United States41983 Posts
Most IQ tests record the type of brain which obsesses over niche things such as Starcraft. While this is correlation rather than causality it would, along with copious lying, explain the poll results.
On October 22 2007 20:25 MoltkeWarding wrote: P.S. If I can solve every mensa puzzle but cannot book a good fried egg, where does that put my IQ? *cook
I wonder what's the validity scale on this poll .
IQ tests don't even measure the most useful forms of intelligence, like decision making, and situation analysis. It just says whether you've gone to school and paid attention or not.
Decision making and situation analysis is more of an EQ atribute than IQ.
Unfortunately you put way too much emphasis on IQ. The higher value of the IQ won't give you an edge in many situations.
The best situation to find yourself in is to have a balance betwen your IQ and your EQ. As Daniel Goleman said in some conference, by his longitudinal studies, people with near values for iq and eq (not sure how you define that since tests for eq don't have the same scale as any iq one) have the best chance in life (they succed in most areas). His studies also indicates people with IQ betwen 105-119 detain the highest probability of a high EQ.
Too bad there's no acurate test for measuring your EQ. This is my personal opinion since i don't really like the Baron test.
Valhalla18444 Posts
my iq is precisely one million
This poll is REALLY fucked up. There is no way that over 50% here score 130, and similarly, there is no way that like, 30% is below 70.. (actually...)
Didn't vote, but scored 144 as a kid, ~138 now. I'd say my weighted IQ, counting laziness, is around 130.
Norway28558 Posts
what I find the most hilarious is that a majority of the people who chime in saying that there's no way 50% of the teamliquid posters scored 130+, then follow up saying that they have been tested scoring above 130. you god damn faggots are yelling "no way are half you guys as intelligent as I am" and honestly, that's a pretty damn gay thing to be yelling.
Norway28558 Posts
On October 22 2007 17:09 SkY wrote: One of my friends was given the status of genius intelligence back in his high school, but presently he spends most of his days smoking pot and making hemp bracelets. The weekends he likes to binge drink and watch prime-time movies with no goal set for his future. He didn't dumb himself down, because you could practically talk to him about any subject and he'll have some basic or complex knowledge of it, but he doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It just feels like the iq tests are just a masked dick-measuring contest.
Why not just judge yourself by what you do with your head instead of what's crammed in it?
EDIT: My sig is not my iq.
maybe he's actually figured out way more than every career-oriented friend you have..
in the school days, i always tested between 120s to 130s... but those tests dont mean a whole lot. iq takes a lot more into factor than just how you do on tests.
It's simple: subtract 30 points from everyone who wrote that he has an unrealistic high IQ.
got 130 on drones test, 15 spread. (http://mensa.dk/testiq.html) it was one of the better online tests out there
anyone know any more good tests?
there were some questions i had no wtf was going on lol q20 and the last 3 questions.
Australia3818 Posts
So everyone got estimated as 130 or above as a child eh?
On October 22 2007 21:52 Smurg wrote: So everyone got estimated as 130 or above as a child eh?
exactly, no one here can really believe one another =p
I never took one, when I was younger. I probably would of did really bad though. Every report card I had was. "Doesn't complete his tasks, Is easily distracted, Doesn't fit in well with others but is polite" Until around grade 5 when it turned into other crap.
Highest I ever got was 132 on a online test (Average 122-128), but I believe all of those are bullshit.
wow I love you
you too moltke;)
I though I would be original in balancing out the poll by posting below 70 but it seems 32 people already had that idea.
EQ is so stupid. Emotional intelligence isn't intelligence. Intelligence is.
No one says that intelligence is the end to all, quite the contrary. But EQ is just nonsense. Seems it's made up for or by people who feel bad because they don't have a very high IQ. Who cares?
They did a poll about estimating your own IQ in a scientific magazine. 98% thought they were above average intelligence.
Most people of average intelligence (or below) don't read scientific magazines. :p
This post is irrelevant to the topic the originator asked for but so are most replies so here goes mine:
another free online IQ test (don't know what stdd) that I think is a lot more genuine than most other free online IQ tests. It's all visual/pattern finding to lower cultural bias (not that it eliminates it). Though it only tests for visual/pattern finding. Just for fun.
On October 23 2007 03:37 hkshin wrote:This post is irrelevant to the topic the originator asked for but so are most replies so here goes mine: http://www.iqtest.dk/main.swf another free online IQ test (don't know what stdd) that I think is a lot more genuine than most other free online IQ tests. It's all visual/pattern finding to lower cultural bias (not that it eliminates it). Though it only tests for visual/pattern finding. Just for fun.
I think this is the same one drone gave out.