On September 02 2011 18:21 wonderwall wrote: Whatever happened to Honcast? They haven't posted anything in a week and have casted two Bo3's total since the 14th.
Was wondering that myself. It seems like they started covering some tournaments (qualifiers etc.) and then everything went quiet.
XanderK mentioned something about this new project he's involved in called "MOBA Weekly" (hate the name).
so i was watching this moba weekly show they're doing with commentators from dota, hon, lol and tobi goes off on kellymilkies or however you spell her name and it was a very interesting story. check this video out.
here's some of the tldr -left in a middle of a match in dota tournament and was control of the main camera for the audience. -tobi doesnt see her as a professional caster. -kelly broke up with moonglade the day of his first match in gsl. -hug liquid huk on live stream before his first game.
haha just thought it was interesting and funny since i guess the dota community werent to fond of her also.
Edit: nice someone post it right above me but the sound is off sync on youtube version.
On September 02 2011 18:34 Diizzy wrote: so i was watching this moba weekly show they're doing with commentators from dota, hon, lol and tobi goes off on kellymilkies or however you spell her name and it was a very interesting story. check this video out.
here's some of the tldr -left in a middle of a match in dota tournament and was control of the main camera for the audience. -tobi doesnt see her as a professional caster. -kelly broke up with moonglade the day of his first match in gsl. -hug liquid huk on live stream before his first game.
haha just thought it was interesting and funny since i guess the dota community werent to fond of her also.
Edit: nice someone post it right above me but the sound is off sync on youtube version.
Just wanted to come in and say i pretty much had the worst game of life last night, lol. Farmed with KotF for 40 straight minutes just to realize that I couldn't solo 1 v 5 vs a farmed emerald warden despite having a refresher.
On September 02 2011 23:55 Sm3agol wrote: Just wanted to come in and say i pretty much had the worst game of life last night, lol. Farmed with KotF for 40 straight minutes just to realize that I couldn't solo 1 v 5 vs a farmed emerald warden despite having a refresher.
Isn't that where you re supposed to make sure you have a buyback, use your team as bait and backdoor?
Sometimes I watch casters of games and think I could do much better or you could pull someone randomly off the street and they would have better social awareness, etiquette, and voice qualities to cast. It makes it hugely refreshing when actually good casters are part of an event or show.
Then I watch things like MOBA weekly and wonder why the fuck anyone watches garbage like that. Like seriously, that's a show? Those people enjoy making that ' show' ? Not only that but tobiwan who I assume is going to want to go big with dota2 doesn't realize that moba is a retarded term originating from a pedo scammer?
The irony of him complaining about professionalism about kelly and then proceeding to dump everything he knows about her private life on a show where's he's supposed to talk about MOBAs anyway is hilarious. Add that to the fact that he just spent 4 days casting the first dota 2 international tournament and he hardly ever knows what the fuck is going on. You could pull a random pubber with a distinct accent off these boards or any dota community and they could replace tobi. He complains that kelly doesn't know basic shit about heroes or items and doesn't even listen to the other caster when in reality he is barely one step ahead of her in that he knows nothing about basic strategies, drafting, or how to do anything but be a play-by-play commentator.
Shit like this is why if I don't enjoy playing dota2 or find a nice group of people to play with regularly I'm gonna give casting a go. If I do that I'm sure I'll make mistakes of my own and have haters but honestly casters like tobi have zero desire in improving their casting craft and sit lazily in their ' who the fuck follows this guy ' viewerbase.
On September 02 2011 23:55 Sm3agol wrote: Just wanted to come in and say i pretty much had the worst game of life last night, lol. Farmed with KotF for 40 straight minutes just to realize that I couldn't solo 1 v 5 vs a farmed emerald warden despite having a refresher.
Isn't that where you re supposed to make sure you have a buyback, use your team as bait and backdoor?
I tried, but sadly, the other team always had tp's so whenever I'd start I'd get 3 people instantly tp'ing back. It dragged the game out longer, but all I accomplished was raxing one side.
On September 02 2011 23:55 Sm3agol wrote: Just wanted to come in and say i pretty much had the worst game of life last night, lol. Farmed with KotF for 40 straight minutes just to realize that I couldn't solo 1 v 5 vs a farmed emerald warden because of having a refresher.
On September 02 2011 23:55 Sm3agol wrote: Just wanted to come in and say i pretty much had the worst game of life last night, lol. Farmed with KotF for 40 straight minutes just to realize that I couldn't solo 1 v 5 vs a farmed emerald warden because of having a refresher.
^^; ftfy
Eh, most likely. I was going for the epic teamfight destroyer, but by the time I got it, my team was too weak to do anything with a 10 second immobilization/stun/silence, lol.
But I'm bad and didn't know any better. Would a better KotF carry build be something more like elder parasite, HotBL, runed cleaver, and behemoths heart?
On September 03 2011 02:27 Wala.Revolution wrote: Unless they changed it, there is not ministun. It's just a root.
It interrupts channeling spells, but doesn't ministun. (This may have been changed in the remake though)
Also, on carry keeper : Carry keeper tends to involve going alch bones mock refresher heart demonic shiva's, fitting in boots of travel at some point in there. It's really not very good (in my opinion). Push heavy or initiation heavy keeper is a lot more useful earlier.
here's my tree build: ring of teacher mana potions chalice sol bulwurk boots mock demonic
with this build you can push lanes really fast. i hate seeing alch bones after the nerf its just a dumb investment i think. you can maintain the same gpm with stacking and microing your frogs.
Imo the most important thing is once u hit 6 keep an eye out for scenarios where u can get a good ult off to get kills or save someone. Try to not let such a powerful, very short cd ult just be wasted while u afk shift a into neuts when you could be helping your team enourmously
On September 03 2011 02:47 FinestHour wrote: Imo the most important thing is once u hit 6 keep an eye out for scenarios where u can get a good ult off to get kills or save someone. Try to not let such a powerful, very short cd ult just be wasted while u afk shift a into neuts when you could be helping your team enourmously
That's any jungle all jungles should carry tps and have either stiders or ghost marchers to reach team fights when it looks like one developed