...Exception might be marauders because they're pretty bad without good gear but they scale so well that as soon as they get geared they can do really well.
Not in my experience. I've been top 3 in warzones on my marauder since level 18 (now 38).
On January 10 2012 13:57 Tektos wrote:
Surprisingly I'm still having fun PvP'ing and that's coming from someone who usually hates battlegrounds/arenas.
Exact same sentiments here... and I'm not even level 50 yet.
This thread is basically like bronze level sc2 players complaining about balance at a masters level. Except here, the bronze level bads can actually try to hide their poor skill level.
On January 10 2012 19:04 meiyo wrote: Zidane was banned for telling the truth?
If you think "telling the truth" is the same as mindless flaming, being offensive whilst not making any contribution at all, be it criticism or praise... then yeah, he did.
On topic, many of our member in Legions of Lettow EU Empire Guild are close / already 50, so we should be able to do hardmodes/operations "soon"
To call it "the worst pvp game ever" is an utter joke and completely laughable for anyone who has seen PVP at a high level in this game. My guess is you're butthurt that you rolled a level 20 tank and you're not invincible in PVP.
Ehh. Bioware made it hard for you to defend your statement couse at this point there is no high level(if you mean skill level) at this game couse matchmaking dosnt exists, There is randoms vs randoms and random enviorment. Huttball even tho looking cool and everything is impossible to balance as it favours knokback/grip type abilities to absurdal extent both defensivly and offensivly. That map with space ship assault is such RNG dependant that its actually sickening. Bad respawn on defense after dying can cost you 2 doors which is basicly a game.
I wont call it worst pvp expieriance, but considering ammount of time this game was under development it saddens me that such bad design can go thru early alpha test phase. UI/Balance/Responsivnes/design choices need to be adressed before it can be considered a serious part of game and not side effect. Couse at this point its just medicore. That dosnt change tho me playing WZ's from time to time, just if i would try to be serious about it i think i would got mad about those issues listed above and many other's.
Just respec'd my points from the Healing tree to only going half way up the tree so I can deal dps. After only 3 warzones I have decided that splitting the tree's is definately the way to go for a Sage healer.
I feel Presence of the Mind and Force Suppression are too strong to pass up, I also found before respecing most of my healing is coming off of the HoT and nuke with the reduced activation from the points in conveyance. Basically while fighting everything builds off the aoe nuke and throw. Once you get the perc from Presence of the Mind you use the big DoT. Two instant cast stuns can disable multiple targets can save your ass when out numbered. With all of the instant cast abilities you have a lot more mobility and can fight/heal on the run much more efficiently then with the full healing tree where you have to channel most of your heals and dps. More mobility = more freedom jump around and break line of sight with the terrain, and reposition to favorable spots when over exdended.
On January 10 2012 18:14 Zidane wrote: This thread is basically like bronze level sc2 players complaining about balance at a masters level. Except here, the bronze level bads can actually try to hide their poor skill level.
Ehh. Bioware made it hard for you to defend your statement couse at this point there is no high level(if you mean skill level) at this game couse matchmaking dosnt exists, There is randoms vs randoms and random enviorment. Huttball even tho looking cool and everything is impossible to balance as it favours knokback/grip type abilities to absurdal extent both defensivly and offensivly. That map with space ship assault is such RNG dependant that its actually sickening. Bad respawn on defense after dying can cost you 2 doors which is basicly a game.
First off - There are ways to avoid the knockbacks in huttball you can go on the low ground and pass up towards the enemy zone if the enemy is unprepared for it. Positioning is the key to win huttball not knockbacks.
Secondly knockbacks isn't imbalanced since almost all classes have it, if your class doesn't you probably have an awesome root or a grip instead. In fact I would say roots are more important in huttball since they aren't affected by the resolve bar unlike knockbacks who are.
how do you even dare to use the word RNG on the assault wz? its all based on timers, theres no rng involved. If you die at a bad time its not cause of RNG. Its not like you have a 20% chance to instantly spawn - THAT would be RNG.
The only real problem I have with PvP is the horrible ability delay. I also hate when my teammates do poorly but hey at least thats not the games fault.
You sir have a fualty view on balance and the points you put out there is simply things you dislike and not a balance problem. Please note that!
Its RNG because there are no ways of knowing when the field drops and u can leave spawn.
If they put a basic timer on it like ~20 seconds after death or something like
X number of kills = +10 sec on spawn
X number of minutes alive = + 10 sec on spawn
Then it would be "acceptable" in his eyes. I personally think this would be a better way of doing it but if they want to go GCD route for everything, meh. Suits me fine
Ehh. Bioware made it hard for you to defend your statement couse at this point there is no high level(if you mean skill level) at this game couse matchmaking dosnt exists, There is randoms vs randoms and random enviorment. Huttball even tho looking cool and everything is impossible to balance as it favours knokback/grip type abilities to absurdal extent both defensivly and offensivly. That map with space ship assault is such RNG dependant that its actually sickening. Bad respawn on defense after dying can cost you 2 doors which is basicly a game.
First off - There are ways to avoid the knockbacks in huttball you can go on the low ground and pass up towards the enemy zone if the enemy is unprepared for it. Positioning is the key to win huttball not knockbacks.
Secondly knockbacks isn't imbalanced since almost all classes have it, if your class doesn't you probably have an awesome root or a grip instead. In fact I would say roots are more important in huttball since they aren't affected by the resolve bar unlike knockbacks who are.
how do you even dare to use the word RNG on the assault wz? its all based on timers, theres no rng involved. If you die at a bad time its not cause of RNG. Its not like you have a 20% chance to instantly spawn - THAT would be RNG.
The only real problem I have with PvP is the horrible ability delay. I also hate when my teammates do poorly but hey at least thats not the games fault.
You sir have a fualty view on balance and the points you put out there is simply things you dislike and not a balance problem. Please note that!
Wow, i actually listed the most obvious stuff and you began to blindly defending it. It's ok if you dont see problem with knocbacks on map full of ledges and ramps, i do. Also i laught when you tell root skills are better while in LINE above you write about passing the ball. Dont contradict yourself.
About WZ respawns on defense, erm, you for real? It's is basicly the way you wrote as there is no way to tracking barrier times. So yeah, you sometimes have x% chance of instant spawn, and sometimes you wait ages.
Now i could get about other issues like Biochem or gtfo, scoundrels/operatives taking people in stun opening but hey, i just dislike it, its not like those are actual problems.
On January 10 2012 18:52 Zandar wrote: Smugglers, if you asked yourself, where did I see this Corso Riggs guy before, after extensive research we found the original: + Show Spoiler +
Man I knew something was familiar about Corso's hair! That's fantastic.
On January 10 2012 13:25 topoulo wrote: Well pvp is trash anyway and has no more depth than dota - lol terms of mechanics.
Fyi dota - lol might have better ( im sure theyre more balance as well)
This thread proves how broken by design are defences in pvp.
Everyone who grind to high rank and got defensive gear just got gimped and wasted their time , you still gonna be 3 shoted from dps classes in pvp , add the gimp heals that for a reason are also de buffed by 30% in pvp and is a dps fest .
As a high ranked PVPer with a lot of experience PVP-tanking I can straight up tell you that post on the swtor forums is full of shit.
"As a fully geared tank in pvp i have 17,000 health. Quite a bit." If he has 17k health, he isn't fully geared.
If he's losing 2/3 of his health being opened on by operatives, he isn't fully geared. Even reading that thread people are disagreeing and can't make up their mind on what the most useful tanking stats are.
When I was pvp tank specced without full gear (and not a single piece of battlemaster gear) I had 19.8k health. Champion geared operatives would open on me and do about 1/8th of my health when using EVERY cooldown. Healing is nerfed by 30% because if a competent tank is protecting them it takes an entire team focus firing, interrupting and bursting for them to come close to dieing.
When ranked warzones are released you'll see, I can 100% tell you now that the top rated teams will not be made up of 8 DPS players, they will have at LEAST 1 tank and 1 healer (more likely 2 healers and 1 or 2 tanks). It will not be a dps fest.
To call it "the worst pvp game ever" is an utter joke and completely laughable for anyone who has seen PVP at a high level in this game. My guess is you're butthurt that you rolled a level 20 tank and you're not invincible in PVP.
Also lol @ using the swtor forums as evidence for anything. Go to the main page of the PVP forum and you can see a thread about EVERY class being overpowered. People just like complaining... a lot.
And as an even more high lvl pvper since daoc with gladiator rank every season in wow and mutliple rr10 chars in daoc ( yea my dad is stronger than yours internet syndrome ;p ) i can tell you that the post is legit and has nothing to do with what your saying.
If teams run tank or healer is irrelevant , cause for starters there many who dont play ias or scoundrels and wanna group as well.
Furthemore like the post sais defences work in pve , its in the pvp department that are broken .
I call bs that a full champion tank , can last a whole team on him when as a full champion gear commando heal , i can barely outheal the dmg a single operative is done to a guardian without the 3 min timed abilities.
Heres a nice lil video of what an operative can do to a sorc , which even if the sorc gets the best gear possible , with max expertise at 14,99 damage miltigaiton , will still be 3 shotted.
So go tell all those high rank players that grind endlesly their pvp tankish armor and hit like a wet noondle , that are useless as well and they barely have better stats than a cloth sage , in almost every ability in the game including critical damage as werell( thats why you see 1500 base - 5k crits)
So spare me and look up the facts. Fyi there mistakes in almost every mmo out there but broken mechanics rly is that the best they could give us what a joke
Ehh. Bioware made it hard for you to defend your statement couse at this point there is no high level(if you mean skill level) at this game couse matchmaking dosnt exists, There is randoms vs randoms and random enviorment. Huttball even tho looking cool and everything is impossible to balance as it favours knokback/grip type abilities to absurdal extent both defensivly and offensivly. That map with space ship assault is such RNG dependant that its actually sickening. Bad respawn on defense after dying can cost you 2 doors which is basicly a game.
First off - There are ways to avoid the knockbacks in huttball you can go on the low ground and pass up towards the enemy zone if the enemy is unprepared for it. Positioning is the key to win huttball not knockbacks.
Secondly knockbacks isn't imbalanced since almost all classes have it, if your class doesn't you probably have an awesome root or a grip instead. In fact I would say roots are more important in huttball since they aren't affected by the resolve bar unlike knockbacks who are.
how do you even dare to use the word RNG on the assault wz? its all based on timers, theres no rng involved. If you die at a bad time its not cause of RNG. Its not like you have a 20% chance to instantly spawn - THAT would be RNG.
The only real problem I have with PvP is the horrible ability delay. I also hate when my teammates do poorly but hey at least thats not the games fault.
You sir have a fualty view on balance and the points you put out there is simply things you dislike and not a balance problem. Please note that!
Wow, i actually listed the most obvious stuff and you began to blindly defending it. It's ok if you dont see problem with knocbacks on map full of ledges and ramps, i do. Also i laught when you tell root skills are better while in LINE above you write about passing the ball. Dont contradict yourself.
About WZ respawns on defense, erm, you for real? It's is basicly the way you wrote as there is no way to tracking barrier times. So yeah, you sometimes have x% chance of instant spawn, and sometimes you wait ages.
Now i could get about other issues like Biochem or gtfo, scoundrels/operatives taking people in stun opening but hey, i just dislike it, its not like those are actual problems.
Well most of my points where towards you saying those things where imbalanced when it actually isn't an imbalance. and roots are way stronger then knockbacks IMO. Ofcourse you can pass while rooted but people aren't always in position and as I mentioned positioning is the most important thing. I was simply saying I find roots more important then knockbacks since restricting movement is a big deal and knockbacks surely count for it but the resolve bar will negate knockbacks so you will have to choose between a knockback or a stun. Knockbacks are also very unreliable with the ability delay there for I find roots stronger and more important in a game.
Now if your team plays perfectly you will overcome both knockbacks and roots. I wasn't saying roots where imbalanced I was simply saying I prefer roots over knockbacks. laugh all you want.
just because you can't track it doesn't mean its RNG... You can probably learn the timings by hand if you would like to I'd geuss its open about every 30sec and stays open for 5sec but I haven't even tried to messure it so its a complete wild geuss. There's a clock so you can time it off if you'd like.
the biochem and operative/scoundrel issues MIGHT be imbalance problems where as all your other points are not. I personaly haven't had big issues with either but maybe I just haven't met enough of em.
For huttball, the key to winning is 1. Having a healer 2. Passing the ball. 3. Positioning yourself for passing. Because of all the knockbacks are here to stay so being aware of it is important. I find that as a healer, trying to position myself in front of the ball carrier is the best idea. Always make sure to protect your healers as best you can. With a single healer you can wipe out the entire opposite team without losing a single player. Eventually the healer will get focused so healers gotta learn ways to position themselves.
I love pvp in swtor more than I ever liked it in wow, there are some balance issues such as the amount of inital burst from some classes and the knockback needs a longer cooldown, but other than that its pretty good.
I love pvp in swtor more than I ever liked it in wow, there are some balance issues such as the amount of inital burst from some classes and the knockback needs a longer cooldown, but other than that its pretty good.
Im curious about this. I dont know how other classes are but... Corruption Sith Sorc is basicly a ripoff of Discipline priest, change fear for stun and here we are, you even get penance and life grip! That brings me to question, what exactly you think is better in pvp in this game (with no small scale pvp like the arena type, no competitive type enviorment, rewards being totally grind based and clunky ui and responsinves that is just meh) then in WoW? I mean at this point level 10 character can be matched versus endgame geared lvl 50. I can understand that you find it fresh, but to love it more? Seems strange to me.
I love pvp in swtor more than I ever liked it in wow, there are some balance issues such as the amount of inital burst from some classes and the knockback needs a longer cooldown, but other than that its pretty good.
Im curious about this. I dont know how other classes are but... Corruption Sith Sorc is basicly a ripoff of Discipline priest, change fear for stun and here we are, you even get penance and life grip! That brings me to question, what exactly you think is better in pvp in this game (with no small scale pvp like the arena type, no competitive type enviorment, rewards being totally grind based and clunky ui and responsinves that is just meh) then in WoW? I mean at this point level 10 character can be matched versus endgame geared lvl 50. I can understand that you find it fresh, but to love it more? Seems strange to me.
It doesnt have arena That's what I like about it. I personally dont like small scale PvP like arenas - I prefer an objective based approach in team games (be it BF, CS, or well MMOs^^). Most of my friends (with Daoc, Neocron, .. backgrounds) feel similiar. We dont like the "team deathmatch" arena style.
What I absolutely dislike is no option of "full group vs group" play.
On January 10 2012 13:25 topoulo wrote: Well pvp is trash anyway and has no more depth than dota - lol terms of mechanics.
Fyi dota - lol might have better ( im sure theyre more balance as well)
This thread proves how broken by design are defences in pvp.
Everyone who grind to high rank and got defensive gear just got gimped and wasted their time , you still gonna be 3 shoted from dps classes in pvp , add the gimp heals that for a reason are also de buffed by 30% in pvp and is a dps fest .
As a high ranked PVPer with a lot of experience PVP-tanking I can straight up tell you that post on the swtor forums is full of shit.
"As a fully geared tank in pvp i have 17,000 health. Quite a bit." If he has 17k health, he isn't fully geared.
If he's losing 2/3 of his health being opened on by operatives, he isn't fully geared. Even reading that thread people are disagreeing and can't make up their mind on what the most useful tanking stats are.
When I was pvp tank specced without full gear (and not a single piece of battlemaster gear) I had 19.8k health. Champion geared operatives would open on me and do about 1/8th of my health when using EVERY cooldown. Healing is nerfed by 30% because if a competent tank is protecting them it takes an entire team focus firing, interrupting and bursting for them to come close to dieing.
When ranked warzones are released you'll see, I can 100% tell you now that the top rated teams will not be made up of 8 DPS players, they will have at LEAST 1 tank and 1 healer (more likely 2 healers and 1 or 2 tanks). It will not be a dps fest.
To call it "the worst pvp game ever" is an utter joke and completely laughable for anyone who has seen PVP at a high level in this game. My guess is you're butthurt that you rolled a level 20 tank and you're not invincible in PVP.
Also lol @ using the swtor forums as evidence for anything. Go to the main page of the PVP forum and you can see a thread about EVERY class being overpowered. People just like complaining... a lot.
And as an even more high lvl pvper since daoc with gladiator rank every season in wow and mutliple rr10 chars in daoc ( yea my dad is stronger than yours internet syndrome ;p ) i can tell you that the post is legit and has nothing to do with what your saying.
If teams run tank or healer is irrelevant , cause for starters there many who dont play ias or scoundrels and wanna group as well.
Furthemore like the post sais defences work in pve , its in the pvp department that are broken .
I call bs that a full champion tank , can last a whole team on him when as a full champion gear commando heal , i can barely outheal the dmg a single operative is done to a guardian without the 3 min timed abilities.
Heres a nice lil video of what an operative can do to a sorc , which even if the sorc gets the best gear possible , with max expertise at 14,99 damage miltigaiton , will still be 3 shotted.
So go tell all those high rank players that grind endlesly their pvp tankish armor and hit like a wet noondle , that are useless as well and they barely have better stats than a cloth sage , in almost every ability in the game including critical damage as werell( thats why you see 1500 base - 5k crits)
So spare me and look up the facts. Fyi there mistakes in almost every mmo out there but broken mechanics rly is that the best they could give us what a joke
I'll tl;dr your post -
*epeen epeen epeen troll troll troll*
Tanks are bad because here is a sus video of a sorc getting 3shot by an operative: (link)
Here is some advice....
Go play the game, hit 50, gear up. Once you do that you'll realize how full of shit your "facts" are.
But yes, it is common knowledge that operatives / scoundrel's burst damage is tuned a little highly. Showing a video of the highest burst damage class killing the squishiest class in the game doesn't really say shit about how a tank fairs in pvp. Also if he's in champ gear he doesnt have 15% pvp damage mitigation. Although there are even operatives commenting on that video saying it doesn't seem right.
I love pvp in swtor more than I ever liked it in wow, there are some balance issues such as the amount of inital burst from some classes and the knockback needs a longer cooldown, but other than that its pretty good.
Im curious about this. I dont know how other classes are but... Corruption Sith Sorc is basicly a ripoff of Discipline priest, change fear for stun and here we are, you even get penance and life grip! That brings me to question, what exactly you think is better in pvp in this game (with no small scale pvp like the arena type, no competitive type enviorment, rewards being totally grind based and clunky ui and responsinves that is just meh) then in WoW? I mean at this point level 10 character can be matched versus endgame geared lvl 50. I can understand that you find it fresh, but to love it more? Seems strange to me.