On September 15 2022 06:58 WombaT wrote:
Started my first programming gig, currently getting my arse kicked, in a good way. Been looking forward to getting stuck in.
It’s a (decently paid) work placement year as part of my degree program, I’m pretty damn likely to come back as a grad providing I’m not terrible. Full stack exposure too which I’m digging
The only current downside is so much of the company are enjoying the trappings of working from home, so I can’t just look over shoulders and get workflow inspiration
Was wondering if any of you folks had any utilities/workflow things you swear by. Anything of that kind really, quite a new beast for me.
We’re given pretty swanky Macs, which I’m quite digging as I’m pretty familiar with the platform. Currently having to tweak stuff in basic JS/React/Node and look at backend stuff in Go.
I’m getting by fine with the stock terminal/VS Code thus far, although if there was something more customisable than the stock terminal I’d happily adopt that. Or VS Code extensions
I’ve yet to familiarise myself enough with Vim to do anything but slow my workflow, but I will give it a full dedicated day or two and get on top of it, I do see the value in it long term
Thanks in advance
So, as far as workflows go this you'll have to discover on your own as you gain more experience. Different things work for different people. Some swear by Pomodoro Technique, some hate it. Some need to come to office to focus, some abhor it. For myself my preferred way of doing things is working from home (been at it for 6+ years now) and just being left to my own devices so I can split the work however I want/need to without much fixed hours (I'm always available for contact during standard business hours but I do most of my work outside of them).
The same thing with your workstation and such. I had to use a Mac for almost 2 years and I hated every second of it.
For the software vim is great to know for those times when you need to patch a few files here and there but it's not great for working with bigger projects. IMO if you're working with anything that requires a framework and is larger than 10 files it's best to just grab an IDE as it'll save you a ton of time even if you're only using the most basic features (ctrl+click opening the file where a class/method is defined, searching through project and 3rd party libraries etc.).
I would still learn vim though as it's quite indispensable for patching up some files on remote servers etc.
For IDE my personal favorite for many years now has been IntelliJ. Being able to view, edit and set breakpoints in dependency libraries easily is great help for debugging, having your db hooked up to it and being able to view the tables and execute queries from within the IDE (with table and column name completion and SQL hints no less) is also a very nice feature.