On August 27 2009 07:26 MYM.Testie wrote:
If any player has this kind of reaction to someone's very on the mark accusation of a fuck up, and they go into any of these modes they are immediately cut from the team. We don't need sissies who can't hack the game. Yeah it can usually go about it in a nice way, but if someone fucks up huge or does something that makes no sense it creates rage. Good players need that logical step, when someone does something that defies logic it sends the mind into anger. Because you're like, 'we had a team kill right there and he didn't fucking press a single key that would have won us the game'. So yeah.
You say, 'yeah I know I fucked up hard' and move work on it. As rare as it is, I've been raged at and had fingers pointed at me too. I don't say 'WELL U FUCKED UP TOO'. I don't get petty and vindictive. I recognize my mistakes and theirs and just say, 'yeah let's do that again that won't happen next time'. Even Dev recently lost a mid lane he shouldn't have yesterday, but because he UTTERLY FUCKING DESTROYS the mid lane so often we forgive him for his mistakes.
As for you Zelniq, no. If you're going to fuck up, you're going to get called out on it, and not in a nice way. Because if what you're doing isn't making sense, it's going to make people angry. ;p
If any player has this kind of reaction to someone's very on the mark accusation of a fuck up, and they go into any of these modes they are immediately cut from the team. We don't need sissies who can't hack the game. Yeah it can usually go about it in a nice way, but if someone fucks up huge or does something that makes no sense it creates rage. Good players need that logical step, when someone does something that defies logic it sends the mind into anger. Because you're like, 'we had a team kill right there and he didn't fucking press a single key that would have won us the game'. So yeah.
You say, 'yeah I know I fucked up hard' and move work on it. As rare as it is, I've been raged at and had fingers pointed at me too. I don't say 'WELL U FUCKED UP TOO'. I don't get petty and vindictive. I recognize my mistakes and theirs and just say, 'yeah let's do that again that won't happen next time'. Even Dev recently lost a mid lane he shouldn't have yesterday, but because he UTTERLY FUCKING DESTROYS the mid lane so often we forgive him for his mistakes.
As for you Zelniq, no. If you're going to fuck up, you're going to get called out on it, and not in a nice way. Because if what you're doing isn't making sense, it's going to make people angry. ;p
Asking "why did you fuck up?" isn't a solution, though, it's just an expression of frustration. Maybe you need to vocalize that frustration to move on or whatever, but it's stupid. Pure and simple. Unless the way to fix the fuck up is to do anything-other-than-what-was-done, it's a blunt insult. If you have a problem with the way someone did something, by all means, say so, but I think you can be more constructive.
There're reasonable levels, of course. For instance, if a skilled SK miss clicks and blinks his ult into a bunch of trees during a team-fight it's probably ok to make fun of him for such a retarded move, but if a newer SK player misses half his ult because he doesn't know he can shift-queue a dagger blink or doesn't know how to gauge dagger's blink distance it'd be a lot more useful to actually tell him how to do it correctly than insult him to satisfy your ego.
Fuck "sissy," or tough-guy labels... in team-games it improves your odds of success to skill them up! It's why babysitters give their cs to carries, it's why support heroes and roamers buy chick, wards and heal the team or sacs themselves so the carry can get away. If you're playing to rub your teammates noses in how baddass you are compared to them, you aren't playing to win in the long-term.
You're not even close to the worst of the ragers, Testie, so I don't understand why you're defending your "right" to shit on weaker players. Because it happened to you once upon a time? Poor excuse, imo.