Metagaming in EVE - Page 15
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United States5345 Posts
RAPED | ||
United States1967 Posts
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Canada2277 Posts
On February 24 2009 14:39 404.Nitrogen wrote: nintu got pod killed in 0.0 RAPED lol, i hope he kept his clone insurance up to date edit: o wait, i don't even think you have enough skill points for that to matter | ||
Romania1834 Posts
Wow | ||
United States658 Posts
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United States1687 Posts
GoonSwarm is taking over Delve at a pretty rapid pace now, with Pandemic Legion and Razor Alliance joining in. Seems Morsus Mihi and Tau Ceti Confederation have sovereignty over at least one system there now too. KenZoku (ex BoB) really looks done at this point. It's pretty funny looking at the old threads from a couple weeks ago with people mocking Goons for losing their territory in the south with nothing to show for it in Delve, just not knowing how Sov works in EVE. The map is now catching up to the situation in on the gr^H^H^H^H in space. Even more fun seeing youtube videos about BoB's repulse of the goon+allies invasion last year (EDIT video was removed by the user hahaha /EDIT). Comments like "Oh Goonies: BoB will NEVER be leaving Delve" are lots of fun ![]() I've never played EVE and have no intention to do so. I'm also not a member of Somethingawful, nut I love reading about their antics (in Second Life especially, but now in EVE). This is quite the lightning campaign they've been conducting. Obviously the loss of alliance and Sov was a setback for KenZoku, but what they lost were things the Goons didn't have in Delve either, so it put them on an even footing, and on that even footing they got smashed. Onward little bees. X for POS destruction! | ||
Canada9103 Posts
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Delve You can even click on the... uhh... "systems" to get more info on them. | ||
United States5866 Posts
I don't even know who the alliance faction is there anymore really(I care little for AAA) but U-Q used to be a ship graveyard. WAYYY back when curse alliance was the strongest alliance in EvE that place would see so much destruction it was ridiculous. U-Q was the main thoroughfare to Stain and Curse and those two alliance historically HATED each other. So much death. | ||
United States1029 Posts
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10519 Posts
http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png | ||
United States1029 Posts
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Canada9103 Posts
On February 26 2009 17:28 DeathSpank wrote: holy shit goonswarm lost a ton of space since I left... Read the OP: they decided to move EVERYTHING to Delve when they invaded. | ||
United States1395 Posts
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Canada9103 Posts
Another useful bit of info from that topic: Delve + Querious + Period Basis are home to the Blood Raiders pirates, who are apparently "a joke" and are extremely easy to "rat" (i.e. to profit from, I assume). So that's yet another benefit to owning those constellations. | ||
United States831 Posts
http://www.raphkoster.com/2009/02/11/the-eve-upset/#more-2517 | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Page 129 (referring to GoonSwarm's friends and enemies): Red Alliance, Solar Wing, Legion of xXDeathXx, UNL, and Rebellion are the good Russians. AAA, Red Overlord, Stain Empire, C0ven and Systemic-Chaos are the bad Russians. (C0ven and Sys-C might not be Russian, AAA is only half Russian and UNL is majority Ukrainian but those Ukrainians are ethnically Russian) Page 130: ROL [Red.Overlord] selling 400 timecards and financing AAA's [Against All Authorities's] campaign is quite true though. fuuuuuuck. How much is that in actual money-money? Isn't a 90 day pilots license extension something like $20 or $30 in real life? $8000 - $12000 spent just to try and kill you guys. ah yea there is only one kind of time card which is 60 day now and those are $35 usd each so ah 400 * $35 = $14,000 USD | ||
United States5625 Posts
http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/20090227.png (this one shows it at the time of my posting this) So after doing some more looking around on forums, I've learned that Skunk-Works is an ally of Kenny, I wasn't sure before. I've also learned to ignore any post by the user "Snot Shot" on the EVE Corporation Alliance Organization Discussions (COAD). We can see some Pandemic Legion appearing on the map, but Goonswarm is really taking over. I'm pretty sure that Razor alliance is part of the Northern Coalition, a goon ally. Executive outcomes is allied with Kenny. Their old territory isn't disappearing very fast either, but they have no plans to try to hold on to it: Posted by Zapawork 2/27/09 ~*~*~*~*~*~ Official Goonswarm Diplomatic Message ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Dear Eve Universe, For three weeks we have let our old space sit vacant. Occasionally goons will rat on their way to delve or evac some last minute assets but in large part Tenerifis has been a region with no owner. After AAA failed to abort our titan they never bothered taking the region and none of our allies would like the space. So for those of you who have asked, what has goonswarm ever done for eve? Now is the time for us to give back. As of this moment every station in Tenerifis will allow anyone to dock (except those we are hostile to, screw you guys) Check http://standings.goonfleet.com to see if you are hostile to us. Tenerifis is now a THUNDERDOME, all are welcome. We are never coming back for this space. The alliance who manages to hold the space wins. There are dyspro moons located at: 9-980U VIII - Moon 8 Q5KZ-W V - Moon 19 Q5KZ-W V - Moon 1 ZMV9-A IV - Moon 9 Here is the list of cadmium moons: B-6: 7-7, 7-9, 7-10, 8-1, 9-1 9-9: 8-15, 8-18 XGH: 5-19, 8-13 Z-0: 8-12, 9-19 OP: 4-1, 6-20 There are two sov 4 constellations waiting for the taker, don’t mind the neighbors. Also, Kenzoku diplos please contact me about renting Detorid. Love, Goons From the EVE forums, here. Well, now doesn't that sound interesting? From the sound of things, there's nothing major going on anymore. There's still a huge camp where Kengoku is hanging out. Because of this, Goonswarm is roaming around with fleets of unescorted capital ships, blowing up towers. Goons think they have won, and from all accounts, they are right. [4:24:51 PM] the_mittani: hey diana: has it been 'brought' yet or do we need to beat the cow level too~ (source) One goon posted a very nice post about his thoughts in the whole affair, right here: Originally Posted - 2009.02.23 09:47:00, so this was posted five days ago: Today it seems to me providential that fate should have chosen Delve as the place of my re-birth into Eve Online. A call went out to many of us who had put our stuff on "hold". "BoB just lost everything. Log back in to Eve Online and kill everyone in Delve. We are moving to Delve". Thus, the mass exodus of players coming back to Eve Online began, as did the final stage of the greatest PvP war ever. Skip ahead to yesterday and you find me taking a break to realize just how different things have become. My ship, long since outlived it's day, has been mine for over a year and a half. In this time, I have had the unique perspective of watching the biggest war in any game ever from what other games would call a "scout class". I'm a "covops" pilot. A cloaking ship of great speed and no defenses or weapons except the information I gather. My job is to go deep in to enemy territory, gather any and all information about infrastructure and hostile movement, and report back. There are many of us, but we rarely ever work in the same area. I can go days without being on grid with friendly forces or having the chance to dock safely. I can sit undetected on the front lines, literally sitting next to an enemy force that fills my screen. My type can be across the universe in an hour, can run any kind of blockade, and can find you anywhere in a system within half a minute where I will bring an entire fleet of capitals down on you. But I didn't come to write a newbie guide. I came to talk to you today about the end of the largest war any game has ever seen. The fall of the last major threat my alliance has and how I've had the great privilege to witness it first hand for almost 2 years now. Towers. War in 0.0 is all about towers, when you break it down to it's most basic form, just as combat in the real world is broken down to it's most basic form of ammo. You run out of ammo, you are dead. You can no longer fight, you must run away. I have been tracking tower counts, amongst other things, for my duration in Eve, and I am almost teary eyed to see that our greatest enemy, KenZoku (formerly known as Band of Brothers) has finally been overwhelmed. I know I sound like a propaganda poster and I know you don't want to read stuff that conflicts with what your friends are saying, but speaking as someone that does this all day every day (God I'm a nerd...) I can prove everything I say. Anyone is willing to hop in to a covops ship and come see for themselves. Let's just continue and everything will be clear. When I first started scouting the "Great War", I could gather an entire constellation of intel in a day, no problem. Move through a system, get information on towers and covops traps, any hostile fleets, and move on. Fleet battles were in the hundreds on each side and would sometimes involve capital ships, with some great battles climaxing in a super capital arrival or death. I used to think things were crazy (and they were by other games' standards of PvP), but I now look back on those days with fondness in how little there was to do. Fast forward to Delve, present day. We've all heard the story of the BoB traitor who "turned off" all their sov. This isn't about that (although LOL). This is about the aftermath. Towers today are being deployed and destroyed in larger numbers than the entirety of my Eve life combined, times 5, and ambushes and battles are hourly occurrences, no longer the time-spaced events that people used to grab hotpockets for. Delve today has seen more combat than any region of any game in MMO history except perhaps the brit graveyards of the original Ultima Online. People who I used to only see in the northern part of the galaxy (sometimes dealing drugs or rare items with) were being spotted in high numbers, and with assets to reinforce themselves which must have taken weeks to move. He splits this up into multiple posts, I presume that there is a character limit on a single post. Delve has become a massive zone of combat, divided by three main warring parties. A dominating force of invaders, a disorganized coalition of various peoples from all over the universe that are disrupting trade and importation (mainly piracy), and a resistance/guerrilla-style fighting force of the original occupants (think of the French resistance to **** controlled Paris). Just as I write this, I make a pass around Delve. Just a couple jumps, maybe 4. I see every gate has multiple corpses amongst ship wrecks, anchored bubbles on nearly all gates, and forces move back and force in various fights spanning multiple fleets doing different things for different factions. There is no where that is empty, and that in itself is amazing. But Roy, you said this was the end of the Great War. Yes. I feel it strongly, based on what I see that the war will be won soon for the invading fleets, my friends. Yes, it sounds biased, but it can be proven by simply flying to Delve and looking at it. Delve tower counts are fluctuating in massive fashion, with some systems seeing 20-50 towers downed in a single attack by our invading heroes, roaming gangs of my brothers flow through pipes nearly bumping in to each other on their way to deal with threats half their size at best, and the hostile former residents are showing less and less at an astoundingly fast rate of desertion. The various groups of people from other parts of the universe come and attack both sides still, but they have ceased placing any assets of worth nearby (in some cases, Goonswarm merchants are the only ones to buy from anywhere in the near territory as they have pushed out all other businesses and established market hubs) and have been content it seems to do smaller attacks of piracy amongst merchants and other softer targets. Some that dont play this game might not understand the sheer numbers here, so let me break it down this way; more people are fighting in Eve in this one tiny region of one tiny corner of the game universe than are fighting in all the battlegrounds of WoW combined (fact checked February 23, 2009 at USA time zone prime). Goonswarm and the invading allies have turned more than half of Delve in to a fortress of death that expands slowly but hourly. Some covops that scan a system have to return to it a mere 20 minutes later as its infrastructure has changed due to conflict. Ive seen our enemies attempts at counter attack foiled again and again and again. Less and less attacks are reported by the former residents, with less and less effectiveness or use of assets of value. Enemy leadership is, for lack of a better term, MIA, giving vague orders such as go to this system and defend for awhile. Former slave corporations of KenZoku have begun openly questioning their leaders, something no one dared do once and something that was once considered treason of the highest order. Much like the storyline Amarr leaders, KenZoku still holds authority amongst its corporations where it has a presence at the time and there are no enemies, but near-instantly loses control or respect once they have moved on. They operate from various POS towers placed sometimes in back water systems for quick strike capabilities and movement (since any tower placed is sieged within an hour or two these days) which are then moved before Goonswarm forces can arrive. They have become, in a nutshell, a resistance group rather than a major power bloc that threatens liberty in the entire game, as before. At current expansion rates, Goonswarm and allies will have consumed most of the south-western map in 4 months, more than half of 0.0 in 7 months, and will obtain total control of all conquerable, lawless space by a year and 2 months (and 17 days) assuming the infrastructure of such a massive empire could ever be supported by the amount of players Eve Online has. Thank you for reading this, but more importantly thank you all for giving me a fun game again. Thank you, the enemy, for making such a war possible and allowing my humble self to bare witness to such a PvP event. Thank you to CCP, for as much as we ***** and moan we still love your game. And finally, thank you to Darius JOHNSON, peace be with him, for his leadership, his mercy, and his praise where granted. Any and every goon would gladly give what we have to see him triumph over whoever he deems worthy of his grief, and making him happy makes all of us happy. May he have mercy on the universe, because in 3 months you can combine the forces of every alliance in the game and we would still be stronger, gien current expansion rates. This was posted by: RoyofCA Caldari GoonFleet GoonSwarm Some people disagree: Originally by: Seth Quantix Normal goon drivvel and smack. wall of text not worth reading. Funny how goons think this is over and BOB will just let it go. It's not over yet boys I am sure as the name can change but the purpose for been won't. Dance your merry dance as I look forward to seeing you all emo quit again. PS, intresting that your own space has all been taken from you yet no alt corps spamming drivvel about it?? smack away children.. I can prove everything I said. That is why I said it. I admit openly that it sounds like propaganda, but let's take a look at the war at the point you bring up (the mass evacuation of all Goonswarm assets from the east) You mention that Goonswarm has lost all of it's space. You are both right and wrong. Goonswarm infrastructure all over the south and south east are being contested and many towers are going up and down, with Goonswarm offering zero resistance to any siege. All Goonswarm space east of Querious has been admittedly lost and will not be taken back anytime soon. Even if Goonswarm wanted to, they could not retake these territories right now. However, let's look at Goonswarm in Delve. While in the east, Goonswarm infrastructure was lost at or around a rate of 2/3 towers per week. This went either way, but the trend was our territory shrinking in toward the station at 77s (Detorid region) at an increasing rate (aka dying). Since invading Delve, Goonswarm infrastructure construction rate has increased over 650%. This is only major and minor space assets we are talking about, not even counting the many stations we now control. We are building so fast, and destroying enemy infrastructure so quickly, and having scouted the invaders eastern tower placements, I estimate we will have sov 4 in the majority of our new space and be seriously threatening Period Basis and Querious (maybe already have taken some fringe systems) by the time anyone (even a combined force of all eastern alliances) could counter attack. To counter attack quicker than 3 months would require the fastest building alliance in the east (I believe it was Against All Authorities in Estoria but don't remember off the top of my head) to build 313% faster than they are now. Basically, 50% of the fleet size I've seen of them in Delve would need to be hauling towers east of us to prepare. They aren't, obviously. The various pirate alliances around Delve are making good money, I must say. Demand for goods in Delve climbed nearly 2000% over the course of a week, and has since out paced all methods of supply COMBINED (that means people can not build AND import enough to feed the amount of things being bought in Delve, even with all the JFs and factory slots now available) and attacks on merchant ships are still reported. I said this in the thread I believe, once again being open with everyone and factual. If you want to talk facts, I can do that all day Seth. What I want to know is, if the facts are leaning toward a Goonswarm victory (which they clearly are, anyone in the game can fly to these locations and verify everything I've said) then would our enemies even admit they are beaten anyway? No, of course not. I wouldn't if it was me. So why should we all expect anything less than propaganda from KenZoku right now? We all know this, so why should we expect anything from them except it? Why would you believe anything they say right now? Heck, don't believe anything I say, fly out to these locations and map them for yourself. You will see I am right and my estimates are actually giving the enemy more leeway than is present. Lastly, your corporation is named Force of Evil, haha! I guess that's all for today. I miss having Human_Being's updates (although this guy gives a great perspective), but truthfully there isn't much to update anymore. Edit: It's not all for today! I hadn't done all of my reading yet. Quoted from Somethingawful: Seems like poo poo may be going down in about 12 hours. Barbie and Kenny look to be planning a breakout around downtime - 4:30AM PST on a Saturday morning, half past noon Eurotime. EXE Alliance mail posted: Date: Saturday Feb 28th 1230 Location: G-Q Fleet: BS > Logistics > Dictors > Falcons We need every single pilot on this, this will be a joint op on BoB TS once we join the main fleet.Tell your corpmates! That or this is the evac that kengoku reportedly ordered their vassals to start carrying out. Hopefully something interesting will happen tomorrow. | ||
United States1102 Posts
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United States1029 Posts
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United States5625 Posts
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