A few years ago, we saw the impact that 'oligarchs' had on the nullsec metagame, when Red Overlord had SerLordex spend a hundred thousand dollars on Eve Online, A Bad Game.
Our first patient is SirLordex, an aluminium magnate of Russian extraction. His existence was only a rumor among the English-speaking population of EVE for many months; he was alleged to have bankrolled his own alliance, RED.OVERLORD, in a quest to seize the region of Feythabolis from its previous owner Goonswarm; it was hinted that he was spending thousands of dollars to purchase isk in bulk from eBay, and that with this money he had purchased five Titans, a number of motherships, and innumerable control towers. The money was eventually traced by CCP those Titans and characters vanished in a mass banning, but evidence of the true extent of SirLordex's habit of spending money on EVE only recently came to light- apparently he's started pumping money into the PLEX system and has singlehandedly crashed the market, driving the in-game price down steeply. You too can watch the madness here, keeping in mind that one PLEX is worth $34.99. How many games do you know of where someone spends over $100,000 on spaceships and brags about it? In SerLordex's own words:
"Listen, calm down. Everyone here understands that ROL didn't sell a single isk on Ebay. Originally, I put in about 50K cash (buying isk, chars and 5 titans + a ton of motherships) from your ratting me out to the GM's (RA's directors = rats, admit it). All of this got banned under the pretext of an exploit that we never used (GM's couldn't prove that I bought isk for RL cash, but I couldn't prove that the isk was legal, either). After that, I bought a ton of timecards from legitimate dealers and, at the moment, have sold more than 1 trillion isk's worth (GM's have confirmed that they know about this and decided that I'm not breaking any rules), bought another five titans, two [more? this is unclear] are still building, and I'm also financing new corps that are coming in. I'll have no problems with [continuing to fund] any of this. So let's not have any dirt thrown around, because if anyone is selling isk here, it's you, and since I know all the gray market dealers I'm going to sell you to CCP at the first opportunity - the next ban is on you."
This shit is just hilarious in terms of this "riot" thing going on.
Apparently one of the biggest trade hubs (Jita I think?) is being shut down by tens of thousands of players firing on a monument thing that's invincible. Players are buying shit out of the auction house thing and putting it up for 100x the price and destroying the economy all around. Concord had to be disabled because the massive number of ships that would be sent to deal with the 'rioting' would simply destroy the server.
This is glorious. One day I'm considering this game, the next I'm laughing my ass off a the CEO basically says "Fuck the customers" and it turns into Pay 2 Win and an item shop just about as stupid as the TF2 Hat Store.
EDIT: For those who have not seen the original newsletter that started this shitstorm:
EDIT 2: Apparently some really famous guy called HELICITY BOSON got perma banned along with all his alts for voicing his opinion on this. Pretty lulzy.
Since when did Eve turn pay 2 win, as far as Im concerned the monocle doesnt make my opponents win....
You can see that something is wrong with all this shitstorm when even total outsiders that dont know jackshit come and comment just based on what theyve read of the totally biased opinion of some people.
I always thought that a basic thing that you should possess before commenting is some knowledge of what youre about to comment on (and when I say comment what I really want to say is condemn)...
Mitannis post was okay, I personnally doubt CCP would go as far as selling ''i-win-buttons'', if they did id be totally against, but as far as im concerned I dont know why id come to such a conclusion over a single newsletter expressing opinions on how it should be considered to sell items for aurums because it could be a good income source... nothing too surprising here.
On June 26 2011 13:28 TurpinOS wrote: Since when did Eve turn pay 2 win, as far as Im concerned the monocle doesnt make my opponents win....
You can see that something is wrong with all this shitstorm when even total outsiders that dont know jackshit come and comment just based on what theyve read of the totally biased opinion of some people.
I'll post it for the second time, just for you.
Pardon me if this is somehow not Pay to Win.
I may be an "outsider", but I can tell a shitstorm from a mile away and this is definitely quite the shit storm. And when a CEO sends an email out that is basically saying "Fuck the players, they are just whining and won't do anything anyways about this.", how do you not expect a shit storm like this to arise?
EDIT: If I am missing anything, please inform me. I am more than willing to back down, but from what I've seen -- it does not look good for CCP.
Ok, maybe I wasnt 100% clear when I said it would be a good idea for you to read the document.
One such convention is of special importance to us: cyclical consumption. In EVE, the monthly subscription takes care of this. With no subscriptions in DUST we must be careful about selling permanent awesomeness...
That is from the paragraph immediately preceding the one you have shown. Incidentlly the section is titled "DUST: fighting wars with perseverance and real money"
You see how having a clue helps?
CCP has behaved stupidly, but frankly the issue(s) is(are) more complex and difficult to address than I can be bothered to go into, or think about, for the sake of a game.
One such convention is of special importance to us: cyclical consumption. In EVE, the monthly subscription takes care of this. With no subscriptions in DUST we must be careful about selling permanent awesomeness...
That is from the paragraph immediately preceding the one you have shown. Incidentlly the section is titled "DUST: fighting wars with perseverance and real money"
You see how having a clue helps?
CCP has behaved stupidly, but frankly the issue(s) is(are) more complex and difficult to address than I can be bothered to go into, or think about, for the sake of a game.
Well, I'm approaching this matter the same way I approached the Dragon Age 2 fiasco. The actual issue is very minor and very forgivable. The way they (CCP in this case) seems to be handling the community response and the issues are creating more issues than fixing.
As in, completely ignoring and not responding to this outcry, basically saying to the customers that they don't care about their opinion (See: The Email from the CEO), and banning popular and important members of the community for expressing their negative opinion.
Also, having every post in this condescending tone does not help anyone agree with you.
I'm more than willing to say, "Hey, CCP is in the right here." or "I overreacted" -- but all I see are cash shops and unnecessary greed, community outroar and a company not giving a fuck.
On June 26 2011 13:28 TurpinOS wrote: Since when did Eve turn pay 2 win, as far as Im concerned the monocle doesnt make my opponents win....
You can see that something is wrong with all this shitstorm when even total outsiders that dont know jackshit come and comment just based on what theyve read of the totally biased opinion of some people.
I'll post it for the second time, just for you.
Pardon me if this is somehow not Pay to Win.
I may be an "outsider", but I can tell a shitstorm from a mile away and this is definitely quite the shit storm. And when a CEO sends an email out that is basically saying "Fuck the players, they are just whining and won't do anything anyways about this.", how do you not expect a shit storm like this to arise?
EDIT: If I am missing anything, please inform me. I am more than willing to back down, but from what I've seen -- it does not look good for CCP.
Yeah Im sorry, you still havent shown me how Eve turned pay 2 win, all I see is the comment of a CCP employee on how this could be an idea to generate money. But feel free to register and buy this item that will make you win...
Theres also an incredible difference between selling well priced faction ammo and selling 5m isk titans.
On June 26 2011 13:00 Fruscainte wrote: This shit is just hilarious in terms of this "riot" thing going on.
Apparently one of the biggest trade hubs (Jita I think?) is being shut down by tens of thousands of players firing on a monument thing that's invincible. Players are buying shit out of the auction house thing and putting it up for 100x the price and destroying the economy all around. Concord had to be disabled because the massive number of ships that would be sent to deal with the 'rioting' would simply destroy the server.
This is glorious. One day I'm considering this game, the next I'm laughing my ass off a the CEO basically says "Fuck the customers" and it turns into Pay 2 Win and an item shop just about as stupid as the TF2 Hat Store.
EDIT: For those who have not seen the original newsletter that started this shitstorm:
EDIT 2: Apparently some really famous guy called HELICITY BOSON got perma banned along with all his alts for voicing his opinion on this. Pretty lulzy.
I er, guess ill clarify. Busy trade hubs usually have a cap on how many people can autopilot into the system to prevent over loads. The protesters in question went to jita during peak hours and 'clogged' meaning took up space for a while. They didn't crash the node, and most of the 'lag' had to do with their shitty comps not being able to keep up with the on screen data.
In other words they were annoying and didnt have a tenth of what they said they had protesting. They just sat and spammed and shot at the monument. Then when no one cared they started making videos and claiming on eve websites that ccp had turned off concord and were using the navy ships to shoot at the protesters.
As far as MT goes eve has had legitimate micro transactions for years, however most of the player base has difficulties thinking while continuing life sustaining activities like eating, walking, and breathing. 10 minutes on the fitting website battle clinic can prove this.
Helicity Boson, is also a huge troll and sometimes trolls get banned for being trolls. Being an eFamous troll doesnt make you immune.
From what is realistically gathered some 300 people are claiming to have canceled their subs. Most of which probly arent because this is what happens every time eve has an update.
Well the big picture is the ship we killed, and how it was fitted (what mods were attached etc). On the bottom left it shows the pilots who killed him, and how much damage they did. The stuff on the top right ish is the ships stat that we killed. The item list is a combination of the stuff it had equip plus cargo hold, green stuff is what dropped (not everything drops).
Helicity was banned for some kind of real life "I hope the senior producer dies a slow and painful death remark/s". As much as I'm dissastidfied with eve currently I think the ban was warranted.
The rest of the stuff above (10's of thousands) shooting a monument is rubbish. The listing stuff higher, how would that crash the exonomy? Also rubbish. Big shitstorm? True.
On June 26 2011 13:00 Fruscainte wrote: This shit is just hilarious in terms of this "riot" thing going on.
Apparently one of the biggest trade hubs (Jita I think?) is being shut down by tens of thousands of players firing on a monument thing that's invincible. Players are buying shit out of the auction house thing and putting it up for 100x the price and destroying the economy all around. Concord had to be disabled because the massive number of ships that would be sent to deal with the 'rioting' would simply destroy the server.
This is glorious. One day I'm considering this game, the next I'm laughing my ass off a the CEO basically says "Fuck the customers" and it turns into Pay 2 Win and an item shop just about as stupid as the TF2 Hat Store.
EDIT: For those who have not seen the original newsletter that started this shitstorm:
EDIT 2: Apparently some really famous guy called HELICITY BOSON got perma banned along with all his alts for voicing his opinion on this. Pretty lulzy.
I er, guess ill clarify. Busy trade hubs usually have a cap on how many people can autopilot into the system to prevent over loads. The protesters in question went to jita during peak hours and 'clogged' meaning took up space for a while. They didn't crash the node, and most of the 'lag' had to do with their shitty comps not being able to keep up with the on screen data.
In other words they were annoying and didnt have a tenth of what they said they had protesting. They just sat and spammed and shot at the monument. Then when no one cared they started making videos and claiming on eve websites that ccp had turned off concord and were using the navy ships to shoot at the protesters.
As far as MT goes eve has had legitimate micro transactions for years, however most of the player base has difficulties thinking while continuing life sustaining activities like eating, walking, and breathing. 10 minutes on the fitting website battle clinic can prove this.
Helicity Boson, is also a huge troll and sometimes trolls get banned for being trolls. Being an eFamous troll doesnt make you immune.
From what is realistically gathered some 300 people are claiming to have canceled their subs. Most of which probly arent because this is what happens every time eve has an update.
On June 26 2011 15:41 Froadac wrote: ^ How do you check a killmail. I see all the items around the rim. Are those all loot, or salvage or?
The big circle is the stuff fitted onto the ship (weapons, equipment etc). Below that is a list of the pilots who killed the said ship (I'm the guy in the drake!). And to the right of the pilot list is the item list. That's basically it! Once you get a feel for the game reading the killmails will be a lot easier. Hope that helps.
On June 26 2011 15:48 Pufftrees wrote: Happy to probe your first kill Ka'el <3
Woot thanks. Now all we need to do is find a missioning mrym with 2x gistii type A armor reps or something to top uber's kill.
Took me 40-50 losses but I"m back in diamond now. Its time to learn terran. In other news, bitter vet disease is bad, especially with nothing to be bitter at except at IP provider, though I suppose with this fiasco I'm not missing out on much.