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United Kingdom5338 Posts
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Bulgaria5710 Posts
An additional question, what should I stick in the reds for a support rune page? I'm kinda drawing a blank here, maybe flat armour/mr? | ||
Germany6657 Posts
On July 13 2011 20:26 Nikon wrote: I was saving up for Leona, but since she's not out today, I think I'll flesh out my support champ selection a little bit, plus maybe an additional rune page or something. However, I'm can't decide whether I should buy Taric or Sona. I'm leaning towards Taric a bit, but I've read some stuff about Sona being really strong when it comes to aggressive plays, so I don't know... An additional question, what should I stick in the reds for a support rune page? I'm kinda drawing a blank here, maybe flat armour/mr? Depends, for Soraka/Janna/Taric AP/level is quite good, on Sona you could run mpen. But flat armor/mres is probably good too since you are real fucking squishy as support. Sona does obscene early game damage where as taric has a stun and some decent damage earlygame. | ||
3534 Posts
I still have the mechanics and game sense I guess, but how hard was it for you guys to get used to the new heroes, the items and stuff? | ||
United States3125 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
On July 13 2011 09:14 ketchup wrote: Invisibility remake testing: Don't think anyone's posted this yet. Interesting changes that might happen. The idea of removing oracles seems scary though I don't get why no one bothers to do what SCBW/SC2 does. Give stealthers that DT-like shine and you're good. Pretty much that is how every other game deals with stealth, and it works. On July 13 2011 20:45 Flakes wrote: I don't have Sona, but I've been having to support a lot recently, and have been finding Taric frustrating to play in solo queue. He feels a lot better if your team is on vent, or at least you and the carry you're babysitting. As far as tanky supports go, Alistar is my go-to over taric. If I'm duo laning bot with a support, I generally prefer sona as a partner if I'm just farming, and alistar/taric if I'm trying to go for lane kills. Taric is great solo Q if you play with someone who can 1n2 early on. Caitlyn, MF, sometimes Corki come to mind. Then you can just roam, get mapcontrol and rape other lanes. Jann can do the trick in a similar fashion. Make sure to always pop back at bottom for jungle ganks or your AD carry will spend the rest of the game flaming you. On July 13 2011 20:41 Shiv. wrote: As a former rather successful DotA player, how hard will the transition to LoL be? I haven't played DotA for about 2 years now, but I used to be pretty good. I still have the mechanics and game sense I guess, but how hard was it for you guys to get used to the new heroes, the items and stuff? Personally I just roflloldied to pretty much each champion, then checked his skills and remembered it. (In some cases like Jax, Vlad or Morde I died over and over again till I somehow got how to play against them. =P) ... Items are rather easy I'd say. | ||
Germany6657 Posts
On July 13 2011 20:41 Shiv. wrote: As a former rather successful DotA player, how hard will the transition to LoL be? I haven't played DotA for about 2 years now, but I used to be pretty good. I still have the mechanics and game sense I guess, but how hard was it for you guys to get used to the new heroes, the items and stuff? At earlier levels you will easily demolish people but after that you'll have to learn the game like everyone else. Skill in LoL is a lot about knowledge and not so much about mechanics. You obviously probably will have no problem with mechanics but by the time you played the game enough to be a sucessfull player most of your enemys will have at least decent mechanics. I don't think the transition is too hard, it obviously takes some time to get used to, but other than that not really. | ||
Germany14079 Posts We made a tiny tool to reconnect to a game, without being logged in to! You can end your games now, even if server status is busy. RiotMatricus wrote this tool Fun quote from the thread after someone asked if this would be difficult to officially implement: We made this 2 hours ago in our free time. | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On July 13 2011 20:46 r.Evo wrote: I don't get why no one bothers to do what SCBW/SC2 does. Give stealthers that DT-like shine and you're good. Pretty much that is how every other game deals with stealth, and it works. Other games like SC you can not mod the game files to remove the DT-shine thing. Blizzard takes a dim view to people messing with their code and then connecting to BNet. With LoL you can however. So you could hack the client to give yourself an unfair advantage like creating an "always visible" Eve skin and applying it to your client. | ||
3534 Posts
One final nubby question before I get out of this sacred thread: do I have to be afraid to do something wrong in the beginning, as in messing up the mastery/runes/stuff like that? I will stick to one hero, try to learn him/her and figure out what this game is about really. Eventually, I want to become a team player, as in learning one Support hero, an AP and an AD Carrier, a tank and a jungler. Is this possible with the whole rune/mastery system or would it be better to focus on 2 heroes? | ||
is awesome32269 Posts
On July 13 2011 21:56 Shiv. wrote: Thanks a lot for the replies, guys. One final nubby question before I get out of this sacred thread: do I have to be afraid to do something wrong in the beginning, as in messing up the mastery/runes/stuff like that? Don't worry too much about masteries / runes until you are comfortable (you can ignore those until lvl 20 or even 30). Also, never focus Mordekaiser in a teamfight. You can get Tristana for free (+skin) for Liking the league of legends page on Facebook! I will stick to one hero, try to learn him/her and figure out what this game is about really. Eventually, I want to become a team player, as in learning one Support hero, an AP and an AD Carrier, a tank and a jungler. Is this possible with the whole rune/mastery system or would it be better to focus on 2 heroes? It's totally possible. Cheap champs you can focus on to save IP for runes: AD ranged: Ashe, Sivir, Tristana Support: Soraka, Janna Tank/Jungler: Nunu AP carry: Annie / Twisted Fate. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On July 13 2011 20:46 r.Evo wrote: I don't get why no one bothers to do what SCBW/SC2 does. Give stealthers that DT-like shine and you're good. Pretty much that is how every other game deals with stealth, and it works. Taric is great solo Q if you play with someone who can 1n2 early on. Caitlyn, MF, sometimes Corki come to mind. Then you can just roam, get mapcontrol and rape other lanes. Jann can do the trick in a similar fashion. Make sure to always pop back at bottom for jungle ganks or your AD carry will spend the rest of the game flaming you. Personally I just roflloldied to pretty much each champion, then checked his skills and remembered it. (In some cases like Jax, Vlad or Morde I died over and over again till I somehow got how to play against them. =P) ... Items are rather easy I'd say. Client-server. If you send a stealthed champion's coordinates, they will draw whatever they like in there and show you on the minimap. Whoa, you just remade stealth into temporary untargetability. | ||
Germany6657 Posts
On July 13 2011 22:12 IntoTheWow wrote: Also, never focus Mordekaiser in a teamfight. God I hate this mentality, its like there is a full AP Mordekaiser with zero defense in the middle of your team all by himself and still everyone ignores him and lets him do whatever he wants -_- | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
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Poland5551 Posts
On July 13 2011 21:56 Shiv. wrote: Thanks a lot for the replies, guys. One final nubby question before I get out of this sacred thread: do I have to be afraid to do something wrong in the beginning, as in messing up the mastery/runes/stuff like that? I will stick to one hero, try to learn him/her and figure out what this game is about really. Eventually, I want to become a team player, as in learning one Support hero, an AP and an AD Carrier, a tank and a jungler. Is this possible with the whole rune/mastery system or would it be better to focus on 2 heroes? And don't forget to visit LiquidParty chat channel in LOL | ||
3534 Posts
On July 13 2011 22:12 IntoTheWow wrote: Don't worry too much about masteries / runes until you are comfortable (you can ignore those until lvl 20 or even 30). Also, never focus Mordekaiser in a teamfight. You can get Tristana for free (+skin) for Liking the league of legends page on Facebook! It's totally possible. Cheap champs you can focus on to save IP for runes: AD ranged: Ashe, Sivir, Tristana Support: Soraka, Janna Tank/Jungler: Nunu AP carry: Annie / Twisted Fate. Thank you very much! I'll make sure to familiarize myself with the game before I ask any further questions. Have a good day, people. ![]() | ||
Germany6657 Posts
On July 13 2011 22:43 BluzMan wrote: Generally, "Don't focus the tank" is the best indicator of a player who still has no idea but thinks much of his own ability. Tank their ELO or just plain ragequit, they are the worst kind of all. If I would to that I'd be at 800 Elo right now LOL I get these people every second game it's like they get caught or somehow initiate in the the WORST possible position to fight and then they go like "WHY YOU FOCUS TANK NOOBS OMG, NOBODY FOCUS ASHE NOW WE LOOSE" | ||
United States11761 Posts
On July 13 2011 21:56 Shiv. wrote: Thanks a lot for the replies, guys. One final nubby question before I get out of this sacred thread: do I have to be afraid to do something wrong in the beginning, as in messing up the mastery/runes/stuff like that? I will stick to one hero, try to learn him/her and figure out what this game is about really. Eventually, I want to become a team player, as in learning one Support hero, an AP and an AD Carrier, a tank and a jungler. Is this possible with the whole rune/mastery system or would it be better to focus on 2 heroes? It's significantly better to be flexible. It's inevitable that there'll be some stuff you excel better at and some stuff you simply "don't get," but at the very least it's crucial to have an understanding of how to play each role, if nothing else so that you know tendencies, mindsets, what to expect, what is demanded of you by someone playing a different role, et cetera. A bit of a sidenote, the biggest adjustment as a DotA player that you'll find is that LoL doesn't revolve around one carry so much as focus on maximizing a team's carry power. This'll be frustrating if you're used to just carrying every pub came 1v5 in DotA, and will be a bit mindblowing. It's also why many of us feel LoL is simply a different game from DotA/HoN ![]() | ||
United States1277 Posts
On July 13 2011 22:43 BluzMan wrote: Can you explain this? It's the average excuse your standard loltard uses to flame you when your team loses a fight?Generally, "Don't focus the tank" is the best indicator of a player who still has no idea but thinks much of his own ability. Tank their ELO or just plain ragequit, they are the worst kind of all. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On July 13 2011 23:08 Woony wrote: If I would to that I'd be at 800 Elo right now LOL I get these people every second game it's like they get caught or somehow initiate in the the WORST possible position to fight and then they go like "WHY YOU FOCUS TANK NOOBS OMG, NOBODY FOCUS ASHE NOW WE LOOSE" The funniest part is when some tanky dps gets fat and therefore gets his defenses quicker than you as an AD carry can get ArPen. All the tanky dps does is chase you around the fight while your team tries to dive enemy carries, leaving you 1n1 vs the tanky dps. OMG ASHE WHY FOCUS RENEK OMG. ![]() PS: Thanks for the answers to the stealth thing, completely forgot you can change skins any way you want. >_> | ||
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