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Canada3368 Posts
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Canada2029 Posts
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United States246 Posts
On February 22 2011 01:41 Widdershins wrote: How many people here really think this is an accurate assessment? A show of hands, maybe? I've been very fair, and haven't insulted the corporation; I just think that there are probably better places to go as a new player, at least starting out at the very beginning. Every time you reply here you imply that I am being a self-aggrandizing bastard who does little else but put down others just for being part of a certain group, yet you have provided no specific examples of when this is the case, and I wager that few to no statements that can be interpreted this way exist in my posting thus far. I don't play Eve. I've never played Eve. Hell, I don't even feel much of an attachment to the members of TL. I just lurk this thread because it's interesting enough for reading material. But, *raises hand*. Yes, you haven't really done anything except try to martyr yourself. Nobody needs to provide any 'specific examples' because just about every single post of you've made is an example. So you came in here to troll the corp. I came in here to troll you. Lololol. *edit* I'm bad at quotes. Going to try and ignore the fact that I'm bad at posts too. *edit2* Okay, glancing back I admit that you've given legit answers to some questions. Then again, I see people do that all the time just to use it as an excuse to say "but look I'm so helpful". Sticking with my biased judgment call. | ||
Argentina769 Posts
On February 22 2011 01:41 Widdershins wrote: How many people here really think this is an accurate assessment? A show of hands, maybe? I've been very fair, and haven't insulted the corporation; I just think that there are probably better places to go as a new player, at least starting out at the very beginning. Every time you reply here you imply that I am being a self-aggrandizing bastard who does little else but put down others just for being part of a certain group, yet you have provided no specific examples of when this is the case, and I wager that few to no statements that can be interpreted this way exist in my posting thus far. I'd turn this advice around and ask you to heed it yourself, but I doubt you'd listen. That may be the theme of the E-UNI fleets that everyone takes note of, but just because you are a member of their doesn't mean that you have to fly on only and all noob-blob fleets. Well, to be completely honest, what you would count as your "actual pvp strats" generally result in your corp losing more ships than it kills. I love this guy. "Observing" XD That's so sad. | ||
Lalalaland34484 Posts
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Brazil170 Posts
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Canada3368 Posts
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Canada61 Posts
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Chile802 Posts
On February 22 2011 01:41 Widdershins wrote: Well, to be completely honest, what you would count as your "actual pvp strats" generally result in your corp losing more ships than it kills. lolol... so not true.... to everyone else... just ignore this guy... kind of add widders to adblock | ||
Canada2029 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + From: Zavhoz29 Sent: 2011.02.21 11:42 To: Tactical Industries, All, Pewpewlaser is taking every ship he can fly and stealing them from the array. Basically, if he can fly it, he is taking it. + Show Spoiler + whats goin on? From: orihima Sent: 2011.02.21 11:58 To: PewPewLaser, what are you doing? + Show Spoiler + Gents, Pew has taken all the ships to Nadohman, Planet VII, Moon XIV . He has logged on Phayze and is taking all the haulers now.. (where the wh is, Anyone who wants to go here its 7 jumps from amarr and these guys literally have zero pvp experience. IMO go people) + Show Spoiler + More on Pew From: Zavhoz29 Sent: 2011.02.21 13:02 To: Tactical Industries, Gents, More of the chat log. He has brought in a Myrm and a Megathron and engaged us in the WH - but he has taken all the pvp mods out of the array, so Wags and I are unable to web or scram. That, and we are guarding the Tengu so he cannot come in and bump it out of the shields. | ||
Germany3208 Posts
On February 22 2011 01:41 Widdershins wrote: Well, to be completely honest, what you would count as your "actual pvp strats" generally result in your corp losing more ships than it kills. Ive already said it, but youre a coward that plays station games in highsec with multiple neutral remote rep, you always know your odds because you know the people you fight, how many you fight, and what ships you fight and you choose your ship accordingly. Your "actual pvp strat" of killing 3month old missionrunners cause they dont know how neutral probing works may be effective isk wise, but you dont learn anything from it. Hands down, despite being few years old you suck at this game or are at least too afraid to mess with real pvpers, because you could lose your shiny faction ships. Keep docking up your ashimmu when a drake comes into system though, it could die if you dont. | ||
Canada1223 Posts
On February 22 2011 01:44 Widdershins wrote: Already resorting to sarcasm? That's not an argumentative strategy. It's a thinly veiled denial that you have lost the argument. edit: please become better immediately. You forgot to quote the part where I said ''yep thats bad posting'', which clearly implied that I knew this was not a good argumentative strategy. I still dont see how we are having an argument here, since Ive still yet to see a single of your thoughts being based on some evidence, spitting baseless facts and mixing it up with some insults of your ''opponent'' is not what I would call a debate in its purest form. (Please note here that Im using the word insult as a general term due to the fact that I cant find the appropriate term for the situation, english not being my first language. The fact I am trying to attest here is that every single one of your thought has been followed with one of the most common ''argumentation'' technique and one to also be recognized as being the one used by those that either cant debate properly or lack knowledge in their subject. This technique is based around trying to lower your opponent by insulting the coherence of his speech, the terms used, or adressing anything unrelated directly to the matter at hand. While at first, it might seem like you have got the upper hand over your opponent following said technique, any person which has any clue about the debate taking course would know that you are simply trying to switch the subject away from your personnal lack of knowledge in a certain area.) You try to come up as a person with absolutely no interest in the situation, but if that were the case, you would not be spending any time on these forums (your account has been created for the sole purpose of posting in this topic). The simple fact that you take the time to post tells me enough about your personnality, you cant get over yourself, you want people to think highly of you, and you really take this at heart. You might not want to show that on the forefront, and you might not want to openly insult our corporation, but coming out here and saying that our corp is not the best for a starter (by your standard), is by itself an insult. Would you think highly if a random person you dont know about would drop by your house and tell your girlfriend that he thinks you are not appropriate for her ? Would you find that insulting ? Im pretty sure you would. I am also pretty sure that said person who just decided to hop by your house doesnt think he his insulting you (he didnt even swear !!!), but that doesnt change the fact that he is. Now, you willl probably condemn me for using the same technique I just described earlier, and I am sorry for that but sometimes you dont have any options (The lack of options comes when debating against someone who is a total outsider to a subject and still tries to argument it while no ''debate moderator'' tells him to shut up.) The other option that might happen is you might not even bother reading and just post once more a fancily written ''wyupostsobad'' Also, I would gladly inform you that I am currently bored and at work, please do not think I really care about you. Thank you EDIT : IM SORRY PHAYZE TO STEAL YOUR THUNDER THIS THREAD IS NOW ABOUT HOW AWESOME PHAYZE IS. | ||
Hyrule18977 Posts
Also, you posted the location :D Maybe later tonight some of us can swing by and blow stuff up. | ||
Canada2029 Posts
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Hyrule18977 Posts
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Lalalaland34484 Posts
![]() Let's all stop suggesting corps or random stuff or whatever and focus on Phayze's amazingness. Wheeeee. | ||
1193 Posts
Fast foward 2 hours, and I put it back up again when I notice Jitatradewomen and sol2sol online. Sol2sol snap buys it! Isk crisis averted. Morale of story: WTF CCP, you bring me implants that you can unpack? -insert picard wtf pic- | ||
51 Posts
On February 22 2011 02:02 Capiru wrote: If that is your strat, gg, you'll never get a "good fight" or so what you call from our corp, cuz if it's in our favour, you'll just run away. Terribleness aside, you're usually supposed to run away if you are going to lose. Not losing everything for zero gain is just good practice. As for everyone else and your disgruntlement with my statements I've made about you guys and your corporation and your PVP, I hope I'm allowed to draw a little attention to the fact that so far all I've done in this thread is reply to and give my opinion on the topics on hand. TurpinOS did the best he could to turn it into a shitfight the moment he showed up, entering the conversation without a modicum of courtesy and unapologetically maintaining this tone ever since. I didn't come here hoping to spend the entire time involved in a constant back-and-forth ragewar over who is the worst and who is trolling the hardest; in this respect I've been disappointed. I was hoping for a good old regular eve-general thread with the people I'm currently playing with, like it was before I started posting and a dozen people pounced on me. It's unfortunate that so many people take combat in EVE in such bad blood. They automatically assume that fighting someone in game implies hate, and a will to destroy them and all their friendships, and these assumptions are what you see here, bleeding over into other areas of life. I haven't played another game with quite this mentality. somehow i am getting the feeling that you didn't actually miss me like you said. | ||
51 Posts
On February 22 2011 02:25 pahndah wrote: So I was contract pvping using sekrit Motbob tricks and this implant pops up that is 30 mil below the buy order in Jita and of course I quickly snap it up. Apparently its been unpackaged though (how can you even do that to an implant?) and I couldn't sell it on the market T_T. So now I feel like I've just been scammed out of my 100 mil, and than it hits me! If I can get caught off guard like this, I bet other contract pvpers can too. Fast foward 2 hours, and I put it back up again when I notice Jitatradewomen and sol2sol online. Sol2sol snap buys it! Isk crisis averted. Morale of story: WTF CCP, you bring me implants that you can unpack? -insert picard wtf pic- Unpackaged implants are ones that have been reimbursed. If you lose your pod and successfully petition the loss for replacement, they send you unpackaged implants in your hangar. Weird EVE trivia 101. You can probably sell it again on contracts to someone who wants to actually use it without too much trouble. On February 22 2011 02:24 Firebolt145 wrote: All this arguing has completely degenerated this thread. ![]() Let's all stop suggesting corps or random stuff or whatever and focus on Phayze's amazingness. Wheeeee. Agreed, on both points. That's a pretty nice theft, decent loot (especially with those lolarbalests). Standard procedure for us is to offline the shields and empty the fuel bay if possible, and blow up every soft-module inside the pos before you leave, but this requires good roles. Those guys were huge dicks and deserved everything that came to them. Job well done sir. (Are you going to give any of it to the guy they abused?) | ||
Netherlands19129 Posts
I have to applaud people for staying civil though. Shows that this is a way more mature crowd then the average joe, even on these boards. P.s. Just registering on these boards to be a smug martyr shouting from his high horse is generally frowned upon to say the least, let alone if it isn't even SC related. Well formulated posts and a polite tone do not sufficiently veil a malicious intent however. Just to get this out of the way. | ||
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