On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
The way I see it, there's no way for GHG to beat omniscient alone. He would need help of other people, probably DeathnoteGuy, but would DeathnoteGuy trust someone who had 12750 opportunities to deceive him?
Money's on the omnicient guy, he looks the strongest in this game. The fifth guy power is weird and the hardest to predict how he would do.
As the omnicient guy i would spend 4 days to learn the other guys powers. then 6 days to know 1,2 and 5 name and where to ge ttheir pics add a random guy name/pic and send everything to the death note guy, maybe spending a day to know how to do it without leaving trace then ask how to kill kira without him being aware of it. aprox 2 weeks + courier delay
GHG doesn't necesarily have to relive the FIRST 3-days. He picks and chooses when that 3-day period starts. However, I believe his best course of action is to activate GH immediately.
Ultimately, I think this comes down to Omni vs GHG, as Omni is the only person able to realistically avoid GHG.
GHG spends 20-40 years learning the identities of each of the other 4 players. He doesn't need to kill them, just learn who they are, what they do etc. etc. - Killing them doesn't help until he can kill ALL of them within the 3 days.
I expect GHG to learn how the DN works. This is his best chance to get Omni, as he's likely to learn Omni's identity. Omni not only has to survive, he has to EVADE the GHG each day, or he's subject to death by the DN.
As for GHG getting the DN...he learns how to steal a fighter jet, smokes DN guy, steals the DN and kills everyone else using the DN. GG! (He has 100 years, I'm sure he'll figure out everyone's identity at some point, probably by baiting himself on the 3rd day a bunch of times)
This game comes down to whether or not Omni can evade GHG indefinitely. I don't think he can, and GHG will be able to succeed within the 3-day sequence, instantly becoming a god and ending his loop.
Guy 4 is the only one with a fail safe way of identifying the others. Guy 5 might have a ton of time but how the hell is he gonna ever going to find the others? It all depends on how obvious the trail is. Finding four people among 7 billion seems quite impossible unless you have the omniscient voice power.
day 1 -looks for picture of every president from countries that have a strong army in wikipedia, write their names in the notebook.(you can find their names and pictures on the internet).
-you can mind control then by writing something along the lines of: (insert president name) will call this phone (insert my phone number) and will obey every order I give to him till 23 days later when he dies from heart attack.
- ask the presidents to hide you in the safest hidden bunker in Britain, where you live, so you can get there in like 1-2 hours after the game began.
- while traveling to the bunker you start mind controlling every important people in the world, using a notebook, (you will also be on skype with all the presidents you control, asking for names and photos of important people in the army/intel).
-not only the others will still have to get the intel on "who are you", "where are you", they will also need the power to break your bunker after 1-2 hours passed and you get inside it.
- eventually you will have every country in the world looking for them, you also will have access to every person Identity, so once your worldwide intel find one suspect (they all leave signs that would be noticeable if someone were to look for them.), you only need his Identity (photo + name) and you can write his name in the death note, even if they manage to get fake Identities, the signs they left in their first year will point to their old Identities.
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. It might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
Wait one second, why would omni guy learn anything from GHG loop? That doesnt make sense at all. The only shot omni has vs GHG is asking in the right day where GHG is going to be in the next few hours. But he has a 1/3 shot of getting it right. Even less if GHG decides he kills all of them in the 4th morning or something.
As a GHG, I would use my power on the first day and start spying on my opponents. I'll try to find my opponent's names, then I'll try to locate the deathnote guy's notebook and write all the names on it. If I can't because I'm lacking some sort of magical power, I'll just learn hypnosis to make him write them on the notebook. It is very hard to know if this would work realistically because 100 years is very long but there will be 4 billions suspects to check. Anybody would probably go crazy during the process since you can't note anything and must rely on your memory the whole time, during 100 years...
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. I might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
if omni asks how to kill X guy, the voice could say something like: you shoot him....
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. I might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
if omni asks how to kill X guy, the voice could say something like: you shoot him....
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. I might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
if omni asks how to kill X guy, the voice could say something like: you shoot him....
Lol, that would be ironic.
Would "How to kill *that guy* for Dummies" be of use?
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. I might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
if omni asks how to kill X guy, the voice could say something like: you shoot him....
I think your idea with the DN guy has something worth discussing. But if the answer is basically useless, the whole point of the omni voice is void. the answer must be at least somehow useful or else we take a random generator and let luck decide if the answer is useful or not. I would, however like to point out that for the DN guy it is a race against the clock because I as the omni guy would go after him as #2 so he most likely would have 24-48h time to find omni guy.
Haha, I just found something really weird at clinical death.
One can "kill" someone for atleast 72 hours without really damaging him. Could the DN guy use his "heart attack" attack against someone who is already dead? :p
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. I might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
if omni asks how to kill X guy, the voice could say something like: you shoot him....
I think your idea with the DN guy has something worth discussing. But if the answer is basically useless, the whole point of the omni voice is void. the answer must be at least somehow useful or else we take a random generator and let luck decide if the answer is useful or not. I would, however like to point out that for the DN guy it is a race against the clock because I as the omni guy would go after him as #2 so he most likely would have 24-48h time to find omni guy.
the Omni can ask something like: day 1: what is the name of the 4 guys I need to kill to become a god. day 2: what is the address of where XXXXXX guy will be tomorrow at 10 o'clock day 3: plants bomb on location to explode at 10 o'clock
also, for the DN the thing is, you get inside the bunker in 2h max, you have a little army protecting you... there is no way a normal person can get trough a little army, you just need to resupply your army every 23 days because they die from heart attack....
On October 03 2012 04:59 Wyk wrote: Wait one second, why would omni guy learn anything from GHG loop? That doesnt make sense at all. The only shot omni has vs GHG is asking in the right day where GHG is going to be in the next few hours. But he has a 1/3 shot of getting it right. Even less if GHG decides he kills all of them in the 4th morning or something.
His day 1 question is always "What did I learn in the last time loop?" Even if nobody else knows what happened in the last loop, the omniscient voice can answer this question. Therefore, omni benefits from GHG's loop because everything he knew before gets imparted to him via this day 1 question (that he re-asks for a different answer in every time loop).
Effectively, this means that GHG doesn't gain any ground from the fact that time is looping, because omni gets to know whatever he knew before ALSO. Which means that omni will always be one step ahead of GHG by virtue of getting to ask questions on days 2 and 3.
omniscient guy wins this for sure imo. all he has to do is ask "where can i find person one in exactly 4 days time?"
after he gets his answer he plans the next two days by also asking what the best way to kill him is and how not to get caught. then travels on the third. kills on the fourth. seems ez idk. other guys are kinda fucked.
guy #4, figures out who and where the other 4 people are after 4 days. kills them perfectly because he knows how to do that.. saves groundhog guy for last.
On October 03 2012 04:56 rpgalon wrote: deathnote guy wins + Show Spoiler +
what to do:
day 1 -looks for picture of every president from countries that have a strong army in wikipedia, write their names in the notebook.(you can find their names and pictures on the internet).
-you can mind control then by writing something along the lines of: (insert president name) will call this phone (insert my phone number) and will obey every order I give to him till 23 days later when he dies from heart attack.
- ask the presidents to hide you in the safest hidden bunker in Britain, where you live, so you can get there in like 1-2 hours after the game began.
- while traveling to the bunker you start mind controlling every important people in the world, using a notebook, (you will also be on skype with all the presidents you control, asking for names and photos of important people in the army/intel).
-not only the others will still have to get the intel on "who are you", "where are you", they will also need the power to break your bunker after 1-2 hours passed and you get inside it.
- eventually you will have every country in the world looking for them, you also will have access to every person Identity, so once your worldwide intel find one suspect (they all leave signs that would be noticeable if someone were to look for them.), you only need his Identity (photo + name) and you can write his name in the death note, even if they manage to get fake Identities, the signs they left in their first year will point to their old Identities.
I think that the other players can anticipate this though upon the start of the game, as well as it not being super plausable. I don't think you'd be able to find a reasonable picture for every general/colonel in charge of military operations on the internet; just getting the President of the United States and say 20 high ranking military generals wouldn't be enough to get the ball rolling immediately on a manhunt. Snagging top people at the FBI, etc leads to same outcome in my eyes. Other observers are going to wonder what the hell is going on.
Plus people are going to wonder "what the fuck is going on" certainly within 5 hours of this happening.
And if anyone survives for 23 days then you better fucking believe "normal" people in the world will wonder what the hell is going on (since the people you control start to die, if you even had a plausable scenario to make things discrete that didn't just cause a massive international uproar, like having the US nuke japan to try to kill off the person located in japan).
For instance, teleport guy can teleport to a random location everyday for the first 30 days, each time returning for just mere seconds to the location he had to originally teleport from. Since there really isn't any motivation for teleport guy to do anything else (unless he is worried about the omniscient guy)
edit- you aren't going to be able to finish all 5, IMO, and the second 23 days ends up the whole world will go after you since they probably could track the skype call/someone knows you went to the bunker, etc. If you tried to do things more discretely you aren't going to be effective enough; I'm assuming you probably need to mind control at least ~5 people at a time to get anything accomplished, whether it's random hired assassins #1-5 or the President of the United states
On October 03 2012 04:14 Sbrubbles wrote: I assume the players can kill each other without being seen and in a single blow (headshot), otherwise time freeze guy would have the clear advantage (he'd be unkillable, except by the death note guy).
I think the first question has to be: can the players avoid the D1 GHG massacre/how would they do it, even if they knew 100% it was coming? It's tough to actually answer this, but I think time freeze guy is the only one who might be able to: he can use his 5 frozen hours to vanish completely (gather supplies, hide in the woods, steal a car that won't be reported in 3 days, or something). Teleporter guy is vulnerable to GHG because of his necessary "return" teleport (he can live, though, if he gives up his power, by teleporting to the middle of a jungle and not teleporting back). Death note guy has no chance and should die. Omniscient guy should die because even if his question saves him on D1, it can't be repeated, so he will be vulnerable days 2 or 3. Then time freeze would be up against a powerless (but VERY well prepared) GHG. Time freeze would probably win, but idk.
GHG needs a nerf . I fail to see a reason for him to not use his powers D1 and kill (at the very least) death note, teleporter and omniscient.
Because the omni guy simply can kill GHG with the question: "How do I kill GHG today without being caught." The fun thing is, that the answer may adapt to the behavior of GHG. Thus his 12000 tries would be worthless because omni guy can adapt to GHG but GHG would learn nothing from omni guy. most likely GHG would simply go insane because it would be sooooooooooo frustrating to try to battle omni guy with this question.
This would imply certain things: omni guy is quite rich (maybe has access to a plane and/or a hitman) omni guy didn't draw a fuckton of attention like winning 50 lotteries in a row (because of deathnote guy) omni guy sticks to the answer and doesn't try to alter it because the movie plot is shit he's retard.
Hmm, that makes sense, but that also mean that omni can kill anyone 100% every day, by asking that question, no?
pretty much, yes.
maybe teleport guy can escape him because he teleports to places unreachable within one day but i can hardly see him winning this except when he is suuuuuper cautious and overly intelligent. time freeze guy has to see the danger coming to freeze time which isn't hard to take care of, for example with a sniper rifle. deathnote guy seems to be the least dangerous unless he can figure out a way to guess the id of omni guy. or he searches a list with the richest ppl who got their money recently and randomly starts killing them. this would be a question of what these ppl did in the year of prep. if omni guy didn't hide well enough he might be killed by the deathnote guy and be forced to take the other ones with him.
In this case, I would say omni kills groundhog D1 and would kill everyone else 1 per day in the next 3 days. When he asks how to kill teleporter and time freeze, he should be able to do it, as long as it's possible, without them activating their powers, otherwise the voice would have said it was impossible to carry out the kill. I might come down to how fast the 3 of them can figure out who the omni is and kill him before D4.
In this scenario, I think omni should go after death note D2, since death note can just try to kill all lotery winners (or something) without actually leaving his house. Then time freeze and teleporter on D3 and D4.
if omni asks how to kill X guy, the voice could say something like: you shoot him....
I think your idea with the DN guy has something worth discussing. But if the answer is basically useless, the whole point of the omni voice is void. the answer must be at least somehow useful or else we take a random generator and let luck decide if the answer is useful or not. I would, however like to point out that for the DN guy it is a race against the clock because I as the omni guy would go after him as #2 so he most likely would have 24-48h time to find omni guy.
the Omni can ask something like: day 1: what is the name of the 4 guys I need to kill to become a god. day 2: what is the address of where XXXXXX guy will be tomorrow at 10 o'clock day 3: plants bomb on location to explode at 10 o'clock
the thing is, you get inside the bunker in 2h max, you have a little army protecting you...
I don't really need the name of the person to kill him The first question would always be: "how to kill GHG without being caught" because the more time you give him the more powerful he becomes. The faster you shut him down, the less time he has to obtain intel and pass it on to someone who might use it.
I would def. go after DN the second day because after you got the DN it's basically a free win. But omni guy wouldn't have to kill him directly. I mean, it would draw attention if you suddenly took over a lot of presidents and hid in a bunker. So you might find some means to open up the bunker because if you "took over" a lot of soldiers you will be weaker after 23 days.
Another option would be: How do i destroy the DN (without being caught)?
so in my opinion it comes down to if N°5 can figure out how to kill everyone else in 3 days, having 12k tries to figure it out. He basically has to do it on the first 3 days, as someone could bunker in (N°4 winning lottery multiple times, buying private highest security), and become unkillable, even in 3 days. There is no correct question that can keep N°4 perfectly safe from everything, there is a loophole in every single one. If he asks on how to not be harmed for the next 24 hours, he can still get killed by a harmless pill/injection that activates after 25 hours to kill him or similar stuff. And if he planned to kill N°5 and asks how to do it on Day 1 before getting killed himself, the answer will not be sufficient (as he can either obtain location, time or method of killing in one question, not all 3 at once). If he asks on how to not get found, there is still the possibility to get nuked by accident etc. Even if there was a question that would offer complete protection, he would need to use it every single day, as he does not know if the loop starts on that day. This would require him to use protection every single day, which will leave him dead after one year. So if he does play to win, he will either gamble on which days he needs protection, or go for full out attack, which will leave him open to N°5. The question "how to kill GHG without being caught" will not give you a detailed plan without flaw, but instead it will tell you "stab him before he stabs you" or similar stuff as the correct answer. Which does not help at all.
The other 3 guys are easy prey for N°5, as with 12k tries, if he is able to find them, he can anticipate their move and use their weakness against them, since if he has no significant impact on the others decision making in 3 days, they will do the same thing over and over. Plus, they have obvious weaknesses.
IF N°5 however cannot figure out how to kill everyone else in 3 days (for example, only kills 0-4 because someone was hiding somewhere), i think everyone else is fair game, since the answers for N°4 are not all-inclusive answers, and they are only valid for 24 hours (which leaves him with only 2 correct answers that are valid at the same time, if questions from two days overlap, when he needs to know location, time and method of killing). It does never fully protect him, nor will it ever be enough for a guaranteed kill.
The only guy who is truly pathetic is the teleporting one, as once he teleports out, he has to teleport back to the same spot, giving him the most obvious weakness. Plus, he will most likely not kill the freeze guy, since he cannot teleport-kill him (no teleporting into solid matter), and if he teleports anywhere near him, time freeze for 5 hours into easy kill.
Thus i conclude that guy N°5 has the first shot at killing everyone (and has to take it), and other than that, as long as everyone is smart enough to not stay at the same location for 24+ hours, it gets down to mostly luck and being aware of the surroundings. My money is on everyone dying due to there being more than one survivor if they are not stupid.