BoB with the help of -A-(Against All Authority), or more like -A- mostly with some allies freed BoB(kenny) Capital Ships from the station in PR- which has been camped for the past month. Members of Kenny that i have spoken with have all(three) talked about that kenny is getting ready to take back delve with the help of -A- and others allied to them.
I think it will be really interesting to see becaus if GoonSwarm fail in defending their newly gotten space in delve they will have no place to go to as -A- has taken over most of GoonSwarm's former terratory which would either mean that they return to empire yet again to build up(that would be fun) or they will go on another "we don't want that space anyway" and invade some other place, most likely in or around their old terratory. They might be weakened too much by then though and would therefore not be able to conquer new areas for a while.
He's posted six of those novels. Six hundred days and all. :/
this sounds more than epic
If anyone wants a minimatar pvp character with 2.1m sp against a wow acc give me a pm. No isk -0.4 sec status, but i've like 10 rifters, 1 stabber and a rupture. Over 3 setups for pvp rifter and a whole allot of other stuffs. Give me a pm - No game time active.
On March 14 2009 19:00 Sazchu wrote: kenny is getting ready to take back delve
Wouldn't it have been easier to not lose it in the first place? There seems to be a lot of misplaced belief in Kenny's abilities, even now.
This looks very tempting, but after Travian I am staying far away from this.
On March 16 2009 11:38 TeCh)PsylO wrote: This looks very tempting, but after Travian I am staying far away from this.
It's nothing like Travian, in Travian you couldn't be a pirate and have a Frigate with 2x Railguns.
mmmm eve online, I played it for 2 years when it first came out. We used to have like 5-6k people online and forums were full of topics like "Nice! New record !! 7k people online at the same time" Haha, seeing it how it evolved from there brings joy into my heart, really. Everyone with low skill points, epic frigate battles 24/7 because no one had the skills to use something bigger or the money to risk it. Titans ? what the hell dude, a freakin battleship was the dream, some hardcore farmers were like "If i can keep mining for 5 more weeks, I think I can afford that geddon". More than half of those skills/ships/even systems came out like 2-3 years later.
Player vs. player was just epic, well It was still lock-f1-f2-f3 but there weren't any t2 / named stuff around so people were damn brave, "carebear" term had no place in eve online, got killed ? frigates are cheap, modules are cheap, you are set to go in no more than 10 minutes, got podded ? even better! shortcut to base, what the hell is an implant anyways haha. All night frigate pvp in the closest 0.0 you can find.
Damn, looking it now.. pity.
On March 17 2009 07:12 Neak wrote: mmmm eve online, I played it for 2 years when it first came out. We used to have like 5-6k people online and forums were full of topics like "Nice! New record !! 7k people online at the same time" Haha, seeing it how it evolved from there brings joy into my heart, really. Everyone with low skill points, epic frigate battles 24/7 because no one had the skills to use something bigger or the money to risk it. Titans ? what the hell dude, a freakin battleship was the dream, some hardcore farmers were like "If i can keep mining for 5 more weeks, I think I can afford that geddon". More than half of those skills/ships/even systems came out like 2-3 years later.
Player vs. player was just epic, well It was still lock-f1-f2-f3 but there weren't any t2 / named stuff around so people were damn brave, "carebear" term had no place in eve online, got killed ? frigates are cheap, modules are cheap, you are set to go in no more than 10 minutes, got podded ? even better! shortcut to base, what the hell is an implant anyways haha. All night frigate pvp in the closest 0.0 you can find.
Damn, looking it now.. pity.
I got that pitch to start, and now I dont want it anymore -.-
Holy fucking epic, batman. Thanks for compiling all of this.. fuck all of the "tldr" responders.. I just read the whole thing.. took a few hours I think.
I am not looking through the post you linked to for more updates. It looks like there is some more posts from Human_Being with more recent stuff.
thanks again CDR
Wow, I just read that whole thing. Quite a fun, and utterly addictive read! Amazing how true the game gets to real life war. Just a single disgruntled person in a high enough position can start the takedown of an empire. Awesome stuff. Thanks a lot!
Video games are fucking awesome.
Alright, I just finished reading through the rest of the thread on the City of Heroes forum looking for updates.
Shortly after where the TL OP cuts off, Human_Being says that he won't have time to do as much, so some of the updates are shorter posts from a couple others, but then HB comes back in full force posting some long updates again.
If anyone is interested, I collected links to the relevant posts (there are lots of random posts discussing the situation and what BoB should do, etc) I couldn't figure out how to link to posts when I found them except by searching post history, so when others besides HB started posting I just collected the "print this post" links to all the posts.
+ Show Spoiler +
Canada9103 Posts
omg f10esqftw
Gonna check those out...
Edit: reposting useful links:
On February 26 2009 15:28 Bill307 wrote:I found this incredibly informative link to a map of Delve, and I'm surprised it wasn't in the first post, iirc (at least not at the start or end). http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/DelveYou can even click on the... uhh... "systems" to get more info on them. Turns out this site contains info on all the Alliances and Corporations in EVE, and much more. E.g. if you ever see people talking about a system, you can search for its location and properties on this site. 
And the sov map links from the OP:
Can someone tell me what happened to MC. Thats interesting they got crushed. They were around for long ass time.
That's pretty awesome, I had stopped checking that thread, because I figured that HB was done posting. I was getting most of my news from SA, but didn't want to post much, because of the biased source.
So the Goons are using bugs in order to gain the upper hand how have GM's not taken action or anything?
On March 17 2009 17:05 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: So the Goons are using bugs in order to gain the upper hand how have GM's not taken action or anything? how on earth are you going to monitor that sort of thing? To do so you would have to rewrite the code and if you do that you might as well fix the bug.