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On August 23 2023 18:30 Silvanel wrote: I dont get where are You going with it? According to all known intel Russia had close to 200k troops at Ukrainian border pre invasion. This includes troops in Crimea, Donbas and Luhansk. Should have been 800k-1mln according to their own handbook.
But that would require them to announce mobilization, take a lot of equipment out of long term storage and restore it, train people. Postion it along the border. No way they could claim "this is just a large exercise". Proper preparation would take years and everyone would see it, Russian society would feel it. Instead they opted for "sneak attack". They choose to belive their own lies about Ukraine, that Ukrainians will fold at the first sight and run and their soldiers would be welcomed as saiviors. They choose to reat second largest European country the same way they treated Georgia. Seems ridicouls now, but thats how it went...
If you want to make the claim that Putin hurriedly made a snap decision to invade Ukraine in 2022 instead of opting for a later date, and that he did so for the surprise factor, then that's a valid argument. But that would be a strategic choice and not strictly a "failure of the Russian military". It'd imply that Russia has failed both militarily and strategically, not that Russia wouldn't have failed militarily. If more movement of troops had been observed at Ukraine's border for a longer period, then that would've given more time for Ukraine to prepare for the invasion and thus impacted the chance of a successful invasion. That would make the claim of a more successful invasion with three to four times more troops rather meaningless, because the additional troops would see diminishing returns while the surprise factor would be completely gone and Ukraine could stand its ground even more effectively. Do you see why this argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny?
Well, my argument is that Russia wasnt really well prepered for invasion. I think that after 2014 Putin wanted to continue what worked before: install ProRussian shills in postions, corrupt politicians, influence olgiarchs, divide and conquer. Only when that failed and Ukraine turned into pro-European direction he decided to invade. And as history has shown Russian army turned not up to task: its corrupted to the core, using a lot of outdated Soviet concpets, equipment and tactics, with poor leadership and also heavily understaffed for the task.
Have they thought in 2014 "in 8 years we will invade and we need to do everything possible for it to succeded" they would and should acted differently. This invasion is failure on strategic, military and political level, but could have been different have they put all their resources to work (but beacuse of political reasons and shortsightness they decided not to).
On August 23 2023 19:05 Silvanel wrote: Well, my argument is that Russia wasnt really well prepered for invasion. I think that after 2014 Putin wanted to continue what worked before: install ProRussian shills in postions, corrupt politicians, influence olgiarchs, divide and conquer. Only when that failed and Ukraine turned into pro-European direction he decided to invade. And as history has shown Russian army turned not up to task: its corrupted to the core, using a lot of outdated Soviet concpets, equipment and tactics, with poor leadership and also heavily understaffed for the task.
Have they thought in 2014 "in 8 years we will invade and we need to do everything possible for it to succeded" they would and should acted differently. This invasion is failure on strategic, military and political level, but could have been different have they put all their resources to work (but beacuse of political reasons and shortsightness they decided not to).
Russia was indeed not well prepared. But that's not due to a lack of trying. The idea that Russia could've summoned several times more troops and somehow that would've improved their odds of winning sounds fairly absurd. It requires a lot of additional equipment, training and time. That's a few more years minimum. Absolute minimum.
The increased military efforts would also not go unnoticed. Ukraine would not be a sitting duck while Russia takes a few more years to build its military complex. Ukraine would be among the first countries to consider a possible invasion and thus would put additional efforts into militarization. The end result? God knows. Maybe the same as now, maybe better for Russia, maybe better for Ukraine.
That's not a useful discussion. It makes more sense to talk about what actually happened as opposed to alternate realities of which there are easily a dozen or two. Who knows, maybe Russia further militarizing would've led to Ukraine building up its arsenal of stingers and javelins as well as AA. Maybe it would've prepared mine fields and trenches in advance. Do you see how that discussion doesn't go anywhere? The claim rests on the idea that Ukraine doesn't respond intelligently to Russia's behavior. That's highly unrealistic.
Not much to add other than this is my best source (predictive accuracy track record). Some of you will probably find it interesting.
+ Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue409.htmZetaTalk Insight 7/18/2014: On the day a civilian airliner was shot out of the sky by a missile, what clues exist as to the hand on the missile and the agenda at play? Material from the aircraft, in pieces on the ground, will be useless in this regard, nor will any black box recorders provide information as the pilots and instruments were silenced instantly. What is known is what US satellites saw, what a Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev saw being reported, what eye witnesses on the ground saw, the date on a recording claimed to be of a rebel conversation, and the fact that the Ukraine was having difficulty suppressing the rebellion of those in southeastern Ukraine. US satellites confirmed it was a missile, but delayed stating the source of the shot, an odd and very telling delay. Why so long in computing the trajectory? In that a Spanish air traffic control agent reported Ukraine military admitting the missile did not come from rebel areas, and in that this agent has now disappeared, we have our answer. Yes the rebels had a captured BUK but per a Ukraine official report, it was considered to be non-operational. Of course, the Ukraine also had the BUK, capable of rising to 33,000 feet to disable a plane. The Ukraine quickly put out a recorded conversation of the rebels bragging, but analysis of this recording shows it was made the day before the shootdown. Creating a tragedy to induce partners to enter into a war is certainly nothing new. The US has been accused of doing this at Pearl Harbor to allow the US to engage during WW II and the Gulf of Tonkin incident allowing the US to engage during the Vietnam war. Only months ago an incident with poison gas in Syria was shown to be an attempt to draw the US into a war with Syria on behalf of Israel. Despite the vote showing that the majority of people in the southeastern Ukraine region want to be considered Russian, the leadership in the Ukraine is furious that neither NATO or the US is fighting on their side. In that Putin was reported to be overhead on the same path as MH 17 just minutes before the shootdown, this is also an attempt to aggravate Putin to engage. The world will resist these attempts, but the truth of who actually shot down MH 17 will likely never be admitted by the west. + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmZetaTalk Comment 3/31/2021: This was an attempt to frame Russia, gone wrong. NATO is desperate to entice the US into a war with Russia that will give the European elite conquest of Russian oil and gas fields. The US is resisting, so NATO staged what they hoped would be proof of Russian aggression. Using the only Russian drone they could secure - one long ago sold to the Ukraine - they set about lofting this drone toward a NATO country. The plan was to have the drone go up and down quickly, harmlessly landing in an open field. The plan went awry and the drone plunged far afield into neighboring NATO countries. Ultimately, the drone went in the wrong direction and traveled until it ran out of fuel. It could not have traveled from the Ukraine, as the distance was too far, and certainly did not travel from Russia. As proof that the aggression does not come from Russia but from NATO, the Russians produced a set of documents secured in Donbass showing plans to invade Russia. Thus the Russian "invasion" was to pre-empt this push into Russian territory. + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-february-28-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150016February 12, 2022 at 4:25pm SOZT The elite in Europe lust after Russian territory, particularly the oil and gas fields just over the border in Russia. This is denied of course, with claims that it is Russia who wants to invade Europe. Russia is braced for an invasion of drowning or starving European citizens, as they know that Europe will flood during the Pole Shift and well ahead of time too during the New Madrid rupture. European elite have thus attempted to start a war with Russia in 2014 by shooting down the MH 17 and trying to frame Russia. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue412.htmBy these means the elite hope to expand their territory, and Russia plans to block them. Why is Russia now beefing up its defenses along the Ukraine/Russia border? It is not just our highly accurate predictions, which over the years have predicted the New Madrid Fault Line rupture toward the end of 2021 and into early 2022. This is in process now, an undeniable fact as the US monitors the ground movement and shares this information with their allies elsewhere. We are not allowed to provide the exact date or time of such events, but Britain and the US are certainly revealing their expectations. The rupture is very soon, within days, by their calculations. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue806.htmZetaTalk Comment 2/24/2022: The West has traditionally blamed Russia for their own aggression and crimes, regardless of what the evidence has shown. From shooting down the MH17 in 2014 (clearly done by a fighter jet from Kiev) to the Skripal poisoning in the UK in 2018 (clearly done by the UK) the West has chosen to ignore the facts. Referendums in Ukraine and Crimea show that the people of eastern Ukraine consider themselves to be Russian. Thus, Russia was justified in its takeover of Crimea, which the West sought to control, and Russia is justified in assisting the people of Donetsk and Lugansk now, honoring their request. Why are these steps being taken now? As we have repeatedly explained, Russia anticipates an invasion into its territories after the New Madrid rupture causes tsunami flooding in Europe. The European Union has not prepared to house and shelter its people. In fact the elite in Europe have taken steps via the Covid lockdowns to ensure a large percentage of its citizens simply drown. The elite in Europe are trying to start a war with Russia over Ukraine so that NATO will get assistance from the US, and thus can push into the oil and gas rich lands in Russia just over the border. Anticipating an invasion of Ukraine from Britain and NATO forces, Russia has taken the assertive. + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-march-31-2022-1?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150498March 1, 2022 at 5:49pm SOZT The 2014 coup in the Ukraine - whereby a Russia friendly President was replaced by a puppet of the West - had many motives. Russia is not known for money laundering or Satanist practices, but the Cabal in Europe and the US wanted these practices to be given a free reign, so arranged to smear Russia during the shoot down of MH17 https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue409.htmand to replace the President of the Ukraine. Russia secured the Crimea for its territory, but beyond accepting Ukraine refugees into Russia, did not move against this 2014 coup or respond to attempts to engage NATO against Russia. What has changed? The New Madrid rupture is expected momentarily, and when this happens Europe will be destabilized. Europe has not informed its citizens of what is pending, nor arranged for refugee camps. Thus frightened citizens will run in all directions, and during the chaos will attempt to rush over the border into Russian territory. In that Europe has long lusted after the oil and gas fields in Russia, Russia also expected an attempted invasion of their lands, and has moved preemptively by creating a buffer in the Ukraine. Why is the US suddenly removing evidence of their bio-labs from the Ukraine? These labs were not infecting local soldiers or citizens, but checking their blood for immune responses, which gives evidence of exposure to pathogens. This type of bio-lab documentation can reveal alliances and social networks that the US would prefer to have in US friendly hands, rather than Russia friendly hands. There is nothing more to these rumors than that. The outcome of Russian support for Ukraine independence will be less Cabal mischief and increased stability for the region. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-march-31-2022-1?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150524March 11, 2022 at 7:06pm SOZT Even though the US is a member of NATO, they are not required to enter the fray unless a member of NATO is attacked. Ukraine is not a NATO member, nor even a member of the European Union. Since the Ukraine coup that secured Ukraine for the Cabal in 2014, much has happened in the world and in the US. By the end of 2015, Obama had failed to announce the presence of Nibiru http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue496.htmand General Dunford established Martial Law. General Dunford then kicked the Jewish bankers out of the Federal Reserve. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue473.htmThen President Trump got elected in 2016, much to the shock of the Satanist Cabal who backed Hillary, and the cleanup of the Moloch worshiping Satanists http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue609.htmbegan. By President Trump’s Executive Order in March, 2018, Military Tribunals were started. Hillary and McCain appeared with ankle monitors. https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue597.htmThis was a silent war because it was deemed too upsetting for the public to handle. The Satanists were being coordinated by the evil Pointy Headed http://www.zetatalk6.com/newsletr/issue706.htmaliens in Antarctica and had infiltrated the US political system. The battle had become polarized and intense, the Satanists fighting for survival. The 2020 election fraud was so blatant that the Junta and President Trump setup a sting operation http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue740x.htmusing Biden and Harris Doubles. This is still in operation. Meanwhile the New Madrid rupture is at the point of creating a massive tsunami racing toward Europe and the elite in Europe http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue616.htmplanned a big push into the oil and gas fields in Russia. Russia stepped in to reverse the 2014 coup. The US Junta meanwhile is not interested in a NATO inspired war with Russia. EOZT + Show Spoiler +April 7, 2022 at 2:03pm SOZT Is there any truth amidst the lies http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue808.htmspread by the Cabal controlled Western Media? It is clear from reports on the ground in Ukraine that Zelensky was preventing the citizens of Mariupol from leaving the city when it was under attack, using them as human shields. There have also been reports from volunteers and mercenaries that Zelensky’s forces were taking their guns away and killing them to add to the body count blamed on Russia. It is of record that the Zelensky criminals were killing the Russian speaking Donbass citizens by the tens of thousands since 2014. We have explained the Ukraine conflict as Putin pre-empting a push into Russia to gain their gas and oil fields when the Earth changes – the New Madrid tsunami – created chaos in Europe. As we have addressed, Putin was shown this plan, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmin writing, and took action. This leaked plan is a rare piece of evidence for the accusations and claims being thrown at Russia, or the reports of horrors from the Ukraine. We have stated that the intent of the US biolabs http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31mr2022.htmin the Ukraine, as elsewhere around the world, was to check for antibodies which give indication of what pathogens might be loose in the region. But Ukraine under control of the Satanists has been a den of evil, so what else might have occurred under Zelensky’s direction? One can see from the evidence of Hunter Biden’s sudden wealth that Ukraine was a money laundering hub. Certainly given the need for Adrenochrome collected from raped and terrified young children, the Satanists would have been active in Moloch worship and traffic in young children. Certainly experimenting on the citizens of Ukraine in biolabs would be possible and even likely, given the Satanist agenda. In demonizing Russia, the Satanists are trying to control the news, suppressing the evidence that Russia might have gathered. Will the proof eventually be in the news? Yes, but this will be twisted to paint Russia as the perpetrators. One must take comfort that this den of evil is being disbanded. Russia will continue to gain from their victory. The Ruble is gaining in strength, and the Satanist plans to invade Russia or incite a war with Russia using US and NATO forces was foiled. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-april-30-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150883April 7, 2022 at 2:03pm SOZT In remarkable lock-step, the Main Stream Media in Europe and the US suddenly decided that Zelensky had failed and his efforts to retake Ukraine were hopeless. What changed? As is known, NATO did not have the reserves to push back against Russia, and Biden stated from the start that the US would not join the NATO battle. Still, minimal aging weapons left over from World War II were sent to the Ukraine, to show support. Why have the Ukraine backers suddenly admitted defeat? Because President Trump will soon be reinstated and the Biden crowd will lose control of the narrative. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-may-31-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1151012May 4, 2022 at 7:31pm SOZT Is the war in Ukraine going badly for Russia? They were winning from the start as all honest analysis states, despite the flagrant lies the Western Media spews forth. Unable to actually win the war, or even portray a battle where they gained ground, NATO and the Satanists trying to remain in power in Europe or push into the Russian oil and gas fields are using the media to weaken Putin. He is sick, he is making bad decisions, he will be replaced they say. These are all lies and sour grapes over having lost in Ukraine. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue820.htmZetaTalk Comment 5/31/2022: Western media has been controlled by the Satanist Cabal for decades, and thus the truth about the stolen 2020 election and other Cabal maneuvers such as 911 or attempts to steal Gold from Fort Knox is suppressed. The truth is presented as a conspiracy theory. If the truth about any of these big lies is about to be revealed, a cover story is released, but seldom is the truth openly admitted in headlines. That this has happened with the WaPo Ukraine chatter is the real news. The WaPo reversal is sudden and the truth supported by evidence in their article. What happened? As we have stated, there is a Secret War going on behind the scenes. The US Junta and the White Hat Alliance in Europe have been arresting the leaders of the Satanist Cabal, taking them to Gitmo, and in most cases executing these leaders while replacing them with Doubles. This has not been in the media because the Junta fears civil war in the US. The public has been fed lies for decades by the media, and is thus primed to resist the truth. How is this grip on the Major Media in the West to be broken? The big lies spread by the media are arranged and controlled by the top editors, who issue memos on what can and cannot be discussed. They take their orders from unseen and unknown handlers - New World Order honchos. Since the media is protected by the 1st Amendment, it cannot simply be shut down. Packed with funds from the Cabal, it seems to be a train without brakes. The WaPo capitulation on the Ukraine story indicates this train has been derailed. This story cannot be corroborated, as it will never appear in the media. The New World Order honchos that have been arrested are not even known to the public. The WaPo capitulation may be the first, but will not be the last. + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-may-31-2020?commentId=3863141:Comment:1105103May 22, 2020 at 8:20pm SOZT The issue of Biden and the Burisma scandals are back in the news. President Trump survived the attempts to impeach him over his requests of Zelensky to reopen these investigations. What role will Poroshenko’s potential testimony have? Biden is highly corrupt, the main reason his backers want to put him into power. There would be no money making or power seeking scheme that he would not back, unhesitatingly. Election fraud via mail-in ballots is seen as the last chance to gain control of the White House. Thus the Poroshenko testimony is seen as hugely important. Poroschenko escaped to Russia in the dying days of his presidency, and has not been heard from since. Now suddenly thrust back into the spotlight, he looks different. Angela Merkel http://zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue711.htmlikewise has obviously become a Double, after a self-imposed quarantine for a Covid-19 exposure. Q has authority to support the Tribunals within the US, and the UK Marines have authority within the UK and the Commonwealth countries, but who is fighting the Deep State and its Satanic tentacles in Germany and Russia? Merkel was without question a member of the Illuminati, the Nazi bloodline, and intended to install a Muslim caliphate in Europe as a stepping stone to world domination. If the UK Marines joined the US Junta to remove the Satanic Queen and her family from power, then why is it surprising that similar White Hats in Germany might do the same? Poroshenko, as a party to Biden’s past corruption reach, could provide damaging testimony should Poroshenko lie. Russia does not want to see Biden or his backers in control, and stepped in. Poroshenko’s Double will adhere to the truth. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-july-31-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1152668July 24, 2022 at 7:29pm SOZT A casualty of the Ukraine conflict was the export of grain from the Ukraine port of Odessa. Russia has achieved occupation of the eastern Russian speaking regions of the Ukraine, which was their goal. But those wanting the Ukraine to return to business as usual are not willing to concede. The Ukraine is technically part of Russia. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue820.htmThe Donbas region of Ukraine requested help from Russia as their Russian speaking citizens were being systematically exterminated. The Ukraine of today is the result of a 2014 coup by the West and their backsliding on the Minsk agreement. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement... Eastern Ukraine borders Russian oil and gas fields, and the European Union and NATO lust after these assets. Russia has proof of their plans http://zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmto invade. The Ukraine has a history of using human shields and killing their citizens and volunteers in their attempts to blame Russia. Given this climate, why would anyone trust the Ukraine? Turkey and the UN tried to negotiate a deal whereby grain harvested in the Ukraine could be exported to the world. How realistic is this expectation? To avoid the grain deal from being a cover for continuing Ukraine war maneuvers, Russia was clearing the field. Grain yes, imported weaponry from the US no. Russia openly admits this, that they bombed Odessa weapons caches supplied by the US. Now the grain silos can be emptied to feed the world. But this is not what the Ukraine politicians or backers want. If they can no longer use human shields to gain an advantage, then they want to use the grain of Ukraine for leverage. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-september-30-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1152923September 1, 2022 at 11:21am SOZT The Ukraine conflict has obviously been won by Russia, who is in the mopping up phase in the regions they now occupy. All that is left is to rename these regions, giving them Oblast names as is appropriate for Russian territories. The city of Kiev will stand alone with scant territories on its outskirts. Desperate to keep the illusion that Ukraine has won - an illusion embraced by the Western media and the source of funding from those who want the illegal activities that flourished in Ukraine to continue – Ukraine has taken a scorched Earth approach. Kiev has long been known to use their own citizens as human shields, and as many journalists have documented to put the volunteers who rushed to help them on the front lines to be sacrificed. Kiev hoped that if Zaporozhye became another Chernobyl then perhaps the Russians would leave in disgust or at the very least be distracted in their press toward the embattled City of Kiev. As was quickly reported by the media, Ukraine’s commandoes failed miserably, and in that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was arriving on the scene that same day, documented the whole story. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-september-30-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1153164September 4, 2022 at 2:38pm SOZT Zelensky was captured by Russian special forces on an airfield near Kiev. His Ukraine Military protection was no more effective at guarding him than the assault force trying to take back the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The date of capture can be noted on Zelensky’s nightly video broadcast, where a Double is clearly being used on September 2 and days following. The Russians stated last April that if they captured Zelensky he would be tried in Moscow for war crimes. But the more immediate effect would be to have Zelensky concede in exchange for his life, instructing the Ukraine Military to retreat and to withdraw from all current Russia controlled territories. This matter is very much in play. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-october-31-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1153861October 10, 2022 at 10:53am SOZT A month ago in September Russia countered NATO�s big push to recapture Ukraine territory with what we called a snare operation. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue835.htmRussia pulled back so that when NATO pushed in, they would be caught in a trap. Then Russia called a Referendum polling the people in these regions, showing decisively that they considered themselves to be Russian and wanted to be free of Ukraine control. Facing repeated losses, Ukraine tried to cut Russia supply chains by bombing the bridge to the Crimea. Two days later Russia retaliated with massive Ukraine-wide missile strikes, including strikes in Kiev, the Capitol of Ukraine and headquarters of Zelensky. Belarus, an ally of Russia bordering the Ukraine, had learned of a planned Ukraine invasion, and forged an alliance. Russia seeks to end these repeated attempts to secure the Russian oil and gas fields. Time is short because when the New Madrid rupture sends a rebound tsunami against Europe, there will be panic and amid panic there will be opportunity for mischief. Russia will not relent nor stall this time, nor agree to any arrangement that would leave the EU or NATO in control of any part of Ukraine. By bombing the bridge to the Crimea, they have in essence burned their bridges to any truce. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-may-31-2023?commentId=3863141:Comment:1158631May 23, 2023 at 6:20pm SOZT As we have noted from the start of the Ukraine conflict this was not an invasion by Russia but a proactive defensive measure as Moscow had received a leaked memo http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmshowing NATO’s intentions to invade Russian oil and gas fields. This, combined with the systematic extermination of Russian speaking citizens in the Ukraine, prompted a proactive push back against the planned NATO agenda combined with a rescue of the provinces where genocide, the outright murder http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue799.htmof Russian speaking citizens, had been ongoing for years. Ukraine on the other hand is replete with evidence of money laundering, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue844.htmbio lab experiments on human subjects, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue812.htmand using their own citizens as human shields. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue844.htmWhile NATO tried to lure the US into their battle over the Ukraine, the Junta refused to engage. Thus NATO as rumored http://zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2022.htmset up a scenario where Russia would appear to be the bad guys, providing Kiev with depleted uranium weapons to be housed at a location known to be under attack by Russia. This has not worked as expected, as the increase in radiation is minimal and it was Russia who alerted Europe to the danger in this gambit arranged by NATO and the Brits. Meanwhile, Zelensky is touring the world trying to ramp up sympathy for the Ukraine. Despite the appearance, the Biden Administration is not sending billions to the Ukraine, as the Junta is in charge in the US and has been since late 2015. The funds sent to the Ukraine are only on paper, and result in the arrest of those in the money laundering networks. It is a sting operation. EOZT + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-june-30-2023?commentId=3863141:Comment:1158653June 16, 2023 at 3:16pm SOZT The White Hats know that to end the war in the Ukraine they must stop the money laundering in Kiev. We have stated that funds promised by the Biden Administration in fact do not flow, as this is a sting op run by the Junta to arrest those who rush to collect the funds in Kiev. But the Biden Administration promises give the impression that Kiev is funded, and thus others around the world participate. Bribery everywhere, and the Ukraine conflict is endless, supporting bio labs, organ harvesting, child torture and Adrenochrome collection, drug running, and weapons selling. As is known, the Rothschild banking system is bankrupt and without substance as it is not Gold backed. They print money freely but as their fiat is virtually worthless and without backing, it is refused for trade. Pending is a collapse of the US Federal Reserve, defaulting on all debts so the National Debt to be paid to the Rothschild banks is vaporized, and the banking system in the US reorganized so that all former debts paid by interest are likewise forgiven. The reorganization is expected to occur under the reinstated President Trump. But those impatient with the pace of change in the Ukraine want to expedite the fall of Kiev. Since the western banking system uses the SWIFT system, this is a clear target. For the past week, even before the stern and clear message issued by Anonymous hackers, the US and Europe have had downtime problems. This is only a hint of what is to come. The outcome is in human hands, as NATO and the Satanists who want Kiev to continue their operation may or may not capitulate, and the Junta and White Hats likewise may move in many directions. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-june-30-2023?commentId=3863141:Comment:1158855June 27, 2023 at 3:29pm SOZT The public is highly confused by the sudden Wagner coup attempt and the even more rapid resolution where all is forgiven. What just happened? As Fulford pointed out, there is a relationship between the 6.1 billion the Pentagon found in its account for Ukraine weaponry and the bribe the CIA needed to incite a Wagner coup. The Earth is on the verge of Plate Movements that will result in a tsunami toward Europe, and NATO and the EU elite fear being pushed back into the Dark Ages unless they can take over the Russian oil and gas fields. But Prigozhin became a double agent, working for the CIA and his close friend Putin at the same time. He confessed all to Putin, and they plotted to get Prigozhin the money while at the same time flushing out any traitors in the Russian Military. When the 6.1 billion was in hand, Prigozhin called off the march toward Moscow. Prigozhin was to be scheduled for execution as a show of strength for Putin who opted instead for forgiveness all around, adding to the confusion the public now has. This is all still in play as NATO and the EU elite are desperate. EOZT
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On August 23 2023 20:55 ProMeTheus112 wrote:Not much to add other than this is my best source (predictive accuracy track record). Some of you will probably find it interesting. Show nested quote +Western media has been controlled by the Satanist Cabal for decades, and thus the truth about the stolen 2020 election and other Cabal maneuvers such as 911 or attempts to steal Gold from Fort Knox is suppressed. The truth is presented as a conspiracy theory. If the truth about any of these big lies is about to be revealed, a cover story is released, but seldom is the truth openly admitted in headlines. That this has happened with the WaPo Ukraine chatter is the real news. The WaPo reversal is sudden and the truth supported by evidence in their article. What happened? What is this satanist cabal and how can i join?
Seriously, everybody knows you never go full QAnon. It's a dark path, many were lost. Take care and get well.
On August 23 2023 18:00 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2023 17:48 0x64 wrote:Where western media gets it wrong, it is when they fail to notice how 90% of the material sent toward kiev was a decoy to create panic. While everyone was laughing at the poorly prepared material, Russia managed to capture a huge part of the country before they got blocked by natural obstacles.
Sorry but do you have any actual sources for that claim? Because the notion that Russia sacrificed their elite paratroopers in the assault on Kyiv and parked a convey dozens of kilometres long that was repeatedly bombed and attacked, including several high ranking personal that got killed by snipers, as a distraction seems unlikely.
It was an observation made by a friend who's job in the finish military is to run battle simulations.
It was noticeable them a high percent of that convoy was not up to standards. Even some civilian vehicles in the mix. Having the convoy be 60 km long was a goal by itself.
His point of view was that this was done to fix all able troops to Kiev defense while Russia took control of the rest of the country.
On August 23 2023 18:08 zeo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2023 18:00 Gorsameth wrote:On August 23 2023 17:48 0x64 wrote:Where western media gets it wrong, it is when they fail to notice how 90% of the material sent toward kiev was a decoy to create panic. While everyone was laughing at the poorly prepared material, Russia managed to capture a huge part of the country before they got blocked by natural obstacles.
Sorry but do you have any actual sources for that claim? Because the notion that Russia sacrificed their elite paratroopers in the assault on Kyiv and parked a convey dozens of kilometres long that was repeatedly bombed and attacked, including several high ranking personal that got killed by snipers, as a distraction seems unlikely. He also said no counteroffensive is happening currently. Actually most of the post is not based in reality. Reminds me of a propaganda talking point bingo i saw not long ago, cant find it sadly  So Russia wasting all their most elite troops in the first month of the war is not western propaganda for you? I'm surprised you acknowledge such huge failure of supreme Russia.
On August 23 2023 22:06 r00ty wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2023 20:55 ProMeTheus112 wrote:Not much to add other than this is my best source (predictive accuracy track record). Some of you will probably find it interesting. Western media has been controlled by the Satanist Cabal for decades, and thus the truth about the stolen 2020 election and other Cabal maneuvers such as 911 or attempts to steal Gold from Fort Knox is suppressed. The truth is presented as a conspiracy theory. If the truth about any of these big lies is about to be revealed, a cover story is released, but seldom is the truth openly admitted in headlines. That this has happened with the WaPo Ukraine chatter is the real news. The WaPo reversal is sudden and the truth supported by evidence in their article. What happened? What is this satanist cabal and how can i join? Seriously, everybody knows you never go full QAnon. It's a dark path, many were lost. Take care and get well. I'm always baffled how some people can read such insane drivel and be like "yeah, that makes sense, I guess". ;o
What's more, he claims he doesn't read QAnon. ;-)
Well Twitter has identified and matched the Helicopter that defected to Ukraine, apparently the Pilot's family already left Russia.
If that helicopter story is true I hope the pilot's family will get new identities to help them avoid the potential Russian retaliation.
Northern Ireland23825 Posts
On August 23 2023 20:55 ProMeTheus112 wrote:Not much to add other than this is my best source (predictive accuracy track record). Some of you will probably find it interesting. + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue409.htmZetaTalk Insight 7/18/2014: On the day a civilian airliner was shot out of the sky by a missile, what clues exist as to the hand on the missile and the agenda at play? Material from the aircraft, in pieces on the ground, will be useless in this regard, nor will any black box recorders provide information as the pilots and instruments were silenced instantly. What is known is what US satellites saw, what a Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev saw being reported, what eye witnesses on the ground saw, the date on a recording claimed to be of a rebel conversation, and the fact that the Ukraine was having difficulty suppressing the rebellion of those in southeastern Ukraine. US satellites confirmed it was a missile, but delayed stating the source of the shot, an odd and very telling delay. Why so long in computing the trajectory? In that a Spanish air traffic control agent reported Ukraine military admitting the missile did not come from rebel areas, and in that this agent has now disappeared, we have our answer. Yes the rebels had a captured BUK but per a Ukraine official report, it was considered to be non-operational. Of course, the Ukraine also had the BUK, capable of rising to 33,000 feet to disable a plane. The Ukraine quickly put out a recorded conversation of the rebels bragging, but analysis of this recording shows it was made the day before the shootdown. Creating a tragedy to induce partners to enter into a war is certainly nothing new. The US has been accused of doing this at Pearl Harbor to allow the US to engage during WW II and the Gulf of Tonkin incident allowing the US to engage during the Vietnam war. Only months ago an incident with poison gas in Syria was shown to be an attempt to draw the US into a war with Syria on behalf of Israel. Despite the vote showing that the majority of people in the southeastern Ukraine region want to be considered Russian, the leadership in the Ukraine is furious that neither NATO or the US is fighting on their side. In that Putin was reported to be overhead on the same path as MH 17 just minutes before the shootdown, this is also an attempt to aggravate Putin to engage. The world will resist these attempts, but the truth of who actually shot down MH 17 will likely never be admitted by the west. + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmZetaTalk Comment 3/31/2021: This was an attempt to frame Russia, gone wrong. NATO is desperate to entice the US into a war with Russia that will give the European elite conquest of Russian oil and gas fields. The US is resisting, so NATO staged what they hoped would be proof of Russian aggression. Using the only Russian drone they could secure - one long ago sold to the Ukraine - they set about lofting this drone toward a NATO country. The plan was to have the drone go up and down quickly, harmlessly landing in an open field. The plan went awry and the drone plunged far afield into neighboring NATO countries. Ultimately, the drone went in the wrong direction and traveled until it ran out of fuel. It could not have traveled from the Ukraine, as the distance was too far, and certainly did not travel from Russia. As proof that the aggression does not come from Russia but from NATO, the Russians produced a set of documents secured in Donbass showing plans to invade Russia. Thus the Russian "invasion" was to pre-empt this push into Russian territory. + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-february-28-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150016February 12, 2022 at 4:25pm SOZT The elite in Europe lust after Russian territory, particularly the oil and gas fields just over the border in Russia. This is denied of course, with claims that it is Russia who wants to invade Europe. Russia is braced for an invasion of drowning or starving European citizens, as they know that Europe will flood during the Pole Shift and well ahead of time too during the New Madrid rupture. European elite have thus attempted to start a war with Russia in 2014 by shooting down the MH 17 and trying to frame Russia. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue412.htmBy these means the elite hope to expand their territory, and Russia plans to block them. Why is Russia now beefing up its defenses along the Ukraine/Russia border? It is not just our highly accurate predictions, which over the years have predicted the New Madrid Fault Line rupture toward the end of 2021 and into early 2022. This is in process now, an undeniable fact as the US monitors the ground movement and shares this information with their allies elsewhere. We are not allowed to provide the exact date or time of such events, but Britain and the US are certainly revealing their expectations. The rupture is very soon, within days, by their calculations. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue806.htmZetaTalk Comment 2/24/2022: The West has traditionally blamed Russia for their own aggression and crimes, regardless of what the evidence has shown. From shooting down the MH17 in 2014 (clearly done by a fighter jet from Kiev) to the Skripal poisoning in the UK in 2018 (clearly done by the UK) the West has chosen to ignore the facts. Referendums in Ukraine and Crimea show that the people of eastern Ukraine consider themselves to be Russian. Thus, Russia was justified in its takeover of Crimea, which the West sought to control, and Russia is justified in assisting the people of Donetsk and Lugansk now, honoring their request. Why are these steps being taken now? As we have repeatedly explained, Russia anticipates an invasion into its territories after the New Madrid rupture causes tsunami flooding in Europe. The European Union has not prepared to house and shelter its people. In fact the elite in Europe have taken steps via the Covid lockdowns to ensure a large percentage of its citizens simply drown. The elite in Europe are trying to start a war with Russia over Ukraine so that NATO will get assistance from the US, and thus can push into the oil and gas rich lands in Russia just over the border. Anticipating an invasion of Ukraine from Britain and NATO forces, Russia has taken the assertive. + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-march-31-2022-1?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150498March 1, 2022 at 5:49pm SOZT The 2014 coup in the Ukraine - whereby a Russia friendly President was replaced by a puppet of the West - had many motives. Russia is not known for money laundering or Satanist practices, but the Cabal in Europe and the US wanted these practices to be given a free reign, so arranged to smear Russia during the shoot down of MH17 https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue409.htmand to replace the President of the Ukraine. Russia secured the Crimea for its territory, but beyond accepting Ukraine refugees into Russia, did not move against this 2014 coup or respond to attempts to engage NATO against Russia. What has changed? The New Madrid rupture is expected momentarily, and when this happens Europe will be destabilized. Europe has not informed its citizens of what is pending, nor arranged for refugee camps. Thus frightened citizens will run in all directions, and during the chaos will attempt to rush over the border into Russian territory. In that Europe has long lusted after the oil and gas fields in Russia, Russia also expected an attempted invasion of their lands, and has moved preemptively by creating a buffer in the Ukraine. Why is the US suddenly removing evidence of their bio-labs from the Ukraine? These labs were not infecting local soldiers or citizens, but checking their blood for immune responses, which gives evidence of exposure to pathogens. This type of bio-lab documentation can reveal alliances and social networks that the US would prefer to have in US friendly hands, rather than Russia friendly hands. There is nothing more to these rumors than that. The outcome of Russian support for Ukraine independence will be less Cabal mischief and increased stability for the region. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-march-31-2022-1?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150524March 11, 2022 at 7:06pm SOZT Even though the US is a member of NATO, they are not required to enter the fray unless a member of NATO is attacked. Ukraine is not a NATO member, nor even a member of the European Union. Since the Ukraine coup that secured Ukraine for the Cabal in 2014, much has happened in the world and in the US. By the end of 2015, Obama had failed to announce the presence of Nibiru http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue496.htmand General Dunford established Martial Law. General Dunford then kicked the Jewish bankers out of the Federal Reserve. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue473.htmThen President Trump got elected in 2016, much to the shock of the Satanist Cabal who backed Hillary, and the cleanup of the Moloch worshiping Satanists http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue609.htmbegan. By President Trump’s Executive Order in March, 2018, Military Tribunals were started. Hillary and McCain appeared with ankle monitors. https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue597.htmThis was a silent war because it was deemed too upsetting for the public to handle. The Satanists were being coordinated by the evil Pointy Headed http://www.zetatalk6.com/newsletr/issue706.htmaliens in Antarctica and had infiltrated the US political system. The battle had become polarized and intense, the Satanists fighting for survival. The 2020 election fraud was so blatant that the Junta and President Trump setup a sting operation http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue740x.htmusing Biden and Harris Doubles. This is still in operation. Meanwhile the New Madrid rupture is at the point of creating a massive tsunami racing toward Europe and the elite in Europe http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue616.htmplanned a big push into the oil and gas fields in Russia. Russia stepped in to reverse the 2014 coup. The US Junta meanwhile is not interested in a NATO inspired war with Russia. EOZT + Show Spoiler +April 7, 2022 at 2:03pm SOZT Is there any truth amidst the lies http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue808.htmspread by the Cabal controlled Western Media? It is clear from reports on the ground in Ukraine that Zelensky was preventing the citizens of Mariupol from leaving the city when it was under attack, using them as human shields. There have also been reports from volunteers and mercenaries that Zelensky’s forces were taking their guns away and killing them to add to the body count blamed on Russia. It is of record that the Zelensky criminals were killing the Russian speaking Donbass citizens by the tens of thousands since 2014. We have explained the Ukraine conflict as Putin pre-empting a push into Russia to gain their gas and oil fields when the Earth changes – the New Madrid tsunami – created chaos in Europe. As we have addressed, Putin was shown this plan, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmin writing, and took action. This leaked plan is a rare piece of evidence for the accusations and claims being thrown at Russia, or the reports of horrors from the Ukraine. We have stated that the intent of the US biolabs http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31mr2022.htmin the Ukraine, as elsewhere around the world, was to check for antibodies which give indication of what pathogens might be loose in the region. But Ukraine under control of the Satanists has been a den of evil, so what else might have occurred under Zelensky’s direction? One can see from the evidence of Hunter Biden’s sudden wealth that Ukraine was a money laundering hub. Certainly given the need for Adrenochrome collected from raped and terrified young children, the Satanists would have been active in Moloch worship and traffic in young children. Certainly experimenting on the citizens of Ukraine in biolabs would be possible and even likely, given the Satanist agenda. In demonizing Russia, the Satanists are trying to control the news, suppressing the evidence that Russia might have gathered. Will the proof eventually be in the news? Yes, but this will be twisted to paint Russia as the perpetrators. One must take comfort that this den of evil is being disbanded. Russia will continue to gain from their victory. The Ruble is gaining in strength, and the Satanist plans to invade Russia or incite a war with Russia using US and NATO forces was foiled. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-april-30-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1150883April 7, 2022 at 2:03pm SOZT In remarkable lock-step, the Main Stream Media in Europe and the US suddenly decided that Zelensky had failed and his efforts to retake Ukraine were hopeless. What changed? As is known, NATO did not have the reserves to push back against Russia, and Biden stated from the start that the US would not join the NATO battle. Still, minimal aging weapons left over from World War II were sent to the Ukraine, to show support. Why have the Ukraine backers suddenly admitted defeat? Because President Trump will soon be reinstated and the Biden crowd will lose control of the narrative. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-may-31-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1151012May 4, 2022 at 7:31pm SOZT Is the war in Ukraine going badly for Russia? They were winning from the start as all honest analysis states, despite the flagrant lies the Western Media spews forth. Unable to actually win the war, or even portray a battle where they gained ground, NATO and the Satanists trying to remain in power in Europe or push into the Russian oil and gas fields are using the media to weaken Putin. He is sick, he is making bad decisions, he will be replaced they say. These are all lies and sour grapes over having lost in Ukraine. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue820.htmZetaTalk Comment 5/31/2022: Western media has been controlled by the Satanist Cabal for decades, and thus the truth about the stolen 2020 election and other Cabal maneuvers such as 911 or attempts to steal Gold from Fort Knox is suppressed. The truth is presented as a conspiracy theory. If the truth about any of these big lies is about to be revealed, a cover story is released, but seldom is the truth openly admitted in headlines. That this has happened with the WaPo Ukraine chatter is the real news. The WaPo reversal is sudden and the truth supported by evidence in their article. What happened? As we have stated, there is a Secret War going on behind the scenes. The US Junta and the White Hat Alliance in Europe have been arresting the leaders of the Satanist Cabal, taking them to Gitmo, and in most cases executing these leaders while replacing them with Doubles. This has not been in the media because the Junta fears civil war in the US. The public has been fed lies for decades by the media, and is thus primed to resist the truth. How is this grip on the Major Media in the West to be broken? The big lies spread by the media are arranged and controlled by the top editors, who issue memos on what can and cannot be discussed. They take their orders from unseen and unknown handlers - New World Order honchos. Since the media is protected by the 1st Amendment, it cannot simply be shut down. Packed with funds from the Cabal, it seems to be a train without brakes. The WaPo capitulation on the Ukraine story indicates this train has been derailed. This story cannot be corroborated, as it will never appear in the media. The New World Order honchos that have been arrested are not even known to the public. The WaPo capitulation may be the first, but will not be the last. + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-may-31-2020?commentId=3863141:Comment:1105103May 22, 2020 at 8:20pm SOZT The issue of Biden and the Burisma scandals are back in the news. President Trump survived the attempts to impeach him over his requests of Zelensky to reopen these investigations. What role will Poroshenko’s potential testimony have? Biden is highly corrupt, the main reason his backers want to put him into power. There would be no money making or power seeking scheme that he would not back, unhesitatingly. Election fraud via mail-in ballots is seen as the last chance to gain control of the White House. Thus the Poroshenko testimony is seen as hugely important. Poroschenko escaped to Russia in the dying days of his presidency, and has not been heard from since. Now suddenly thrust back into the spotlight, he looks different. Angela Merkel http://zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue711.htmlikewise has obviously become a Double, after a self-imposed quarantine for a Covid-19 exposure. Q has authority to support the Tribunals within the US, and the UK Marines have authority within the UK and the Commonwealth countries, but who is fighting the Deep State and its Satanic tentacles in Germany and Russia? Merkel was without question a member of the Illuminati, the Nazi bloodline, and intended to install a Muslim caliphate in Europe as a stepping stone to world domination. If the UK Marines joined the US Junta to remove the Satanic Queen and her family from power, then why is it surprising that similar White Hats in Germany might do the same? Poroshenko, as a party to Biden’s past corruption reach, could provide damaging testimony should Poroshenko lie. Russia does not want to see Biden or his backers in control, and stepped in. Poroshenko’s Double will adhere to the truth. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-july-31-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1152668July 24, 2022 at 7:29pm SOZT A casualty of the Ukraine conflict was the export of grain from the Ukraine port of Odessa. Russia has achieved occupation of the eastern Russian speaking regions of the Ukraine, which was their goal. But those wanting the Ukraine to return to business as usual are not willing to concede. The Ukraine is technically part of Russia. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue820.htmThe Donbas region of Ukraine requested help from Russia as their Russian speaking citizens were being systematically exterminated. The Ukraine of today is the result of a 2014 coup by the West and their backsliding on the Minsk agreement. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement... Eastern Ukraine borders Russian oil and gas fields, and the European Union and NATO lust after these assets. Russia has proof of their plans http://zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmto invade. The Ukraine has a history of using human shields and killing their citizens and volunteers in their attempts to blame Russia. Given this climate, why would anyone trust the Ukraine? Turkey and the UN tried to negotiate a deal whereby grain harvested in the Ukraine could be exported to the world. How realistic is this expectation? To avoid the grain deal from being a cover for continuing Ukraine war maneuvers, Russia was clearing the field. Grain yes, imported weaponry from the US no. Russia openly admits this, that they bombed Odessa weapons caches supplied by the US. Now the grain silos can be emptied to feed the world. But this is not what the Ukraine politicians or backers want. If they can no longer use human shields to gain an advantage, then they want to use the grain of Ukraine for leverage. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-september-30-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1152923September 1, 2022 at 11:21am SOZT The Ukraine conflict has obviously been won by Russia, who is in the mopping up phase in the regions they now occupy. All that is left is to rename these regions, giving them Oblast names as is appropriate for Russian territories. The city of Kiev will stand alone with scant territories on its outskirts. Desperate to keep the illusion that Ukraine has won - an illusion embraced by the Western media and the source of funding from those who want the illegal activities that flourished in Ukraine to continue – Ukraine has taken a scorched Earth approach. Kiev has long been known to use their own citizens as human shields, and as many journalists have documented to put the volunteers who rushed to help them on the front lines to be sacrificed. Kiev hoped that if Zaporozhye became another Chernobyl then perhaps the Russians would leave in disgust or at the very least be distracted in their press toward the embattled City of Kiev. As was quickly reported by the media, Ukraine’s commandoes failed miserably, and in that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was arriving on the scene that same day, documented the whole story. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-september-30-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1153164September 4, 2022 at 2:38pm SOZT Zelensky was captured by Russian special forces on an airfield near Kiev. His Ukraine Military protection was no more effective at guarding him than the assault force trying to take back the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The date of capture can be noted on Zelensky’s nightly video broadcast, where a Double is clearly being used on September 2 and days following. The Russians stated last April that if they captured Zelensky he would be tried in Moscow for war crimes. But the more immediate effect would be to have Zelensky concede in exchange for his life, instructing the Ukraine Military to retreat and to withdraw from all current Russia controlled territories. This matter is very much in play. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-october-31-2022?commentId=3863141:Comment:1153861October 10, 2022 at 10:53am SOZT A month ago in September Russia countered NATO�s big push to recapture Ukraine territory with what we called a snare operation. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue835.htmRussia pulled back so that when NATO pushed in, they would be caught in a trap. Then Russia called a Referendum polling the people in these regions, showing decisively that they considered themselves to be Russian and wanted to be free of Ukraine control. Facing repeated losses, Ukraine tried to cut Russia supply chains by bombing the bridge to the Crimea. Two days later Russia retaliated with massive Ukraine-wide missile strikes, including strikes in Kiev, the Capitol of Ukraine and headquarters of Zelensky. Belarus, an ally of Russia bordering the Ukraine, had learned of a planned Ukraine invasion, and forged an alliance. Russia seeks to end these repeated attempts to secure the Russian oil and gas fields. Time is short because when the New Madrid rupture sends a rebound tsunami against Europe, there will be panic and amid panic there will be opportunity for mischief. Russia will not relent nor stall this time, nor agree to any arrangement that would leave the EU or NATO in control of any part of Ukraine. By bombing the bridge to the Crimea, they have in essence burned their bridges to any truce. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-may-31-2023?commentId=3863141:Comment:1158631May 23, 2023 at 6:20pm SOZT As we have noted from the start of the Ukraine conflict this was not an invasion by Russia but a proactive defensive measure as Moscow had received a leaked memo http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue807.htmshowing NATO’s intentions to invade Russian oil and gas fields. This, combined with the systematic extermination of Russian speaking citizens in the Ukraine, prompted a proactive push back against the planned NATO agenda combined with a rescue of the provinces where genocide, the outright murder http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue799.htmof Russian speaking citizens, had been ongoing for years. Ukraine on the other hand is replete with evidence of money laundering, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue844.htmbio lab experiments on human subjects, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue812.htmand using their own citizens as human shields. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue844.htmWhile NATO tried to lure the US into their battle over the Ukraine, the Junta refused to engage. Thus NATO as rumored http://zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2022.htmset up a scenario where Russia would appear to be the bad guys, providing Kiev with depleted uranium weapons to be housed at a location known to be under attack by Russia. This has not worked as expected, as the increase in radiation is minimal and it was Russia who alerted Europe to the danger in this gambit arranged by NATO and the Brits. Meanwhile, Zelensky is touring the world trying to ramp up sympathy for the Ukraine. Despite the appearance, the Biden Administration is not sending billions to the Ukraine, as the Junta is in charge in the US and has been since late 2015. The funds sent to the Ukraine are only on paper, and result in the arrest of those in the money laundering networks. It is a sting operation. EOZT + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-june-30-2023?commentId=3863141:Comment:1158653June 16, 2023 at 3:16pm SOZT The White Hats know that to end the war in the Ukraine they must stop the money laundering in Kiev. We have stated that funds promised by the Biden Administration in fact do not flow, as this is a sting op run by the Junta to arrest those who rush to collect the funds in Kiev. But the Biden Administration promises give the impression that Kiev is funded, and thus others around the world participate. Bribery everywhere, and the Ukraine conflict is endless, supporting bio labs, organ harvesting, child torture and Adrenochrome collection, drug running, and weapons selling. As is known, the Rothschild banking system is bankrupt and without substance as it is not Gold backed. They print money freely but as their fiat is virtually worthless and without backing, it is refused for trade. Pending is a collapse of the US Federal Reserve, defaulting on all debts so the National Debt to be paid to the Rothschild banks is vaporized, and the banking system in the US reorganized so that all former debts paid by interest are likewise forgiven. The reorganization is expected to occur under the reinstated President Trump. But those impatient with the pace of change in the Ukraine want to expedite the fall of Kiev. Since the western banking system uses the SWIFT system, this is a clear target. For the past week, even before the stern and clear message issued by Anonymous hackers, the US and Europe have had downtime problems. This is only a hint of what is to come. The outcome is in human hands, as NATO and the Satanists who want Kiev to continue their operation may or may not capitulate, and the Junta and White Hats likewise may move in many directions. EOZT + Show Spoiler +https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-june-30-2023?commentId=3863141:Comment:1158855June 27, 2023 at 3:29pm SOZT The public is highly confused by the sudden Wagner coup attempt and the even more rapid resolution where all is forgiven. What just happened? As Fulford pointed out, there is a relationship between the 6.1 billion the Pentagon found in its account for Ukraine weaponry and the bribe the CIA needed to incite a Wagner coup. The Earth is on the verge of Plate Movements that will result in a tsunami toward Europe, and NATO and the EU elite fear being pushed back into the Dark Ages unless they can take over the Russian oil and gas fields. But Prigozhin became a double agent, working for the CIA and his close friend Putin at the same time. He confessed all to Putin, and they plotted to get Prigozhin the money while at the same time flushing out any traitors in the Russian Military. When the 6.1 billion was in hand, Prigozhin called off the march toward Moscow. Prigozhin was to be scheduled for execution as a show of strength for Putin who opted instead for forgiveness all around, adding to the confusion the public now has. This is all still in play as NATO and the EU elite are desperate. EOZT User was temp banned for this post. Bro I’m unsure what’s prompted you to jump down the rabbit hole towards lunacy but I would strongly advise you take a 180
So Prigozhin is dead. One nazi less in this world
I'm sure that was an accident.
Could be faking his own death.
If he was on said plane. Interesting that Russia shot down a domestic flight inside Russia, without a plan to blame Ukraine etc. Dmitry Utkin was apparently also on the plane.
How little control does Putin actually have and how weak is he if Prigozhin is flying that close to Moskva?
If this footage is legit, then think that would rule out a crash.