On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
Blizzard probably agrees seeing that LoL beats WoW in number of players/hours played and SC2 in e-sports players/price money/viewers.
Only think I know is its Heroes look badass as hell. Better than all ARTS out there imo. I am quite sure Blizzard themself doesn't really expect this game to be a big thing. They don't really put much resource into this too. It is being made by SC2 editor and they said at Blizzcon that the team that is working on this project is really small. It seems like it will be just casual game that you get for free with SC2. I don't play play ARTS anymore because i don't quite like Dota2 as much as original one but I might play this casually just because I want to play as Illidan,Tassadar and many heroes I like that Blizzard could potentially add from Diablo/SC/WC. I am kinda interested in moving depth from L/d9 to health globe system too.
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
Blizzard probably agrees seeing that LoL beats WoW in number of players/hours played and SC2 in e-sports players/price money/viewers.
Youve lost it if you think LoL beats WoW in hours played..
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
Blizzard probably agrees seeing that LoL beats WoW in number of players/hours played and SC2 in e-sports players/price money/viewers.
Youve lost it if you think LoL beats WoW in hours played..
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
I don't want to add too much negativity to this thread... but I also agree. If Blizzard wanted to get into the MOBA scene they should have capitalized on DOTA or had this game rolling 3-4 years ago when LoL was still in it's infancy and DOTA2 was just rumors. I can't help but feel that they disregarded the MOBA scene until they saw how absurdly successful LoL and to a lesser extent DOTA2 are.
At this point I don't see any way for them to compete with those 2 games, which both have solidly established communities. Once again, Blizzard is trying way too hard to innovate and instead will mostly likely end up with a dud. D3 and SC2 have left bad tastes in a lot of people's mouth and greatly diminished Blizzard's reputation as a household name. DOTA2 and LoL both have very active developers who are constantly updating the game and if the past few years are any indication, Blizzard Allstars will have none of that support. With only 16 heroes (?), a tiny range of items and a greatly simplified version of MOBA game play, I just can't find a reason to get hyped for this.
Thanks everyone for the comments, discussion just makes things that much more fun, .
On November 01 2012 09:19 AbideWithMe wrote: Where do you actually have this information from? Are you in direct contact with Blizzard? In which "phase" is All-Stars at the moment? How many people are playing it currently?
Where is the ingame footage you have from?
The information I'm relaying in these videos is from BlizzCon 2010/2011 and some recent interviews. I may or may not have contact with Blizzard, but the information is all publicly available. It's currently still in development, pre-Beta.
On November 01 2012 10:04 FeyFey wrote: I like the way they are changing things up. Can't belief I am interested in trying out a Moba game.
Yeah, Blizzard is radically changing gameplay mechanics for All-Stars, .
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
Why not? Why can't Blizzard "keep up" with these games? All-Stars won't really compete with DOTA2 is my eyes, it'll compete more with LoL.
On November 01 2012 15:52 Leru wrote: So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
You aren't required to purchase Heart of the Swarm to receive Battle.net updates.
On November 01 2012 16:43 Talack wrote: Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
They kind of did capitalize on it, they held the first (to my knowledge) DotA tournament at BlizzCon 2005.
On November 01 2012 17:14 Highways wrote: Is blizzard releasing a beta for this anytime soon?
It will indeed be released as a public beta, although I don't have any ETA. I'm hoping for sometime early next year.
On November 01 2012 18:53 Wildmoon wrote: Only think I know is its Heroes look badass as hell. Better than all ARTS out there imo. I am quite sure Blizzard themself doesn't really expect this game to be a big thing. They don't really put much resource into this too. It is being made by SC2 editor and they said at Blizzcon that the team that is working on this project is really small. It seems like it will be just casual game that you get for free with SC2. I don't play play ARTS anymore because i don't quite like Dota2 as much as original one but I might play this casually just because I want to play as Illidan,Tassadar and many heroes I like that Blizzard could potentially add from Diablo/SC/WC. I am kinda interested in moving depth from L/d9 to health globe system too.
Well, that's actually not true, the game is turning more and more into a legitimate product; Blizzard is ready to support this game as an eSport, with a long-term goal of making this game standalone.
On September 20 2012 08:39 Sixen wrote: Hello everyone,
Over the last few weeks I've done a ton of research (aside from actually sitting in at the BlizzCon panels over the years and playing the game myself) and brushing up on my Blizzard All-Stars knowledge, and finally decided to begin my informational series for the game. I've been playing a lot of DOTA2 recently, which is what sparked my renewed interest in All-Stars. Sure, the game isn't out quite yet, but why should this stop us from hyping it up?
If you want to learn about Blizzard All-Stars, watch my series! I released the first episode today (9/19) and will be following it up with more episodes I've already planned out, covering known gameplay mechanics, heroes, items, and then of course, some speculation and suggestions.
Feel free to leave comments, questions, or concerns below. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!
They still havn't announced its release. Anyone remember 1+ yrs ago when they said it was coming out soonTM? Any intel on the release date? Awesome post btw, lots of info and im looking forward to it as long as it doesnt take another 5 years to make.
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
I don't want to add too much negativity to this thread... but I also agree. If Blizzard wanted to get into the MOBA scene they should have capitalized on DOTA or had this game rolling 3-4 years ago when LoL was still in it's infancy and DOTA2 was just rumors. I can't help but feel that they disregarded the MOBA scene until they saw how absurdly successful LoL and to a lesser extent DOTA2 are.
At this point I don't see any way for them to compete with those 2 games, which both have solidly established communities. Once again, Blizzard is trying way too hard to innovate and instead will mostly likely end up with a dud. D3 and SC2 have left bad tastes in a lot of people's mouth and greatly diminished Blizzard's reputation as a household name. DOTA2 and LoL both have very active developers who are constantly updating the game and if the past few years are any indication, Blizzard Allstars will have none of that support. With only 16 heroes (?), a tiny range of items and a greatly simplified version of MOBA game play, I just can't find a reason to get hyped for this.
Let's be honest, a lot of the LoL developers came from Blizzard, and league of legends was the exact same kind of innovation for it's time as Blizzard is attempting right now. That's an indication that they can have success.
It's managements fault and the fact that blizzard hasn't kept up with the times in software development methodologies that are at stake. Their game can definitely compete with other mobas, even at this point, if they can adapt.
Anyways, just throwing that out there -- I still agree with you, if I were at part of Blizzard I wouldn't be spending time on this trying to vie for Dota space either.
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
Blizzard probably agrees seeing that LoL beats WoW in number of players/hours played and SC2 in e-sports players/price money/viewers.
Youve lost it if you think LoL beats WoW in hours played..
On November 02 2012 05:33 ChuCky.Ca wrote:
2nd of course WoW takes that
No, he hasn't lost it. It all depends on your time frame. If you use data from the last year it shows LoL has twice as many hours played as WoW does, of course I doubt he was talking about overall because that would mean factoring in the 5 years were WoW was already out before LoL and thats not counting the years were WoW was beating LoL. However, he is true if his statement applies to a recent time frame.
No last hitting... I was really excited for this until I heard that. And their solution is so terrible, the regen globes should not replace lasthitting x.x
On November 01 2012 10:39 Talack wrote: I kinda wish they'd stop wasting so much developer time on this
We already got HoN, LoL and Dota2 being worked on full-time and blizzard cannot devote an entire team to managing this to keep up with them.
I kind of agree, I don't see this going very far either.. It seems strange how they pick their priorities and it is once again too little too late. I remember when playing Dota , especially in the beginning (I started ~ 2005 ) , that most of the players expected Blizzard to acknowledge Dota's existence and maybe make some patches that will improve some mechanics or stuff like that.. They could have bought it for a small price for many years if they didn't have their had stuck into the WoW money pot . But I guess this is Blizzard's MO - irrational .
So , yes, stop the development on this pipe-dream get that workforce on SC2 and deliver a full featured game as you should , instead of making people buy expansions for basic functionalities ( i.e. multiplayer replays).
Honestly I think blizzards biggest fuck up in the entire history of their company...is not capitalizing on dota, and now it's way too late.
Blizzard probably agrees seeing that LoL beats WoW in number of players/hours played and SC2 in e-sports players/price money/viewers.
Youve lost it if you think LoL beats WoW in hours played..
The last year LoL has passed WoW as the most played game. There have been numerous articles on that, here is one of them from forbes:
On November 08 2012 11:56 NonameAI wrote: They still havn't announced its release. Anyone remember 1+ yrs ago when they said it was coming out soonTM? Any intel on the release date? Awesome post btw, lots of info and im looking forward to it as long as it doesnt take another 5 years to make.
Unfortunately, I don't have any information about the release date. At their investor call the other day said they were still working on development and testing the game internally. I'm hoping to see a beta by Q1-Q2 of next year, but take that with a grain of salt, .
On November 08 2012 12:39 McKTenor13 wrote: Wow I didn't know so much info was out for this. Thanks a lot for this Sixen! Can't wait to play it. Hopefully i'll get in on the beta
For sure! I'm excited for beta as well, hopefully it comes as soon as I think it should!
On November 08 2012 13:37 GhandiEAGLE wrote: No last hitting... I was really excited for this until I heard that. And their solution is so terrible, the regen globes should not replace lasthitting x.x
Well... Sorta, kinda? They wanted to get rid of last hitting because it created a huge learning curve, they simply moved elsewhere making it less complex. It still requires strategy, but it's easier to understand at first, in my opinion.
On November 08 2012 15:58 archonOOid wrote: I'm really excited about BAS but I wonder how what kind of platform it will use?
BAS will be rolled into StarCraft II (and rolled into the ladder), so it'll require SC2 to play. However, they'll allow it to be played through the Starter Edition of SC2, so it will be completely free to play. In the long-run, though, their plan is to make it a standalone product.