Is there a way to fix the problem of not being able to add or accept friend request? I tried adding my friend and whenever I click on approve, I don't see him on my list. I added my friends before and had no problems.
Lagged out of a game right at loading, and my internet went down for 4:30. I connected back into the game with 22 seconds left on my reconnect queue. i had right clicked andro at the start, so that was my hero.Right as i reconnect, I lagged big in-game freezing me in pool for another 20-30 seconds with 999 ping. I was 5 levels behind when everything came back, but I ran in to help magmus who was soloing vs rampage and witch right as they were tower diving. Caught rampage with my q, magmus got the other with his, and magmus double tapped right off the bat. Laned a bit, rampage charges and takes out magmus with witches help, but I take out witch, so i solo the lane for a while. Our EW mid comes and initiates a couple minutes later, i drop a stun and a aurora, and he double taps. i get my striders and two bracers in record time, lol. I start roaming around, initiating team fights and chasing, and at 18ish minutes they concede. I was 9/4/6, the highest kill total on either team, despite only playing for ~12ish minutes of it.
Hitting new MMR highs now. Started playing 3 months or so ago, and have solo'ed to 1620, mostly thanks to you guys help. :-D
On September 17 2011 11:54 Sm3agol wrote: Brag post.
Lagged out of a game right at loading, and my internet went down for 4:30. I connected back into the game with 22 seconds left on my reconnect queue. i had right clicked andro at the start, so that was my hero.Right as i reconnect, I lagged big in-game freezing me in pool for another 20-30 seconds with 999 ping. I was 5 levels behind when everything came back, but I ran in to help magmus who was soloing vs rampage and witch right as they were tower diving. Caught rampage with my q, magmus got the other with his, and magmus double tapped right off the bat. Laned a bit, rampage charges and takes out magmus with witches help, but I take out witch, so i solo the lane for a while. Our EW mid comes and initiates a couple minutes later, i drop a stun and a aurora, and he double taps. i get my striders and two bracers in record time, lol. I start roaming around, initiating team fights and chasing, and at 18ish minutes they concede. I was 9/4/6, the highest kill total on either team, despite only playing for ~12ish minutes of it.
Hitting new MMR highs now. Started playing 3 months or so ago, and have solo'ed to 1620, mostly thanks to you guys help. :-D
Once we were playing vs testie and I afked and when I came back everyone was level 7-9 and we won
He scales well, good range, easy spells and decent speed. I like him a lot... even if you get a bad start you can still play him as a support whereas with a guy like pred you have to afk jungle for 20 minutes.
yup, its been said he can be pretty item independent to still have a pretty significant impact in the game for sure. make sure to get traps lvl 1 and set em at rune spots
HoN newbie here, my friend and I were thinking about playing a pair of heroes that complimented each other well because teammates are too inconsistant.. could anyone give any suggestions for 2 heroes that can gank and still have decent late game scaling?
On September 17 2011 15:00 XXGeneration wrote: HoN newbie here, my friend and I were thinking about playing a pair of heroes that complimented each other well because teammates are too inconsistant.. could anyone give any suggestions for 2 heroes that can gank and still have decent late game scaling?
On September 17 2011 15:00 XXGeneration wrote: HoN newbie here, my friend and I were thinking about playing a pair of heroes that complimented each other well because teammates are too inconsistant.. could anyone give any suggestions for 2 heroes that can gank and still have decent late game scaling?
Swifblade / electrician is so lulzy at noob level, you should easily dominate your lane.
On September 17 2011 15:00 XXGeneration wrote: HoN newbie here, my friend and I were thinking about playing a pair of heroes that complimented each other well because teammates are too inconsistant.. could anyone give any suggestions for 2 heroes that can gank and still have decent late game scaling?
Swifblade / electrician is so lulzy at noob level, you should easily dominate your lane.
I agree. sb and elect is very noob friendly and the only hard part I guess is just executing the attack (for newbies). I think nymphora and pebbles is a good combo too.
i'd rather have polly/swift over elect/swift but that's just me. both work the same in the sense that it's just grip/spin. obviously farm is gonna go to swift so if i had to choose between an underfarmed polly or electrician, i'd go with the polly.
also, nymph+any hero with a target stun (or just a strong nuke i guess) is pretty strong. hm, what else. i remember when i was in mid 1700s i liked to run slither+balph for decent kill potential and strong push to follow up. ds+balph is arguably the better pair but i liked playing slither more :S