On September 01 2011 23:39 Alur wrote:
Instead of pointing out a problem that you're having, you should probably look for the underlying cause. I can only assume that you lack efficiency (Minimization of non-xp range time, farm planning + efficiency and maybe telling your lane partner to gank/stack/whatever elsewhere if you're doing well) - and thus drop behind the opposition. Acquiring said efficiency comes through constanly being conscious about areas where you can be efficient, being everything from tp'ing to lanes with huge creepwaves, leaving well with <100% hp/mana, using blinks so that you travel to your destination in as much of a straight line possible and courier management etc.
For me, studying skilled players has taught me a lot. I'm not talking about opening a Chu replay and enjoying in /sitback mode. You have to sit down and look at literally everything he does - overlook nothing, and consider the reasoning/logic behind it. If that means taking notes, or rewinding parts several times then so be it.
As for that specific game, let's just say I hope posting that summary was carthartic for you.
Instead of pointing out a problem that you're having, you should probably look for the underlying cause. I can only assume that you lack efficiency (Minimization of non-xp range time, farm planning + efficiency and maybe telling your lane partner to gank/stack/whatever elsewhere if you're doing well) - and thus drop behind the opposition. Acquiring said efficiency comes through constanly being conscious about areas where you can be efficient, being everything from tp'ing to lanes with huge creepwaves, leaving well with <100% hp/mana, using blinks so that you travel to your destination in as much of a straight line possible and courier management etc.
For me, studying skilled players has taught me a lot. I'm not talking about opening a Chu replay and enjoying in /sitback mode. You have to sit down and look at literally everything he does - overlook nothing, and consider the reasoning/logic behind it. If that means taking notes, or rewinding parts several times then so be it.
As for that specific game, let's just say I hope posting that summary was carthartic for you.
I wish I could spend hours of my day analyzing replays, but I don't anywhere near that kind of time. I have time for 1 or 2 games MAX every couple days depending on how long they go, with maybe a day on the weekend where I can get 5 to 10 games in. The only reason I can type out long annoying posts is because I have a decent amount of down-time at work. I play for fun, but obviously sucking isn't fun, and I know I have the mechanical skill to at least stay around the 16-1800 range. I just don't think spending half my playing time during the week analyzing replays would be a great use of my time considering how little I really get to play. I know some people here don't mind helping n00bs out, and so I post here.
On September 01 2011 23:13 Gak2 wrote:
ok I watched ur replay and you did decently fine that game. You were never behind deadwood in levels. You were behind vindi and arachna for a bit, but that's understandable because they were solo while you were not, and you passed them in the end,which means you don't have to be in teamfights to outlevel. The only reason zephyr was so high was because they fed him a LOT of kills, and most of them were solo kills too.
There's generally two ways I like to play magebane:
1. Rush a runed cleaver and then you become a farming MACHINE. Since zephyr had the game under control you should have done this. With a runed cleaver, magebane can farm the entire jungle and have them all respawn for the next minute. Also, flash is probably the best escape skill in the game. However, since zephyr was there your jungle was probably occupied. Still, you could have farmed their jungle, since you can always flash away anyway (it's not like they had wards). The only potential problem was blood hunter. You could have taken him alone, but if the rest of the team comes you'd be kind of screwed. Just blink away when you see him, and in case he uses his silence before you can blink away, carry a homecoming stone and he's no problem.
2. Rush a helm of the black legion (like what you did) then gank gank as much as you can (not what you did). Then get a firebrand so they can't escape you and eventually a geometers.
I generally don't like to get both HotBL and runed cleaver, since by the time you have one, it's much better getting the more late game items.
Other general stuff:
-In general don't finish steamboots first on magebane. Get a lifetube (usually do this on anyone that needs runed cleaver/helm of the black legion aka most melee tanks/carries), then finish the steamboots(or finish HotBL if you are getting it) It gives immense lane staying power. Also it allows you to do my next tip
-Once you get lifetube in lane, harass more with magebane. Magebane has one of the most powerful attack modifiers in the early-mid game. You could have totally dominated scout even more if you auto attacked him whenever he came close (especially during his weaksauce flurry).
-You don't always want to ONLY last hit/deny such that the lane doesn't move at all (especially mid game). Depending on the other lanes, and the relative safety of doing so. You can push the lane (just remember to keep getting all last hits), go in the jungle for even more farm (you could have gone in the enemy's jungle), then once the lane is back farm it again.
-If you need a better idea of how to farm effectively watch a few games on testie's stream http://www.twitch.tv/angrytestie, the guy knows how to farm.
ok I watched ur replay and you did decently fine that game. You were never behind deadwood in levels. You were behind vindi and arachna for a bit, but that's understandable because they were solo while you were not, and you passed them in the end,which means you don't have to be in teamfights to outlevel. The only reason zephyr was so high was because they fed him a LOT of kills, and most of them were solo kills too.
There's generally two ways I like to play magebane:
1. Rush a runed cleaver and then you become a farming MACHINE. Since zephyr had the game under control you should have done this. With a runed cleaver, magebane can farm the entire jungle and have them all respawn for the next minute. Also, flash is probably the best escape skill in the game. However, since zephyr was there your jungle was probably occupied. Still, you could have farmed their jungle, since you can always flash away anyway (it's not like they had wards). The only potential problem was blood hunter. You could have taken him alone, but if the rest of the team comes you'd be kind of screwed. Just blink away when you see him, and in case he uses his silence before you can blink away, carry a homecoming stone and he's no problem.
2. Rush a helm of the black legion (like what you did) then gank gank as much as you can (not what you did). Then get a firebrand so they can't escape you and eventually a geometers.
I generally don't like to get both HotBL and runed cleaver, since by the time you have one, it's much better getting the more late game items.
Other general stuff:
-In general don't finish steamboots first on magebane. Get a lifetube (usually do this on anyone that needs runed cleaver/helm of the black legion aka most melee tanks/carries), then finish the steamboots(or finish HotBL if you are getting it) It gives immense lane staying power. Also it allows you to do my next tip
-Once you get lifetube in lane, harass more with magebane. Magebane has one of the most powerful attack modifiers in the early-mid game. You could have totally dominated scout even more if you auto attacked him whenever he came close (especially during his weaksauce flurry).
-You don't always want to ONLY last hit/deny such that the lane doesn't move at all (especially mid game). Depending on the other lanes, and the relative safety of doing so. You can push the lane (just remember to keep getting all last hits), go in the jungle for even more farm (you could have gone in the enemy's jungle), then once the lane is back farm it again.
-If you need a better idea of how to farm effectively watch a few games on testie's stream http://www.twitch.tv/angrytestie, the guy knows how to farm.
I greatly appreciate the time you took. Basically, what you are saying though is that I didn't maximize my farming time, and probably should have pushed the lane harder? That definitely makes some sense, because I know zephyr somehow managed to massively outfarm me in creep kills despite spending half his time raping their entire team 1 v 5. I was also really passive in the lane I farmed in, never really pushing it too far past the river for any length of time. And there were plenty of times I guess I could have farmed their jungle as well. I was kind of scared of KotF in there, but honestly, I was probably just overestimating him......other than his ulti, he has nothing for me.
Also, I got the steamboots for the +strength because I know mage needs some surviveability, but I guess the HotBL more or less serves the same purpose plus some, so that definitely makes sense as well. Mage seems like he's really fun to play, i'm probably going to be playing him a lot more often. I love the instant escapes, as well as the ability to completely destroy all those annoying int heroes like SS, hag, and pyro.