I started Uberman sleep schedule 2 years ago. reason was that I needed more time to do my university studies.
I sleep 15 minutes every third hour. For a total of 2 hours per day.
The only true reason someone would do this is IF you really REALLY needed more time. If you don't then you won't have the dedication to hold the schedule.
I have to admit. The first week was hell. But it got better after that.
The loss of performance due to lack of sleep that everyone keeps talking about went away after the first three months. After that I or my friends didn't notice any difference than that I had more time... ALLOT more time.
Besides the shortterm effects of ubermansleep like the first week adaption to uberman sleep and the fact that you will performe slightly worse than normal nothing else is really known.
Stuff like that your life span will be shortened. That you may get diseases easier. that you mood changes. that you become insane or whatever is just speculations. Main problem is that there aren't enough people that use this kind of sleep pattern for a prolonged time. Note I didn't say there weren't ANY What i said was there weren't enough.
There are plenty of people that are doing this. The problem is that its hard finding people that are willing to do a long study on this. These people use this schedule so they can get more time. Being a part of a study like this would mena that they had to live with doctors, get obserced and answers questions every day 24 hours for atleast one year. Therefor there isn't much data on this that is valid.
People that uses this schedule simply don't have the time.
+ Show Spoiler +On June 30 2008 20:17 Integra wrote:I started Uberman sleep schedule 2 years ago. reason was that I needed more time to do my university studies. I sleep 15 minutes every third hour. For a total of 2 hours per day. The only true reason someone would do this is IF you really REALLY needed more time. If you don't then you won't have the dedication to hold the schedule. I have to admit. The first week was hell. But it got better after that. The loss of performance due to lack of sleep that everyone keeps talking about went away after the first three months. After that I or my friends didn't notice any difference than that I had more time... ALLOT more time. Besides the shortterm effects of ubermansleep like the first week adaption to uberman sleep and the fact that you will performe slightly worse than normal nothing else is really known. Stuff like that your life span will be shortened. That you may get diseases easier. that you mood changes. that you become insane or whatever is just speculations. Main problem is that there aren't enough people that use this kind of sleep pattern for a prolonged time. Note I didn't say there weren't ANY What i said was there weren't enough. There are plenty of people that are doing this. The problem is that its hard finding people that are willing to do a long study on this. These people use this schedule so they can get more time. Being a part of a study like this would mena that they had to live with doctors, get obserced and answers questions every day 24 hours for atleast one year. Therefor there isn't much data on this that is valid. People that uses this schedule simply don't have the time.
integra can u elaborate on the benifits/ disadvantages... im sure there are some people wanting to try this but... unsure as of its reliability or at all beneficial
On June 30 2008 21:05 HeavOnEarth wrote: integra can u elaborate on the benifits/ disadvantages... im sure there are some people wanting to try this but... unsure as of its reliability or at all beneficial
Okay, a bit more indepth of the pros and cons:
There are no benefits or reliability from this in the shortterm. What i mean by this is that if someone thinks "great then i can do this starting tonight since i have a an exame in 4 days". If it is your first time then you won't be able to do crap for the next week or so. your focus will be horrible and you won't be able to concetrate on things for very long. Even after the first week you will still need longer time to do things. Even fairly basic things. For the unexperinced this won't prove useful until at least 2-3 months has passed. This is why most people that tested this for the shortterm (under 3 months) found it horrible.
However once longterm starts to kick in it's a whole other ballgame.
The PROs: One thing that really surprised me, and what i believe is the biggest benefit is that once I went over the 3 month line and my brain got used to the sleeping pattern I could actually alternate between "normal" sleeping and uberman sleep and "phase" out and in between them without much effort.
I found out about this during the previous summer. I had no univeristy at the time and allot of free time. Basicly I got bored. To have 22 hours per day is allot of time, specially when you don't have anything to spend on it. So during the weekends, which were the hardest I actually slept 6 full hours both saturday and sunday. Once weekend was over I thougth "crap i'm back to my old sleeping pattern again, I'll have to go through weeks of adapation again." This turned out not to be the case. My body instantly switched back to uberman sleep after 1 or 2 days. and during those days I only experinced a slight lack of focus.
Another great thing, as i stated earlier was that i got allot of more time for studies. This resulted i that I instead of bachelor is taking my Masters and I'm going to go four years instead of three. Since university now seems incredibly easy. I can studie for 8 hours and get 14 hours of Free time per day! I mean all my friends in my class were struggling with their courses while I took a part-time job during my studies It was insane.
You are aslo highly flexible. Once you get used to the schedule yuor body automaticly tells you when it's time to sleep. You don't need to sleep in a bed or in a quiet room either. I actually just shut my eyes where i were whenver I got the free time. Like on a chair or whatever. IF you for some reason really really needed to be awake and fully focused longer than 3 hours I could stretch it to 4 hours and 30 minutes. If i needed longer than that I just had to sleep longer. like 3 or 4 hours before the event. SO there is allto fo flexibility to this.
The CONs: Your lifestyle has to allow you to do these things. You need to plan. If you really want to be able to adjust from uberman to normal sleep you will need to know about it advance. if you for some reason need to be up longer than 4 hours and 30 minutes then you need to know about it atleast 4 hours before hand so you can actually can sleep for 4 hours before the marathon starts.
Another problem is that you start to "detach" from the rest of the world. This could be good or bad depending on the person. Some people need to feel that they are one with the world or whatever you might call it. This thing will make you feel very very different and wierd, in the beginning that is. then it will feel like a normal state. Another strange thing to consider is this: In normal sleep you are expercing your existence as days in 24 hour blocks. you wake up. do your stuff through out the day. then you sleep. when you wake up next day beginn.
In ubermansleep it is... forever. You never sleep or take a break. The days just float together. The days system weh ave which makes 7 days which is one week etc makes no sense in this state since you aren't really following it. Day or Night. Doesn't matter you are still up.
Another Con is that people who generally are very group dependet will have problems stay on this schedule. Do you like to go to parties, do random stuff, be spontanteous or don't you have full control of your life or let other people make your decisions. Does the people around you generally decide what you are suppose to do? Then this won't work for you. Period.
Then it's the social factor. Society you are living in isn't constructed for ubermansleep. while you still are up. stores will close. your friends and parents will go to sleep for 8 hours like the bears who go to sleep for the winter. You will be completley ALONE for atleast 8 hours. Some people cannot take this for some reason.
That's about it. if you have anymore questions then ask away!
The thing I'm concerned with is how you are supposed to wake up after 15 minutes every time? Wouldn't you need an alarm clock for that or will the body eventually adjust and wake up after 15 minutes?
Personally I always sleep about 12 hours unless disturbed and I have great difficulties waking up before that time, even by an alarm clock. So this method might be able to help me with my deprived awake hours. If it really works for me that is... I'm not sure I can handle being a total wreck for 3 months until my body MIGHT adjust.
On June 30 2008 23:06 Shauni wrote: The thing I'm concerned with is how you are supposed to wake up after 15 minutes every time? Wouldn't you need an alarm clock for that or will the body eventually adjust and wake up after 15 minutes? Personally I always sleep about 12 hours unless disturbed and I have great difficulties waking up before that time, even by an alarm clock. So this method might be able to help me with my deprived awake hours.
I didn't start with 15 minutes every third hour, I slowly phased into the schedule. I started to sleep for 20 minutes every third hour and went to bed like normal for 8 hours. I kept doign this for the next 2 weeks. After this i started to sleep less at night each week.
Week 1-2, sleep 20 minutes every 3 hour. at night 8 hours. week 3-4 sleep 20 minutes every 3 hour. At night 7 hours week 5 sleep 20 minutes every 3 hour. At night 6 hours week 6 sleep 20 minutes every 3 hour. At night 5 hours week 7 sleep 20 minutes every 3 hour. At night 4 hours etc etc... Once i was down to 0 hours per night I started to sleep less each nap until I was down to 15 minutes.
You have to take it slowly and not crash. it's easier to succeed then.
If you have problem waking up then set up your computer to play music or something after a certain amount of time. Go to Download.com and look after timers.
Another thing you can do is to sleep on the floor. IT helped me  One thing that you will notice when you start to sleep every third hour is that you get allot of energy. you will not feel tired or out of energy like some people feel during the day. IT's awesome. your will probably not be able to sleep for 12 straight hours if you take naps every third hour. I had problems to sleep 8 hours straight even during the first two weeks. I had too much energy.
If it really works for me that is... I'm not sure I can handle being a total wreck for 3 months until my body MIGHT adjust.
You will not feel like a wreck for three months. and you WILL adjust, I havn't heard of anyone that gone beyond the first month and that hasn't adapted and could had kept going. They who quit after one month did so for other reasons. And not because they havn't adapted.
The first week you will feel kinda tired. Once that week is over you will still feel a little wierd but it won't be too bad bad. My experince is that i felt lightheaded. It was almost like you feel when you havn't slept enough. but it was a different and much much more easier feeling to have. This feeling was nothing compared to real fatigue feeling when you stayed up for a very long time and don't even have energy to take a bus. It's emulated by your body, you aren't really fatigued from lack of sleep. IT's only your mind that thinks so. It's like breaking a habit. Habits are always hard to break. and sleep patterns are no different. So it isn't as bad as it sounds. Once the first week has passed it will be easier for each day after that. A tip during the first three weeks. Listen to good music, I felt really high during this time
On June 29 2008 05:49 CharlieMurphy wrote: Can anyone elaborate on exactly what this is And what the purpose of it is? This is pretty much where you alter your sleeping patterns so when you do have small naps you enter the stage of sleep called REM (random eye movement) where you have dreams. This means that insted of sleeping 9 hours a day you might sleep 15 mins each period of time which might add up to 3-4 hours of sleep
this whoa plan sounds very foolish.
your body NEEDS deep sleep that comes from being asleep for a few hours at least. the long term effects of this kind of sleeping are bad: nervous breakdowns, mental illness, etc.
instead of this, why not try a >24 hour day? eg: sleep 10 hours, then stay awake for 18 hours. that would be a 28 hour day.
don't be fooled by thinking you can do this with "willpower" or something. i challenge that guy who claims he adjusted after 3 months to prove that he had the same mental capacity - eg: a scientific test, before and after, for reflexes, mental agility, etc. most likely he didn't realise that he was feeling worse, since it's hard to remember how you felt exactly 3 months ago.
On July 01 2008 00:05 Integra wrote: I had problems to sleep 8 hours straight even during the first two weeks. I had too much energy. My experince is that i felt lightheaded. It was almost like you feel when you havn't slept enough. I felt really high during this time 
Do you know why this is? Because your body is releasing all sorts of chemicals into your blood to fight off the effects of tiredness. Hence you feel lightheaded, and as if floating. Please read about it on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_deprivation
After 3 months, you were probably used to this and it felt normal, but it's not normal! I wonder if you did any execise during this time as well.
On July 01 2008 00:05 Integra wrote:Do you know why this is? Because your body is releasing all sorts of chemicals into your blood to fight off the effects of tiredness. Hence you feel lightheaded, and as if floating. Please read about it on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_deprivationAfter 3 months, you were probably used to this and it felt normal, but it's not normal! I wonder if you did any execise during this time as well.
It's like you say. Sleep deprivation always starts with fatigue syndrome. If you still don't sleep after that you will collapse. If you for some reason aren't asleep while in collapsed state your immune system will start to break own. Small cuts and wounds will not heal anymore. Then eventually you will die from hearthfailure.
There is just one problem.
I'm not suffering from Sleep deprivation!! 
It's like you have flown to another countrie that is 8 hours ahead compared to your countrie. It is called jetlag. you come to the new countrie at night and go to sleep. you slep for 8 hours but during the day you still feel "sleepy" even though you have slept! Some people can feel the jetlag for a whole week after they have arrived even though they are still sleeping 8 hours every night. People who adjust to ubermansleep schedule is in the same situation. It's Jetlag AND NOT Sleep deprivation.
And yes, I'm what you might call chroncily thinn. When i was 18 I wightet 45 kilos. thats 99 pounds. I now eat every third hour per day and work out every second day and I now weight 68 KG or 150 pounds. So yes I workout and the uberman sleep shedule have had no negative impact on this. Some people claim that a meat protein rich diet makes it harder to adjust to the schedule, This is not true in my case.
EDIT, I cut out the cause of jetlag from wikiepdia:
Cause for jetlag
+ Show Spoiler +When traveling across a number of time zones, the body clock will be out of sync with the destination time, as it experiences daylight and darkness contrary to the rhythms to which it has grown accustomed: the body's natural pattern is upset, as the rhythms that dictate times for eating, sleeping, hormone regulation and body temperature no longer correspond to the environment nor to each other in some cases. "Jet lag" describes the physical symptoms that occur because the body cannot immediately realign these rhythms. The speed at which the body readjusts itself to new daylight/darkness hours is individually determined. Thus, while it may take several days for some people to readjust to a new time zone, others seem to experience little disruption to their body's natural patterns. It is, however, not common to get jet lag from a crossing of only one or two time zones.
The short version is that the body has a sleeping clock that it follows. Even if you get enough sleep but you have to sleep at times that the body isn't used to you will still feel like you need more sleep. IT ususally takes a few weeks for the body to change to the new clock sleeping clock. This is what happends, it is not Sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation is when you aren't sleeping at all.
I wondered about working out and sleeping too, I just dont think it will work.
lets say you work out 5 times a week like me and I work out pretty heavy; 3 times at the gym, 2 times running 10 km/ week
there is no fucking way you will be able to benefit much from the workout since the body needs sleep in order to replace muscle tissue and growth hormon is also released in deep sleep.
I also think you will easier get anxious/depressed sleeping like this and when you listed the cons there were like 3 points regarding other people and basically it was "if your a loner you can do this if you are a social person its not for you"
so wtf, there is nothing positive about being a total loner and people who are usually have issued of some sort, social phobia or whatever
anyways, this might work if you dont workout, or do really light workouts. also if you have friends this will probably not work out lol
dont do it
btw, sleep deprivation is also when you dont get enough sleep and not just when you dont sleep at all. 2 hours/day in total is simply just NOT enough, I would say its dangerously low
True, Deep sleep or R.E.M sleep is needed for body repairs. Total R.E.M sleep a person gets during a 8 hours sleep cycle is 90 minutes. R.E.M sleep also keeps us sane.
IT has been speculated that the brain adapts to whatever sleeping shedule we might have. for instance if we sleep for 8 hours per day we then shiftt in and out of R.E.M sleep so that the total 90 minutes are evenly divided over those 8 hours. The remaning hours is not R.E.M buty other phases of the sleep cycle. For a person who sleeps 20 minutes at a time will get into R.E.M sleep faster and stay in there longer. this is of course under the rule that the mind can adapt its sleep pattern. that i can shift out and into R.E.M when it wants to.
As long as your total sleep time is 90 minutes you would have no problem. And you get a total sleeping time of 2 hours in uberman so, no problems.
who says that nonREM sleep is useless tho?
It seems strange that humans could get by on less sleep and yet nearly everyone on the world doesn't. Night hasn't been too big a problem for maybe two hundred years what with oil lamps, and more recently electric lights. So why is it that we don't all just sleep less if thats what is really needed and is just as good and all that?
In my experience sleeping 5 hours a night compared to 9 leads to a huge difference in my mental capabilities.
Also, if I were to study all day or do something mentally intensive for a long time I would need more sleep that night to feel rested. I find it very hard to believe that I could really live on 5 hours of sleep and be perfectly fine let alone 2, though I suppose I've never tried 2...
i call bs
im just not buying it. I mean of course some of the things you say are valid and you can actually survive on so little sleep but i dont think you will feel very well. Besides you will always have to think about what you eat, like you cant really drink coffee or eat sugar and expect so sleep well an hour later, so its pretty damn important that you really sleep 15 minutes every 3 hours or whatever it is
I wonder what a scientist who studies sleep would say about this. after all they are specialists
On June 29 2008 06:31 5HITCOMBO wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2008 06:20 man wrote:On June 28 2008 19:29 5HITCOMBO wrote: You know, the main reason why people who abuse methamphetamine are messed up is not because the drug makes them crazy; it's because the drug makes them stay up for like 5 days straight, and the lack of sleep makes them crazy. meth overloads the dopamine producers in the brain and can seriously damage/destroy them, lack of sleep is not the biggest problem All dopaminic drugs do this. Cocaine, crack, marijuana, etc. Trust me, I do a lot of drug research, literary and otherwise. The lack of sleep produces much more delirium than the lack of dopamine does. All the d2 receptors do is make it harder for them to be happy. The paranoia and the hallucinations are all from lack of sleep.
this is true
lack of sleep is like one of the most common reasons for psychosis, delirium etc
btw lack of sleep or the "euphoria" has also been used somewhat experimentally to treat depression and it works but only short term unfortunately, i wonder how a depressed person would be on the uberman sleep schedule, quite interesting...
of course hallucinogenic drugs like LSD will cause adverse effects in some people as well no matter how much they sleep
Whenever this has been done in controlled trials with impartial observers (various militaries have done this research, for obvious reasons), the polyphasic sleepers have shown reduced performance and deteriorating health. As a result, polyphasic sleep is generally considered something you can live with, in the short term at least, but not something desirable in times of non-emergency.
Polyphasic sleep long-term total success stories are all anecdotal and self-reported. One might wonder whether they are not also fictional. They certainly contradict the findings of impartial studies.
This is a decent debunking page: http://www.supermemo.com/articles/polyphasic.htm
good site funchucks...reading it now
On July 01 2008 01:32 Integra wrote: True, Deep sleep or R.E.M sleep is needed for body repairs. Total R.E.M sleep a person gets during a 8 hours sleep cycle is 90 minutes. R.E.M sleep also keeps us sane.
IT has been speculated that the brain adapts to whatever sleeping shedule we might have. for instance if we sleep for 8 hours per day we then shiftt in and out of R.E.M sleep so that the total 90 minutes are evenly divided over those 8 hours. The remaning hours is not R.E.M buty other phases of the sleep cycle. For a person who sleeps 20 minutes at a time will get into R.E.M sleep faster and stay in there longer. this is of course under the rule that the mind can adapt its sleep pattern. that i can shift out and into R.E.M when it wants to.
As long as your total sleep time is 90 minutes you would have no problem. And you get a total sleeping time of 2 hours in uberman so, no problems.
Sorry if you answered this already, but are you still polyphasic? Or have you reverted back to a normal sleep schedule?
If you did is there any reason? As with many others I'm sure, I find this subject really interesting and have always wanted to try this, but was afraid of any long term effects.
what about driving a car...i would never wanna drive with someone who sleeps 2 hours/night or meet that guy on the highway when im driving
how about drinking alcohol? not a good idea huh if you wanna sleep only 15 minutes at a time (good luck with that when being drunk)
uberman sleep seems really retarded. it might be a "fun" thing to do for a week or 2 as a challenge but not longer
On July 01 2008 02:27 Falcynn wrote: Sorry if you answered this already, but are you still polyphasic? Or have you reverted back to a normal sleep schedule?
If you did is there any reason? As with many others I'm sure, I find this subject really interesting and have always wanted to try this, but was afraid of any long term effects.
It's okay. Yes i'm still polyphasic. I'm about to sleep now for 20 minutes 
There are people that are for and against it. Those who are against it can't say if there are any longterm effects, since ther hasn't been any studies longterm. nor can they find any reasons to as why there should be. The main reason for why people stop polyphasic is for the social situation they are in. Either their job or people around them telling them to stop doing it.
In fact i can phase between regular and polyphasic sleep. My normal sleep pattern that works pretty well with my body is that i do polyphasic every day but the weekends. During the weekend I actually get 5 or 6 hours sleep during the night since there is nothing to do then and it's not much use looking at a wall just to stay awake. I rather sleep than being bored So except for the weekends I hold the polyphasic sleep schedule.
May I ask how old you are Integra and if you have a drivers license or a girlfriend (good relationship)