Also the Russians apparently destroyed a bridge behind them once across the river. The fighting appears to be so chaotic in Kherson that Russia is supposedly plugging the holes in the lines with Special forces units.
Russo-Ukrainian War Thread - Page 207
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United States41117 Posts
Also the Russians apparently destroyed a bridge behind them once across the river. The fighting appears to be so chaotic in Kherson that Russia is supposedly plugging the holes in the lines with Special forces units. | ||
Netherlands6190 Posts
On September 06 2022 21:58 Simberto wrote: But that only works once you completely push out gas. As long as demand requires even a single gas power plant, you have to the price of gas power for everything. If you have 10 demand, and you currently produce 2 green, 8 gas, you pay gas price on everything. If you increase green to 7, you still need 3 gas, and pay gas price on everything. (I assume that in this case, the gas producers will try to underbid each other slightly, but you still pay gas level prices) You will still pay the gas price but the price of gas will be lower. And considering that the price is based on the most expensive unit of gas bought it can make a large difference. Even replacing 5-10% of gas demand with something else can cause a much larger reduction in price. | ||
Finland1683 Posts
On September 06 2022 22:17 Harris1st wrote: Yeah we pay easily triple the amount... I too live completely without gas (or oil) but that just means my electricity bill is off the charts right now ![]() This thing where electricity prices are capped needs to happen ASAP Producers of cheap green energy are earning ridiculous amounts right now and a lot of people struggle to pay their bills as a result Price caps are bad for various reasons, primarily that they remove the incentive for reducing electricity demand. This is one of those times where it would make much more sense just to hand out equivalent amount of money to the people / companies. Those who cannot reduce their consumption can just use the money to soften the hit a bit, those who can reduce their consumption will a) reduce their consumption, brining down the prices for everyone and b) be happy with some 'free' money. | ||
Netherlands21352 Posts
On September 07 2022 03:11 Oukka wrote: A cap won't be set so low that no one will care anymore. Its still going to be expensive, just not to the point where ton more people can no longer afford basic needs.Price caps are bad for various reasons, primarily that they remove the incentive for reducing electricity demand. This is one of those times where it would make much more sense just to hand out equivalent amount of money to the people / companies. Those who cannot reduce their consumption can just use the money to soften the hit a bit, those who can reduce their consumption will a) reduce their consumption, brining down the prices for everyone and b) be happy with some 'free' money. Nor are people that happy about handing billions of tax dollars to companies rolling in obscene profits because their cheaper power still gets expensive gas prices. (more then already happens with subsidizes). | ||
Netherlands6190 Posts
So far, Europe’s policymakers have responded to the energy cost surge mostly with broad-based, price-suppressing measures, including subsidies, tax cuts and price controls. But suppressing the pass-through to retail prices simply delays the needed adjustment to the energy shock by reducing incentives for households and businesses to conserve energy and enhance efficiency. It keeps global energy demand and prices higher than they would otherwise be. Moreover, the increasing cost of these measures is squeezing economies’ limited fiscal space as high prices persist. In many countries the cost will exceed 1.5 percent of economic output this year, mostly on account of broad price-suppressing measures. Targeted relief Policymakers should shift decisively away from broad-based measures to targeted relief policies, including income support for the most vulnerable. For example, fully offsetting the increase in the cost of living for the bottom 20 percent of households would cost governments 0.4 percent of GDP on average for the whole of 2022. It would cost 0.9 percent of GDP to fully compensate the bottom 40 percent. | ||
Finland1683 Posts
On September 07 2022 03:43 Gorsameth wrote: A cap won't be set so low that no one will care anymore. Its still going to be expensive, just not to the point where ton more people can no longer afford basic needs. Nor are people that happy about handing billions of tax dollars to companies rolling in obscene profits because their cheaper power still gets expensive gas prices. (more then already happens with subsidizes). Depends a lot on how the policy is implemented. If government buys market price energy and sells it onwards for less, as is the case in Spain/Portugal atm I think, you are just buying it on credit essentially. There'll be some redistributative effects and whatnot, but the cost aren't any less. And you do the whole thing where demand is induced from a different price than supply, which is bad. I somehow doubt you can compel the energy firms to sell their output for a lot less than they could get on the markets, especially in Western/Central Europe where there is a fairly decent connectivity. Nationalise the energy producers? Doesn't sound very likely to say the least. Plus you fuck with the exact profits we should be happy to incentivise, namely wind/water/nuclear, so that isn't exactly a good forward-looking solution either. Idk if Germany has anything concrete going around regarding price caps, but I remain sceptic about the concept. I do get that windfall tax type solutions into rebates/helicopter money (means tested or not) are likely more difficult to make work, but the economics are much more sound there. | ||
Poland5420 Posts You can see the "dead" soldiers get up at the end of the video, laughing. ;-) | ||
United States41117 Posts
Another soldier describing the artillery strikes. | ||
United States41117 Posts
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Deleted User 137586
7859 Posts
September 7 summary of the previous day - Ukraine's offensive is gaining momentum, and Russia has also lost the initiative in the Kharkiv region. Russia has not been able to launch a counter-campaign in Donbas, the attacks of the Russian army there are losing strength. However, there is still no reason to expect Ukraine's rapid success on all fronts. - In the direction of Kharkiv, Russian units were inactive, Russian units no longer have the upper hand in the artillery duel. - Yesterday, the Izyum grouping came under Ukrainian attack from the direction of Kharkiv (from the west), when Ukrainian troops invaded the city of Balakliia. This is the place from which the Russian units wanted to develop an offensive to capture the city of Kharkiv from the south. Although this offensive has no longer been realistic since the beginning of May, they have made this city their fortified stronghold so that a further advance westward is possible in the future. The Russian side generally knew that the Ukrainian side could launch an attack here, but yesterday's attack by Ukraine came unexpectedly anyway. Some Russian units have been surrounded here, some have fled, but the fighting in the city is still going on. Yesterday, the first real signs of panic in the leadership of the Russian side were noticeable here, when they began to blow up bridges in fear of a major Ukrainian attack. Even more important was the invasion of Ukrainian units into the settlement of Savyntsi east of Balakalija, which threatens to cut off the connections of the units still fighting in the latter town with the city of Izyum and the main part of the Russian units in the area. As mentioned earlier, the Ukrainian units in this area have good opportunities to develop the offensive, we hope that the attacks will continue. Although the Russian units attempted another small reconnaissance battle in the southern direction yesterday, the Izyum group obviously has its hands full with the redistribution of forces. In the bigger picture, the Russian command probably has few reserves in this area and must think about bringing troops from other directions. At the same time, some troops from this direction were moved to Donbas and the south only during the summer. The Ukrainian side will probably also seriously attack the occupied city of Kupyansk in the Russian rear and other targets in the rear, through which the main logistics of the Russian units pass. In a word - Ukraine has put up a visible threat to isolate the Izyum group. Even if Ukraine does not have the power to push further, the confusion in the leadership of the Russian side has been greatly increased. The Ukrainians have launched a serious carousel of attacks at various points, to which the Russian side has serious difficulties in responding. - In the direction of Kramatorsk/Siversk, the initiative has also gone to the Ukrainian forces. The Russian side was limited to artillery fire. The Ukrainian troops have penetrated two or three points across the Siversk Donets river (which the Russian side was unable to cross as far as I remember) and have also created a bridgehead that threatens to liberate the city of Lyman, which is an important logistics center. The coming days will tell if this is a misguided attack to distract the Russians, or if a more serious move forward will follow. The Russian side has not shown serious resistance. - In the direction of Bakhmut, Russian units continued their offensive attempts, but the Ukrainian defense has held - In Southern Donbas, Russian units continue their attacks in the western arc of Donetsk, but in a very narrow area and with decreasing intensity compared to a few weeks ago. - The southern front was limited to an artillery duel - In the Kherson region, Ukraine's dominance is increasing every day, but the resistance of the Russian army has not yet been broken, the battles are fierce. Ukraine has been able to steadily expand its bridgehead across the Ingulets River and is methodically moving towards the Dnieper. The danger of cutting the Russian force group in two is therefore constantly increasing. In addition, Ukraine has liberated individual settlements at other points along the front line. So - the attack has intensified every day. Attacks on military objects in the Russian rear occur every day, they are no longer counted. Russia can no longer supply its troops. They keep trying to build new pontoon bridges or barges, but the Ukrainian forces always destroy them at the right moment. Losses of Russian forces have increased over the past week and currently amount to one and a half battalion tactical groups per day. The Russian side has not been able to launch any effective countermeasures. Missile attacks on Ukrainian cities have also decreased, although they still happen from time to time and are very painful. Yesterday's visit to the Vostok exercise by the Russian president, defense minister and chief of the general staff visually showed somber people attempting to demonstrate their army's continued ability to produce reserves. It would take too long to describe what's going on here, but the exercise itself this year was about three or four times smaller compared to previous years. Today, however, one thing is certain - in Ukraine, Russia does not seem to have enough reserves to immediately stop the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Now it must be observed whether the Russian side will be able to do something and gather new reserves in the next two weeks. Much of the fuss around the 3rd Army Corps has so far remained largely an information operation. It is possible that Russia manages to gather some kind of supplementary force from all over Russia within the next weeks. + Show Spoiler + Original: 7. septembri kokkuvõte eelneva päeva kohta - Ukraina pealetung kogub hoogu, venemaa on kaotanud initsiatiivi lisaks ka Harkivi piirkonnas. Venemaa ei ole Donbasiis suutnud vastukampaaniat käivatada, sealsed vene armee rünnakud kaotavad jõudu. Siiski ei ole veel põhjust eeldada Ukraina kiiret edu kõikidel rinnitel. - Harkivi suunal olid vene üksused passiivsed, suurtükiduellis ei ole enam vene üksused ülekaalus. - Izjumi grupeering sattus eile Ukraina rünnaku alla Harkivi suunalt (lääne suunast), kui Ukraina väed tungisid Balakalija linna. Tegemist on kohaga, millest lähtuvalt soovisid vene üksused arendada pealetungi, et Harkovi linn lõunast ümber haarata. Kuiig see pealetung ei ole enam olnud realistlik mai kuu algusest saadik, on nad selle linna muutunud oma kindlustatud tugipunktiks, et tulevikus oleks läände edasitungimine võimalik. Vene pool üldiselt teadis, et Ukraina pool võiib siin rünnaku korraldada, aga ikkgai tuli Ukraina eilne pealetung ootamatult. Mingi osa vene üksustest on siin ümber piiratud, mingi osa põgenes, aga võitlused linnas veel jätkuvad. Siin olid eile märgatavad esimesed tõelised paanikamärgid vene poole juhtimises, kui asuti õhkima sildasid Ukraina suurema rünnaku kartuses. Veelgi olulisem oli Ukraina üksuste sissetung Savyntsi asulasse Balakalijast ida pool, millega ähvardatakse lõigata ära viimases linnas veel võitlevate üksuste ühendused Izjumi linna ja piirkonnas viibivate vene üksuste põhiosaga. Nagu varem mainitud, on antud piirkonnas Ukraina üksustel head võimalused pealetungi arendamiseks, loodame, et rünnakutega jätkatakse. Kuigi vene üksused üritasid eile veel ühe väikest luurelahingut lõunasuunal, on Izjumi grupil ilmsesti käed tööd täis vägede ümberjagamisega. Suuremas pildis on vene väejuhatusel ilmselt selles piirkonnas reserve napilt ja tuleb mõelda vägede toomisele teistelt suundadelt. Samas alles suve jooksul viidi siit suunalt osa vägesid Donbassi ja lõunasse. Ukraina pool hakkab ilmselt lisaks tõsiselt ründama okupeeritud Kupjanski linna vene tagalas ja teisi tagala sihtmärke, kustkaudu käib vene üksuste põhilogistika. Sõnaga - Ukraina on pannud püsti nähtava ähvarduse Izjumi grupeeringu isoleerimiseks. Isegi, kui Ukrainal praegu kaugemale peale tungida jõudu ei ole, on suurendatud oluliselt segadust vene poole juhtimises. Ukrainlased on pannud tööle tõsise karuselli rünnakutega erinevates punktides, millele vene poolel reageerimisega on tõsised raskusi. - Kramatorski/Siverski suunal on initsiatiiv läinud samuti Ukraina vägedele. Vene pool piirdus suurtükitulega. Ukraina väed on tunginud kahes-kolmes punktid üle Siverski Donetsi jõe (mida vene pool mäletatavsti üleatada ei suutnud) ka loonud sillapea, millega ähvardatakse vabastada Lõmani linn. Viimane on aga oluline logistikakeskus. Lähipäevad näitavad, kas see on siin eksitav rünnak vene tähelepanu hajutamiseks, või järgneb tõsisem edasi liikumine. Vene pool tõsist vastupanu ei ole osutanud. - Bahmuti suunal jätkasid vene üksused pealetungi katseid, aga Ukraina kaitse on pidanud - Lõuna-Donbassis jätkavad vene üksused rünnakuid Donetski läänekaares, aga võrreldes paari nädala tagusega väga kitsal alal ning langeva intensiivsusega. - Lõunarindel piirduti suurtükiduelliga - Hersoni piirkonnas kasvab Ukraina ülekaal iga päevaga, aga vene armee vastupanu ei ole veel murtud, lahingud on ägedad. Ukraina on suutnud pidevalt laiendada oma sillapead üle Inguletsi jõe ja liigub metoodiliselt Dnepri suunal. Oht vene väegrupi kaheks lõikamisel kasvab seega pidevalt. Lisaks on Ukraina üksikuid asulaid vabastanud ka muudes punktides kogu rindejoone ulatuses. Seega - pealetung on intnesiivistunud iga päev. Rünnakud vene tagala sõjalistele objektidele on igapäevased, neid ei loendata enam. Venemaa oma vägesid varustada enam ei suuda. Nad üritavad pidevalt uusi pontoonsildu või praame ehitada, kuid Ukraina väed hävitavad need alati sobival hetkel. Vene vägede kaotused on viimase nädalaga kasvanud ja ulatuvad praegu pooleteise pataljoni taktikalise grupini päevas. Mingeid toimivaid vastumeetmeid ei ole vene pool suutnud käivitada. Ka raketirünnakuid Ukraina linnadele on vähemaks jäänud, kuigi neid aeg ajalt õnnestub veel teha ja need on väga valusad. Eilne venemaa presidendi, kaitseministri ja kindralstaabi ülema õppuse Vostok külastus kõneles visuaalis mornide inimeste katsest demonstreerida oma armee jätkuvat võimekust reserve toota. Läheb pikaks arutada, aga õppus ise oli sellel aastal võrreldes eelnevate aastate mastaapidega ümbes kolm-heli korda väiksem. Täna on aga üks asi kindel - Ukrainas ei näi venemaal olevat piisavalt reserve, et Ukraina vastupealetung kohe seisma saada. Nüüd tuleb jälgida, kas järgneva kahe nädalaga suudab vene pool midagi ette võtta ja uusi reserve koondada. Palju kära 3. armeekorpuse ümber on seni jäänud suuresti infooperatsiooniks. Kui võimalik, et mõne nädala jooksul suudetakse mingit täiendus üle kogu venemaa siiski koondada. | ||
Russian Federation605 Posts
On September 07 2022 08:47 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Balaklyia close to being liberated by Ukraine, apparently Spetsnaz units have been encircled. To give some clarification - "Spetsnaz" is a very broad term regarding Russian forces. There are Army Special Operations units; there are Navy special units ("Underwater Diversion Forces and Means"), Russian Navy Seals basically; there is External Recoinassance Service special unit "Zaslon" ("Barrier") which is focused on operations in other countries (Syria and Iraq reportedly); there are Federal Security Bureau's special units ("Alpha", "Vympel", "Kavkaz", "Smerch" (Whirlwind)). which are focused on counter-terrorism actions. And, of course, there is Special Operations Forces Command, which is whole separate structure under General Staff supervision. But the ones that you mentioned being surrounded are not part of any of these. This area was mostly manned by mobilized LDPR troops and Rosgvardia units (since it was relatively quiet for the past few months). And these Spetsnaz units are SOBR (Spetsialniy Otryad Bystrogo Reagirovaniya, "Quick Response Special Group") - Russian equivalent of US SWAT, police special unit, part of Rosgvardia as of now. They have very sufficent armament for police operations (up to the BTRs), but not sufficent armament and training for combined arms warfare. The most recent reports are that AFU is bypassing Balakleya itself at the moment, moving north-east towards Shevchenkovo and engaging Russian reserves moving into the area. | ||
Germany6701 Posts
On September 07 2022 04:34 RvB wrote: The effect is still the same just less so. Price caps are terrible policy. The best solution to high prices are high prices. Price caps will only lead to shortages or require large government subsidies. Combined with cutting taxes it's very expensive. According to the IMF compensating the lowest 40% of incomes completely is cheaper than the current set of measures: You could probably do some caps for every type of energy so that the margin between generating and selling is about the same regardless if it's solar, coal or gas. This would incentivize investing further because you have basically guaranteed earnings. Fact is, something needs to happen because the prices right now will collapse the industry sooner rather than later. And if that happens, Germany is dead in the water. And just giving money to whomever needs it the most will be a drop in the bucket | ||
United States41117 Posts
Also a ammo depot in Mariupol has blown up according to Twitter but no pictures or video from what I can tell. | ||
Deleted User 137586
7859 Posts
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United States41117 Posts
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Finland43266 Posts
On September 06 2022 17:43 0x64 wrote: Do you know at what capacity % Olkiluoto 3 power plant is operating right now? Are they still in test phase? 0% afaik until nov-dec sadly. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 06 2022 17:39 Artesimo wrote: This is slightly offtopic, but wouldn't technically no one to be blamed for the energy prices, but rather its the result of the 'merit order' principle of how energy is traded within the EU? My understanding how it works is, that the most expensive energy production dictates the price for energy that you buy off the EU market, so any gas powerplant would cause the prices on the EU wide electricity market to go up. Feel free to correct me if my understanding of how merit order is implemented in the EU. So really, if you want to blame anyone, blame the EU + Show Spoiler + while also ignoring that, according to my understanding, on average the EU has lowered electricity prices overall and vastly improved the EU wide electricity grid and this is just exceptionally circumstances causing the system to work against us. But if I am not mistaken, there are plans to address this, and at least in some countries it is planned to take some of the energy producers winnings away again. Curiously, the announcement that we intend to do this in germany was preceded by a noticeable drop in our energy prices. Funny coincidence. Yes you are absolutely correct here, the countries that didn't do nuclear / cut it out are the "reason to blame" here. Like you can blame the war and Russia, but it's actually the stupidity of the countries (and most likely their green parties) who (have) neglected nuclear power in the 21st century. EDIT: From what i read in the news today, it's not a good idea, their "plans to address this". :D | ||
Germany537 Posts
On September 08 2022 02:04 raynpelikoneet wrote: Yes you are absolutely correct here, the countries that didn't do nuclear / cut it out are the "reason to blame" here. Like you can blame the war and Russia, but it's actually the stupidity of the countries (and most likely their green parties) who (have) neglected nuclear power in the 21st century. EDIT: From what i read in the news today, it's not a good idea, their "plans to address this". :D Since I don't want to derail the thread: its complicated. Here is some stuff to read up on, enjoy : D (I recommend reading the whole thing, but if you can't be bothered, chapter 'TECHNOLOGY COSTS' page 292 and onwards. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss any of this. | ||
United States41117 Posts
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Finland43266 Posts
On September 08 2022 03:41 Artesimo wrote: Since I don't want to derail the thread: its complicated. Here is some stuff to read up on, enjoy : D (I recommend reading the whole thing, but if you can't be bothered, chapter 'TECHNOLOGY COSTS' page 292 and onwards. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss any of this. I am sorry it's too much to read. ![]() | ||
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