acct: RichardNPL
[HoN/DotA] Let's Play~!! - Page 201
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Canada759 Posts
acct: RichardNPL | ||
China26351 Posts
So Testie's a farming machine, he handpicks carry, what should we do? Three options. 1) Gank 2) Push 3) Outcarry Ganking Out of the three, ganking is the most effective method vs a carry heavy team for lowly coordinated teams such as the ones in TL IHs and TL level pubs in general. The purpose of ganking is to harass and kill the opposing team's (most of the time) carries who are usually weak early on, and when holding a sizeable advantage, capitalize on it by pushing, gaining more map control, making it harder for opposing carries to farm, giving our carries a good farming environment, etc. Basically doing stuff that helps the team win. When you are a hero such as QOP, Puck, Tinker, Potm, Pudge and soloing, you need to check runes constantly and leave your lane ASAP at lv6 or lv7 depending on opportunity to gank. Unless, opposite of you is Testie or Iefnaij playing carries which in that case you should call for a gank from your teammates. If you are playing a primarily ganking hero, the only thought on your mind the entire game should be to kill Testie/Iefnaij. If you are a half ganker half carry such as Jugg/Potm/Rikimaru/BH, you should look around to see if there is another capable carry on your team, if there is, you should stop farming ASAP, gather your teammates, and start harassing/killing Testie/Iefnaij. During mid game, which is the ganking primetime, there should be no more than two heroes farming at any given time, that is unless your team is made up of four carries, in that case you're already fucked to begin with. The other two or three heroes should be spending most of their time roaming, getting runes, and ganking, only farming periodically. I'll write the other parts later but basically, TL, please think the thought, "gank testie" more often in future TL games. | ||
China26351 Posts
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13196 Posts
On October 03 2008 00:39 zulu_nation8 wrote: This post was prompted by yesterday's game when I was QOP. I laned vs Testie's NW mid, and during the first 20minutes, not one person came to middle to harass/gank. I'm not blaming anyone because I understand TL games tend to favor farm, but in this situation the lack of ganking contributed as directly as possible to our loss. I will die a little on the inside if this happens again. and people wonder why ... i am ... so jaded. | ||
China26351 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Chile1726 Posts
On October 02 2008 17:11 paper wrote: 1 + 1 = 3 Crap. Ok 2, my bad. | ||
Canada1785 Posts
I try to remember to gank and check on health/mana etc, though I know I should be doing it a lot more but myself and probably a lot of other need reminding. For me it's part of a carry over of pub/TDA attitude, you leave your lane to another to gank and people immediately "wtf gtfo my lane", so you get accustomed to just staying in your own lane unless people ask for you. | ||
Canada11084 Posts
And even that isn't a guaranteed kill unless they all hit nearly in unison. Rather than gank, another person should have come to my lane. Because weaver is not going to die in a 1v1 situation. He's going to always check his opponents mana and realize their damage output and create a lot of hopeful situations for the person in the opposing lane, but it is all a set-up to make them waste their mana / hp giving him an advantage in the lane and attempting to weaken their ability to gank his allies. So as before, rather than gank, put a sentry in the lane, follow weaver. Likely after that I'd call for a lane change and hope 2 dudes are willing to switch with me & hope that the opposing team would not follow. Bring a stunner + a nuker in the lane and just dual lane against him. The fear of being combo'd alone will slow the amount of farming considerably as he has to pick and choose CS far more carefully so that he doesn't have a roh and sparkle sparkle at 22 minutes. So rather than ask for a gank, ask for help & dual laning. | ||
13196 Posts
it's a matter of mechanics -__- oh hi you came to gank but utterly failed and started farming my creeps. plz leve. | ||
Canada11084 Posts
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Canada11084 Posts
Winner = in. | ||
13196 Posts
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Northern Ireland1200 Posts
edit: wtf. how do I end up missing a WHOLE page of comments O_O | ||
Canada1785 Posts | ||
China26351 Posts
On October 03 2008 01:43 MYM.Testie wrote: You are not ganking my weaver without TP scrolls. And even then it is unlikely to gank him without a nice long range skill. (In this case, tinkers rockets would have sufficed). In this case, the only gank I feared that game was yes, a tinker teleport + rockets with qop doing a fast blink-scream-ult. And even that isn't a guaranteed kill unless they all hit nearly in unison. Rather than gank, another person should have come to my lane. Because weaver is not going to die in a 1v1 situation. He's going to always check his opponents mana and realize their damage output and create a lot of hopeful situations for the person in the opposing lane, but it is all a set-up to make them waste their mana / hp giving him an advantage in the lane and attempting to weaken their ability to gank his allies. So as before, rather than gank, put a sentry in the lane, follow weaver. Likely after that I'd call for a lane change and hope 2 dudes are willing to switch with me & hope that the opposing team would not follow. Bring a stunner + a nuker in the lane and just dual lane against him. The fear of being combo'd alone will slow the amount of farming considerably as he has to pick and choose CS far more carefully so that he doesn't have a roh and sparkle sparkle at 22 minutes. So rather than ask for a gank, ask for help & dual laning. Long story short, I bought sentry wards, we had a ganking lineup, yet you pretty much free farmed for 20minutes. I mean we don't even have to kill you but letting a weaver free farm mid is just disgraceful. | ||
Canada11084 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Hungary4843 Posts
Totally unrelated: I remember (I think it was) Alventenie getting horribly owned playing SF, and being like "Sorry Naib, I'm not that bad usually, I swear" while I didn't even say a word, lol =D. He kinda made up for that 0-13 or something in the next few games ![]() | ||
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