United States41989 Posts
On January 25 2011 22:26 Inzek wrote: my 2 cents...
this remembers me when gem was asking for salvage in scbw and not in corp xd...
and biz if you ever get past this poing you will understand our reaction (even when i dont totally agree) and you cant say you didnt knew we were in war, thats just worse for you, anyone who reads this thread knows we were in war, anyone who at least clicks every button when in a new game knows we are at war. I think you were really really naive...
This is wow's fault. This was a kick for protection, he's clearly someone too stupid to cope with a game that doesn't have a massive starter area and warnings before any PvP. I didn't kick him but I believe he was kicked so he'd be able to safely mine veldspar in his noobship while it was explained to him that he needs to show a bit of common sense.
I love all the in-fighting going on in The Hatchery. The drama llama has them all hot'n'bothered.
On January 26 2011 02:22 Ten Tron wrote: I love all the in-fighting going on in The Hatchery. The drama llama has them all hot'n'bothered.
If you define in-fighting as calling stupid people doing stupid things, stupid and not letting them pawn the responsibility off on their more intelligent counterparts, okay.
I feel like they devs need to buff Amarr drones since there's pretty much a universal consensus that they are the worst drones
On January 26 2011 02:33 GGTeMpLaR wrote: I feel like they devs need to buff Amarr drones since there's pretty much a universal consensus that they are the worst drones
Well,its best to use gallente/minmitar drones where we live.
On January 26 2011 02:33 GGTeMpLaR wrote: I feel like they devs need to buff Amarr drones since there's pretty much a universal consensus that they are the worst drones
Or you could just use hobs and warriors. Just sayin. There are things that are bad in this game. Ships, mods, drones, everything. That doesn't mean they can or should buff it all.
I guess I will also take this oppurtunity to write up the happenings last night.
Two WTs showed up in emol and decided to start playing station games etc. One was in a rifter and the other stayed docked (think he came out later in a scimi as bait). We weren't particularly concerned with the rifter but a few of us got some small stuff up to see if we could take advantage if he made a mistake. After zooming around emol for 15 minutes or so we caught him off the undock at RFAP with two webs, and two more of us landed on him in a few seconds. We were all in rifters an Nou was in a Claw, so he went pop fast.
We got the pod too, so things could have been worse.
After that WTs started trickling over in to our space and we gave chase in what small ships we had, knowing full well that there was surely more friends coming.
Shadow had a cynabal land on him at 0 on a gate and got popped pretty quick, but other than that there were no losses.
Shortly following this more WTs showed up in emol/ammold in some real ships. They had a cane, scimi, and 3 more at least but everyone had docked up and was well out of harms way.
Instead of station spinning I decided to take some frigs out in to lowsec/nullsec and see if we could find some trouble. Nothing was to come of it but it was good practice nonetheless.
Good job not losing any ships unecessarily guys, even though we did have a lot of warning, that has been a problem for some of us flying 1bil maels and such.
PS: Would just like to say that (most) of the new guys are making me proud as shit right now. Always asking about WT status when they logon, and as soon as reports start coming in that there are WTs coming our way people start calling "+1 logged" and the location reports are totally perfect. You new guys are killing it and learning fast, this corp is getting better every day, nice job.
So, I saw this: + Show Spoiler +
And it made me think, how come we don't use tracking disruptors on our small gang low-sec roams, since we run into solo minnie ships all the time in our neighborhood?
Maybe my calculations are off, but it seems to me that a vagabond running 220 vulcan ACs has a 2700m optimal + 24,750m falloff using barrage + lvl 5 skills. If you put 2 tracking disruptors with falloff scripts with turret destab lvl 4, you reduce his optimal to 675m + 6188m falloff, essentially negating ~80% of his dps at 10km range (still within overheated long-point range).
I guess in terms of ewar against a vagabond, an overheated minnie jammer achieves exactly the same effect, but if you don't have a bb pilot and are say, running a low-skill point low-sec roam with a tackle caracal, dps rupture, and 2 rifters... maybe it wouldn't be bad idea to fit 2 tracking disruptors somewhere in there?
Nevermind again, even with 2 tracking enhancers, if you put a third tracking disruptor you take down his chance to hit to 10% at 10km out. So...er...still viable?
On January 26 2011 03:54 User Undefined wrote: --- Nuked ---
WT creating a new acount and posting, god its getting pathetic already
--- Nuked ---
KwarK: Sorry
United States41989 Posts
Hyrule18979 Posts
On January 26 2011 04:15 Weken wrote:--- Nuked --- KwarK: Sorry 
Dont worry i dont mind, i didnt relise he only had 2 posts intill after i posted it.
United States41989 Posts
On January 26 2011 06:24 tHornstein wrote: world war 3 when I kicked you from corp. Discuss.
On January 26 2011 06:29 KwarK wrote:I kicked you from corp. Discuss.
The right move has been committed. Discussion concluded.