Man Korean LoL commentary is so hilarious. "MORGANA ULTI AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Makes the game so much better than it is, spectator wise.
And I've always wondered why foreign casters/commentators can't do the same.
that's gotta be some of the most exciting foreign e-sports commentary i've ever heard
you should watch some of his casts, Tobi Wan Kenobi's stream is featured on TL, go check it out especially during weekends when he streams more, he's honestly the best commentator that is as good as the korean MBC commentators.
On March 15 2012 01:58 jdsowa wrote: The reason why SC2 and WC3 are good spectator sports is because each side starts off with a small number of buildings and a small army, and gradually grows to this giant army and mass of tech structures and bases. You can follow the progress of the game, and when units die, they die.
With LoL, it's just the same characters for 40 minutes, running around. Nothing changes. I'm sure the game has depth for people who play it. I just can't watch it.
TBH I can't watch LoL either, though I enjoy watching Dota and Dota 2, but at the end of the day it's about the numbers. LoL has drawn huge crowds, and for tournament organizers that's what's talking. When Dota and LoL started being peddled as next gen. eSports these same issues were brought up about how MOBA games are bad spectator sports, but now that the numbers have come out organizers can no longer ignore it as an overhyped fad.
On March 15 2012 01:47 Xayoz wrote: Well. I certainly can't see the growing popularity of LoL as a bad thing. There will always be a crowd for rts and I do believe Starcraft will be the one rts for years to come.
Also, cant help to notice, there are people who honestly believe Dota2 will overtake LoL. Bwhaah!
Dota is not that big in US but it is huge in east europe, russia and china. It is likely that dota 2 will "overtake" lol in those areas, once the game is actually released.
dota 2 will not take over lol. dota 2 is far from being casual and casual is why so many people have played lol. most people who play lol have not played dota bro.
Totally agree
Dota 2 has the same gameplay that both HoN and DotA did very well in many years. The casual players need new gameplay, new MOBA to play
On March 15 2012 01:23 Juicyfruit wrote: Then you've just proven how difficult the game is, as the people who dedicated such a large portion of their time to a game havn't even begun to scratch the surface of optimizing their gameplay.
maybe if good people bothered with the game we would see a difference.
This is such a ridiculously elitist statement that I can't understand how you can say it without shooting yourself, but regardless, on one hand you think LoL is too easy, and yet you paradoxically say that there are no good players in it. An easy game is suppose to be easier to be "good" at. Sorry that argument doesn't fly.
There's no magical X factor that makes dota players better than LoL players. How good the players are is entirely dictated by the pressure of their competition. As soon as the top teams are being challenged, they will improve. Simple as that. To say that LoL is an easier game is ridiculous because as I said, there's no perfection to be achieved.
Whether or not a game is competitive is ENTIRELY determined by whether there are other players competing against you. It's such a simple concept to understand. Ever single competitive sports/game is competitive by the merit that there are people that are willing to challenge themselves in the context of the game or sports. The inherent difficulty of the task is irrelevant to how competitive a game is, because how good you are is ultimately still determined RELATIVELY to other players. Difficult challenges only serve to ENTICE players to challenge themselves, giving them a horizon which they have to overcome.
Consider two (poorly designed) games meant for competition
- The first game's mechanics require you to have over 1000 APM to do anything - The second game's goal is to draw as close to a perfect circle as you can.
The first game, by your definition, is by far more mechanically challenging, but is it a more competitive game? No.
As long as there's more players competing to become good at LoL, it'll be a competitive game. The medium in which they compete in is irrelevant so long as it's conducive to making obvious improvements and getting results. It's illogical to think otherwise.
To any other comments using words like "casual", just remember that no matter how hardcore you think you are, you are ALL casuals by some other people's standards. Get over yourselves.
I'm surprised that people are surprised that League of Legends is this popular. I've been saying this over and over for the past year and people deny it, but it's a damn popular game. Where I live, you can look at any Asian teenager and safely assume that they've at least heard of LoL from their Asian friends. DotA was pretty popular among my classmates back in high school, but a lot of them switched to LoL.
As an e-sport, I'm not a big fan of it anymore. The metagame has hardly changed ever since Fnatic wrecked Dreamhack 2011 with what was then seen as the "Eurometa." You don't see metagame shifts in LoL, rather, metagame "optimizations." Sounds stupid, I know, but what I mean is that the top players are just coming up with more optimal versions of the same general build (Chaox's AD Carry Wriggles build for example). On top of that, the game just isn't exciting (to me) because the winner of the game is usually determined during the first 15-25 minutes of the game.
The LoL community also seems to be more interested in the e-drama and Dyrus being a huehue troll rather than the actual game. Then again, the SC2 community isn't that much different.
Consider two (poorly designed) games meant for competition
- The first game's mechanics require you to have over 1000 APM to do anything - The second game's goal is to draw as close to a perfect circle as you can.
for one second i thought that u were talking about Starcraft BroodWar and Starcraft 2
I like how people are using "easy" as a complaint for LoL. For any PvP game that doesn't rely on luck, the difficulty of the game relies on how skilled the other players are. Also for a team game like LoL, theres a whole other aspect which is the team that isn't in SC2.
Personally I play a lot of SC2, more than LoL but I'm not even surprised at whats happening. SC2 is a horrible spectator experience for the most part other than a few matchups. Most matchups in the game rely on ball vs ball mechanics, and even after two years of gameplay that hasn't changed. At least LoL has some variety going with many viable champs and skirmishes throughout the entire map. BW > LoL > SC2 imo.
This is all because LoL is free. SC2 is the better game and better to watch but because people see the free to play tag they flock to LoL and become more interested.
Because SC2 is harder people also won't get discouraged and quit at LoL.
Consider two (poorly designed) games meant for competition
- The first game's mechanics require you to have over 1000 APM to do anything - The second game's goal is to draw as close to a perfect circle as you can.
for one second i thought that u were talking about Starcraft BroodWar and Starcraft 2
He is or should be, because thats pretty accurate. Starcraft 2 is jokes. more casual than LoL.
To be honest, SC2 is hard and I enjoy playing games with a certain degree of sophistication and beauty rather than easy, rather trashy games (like LoL) owned by money hungry corporations. When you have to pay for extra items the competitive communal nature of the game disappears and it turns into an e-casino or something along those lines.
Nowadays everyone just wants to ride the wave and tag along with whatever the current fad is.
don't get caught up in the senseless arguing! you'll lose yourself! thanks for recommending Tobi, I finally added dota2 streams to my sidebar, hoping to see his casts soon
And thats what happens when sc2 fails, however I find it exstremly odd that leuge of legends is #1 instead of bw, they are just two games with very diffrent skill caps. Maybe cuz the game is really old?
One thing is true though if starcraft 2 would have been harder on release date, it would have had a much higher chance of becoming very big in korea, especially if things were easy to see like in bw.
But sc2 would have only replaced bw when people got really tired of it and instead its leuge of legends :/
On March 15 2012 02:16 Royskopp wrote: To be honest, SC2 is hard and I enjoy playing games with a certain degree of sophistication and beauty rather than easy, rather trashy games (like LoL) owned by money hungry corporations. When you have to pay for extra items the competitive communal nature of the game disappears and it turns into an e-casino or something along those lines.
Nowadays everyone just wants to ride the wave and tag along with whatever the current fad is.
Consider two (poorly designed) games meant for competition
- The first game's mechanics require you to have over 1000 APM to do anything - The second game's goal is to draw as close to a perfect circle as you can.
for one second i thought that u were talking about Starcraft BroodWar and Starcraft 2