On April 22 2010 14:54 paper wrote: pokemon snap was ownage
but i rented (or borrowed?) it and only played it for a little bit
lol i never actually owned starfox 64, i just rented it at least 20+ times. amazing game. too bad if you go back now and play it you realize that most of it is retardedly easily.
LOL my cousin literally memorized every line in starfox 64. and he didn't even own the game, i did -_-
On April 22 2010 14:54 paper wrote: pokemon snap was ownage
but i rented (or borrowed?) it and only played it for a little bit
lol i never actually owned starfox 64, i just rented it at least 20+ times. amazing game. too bad if you go back now and play it you realize that most of it is retardedly easily.
not if you're 12... shit i remember playing zelda games when i'm like 8 and the puzzles are ffs hard as hell i do it again now and so easy to get though.