soooooooooooooo i'd have to say comparingly to admiral, windrunner is much more balanced. i think she can be tweaked some more but overral she's no where near as overpowered as admiral is right now. my opinion is she's like a sent version of clinkz, granted different skills but sort of the same concept; doing high burst damage after getting items. her ult is completely useless without any items to compliment it, because it reduces her damage too much, even level 3 ult.
she has good escape skills and support skills, so i don't really think she's capable of being a full carry, just a semi-carry. if she was agility based i think she could be a good carry but she'd probably be a bit too strong :x
so far item wise i'm thinking deso and buriza are two strong items on her to compliment her ultimate, factoring in -armor to make up for reduced damage and a quick ten shots which should proc crit at least once or twice makes for nice damage. i tried mjolnir somewhat and it seemed to work ok but she does more damage with deso, the +damage from mjolnir doesn't make up for the reduced damage, and the proc rate isn't like crit, you can crit once or twice and that would be a good amount of damage, you need more procs with lightning effect otherwise her ultimate is useless. with more items though it would be a good addition, but if you want an orb deso seems much better.
int items work ok, orchid especially because of soulburn or whatever it's called, i think sheep would help too so she can dish out damage without being interrupted. that's basically all i've tried so far. she has okay lane control, and good lasthitting like drow but against any sort of nuker or stun combo she has to be played really defensively because her lack of hp really works against her, and unless you lane with someone that has arcane ring you can't spam your arrow all that often, and if you miss it it's a waste of mana.
speaking of mana, her mana pool is okay for the most part but if you get into a fight you're going to run out quickly, especially if you use her ult. the one thing that discouraged me from using her ulti often is it takes so much of her mana pool and since all of her spells are situationally useful it can be a bad decision to use her ult, then end up running out of mana and not being able to get away, or get a last second popshot off with your arrow. if she was agility based she'd be in a constant state of no mana though, so being int based for once actually helps.
overral a good support/semi-carry hero, i don't think there is too much that needs to be changed on her. her arrow nuke isn't too powerful, and actually hard to hit because it has a pretty straight forward hit range. it's a little useless in later levels but again if a hero is running you can popshot them without having to go very far. her shackle spell is a useful ministun and if the situation is right a good stun too, though i'm not really sure how well the skill is written because sometimes it seems like it randomly will latch onto a tree or enemy but othertimes in a similar situation it won't. her windrunner ability is good, and if it was anything over five seconds i'd probably say it needs to be nerfed, but currently it seems okay. and her ulti is item dependant so..somewhat useless early game.
anyway done writing about a dota hero(loool). this is what BOREDOM DOES TO ME, I TYPE A FUCKING ESSAY ON A DOTA HERO. DAMN YOU TESTIE THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
United States7166 Posts
Also I think mkb is very nice for her ult, maybe even better if you can get it fast. though late game buriza would be better provided she had other +dmg, problem is its hard to carry with her slow attack speed and her abilities and stats dont really complement her being a carry either. and ya her ult is just so shitty without any items, and even with 1 or 2 its only soso
United States7166 Posts
LOL Name/age/sexual orientation. and anything else you'd like to add. Telephone number, address...
Testie: Well, my name's Nick Perentesis, I'm 19 years old, and you can guess my sex from my name hmmm
On October 09 2008 20:16 Zelniq wrote: Also I think mkb is very nice for her ult, maybe even better if you can get it fast. though late game buriza would be better provided she had other +dmg, problem is its hard to carry with her slow attack speed and her abilities and stats dont really complement her being a carry either. and ya her ult is just so shitty without any items, and even with 1 or 2 its only soso
i haven't tried mkb but i don't think i'm going too. mkb is nice because of the damage it gives +proc hit, but take away a lot of the damage because of her ult and you're left needing that ministun to help keep a decent output of damage. whereas say deso +crys is really easy to get even early game, and added together give a very nice damage burst during her ult, assuming crit procs.
but yeah she's not a carry, semi-carry sure but relying on her to win the game is /afk 90mins while i farm
Testie chose his id because that's what Testie loves. Since Testie omitted sexual orientation, and I assume that Testie is either a male or a female, this leads me to conclude that this person is either a straight female or a homosexual male.
why is evo out of the clan? lol
btw we can't add any more members because the max is 25 now . . .
WTF? Petition Garena please. Seriously what the fuck. Stop trying to make money off clan slots you mother fuckers!
do we have to renew clan slots or are they permanent? I'd be glad to buy some slots in a couple weeks.
LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND. I'LL PAY. DO THEY TAKE THE MONEYBOOKERS? But first seriously let's see if there's some outrage on that clan shit and petition that shit.
United States7166 Posts
lol i heard SJ was not happy with him for nudging once so he kicked him, but now cannot reinvite
i dunno how you can tell who nudged and why he'd kick from just one thouhg O_o
Do they seriously imagine they fooled people with a crapload of "updates" and figure they stand to make major profit within a short time now ? Halving clan slots is dumb, even for garena standards.
+ Show Spoiler [If you're lazy like me] +Dear Community,
We would like to inform all gamers with existing clans and all who plan to make one in the future regarding a few changes in our current clan system. With the overwhelming increase of Garena clans created at present and the excessive slots not used by many small clans, we have now adjusted the starting capacity of clans created by level 25 users to fifteen (15) members including the Clan Lord. This change allows our system to load faster for better user experience and convenience.
This new change is effective immediately and all new clans created will now have the new starting capacity. For clans created before and already have over 15 members, those excess members will not be removed automatically by system. However, when a clan member leaves, the clan cannot add a new member to replace the departure of one member because the clan has already exceeded its newly-set capacity unless the clan upgrades to higher capacity.
Furthermore, we have released four (4) new items in Garena Shop for the Clan System. Users who have not reached level 25 or users who previously created a clan already but disbanded it can now have a chance to create a new clan by purchasing the Clan Creation package. And clans who wish to expand can avail the Clan Upgrade to increase their clan capacity.
Finally, we are pleased to announce that we are close to fully fixingthe remaining clan bugs in the current system. Thanks to everyone whohas helped report the bugs/issues.
Please be guided accordingly with the new changes in our Clan system. Thanks
You guys could try Delay Reducer on Bnet, at least in a private server I use works pretty well.
DR has been in the OP forever but no one ever uses it :{
Uhhh, JF, hora or I always use it whenever we host =P
United States7166 Posts
you can buy slots for clan? does it even work?? i remember jf's crew bought a set of clan slots but still couldnt invite
Corinthos bought us 10 slots today without even telling us about it, which is pretty damn cool. So now we can have 35 people in our clan!!! (We currently have 45)
If anyone else wants to pay and can accept money through moneybookers so that I might reimburse them that'd be cool. Or show me where I can pay, I don't have paypal so I kinda suck. =[
Northern Ireland1200 Posts
omgz hackz?
Played new map second time today. Starting to like. Still think magic sticks suck balls.
On October 10 2008 07:07 Chewits wrote: omgz hackz?
Played new map second time today. Starting to like. Still think magic sticks suck balls. I agree. I think magic sticks would be a lot better if they worked whenever any spell was cast, that isn't from your own guy. However laning with Rigwarl would be pretty imbalanced if you had a stick haha.