should be anticipating gank opportunities and appying pressure by presence - if they think you're coming they lose out on gold/can't go after your teammate. But while you apply that pressure by presence you should be working to further your own exp/gold goals. Something I fixated on quite heavily in that game was top lane, for instance. Your team had incredibly bad reaction times to creep pushes, mostly because you had a tendency to overvalue mid tower as well as undervalue your teammates' defensive capabilities (heimer + kog should be able to plough through creep, resulting in bad tower diving bait for the opponent, esp if your team could get a good kat/kennen ult off if they ever do tower dive), and with Jarvan being so strong early on, you could have warded the top river and applied pressure to top lane by solo pushing it. Jarv has decent wall-hopping escapes and the rest of their team was very incapable of taking you 1v1 (at that point), so you could have pushed it, got a LOT of gold, and even killed top tower, or forced them to move around and bait positioning mistakes/numeric advantages etc. Instead you really just stayed middle, essentially locking your team's greatest threat in the center of the map and in full view. Again, pressure by presence, this resulted in their team doing whatever the fuck they want. What I mean by bad reaction times by the way is that your team had a tendency to split 1-3-1 simultaneously to defend top and bottom lanes because there were no wards (no map awareness -> paranoia) and because people overvalued middle and didn't maximize the creep gold/exp on side lanes. A better team woulda saw your 1-3-1 splits and instantly capitalized on stuff like Dragon or just tower diving 5v3 to screw your team over. Fortunately for a while Jarvan is strong enough to be a deterrent to the former, but if they'd simply gone for dragon your team woulda had to either attempt and probably fail a 4v5, or give up dragon. The other team was pretty bad too though so this didn't really happen until much later. Nasus free farm most of the game was a big issue and something you should have instantly identified and tried to rectify, if with your own hands. To no one's surprise he got so farmed and fed that by the end your team could hardly touch him, while he single-handedly pinged down your team in two-shots each, Again, you were your team's primary threat against Nasus (no one else really had the ability to kill him 1v1), and by not taking the initiative and pressuring you allowed him to get farmed while you split gold mid. You can see where I'm going with this, right? Another issue is timing - your team was so much stronger in teamfights for a while, but you guys played really defensively, scattered, and didn't press your advantage. Pressure dragon, pressure towers (esp. top tower, your team ended up taking down all towers except top lane, why? because you never went there), move around the map as one and choke them by scaring them away from their own jungle/other lanes, try to catch their team as they move from one lane to another (they were NOT crisp, and most of their warding was via the Teemo shrooms, so you could easily have caught a lot of not-aware people), et cetera. But you played passively, allowed them to farm more than you despite having a stronger early-mid-game team, and in the end were looking at like a 150 creep kill disparity. To no surprise about 30-40 minutes in this meant the other team was stronger than yours in a teamfight, and really by that point you were down to hoping for some miracle teamfights/punishing the other team for mistakes. But two you initiated into their team AWAY from your tower, resulting in an unsurprising team death because your team simply could not handle the teamfight. This compounded your farm disadvantage. At the end your team had a fabulous chance to equalize/catch up when they fucked up and lost Teemo, it was a perfect opportunity to pressure SOMEthing and grab a few more kills to snowball, or just grab whatever you were pressuring. A good idea is Baron, but really it was inexcusable how you guys milled around at bot and ended up being poked into a retreat, instead of just at least pushing the damn top tower. And if your team is 5v4 like that and you want to make something happen, then tower dive into them 5v4. I can't guarantee success but you MUST MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. But you (and your team) played sooooooo passively and defensive that nothing happened. Eventually Nasus got so strong that he walked into your team and basically 1v5'd. Sorry I screwed up recording my commentary though, but hope that helps :p | ||
United States2928 Posts
meanwhile amumu and cow are blowing up entire teams | ||
United States17233 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States1317 Posts
I think this is a situation where the DotA solution works really well: a limited number of wards in the shop (per certain amount of time) and an Oracles type item (or buff) that has a greater penalty for dying. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
meanwhile amumu and cow are blowing up entire teams It really all comes down to their skillsets and what they offer. Double disable (AoE+single-target) on a champion that dishes out halfway decent damage is just broken no matter how many times he's nerfed. Oracle being removed would be goddamned retarded. Depends on how they replace it, no? | ||
United States13684 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
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