On October 22 2007 04:51 Frits wrote: and I'm joining the army next year (infantry officer).
You joining volountarily?
if so then DAMN you must be smart!
Your conclusions however, are pretty fucking stupid. Stop trying to troll me or whatever you're trying to do.
Stupid? You're the one who's stupid! I think its pretty obvious the way things are going Holland will try to invade Iran early next year. Enjoy getting shot at!
On October 22 2007 08:22 CharlieMurphy wrote: Every stupid internet test I took over the years has been over 124 up to like 148. They are all shit tests. I tried to see what I could get on them by just randomly choosing answers and (for the ones who count time) leaving the test/questions open for looooong amounts of time. and I would still always score over 110. They are pure bullshit to get you to sign up to their elite forums or whatever and pay money.
So in essence you fail the test if you pay for anything because you've been duped.
Another thing to note about these online IQ tests is that they are natrurally biased. Because everyone taking them must have a computer and the internet. So Poor/stupid people can't even take the tests.
This Einstein Riddle is just about as accurate in gauge of intelligence: + Show Spoiler +
Einstein wrote this riddle last century and said that 98% of the world’s population would not be able to solve it.
Are you a part of that 98%?
* There are 5 houses that are each a different colour.
* There is a person of a different nationality in each house.
* The 5 owners drink a certain drink. They each smoke a certain brand of cigarettes and also have a certain pet. No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigarettes nor drinks the same drink.
The question is. “Who has the fish?”
1. The British man lives in the red house.
2. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet.
3. The Danish man drinks tea.
4. The green house is to the left of the white house.
5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
6. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird.
7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
8. The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The person that smokes Blend, lives next to the one that has a cat.
11. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill.
12. The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.
13. The German smokes Prince.
14. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house.
15. The person that smokes Blend, has a neighbour that drinks water.
Don't google the answer noobs.
Yes, I have solved the riddle. No, I am not smarter than 98% of the world.
I narrowed it down to the german in the blue house smoking prince and drinking water with the fish ( since it correlates to ocean etc) and the danish tea drinker. however, i guessed on fish or cat since it seems interchangable betwen the two.
haha, it took me about an hour to do. I did it logically @ 1st and then just started doin check/see after i had it eliminated to a couple choices. When he said 2% of the population, did he mean the 2% can do it in their head?
The einstein riddle is meant to be done on paper, doing it entirely in your head would require far better memory and visualization than top 2% of the population..
And to say that only top 2% of the population can complete it is bs, i'd like a direct einstein quote for that. It's merely a test to measure a portion of a persons intelligence. And alot of people who has solved decent math problems can solve it if they are given the time.
On October 22 2007 05:36 PJA wrote: EDIT: Got 126 IQ on Physician's test. I have no idea what my actual IQ is, but that test is bullshit. There were at least 10 questions(out of 26) that were factual, which has nothing to do with how intelligent you are.
There is more than meets the eye; some of the questions are added exclusively to adjust for learned knowledge bias and the test itself is also a statistical research tool i.e. it is serving the user as much as the user is serving the test makers. The value you are given correlates well with Stanford-Binet IQ test.
The people behind that test are.. hum.. for the sake of argument lets just say they are deviously clever.
The Danish Mensa test posted here too is decent no matter your knowledge of math and language.
On October 22 2007 04:51 Frits wrote: and I'm joining the army next year (infantry officer).
You joining volountarily?
if so then DAMN you must be smart!
Your conclusions however, are pretty fucking stupid. Stop trying to troll me or whatever you're trying to do.
What conclusions? Anyone joining the army on purpose will recieves doubts about their intelligence from me. I'm not making conclusions tho. It's doubt.
p.s. you sound like a real asshole in every thread ive seen you in so i thought id mess with ya'
I'm pretty sure when Einstein made the riddle he figured only few people would even come across it and then probably just give up on trying to solve it after themselves figuring out they needed to make a chart and consume more than 30 minutes to solve it.
In otherwords he assumed no one would use their time trying to solve it, hence only 2% would actually do it.
Or maybe he just made that number up to entice people to use their brains on his riddle, so they could feel better about themselves after solving it.
On October 22 2007 12:08 CharlieMurphy wrote: I'm pretty sure when Einstein made the riddle he figured only few people would even come across it and then probably just give up on trying to solve it after themselves figuring out they needed to make a chart and consume more than 30 minutes to solve it.
In otherwords he assumed no one would use their time trying to solve it, hence only 2% would actually do it.
Or maybe he just made that number up to entice people to use their brains on his riddle, so they could feel better about themselves after solving it.
Well they used to give us questions like this in school, so pretty much everyone I know can do/has done this
drone's test was interesting because it passed all 3 of my fake-iq-test-detectors - it doesnt have any stupid fake questions with random answers - it doesnt test random factual knowledge - if you go really quickly and put random answers you actually get a low score ( i got a 79 doing that.. most internet iq tests still cough up 120+ with totally random answers)
that said it still probably overstates your iq by a lot. i was down to the last 3 questions with 30mins left (why such a high time limit??), couldn't come up with a reasonable conclusion after like a minute, got bored, and guessed the last 3 (most likely incorrectly), yet still ended up slightly above 130. what bullshit =x
p.s. didn't vote on the poll. i really want to take an actual iq test someday though