On December 31 2011 15:01 freeloader625 wrote: I don't understand why TL general forums are always tragic ass news about people getting hurt or dying horrific deaths. WTF is wrong with you people? Can't you post happier stuff?
I agree with this. I don't see why people post these sorts of things.
On December 31 2011 21:30 Sablar wrote: Hard to make out from this article what happened. Pretty horrible but regarding responsibility there are some holes, like what was the mother doing while watching him go for the roosters, was she trying to save the children herself or something else?
So sad thing but strange to assume that a newpaper is right about the whole rooster thing and what happened.
Yes, I agree that there appears to be more to this than the media tell, but unfortunately the truth doesn't sell quite as good as the a spiced up story.
Yeah, maybe the stairs were on fire and it wasn't reasonable for him to try to go up stairs to save his children. So easy for people to pass judgement without really knowing what happened.
Crowley once remarked concerning Bennett’s powers: Bennett had constructed a magical wand out of glass, which he carried with him. As it so happened, Crowley and Bennett were walking along one day and came across a group of theosophists who were ridiculing the use of wands. “Allan promptly produced his and blasted one of them. It took fourteen hours to restore the incredulous individual to the use of his mind and his muscles."
On January 01 2012 03:05 TheLOLas wrote: Jesus Christ. What the hell is the matter with the world. Two children die, just to save chickens. RIP.
Honestly, the thing that is the matter with this world is how many children he had in the first place. 13..? What the hell man. Children dying in a fire is obviously horrible, but in the grand scheme of things, population growth needs to be cut down. Sorry if I sound terrible, but chickens will never cause a global imbalance.
agree'd, I give props to china for allowing only 1 kid wish every other country would do the same (1-2 max)
South Korea has doing that for past 2 generations by choice (I don't know if I know anyone in my generation with more than 3 kids), now South Korea is in a crisis where the young can no longer support the elderly (thus the Nestea producing joke during GSL), population growth is a problem but undergrowth is a bigger issue.
Well regarding this issue, it's a fickle. I am pretty sure the man didn't save the chicken because he loved the chicken more. He probably saved the chicken because that was his only income and he needed to feed his family. Morally, I still think it is wrong, only because it would not be impossible to find another source of income.
It is very possible that due to the amount of kids he has, he honestly thought the older kids would have taken care of the younger ones. That's how it generally works in large households. It is also very possible that he needed those roosters to make an income. Sensationalist news i think
Wow I really don't know what to make of this. I'm sure the guy thought that his kids would somehow make it out alive and that the chickens were the only ones in danger. Also if he couldn't make it up to where his kids were without being extremely likely to die I can understand saving the chickens instead of just getting himself out and not saving anything.
if you ask me, this guy didnt logically weigh the different sides. Chicken was probably the first thing that came to his mind and he just went for it. I mean... this guy has 13 kids for fucks sake. I somehow doubt he has enough intelligence to shrewdly calculate that cock fighting will save more children in the long run. In fact, does the article mention if the cock fighting is his primary source of income? I find it hard to believe that its common for random people with a chicken to live off of cock fighting. Its more like a hobby.
Sad death for those children. May they rest in peace. But what is he doing with 13 children? :/. I don't want to be taken as some eugenicist, but I'm not going to lie, that's way too many. Not only that, but when you're poor, you're not going to be able to support many kids. However, when you're poor and do have a lot of kids to support, you're really, really screwing over yourself and most especially your kids. :S
I was hoping this would be a troll... I stopped reading after page 2 because of all the troll posts, Does anyone know how old the kids that were supposed to look after the deceased were?
On January 01 2012 12:58 gameguard wrote: if you ask me, this guy didnt logically weigh the different sides. Chicken was probably the first thing that came to his mind and he just went for it. I mean... this guy has 13 kids for fucks sake. I somehow doubt he has enough intelligence to shrewdly calculate that cock fighting will save more children in the long run. In fact, does the article mention if the cock fighting is his primary source of income? I find it hard to believe that its common for random people with a chicken to live off of cock fighting. Its more like a hobby.
Cockfighting is really big in the Philippines and its entirely possible for people to make a living off of it.