I really fail to see how Eve Uni is such a good place to start. They have a ''stay docked at all time policy during war'', the only thing they teach you about pvp is that ''if you have 26 time their numbers then youre okay to shoot'', they dont provide you with any ressources for starters except free ships (its nice but lets face it, whats free rifters compared to the hatchery giving you FREE SALVOG, and around 250mil when you subscribe, on top of free ships). Sure, on first hand Eve uni sounds like a good concept, but I really think the implementation is not the best.
Im not trying to tell you to join the hatch, thats really a personnal choice, if you go with it I cant promise a fluffy pink rainbowy begginning in eve like the one youd have with e-uni, but im pretty sure youd learn way more (learning the hard way best way).
On an unrelated note, im back, and I missed you widders <3
As for happy, sucks to see you leave like that, I really did enjoy the dumb roams we would go on together and your damn blackbird sure saved my life a handful of times. I wish you good luck in life with your fiancee.
On February 21 2011 22:23 Firebolt145 wrote:I'm never buying another dram for a long long time 
WHATTTTTT Drams never die, Es number 1 ship. huehuehue.
Big post incoming. Epic Lulz will probably follow. EDIT: This was my Boeing 747th post. And it sure is a Boeing 747.
What just happened: I stole well over 2billion of assets from a corporation that I had been a member of for only 7 days. PewPewLaser is rich again.
Corp info: Corporation was a hi-sec care-bear corporation which on many occasions grouped up to run L4 missions. They were recruiting for pve players and I had been browsing the recruitment chat channel for some time (Havent gotten a response from kwark about the Hatchery), saw their add and decided to talk to the guy. Long story short I joined the core and two days later they found an abandoned C3 wormhole and set up to move into it. Two days after I joined the core I was now in the wormhole running sites with them. I did most of the work, running 4 of them solo and killing the other 15 or so fleet'd AND being the only one salvaging (They lazied off and afk'd until it was salvaged). I had purely honest intentions, I did not skimp ribbons off the top, I was liking the hole and I was comfortable with the people I was with. During this time I sat on vent and talked etc. I believe they had full trust in me.
Why did I do it: Not really for the isk, but sure, this is a good haul. I would like to say a specific decision made by the cores leadership is what drew me to making this theft. Story goes, We had a newer pilot who had flown into the wormhole with the rest of us (about 11 or 12 people). He had a drake and ran the anomalies with us, he was definitely a newer player. Apparently the corporation had just a little bit of bad blood with him, him being a little arrogant and opinionated. He ended up losing a Badger Mark 1 while going to pick up gas at a ladar site, and went afk in a second badger after picking up some ore (The day before he had hauled ore without question for nearly 6 hours). The corp deemed this absolutely too far, because a badger was worth more than what this guy had put into the corp (laugh, he hauled over 600,000M3 of ore himself). While he was afk the corp had the players bump him out of the POS shields and get on the killmail (one player shot his whole set of 7launchers and killed the guys ship). They even went as far to warp scram/use 1 drone to get on killmail. I didnt like this, I mean seriously this guy has put probably 100mil into the corp wallet, and you're just going to pop him over a trivial reason. I played along.
killmail showing 1hit to get on killmail fail + Show Spoiler +http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/killmail.php?id=12587713 (Note me on there with a shot from an armageddon, I didnt particularly like it but at the time I had to do it)
The kicker, the guy had a full set of crystal implants and they knew it. To me, he had done more work than any of the core except myself in this wormhole (and one other individual "omgosh"). he worked it hard (Hauled for 6 hours!). He had brought his only clone with implants, his drake with a full set of arbies, and worked for the corps isk. They podded him for some trivial reason and he trusted them. Seriously, pirate corps have more integrity than this.
The lmao pvp first pod kill experience KM + Show Spoiler + The corp was so happy at their first pod kill. They got all giggly on vent and all of them sent the podded pilot an eve mail, In the subject line they put "EVE" In the message box they wrote "Welcome to it" Like seriously? I would atleast trust the corp i'm apart of to have standards, he put time and effort into making this wh work and he was rewarded with a pod kill and hate mail.
The steal: Hour and a half till downtime most of the corp logs off. One afk player in the POS in a coveter. A few hours earlier I had found that the wormholes original Hi-Sec exit had closed and scanned down the new high sec exit (The c3 had a dedicated high sec entrance). to kick it off earlier in the day another corporation had flown in and set up a True Sansha POS right under this corps nose. They are assosciated with AAA and have a serious large corp. I know that this small corp of carebears wont make it in this WH with that competetition as they are basically hiding in a C3 wormhole to avoid a wardec they have going on. I take my two ships to Amarr, and come back to the WH in my pod. I grabbed ship by ship till around 30 minutes from downtime. Problem 1, a player logged in. I informed him that a new exit had opened, and he told me he wanted to leave the WH anyways. Epic win. Short story, until after downtime no one knew what was happening. One of the higher ups logged on 5 minutes before downtime and saw me pop in a drake and warp off. He did not know what was happening though, since I had said I would be bringing in a drake myself soon.
Finally got caught after I had grabbed the second ship after downtime. During the next conversations I was still flying into the pos and grabbing a ship. There was absolutely nothing these two players could do about it, neither one of them had control of the pos, nor did they have control of corporation standings.
First bit of chat + Show Spoiler +
[11:26:10] Zavhoz29 just stealing all the ships are ya? [11:33:37] Zavhoz29 just tell me why amigo, all I want to know [11:33:51] PewPewLaser how much does a crystal set cost? [11:34:21] Zavhoz29 no clue, never bought one [11:34:24] Zavhoz29 why? [11:35:15] Zavhoz29 oh, let me guess, you and symbiotic have a relationship? [11:35:28] PewPewLaser No [11:35:44] Zavhoz29 so you are stealing to fund a crystal set? [11:35:49] PewPewLaser wrong [11:35:53] PewPewLaser I dont need the isk [11:36:03] Zavhoz29 what do you need? [11:36:14] PewPewLaser nothing [11:36:27] Zavhoz29 so thi si sfor shits and giggles then? [11:36:32] PewPewLaser It's the point that counts [11:36:38] PewPewLaser symb put his trust in this corp [11:36:38] Zavhoz29 what point? [11:36:43] PewPewLaser he brought everything he had [11:36:49] PewPewLaser he trusted you people [11:37:01] PewPewLaser and for a corp that relies wholly on trust to protect itself [11:37:16] PewPewLaser and has broken trust like that, to the extreme of that, deserves some retaliation [11:37:36] PewPewLaser Eve. [11:37:38] PewPewLaser Welcome to it. (This last line was the kicker)
Continuing, after found out, 20 minutes after this original conversation + Show Spoiler +[12:00:35] PewPewLaser im almost done [12:00:56] Zavhoz29 well, by all means, what else are you taking? [12:01:28] PewPewLaser might log onto my alt and grab those haulers [12:01:54] Zavhoz29 so you are not content with just the combat ships? [12:02:19] PewPewLaser well if 3 hulks are gone [12:02:32] Zavhoz29 i'd say you 've taken about a bil or more worth of ships at this point [12:02:49] PewPewLaser help me bump the tengu out of the shields plz [12:03:05] Zavhoz29 lol [12:04:27] PewPewLaser ill pay you 100mil if you pop it [12:04:40] Zavhoz29 don;t think so mate [12:04:45] PewPewLaser worth a shot [12:04:46] PewPewLaser o7 (The 1bil is quite off, I already had 4 hulks in a hanger on my alt, that an a faction gyrostab puts it at nearly 1bil)
After finishing grabbing almost everything I could, I warped in with the megas pve fit and jumped through the wh, a harb and drake were at the gate but the fail pve fit that the mega had couldnt break their tank for shit, I jumped through the WH back into high sec. Turns out 5 or 10 minutes later one of them warped through the WH and it collapsed. He now has to wait for one of the players in the WH to scan down the new entrance with a ship he probably doesnt have anymore just to get back into the WH.
This is the end of the conversation in corp chat: + Show Spoiler +[13:03:55] PewPewLaser man 3 of these drakes have full racks of arbies [13:04:01] PewPewLaser o\ [13:04:45] PewPewLaser anyways gl in the future [13:04:46] PewPewLaser im out [13:04:53] Zavhoz29 fuck off
Well now that you have probably not read half of this, blow are pics of my haul. all of these modules and ships were stolen, I had never been to this station nor had any assets in it AFAIK in the past. I had to use an alt to steal the industry ships.
+ Show Spoiler +
I'm assuming I'll get a slew of hatemail when everyone logs on. Looking for a new corp right now. Missing GC, and I did like WH. Eve is a place where people do not forgive, IMO the corp got whats coming to them, thoughts?
Hah, well played.
(Want to firesale the Arbalests to me? :D )
On February 21 2011 18:58 Firebolt145 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 18:13 Widdershins wrote:On February 21 2011 10:39 Bouo wrote: Long time lurker of TL here, was looking at EVE online to satisfy my growing MMO cravings, have played WoW, FFXI,FFXIV,Guild Wars, and pretty much everything inbetween, do you think EVE would be a good one to try out, how helpful is the community with helping newbies out? EVE is harsh, difficult, and extremely complicated. You will find it is of a very different class than these other games. The community is alternately helpful, giving bad advice because they don't know better, ignoring you, and taking advantage of your ignorance. I recommend joining a group like EVE University; they have a history of doing an excellent job introducing people to the game. edit: I recommend joining a channel like Help > Adoptions and asking questions about the game there; you are also free to convo me whenever I'm on and I'll do what I can to answer questions and help out. Pretty much what he said. But I'll add - if you can deal with british rants then come over to the Hatchery. If not, well, Eve Uni is a start. Though IIRC they only take you in if you have more than 2m skillpoints or something? EDIT: Oh nvm Show nested quote +The only thing we ask is that you have finished Eve's introductory tutorial and follow-on missions. Yeah, they just don't want to go through the pain of dealing with people who want you to walk them through every little thing to do from the very beginning of the game.
On February 21 2011 18:23 Jombozeus wrote: Or alternatively you can join the Hatchery, I mean, isn't that what this threads for? From the various starting corporations I've been associated with/observed over the years, I wouldn't especially recommend The Hatchery as a starting corporation. As Firebolt mentioned, there are certain things you have to learn to deal with, and some of them are very trying and not really desirable. However, if you really feel a need to be in a corporation that specifically caters to strong camaraderie with other Team Liquid members, then I'm sure it's fine.
Hyrule18977 Posts
Phayze, I'd be happy to buy a couple Drakes off you if I can get them at a good price
I would recommend that new liquid members join the hatchery. Also feel free to ignore some of widders "points" since he is currently at war with us in Eve. The amount free stuff we can offer is great for new players.
Good job phayze. My ninja alts are currently in the building trust mode so soon there will be some free stuff moving at the hatchery.
On February 22 2011 00:14 Widdershins wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 18:58 Firebolt145 wrote:On February 21 2011 18:13 Widdershins wrote:On February 21 2011 10:39 Bouo wrote: Long time lurker of TL here, was looking at EVE online to satisfy my growing MMO cravings, have played WoW, FFXI,FFXIV,Guild Wars, and pretty much everything inbetween, do you think EVE would be a good one to try out, how helpful is the community with helping newbies out? EVE is harsh, difficult, and extremely complicated. You will find it is of a very different class than these other games. The community is alternately helpful, giving bad advice because they don't know better, ignoring you, and taking advantage of your ignorance. I recommend joining a group like EVE University; they have a history of doing an excellent job introducing people to the game. edit: I recommend joining a channel like Help > Adoptions and asking questions about the game there; you are also free to convo me whenever I'm on and I'll do what I can to answer questions and help out. Pretty much what he said. But I'll add - if you can deal with british rants then come over to the Hatchery. If not, well, Eve Uni is a start. Though IIRC they only take you in if you have more than 2m skillpoints or something? EDIT: Oh nvm The only thing we ask is that you have finished Eve's introductory tutorial and follow-on missions. Yeah, they just don't want to go through the pain of dealing with people who want you to walk them through every little thing to do from the very beginning of the game. Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 18:23 Jombozeus wrote: Or alternatively you can join the Hatchery, I mean, isn't that what this threads for? From the various starting corporations I've been associated with/observed over the years, I wouldn't especially recommend The Hatchery as a starting corporation. As Firebolt mentioned, there are certain things you have to learn to deal with, and some of them are very trying and not really desirable. However, if you really feel a need to be in a corporation that specifically caters to strong camaraderie with other Team Liquid members, then I'm sure it's fine.
Now, I really feel like saying some things, but I figure that If I tell you anything youre gonna act like every single time (AkA ''hey ill go insult that corps leadership on their own forums, and then when they answer back to me, I will act as if im the poor guy that hasnt done anything'').
So, instead of using explicit words, I will kindly point you towards the exit, which should be around the top right corner of your screen.
(Please let me kindly add you that you are not ''affiliated'' or ''observing'' us in any way.
United States41985 Posts
Yeah, for the record Widders is actively trying to destroy the hatchery. He is not a tler, he is an eve griefer who found tl through his efforts to grief us. With that in mind you should take his "please don't join them" as an endorsement of us. Also he's not a member of the hatchery and has 0 experience of how we work. People who are members endorse us.
On February 22 2011 00:14 Widdershins wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 18:58 Firebolt145 wrote:On February 21 2011 18:13 Widdershins wrote:On February 21 2011 10:39 Bouo wrote: Long time lurker of TL here, was looking at EVE online to satisfy my growing MMO cravings, have played WoW, FFXI,FFXIV,Guild Wars, and pretty much everything inbetween, do you think EVE would be a good one to try out, how helpful is the community with helping newbies out? EVE is harsh, difficult, and extremely complicated. You will find it is of a very different class than these other games. The community is alternately helpful, giving bad advice because they don't know better, ignoring you, and taking advantage of your ignorance. I recommend joining a group like EVE University; they have a history of doing an excellent job introducing people to the game. edit: I recommend joining a channel like Help > Adoptions and asking questions about the game there; you are also free to convo me whenever I'm on and I'll do what I can to answer questions and help out. Pretty much what he said. But I'll add - if you can deal with british rants then come over to the Hatchery. If not, well, Eve Uni is a start. Though IIRC they only take you in if you have more than 2m skillpoints or something? EDIT: Oh nvm The only thing we ask is that you have finished Eve's introductory tutorial and follow-on missions. Yeah, they just don't want to go through the pain of dealing with people who want you to walk them through every little thing to do from the very beginning of the game. Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 18:23 Jombozeus wrote: Or alternatively you can join the Hatchery, I mean, isn't that what this threads for? From the various starting corporations I've been associated with/observed over the years, I wouldn't especially recommend The Hatchery as a starting corporation. As Firebolt mentioned, there are certain things you have to learn to deal with, and some of them are very trying and not really desirable. However, if you really feel a need to be in a corporation that specifically caters to strong camaraderie with other Team Liquid members, then I'm sure it's fine.
As a newer Hatchery member i'd probably reccomend the corp as a decent starting place. You will be told what you're doing wrong, and may be lightly ridiculed for it, but if you have any sense of humour you will just go along with it and learn more from your mistake than you would otherwise.You won't have your hand held through the game, and it's encouraged to find information out on your own (Improving your research skills, a very useful skill toi have). However, those times when you need help from in corp, there's usually a few people willing to help you out with whatever's needed.
If you add in the 250m sub-bonus and the mentor help it becomes better than most options i can think of.
On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: I really fail to see how Eve Uni is such a good place to start. They have a ''stay docked at all time policy during war'' No, they just have a "be careful and don't lose ships like an idiot while missioning" policy.
On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: the only thing they teach you about pvp is that ''if you have 26 time their numbers then youre okay to shoot'' No, they teach all the good basics of PVP, including some that are markedly absent from 9pool's repertoire, and if you have good skills and can organize stuff yourself it's totally fine to fight with reasonable numbers with them.
On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: they dont provide you with any ressources for starters except free ships (its nice but lets face it, whats free rifters compared to the hatchery giving you FREE SALVOG, and around 250mil when you subscribe, on top of free ships). They give you free ships, they do have people who mission high level missions that you can totally salvage for, and they do have the same buddy-program subscription thing that 9pool has that lets you get a large amount of money to start out your eve career.
On February 22 2011 00:24 Johnny Business wrote: I would recommend that new liquid members join the hatchery. Also feel free to ignore some of widders "points" since he is currently at war with us in Eve. The amount free stuff we can offer is great for new players. I'm not taking my war or anything like that into consideration with this, just what I've seen of the corporation and how they treat their members. If I were to stop the war and set them mutually blue, I still would not recommend a friend to join them even if they were a big TL starcraft player.
On February 22 2011 00:29 KwarK wrote: Yeah, for the record Widders is actively trying to destroy the hatchery. He is not a tler, he is an eve griefer who found tl through his efforts to grief us. With that in mind you should take his "please don't join them" as an endorsement of us. There is no such thing as "griefing" in eve. The game mechanics don't allow it. Things that count as illegal griefing in other games are an integral part of the culture and the gameplay in EVE.
I'm not trying to destroy the corporation, I'm fighting them because they seemed like they would bring good fights. So far they are 50/50 in this regard.
And as I said above, My words of caution against joining Hatchery are not particularly in my interest. I'd love it if they had more participation right now. I don't endorse them because I honestly think that you could really do better in a starting corporation.
On February 22 2011 00:29 KwarK wrote: Also he's not a member of the hatchery and has 0 experience of how we work. People who are members endorse us. I'm not a member, and never have been, but I've seen how they operate and heard about how things tend to work internally from a few of them, so I've got quite a good idea; it's pretty OK most of the time, but there are a couple issues with the way they do things.
Also, people who are members pretty much HAVE to endorse the corp or KwarK will probably go ballistic and rageboot them from corporation (exaggerating only slightly).
On February 22 2011 00:30 Valenius wrote: If you add in the 250m sub-bonus and the mentor help it becomes better than most options i can think of. Again, Eve University did this first, and does it the same or better.
On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: On an unrelated note, im back, and I missed you widders <3 I don't even know if I've seen you before you left, so I have no idea what you mean. I certainly didn't miss you, and your posting is a crime.
On February 22 2011 01:01 Widdershins wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: I really fail to see how Eve Uni is such a good place to start. They have a ''stay docked at all time policy during war'' No, they just have a "be careful and don't lose ships like an idiot while missioning" policy. Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: the only thing they teach you about pvp is that ''if you have 26 time their numbers then youre okay to shoot'' No, they teach all the good basics of PVP, including some that are markedly absent from 9pool's repertoire, and if you have good skills and can organize stuff yourself it's totally fine to fight with reasonable numbers with them. Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: they dont provide you with any ressources for starters except free ships (its nice but lets face it, whats free rifters compared to the hatchery giving you FREE SALVOG, and around 250mil when you subscribe, on top of free ships). They give you free ships, they do have people who mission high level missions that you can totally salvage for, and they do have the same buddy-program subscription thing that 9pool has that lets you get a large amount of money to start out your eve career. Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 00:24 Johnny Business wrote: I would recommend that new liquid members join the hatchery. Also feel free to ignore some of widders "points" since he is currently at war with us in Eve. The amount free stuff we can offer is great for new players. I'm not taking my war or anything like that into consideration with this, just what I've seen of the corporation and how they treat their members. If I were to stop the war and set them mutually blue, I still would not recommend a friend to join them even if they were a big TL starcraft player. Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 00:29 KwarK wrote: Yeah, for the record Widders is actively trying to destroy the hatchery. He is not a tler, he is an eve griefer who found tl through his efforts to grief us. With that in mind you should take his "please don't join them" as an endorsement of us. There is no such thing as "griefing" in eve. The game mechanics don't allow it. Things that count as illegal griefing in other games are an integral part of the culture and the gameplay in EVE. I'm not trying to destroy the corporation, I'm fighting them because they seemed like they would bring good fights. So far they are 50/50 in this regard. And as I said above, My words of caution against joining Hatchery are not particularly in my interest. I'd love it if they had more participation right now. I don't endorse them because I honestly think that you could really do better in a starting corporation. Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 00:29 KwarK wrote: Also he's not a member of the hatchery and has 0 experience of how we work. People who are members endorse us. I'm not a member, and never have been, but I've seen how they operate and heard about how things tend to work internally from a few of them, so I've got quite a good idea; it's pretty OK most of the time, but there are a couple issues with the way they do things. Also, people who are members pretty much HAVE to endorse the corp or KwarK will probably go ballistic and rageboot them from corporation (exaggerating only slightly). Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 00:30 Valenius wrote: If you add in the 250m sub-bonus and the mentor help it becomes better than most options i can think of. Again, Eve University did this first, and does it the same or better. Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 23:16 TurpinOS wrote: On an unrelated note, im back, and I missed you widders <3 I don't even know if I've seen you before you left, so I have no idea what you mean. I certainly didn't miss you, and your posting is a crime.
The amound of absurdity Ive gathered through what you have posted so far in this topic is absolutely mind-blogging.
You come on these forums which are ours, you insult our leadership, you insult our corporation, and then you expect us to treat you kindly.
Yet, during all this time, you pretend that you are not acting superior (Let me ask you one here, why would one go on someones property and insult them, if its not to show his presumed superiority) and pretend as if we were the offensive one.
Now, I think I have been pretty polite up to this part (and by that I mean in correlation to how impolite I usually would be towards a jackass such as you), but the fact is that to all of us, you are nothing more then another idiot that decide it would be fun to kill some new players in high sec, so I will, kindly, ask you to stop pretending as if you were important for a moment, stop assuming you knew a lot about our corporation and stop posting on these forums unless it is to give INSIGHTFUL opinions (note the insightful part).
If said demands were not to be completed, I would have to resort to showing you what bad posting really is.
(Also, as a general rule of thumb, saying peoples post are bad over and over again doesnt add anything to your argument, you can keep said opinion for youself)
Thank you and have a nice day.
(as for your garbage post, I wont even bother answering to what youve said since im pretty sure that the only pvp that is shown in e-uni is to ''fit up as many blackbirds as possible and mindlessly follow the experienced guys'', I think the best indication of that is the way they fit their ships.
I would also gladly ask you not to confuse our ''pvp strats'' with ''the way our mission runners react to you sitting on 0 on station'', as the vast majority of our experienced players just cant be annoyed with playing station games, thank you.)
On February 21 2011 22:23 Firebolt145 wrote:I'm never buying another dram for a long long time 
What happened to your last one? :D
He even put in the face saving measure of
Also, people who are members pretty much HAVE to endorse the corp or KwarK will probably go ballistic and rageboot them from corporation (exaggerating only slightly). Which automatically marks anything we say to him about how he is wrong etc, as being within the realm of his statement therefore he's right no matter what we say. Brilliant debating tactic.
Regardless, I've been in the corp for 8 days, and I already know everything he's said about it is incorrect.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On February 22 2011 01:19 Zer0 Kool wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2011 22:23 Firebolt145 wrote:I'm never buying another dram for a long long time  What happened to your last one? :D
I arrived on a belt and found widders waiting for me
On February 22 2011 01:21 Body_Shield wrote:He even put in the face saving measure of Show nested quote +Also, people who are members pretty much HAVE to endorse the corp or KwarK will probably go ballistic and rageboot them from corporation (exaggerating only slightly). Which automatically marks anything we say to him about how he is wrong etc, as being within the realm of his statement therefore he's right no matter what we say. Brilliant debating tactic. Regardless, I've been in the corp for 8 days, and I already know everything he's said about it is incorrect.
No point debating with him, HE KNOWS OUR CORP, who cares if he has never seen half of our players that dont live in emol, or the fact that the only thing he has witnessed is what happens in emol when hes online and whats said on this forum, HE KNOWSSSSS.
(yep thats bad posting tytyt)
On February 22 2011 01:10 TurpinOS wrote: You come on these forums which are ours, you insult our leadership, you insult your corporation, and then you expect us to treat you kindly.
Yet, during all this time, you pretend that you are not acting superior (Let me ask you one here, why would one go on someones property and insult them, if its not to show his presumed superiority) and pretend as if we were the offensive one. How many people here really think this is an accurate assessment? A show of hands, maybe? I've been very fair, and haven't insulted the corporation; I just think that there are probably better places to go as a new player, at least starting out at the very beginning.
Every time you reply here you imply that I am being a self-aggrandizing bastard who does little else but put down others just for being part of a certain group, yet you have provided no specific examples of when this is the case, and I wager that few to no statements that can be interpreted this way exist in my posting thus far.
On February 22 2011 01:10 TurpinOS wrote: (Also, as a general rule of thumb, saying peoples post are bad over and over again doesnt add anything to your argument, you can keep said opinion for youself) I'd turn this advice around and ask you to heed it yourself, but I doubt you'd listen.
On February 22 2011 01:10 TurpinOS wrote: (as for your garbage post, I wont even bother answering to what youve said since im pretty sure that the only pvp that is shown in e-uni is to ''fit up as many blackbirds as possible and mindlessly follow the experienced guys'', I think the best indication of that is the way they fit their ships. That may be the theme of the E-UNI fleets that everyone takes note of, but just because you are a member of their doesn't mean that you have to fly on only and all noob-blob fleets.
On February 22 2011 01:10 TurpinOS wrote: I would also gladly ask you not to confuse our ''pvp strats'' with ''the way our mission runners react to you sitting on 0 on station'', as the vast majority of our experienced players just cant be annoyed with playing station games, thank you.) Well, to be completely honest, what you would count as your "actual pvp strats" generally result in your corp losing more ships than it kills.
On February 22 2011 01:36 TurpinOS wrote: No point debating with him, HE KNOWS OUR CORP, who cares if he has never seen half of our players that dont live in emol, or the fact that the only thing he has witnessed is what happens in emol when hes online and whats said on this forum, HE KNOWSSSSS. Already resorting to sarcasm? That's not an argumentative strategy. It's a thinly veiled denial that you have lost the argument.
edit: please become better immediately.
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