[HoN/DotA] Let's Play~!! - Page 1509
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United States254 Posts
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Poland17202 Posts
On August 18 2011 06:32 Am0n3r wrote: But I would still recommend a game where duplicate heroes are allowed, not gonna like 5 devours vs 5 moon-queens is still probably one of the best games I have played... 10 armadons in one game is sick. But so is everyone going pyromancer or panda. With pyromancers, when people hit level 6 you have no idea what's going on. Flames all over the screen. Of course, such games are best played if all players go mid ![]() You should clarify that. In standard mode you're restricted to your side's heroes. In banning pick (the competetive choice) you're not restricted in this way. | ||
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10040 Posts
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Brazil18828 Posts
On August 18 2011 07:06 Manit0u wrote: 10 armadons in one game is sick. But so is everyone going pyromancer or panda. With pyromancers, when people hit level 6 you have no idea what's going on. Flames all over the screen. Of course, such games are best played if all players go mid ![]() You should clarify that. In standard mode you're restricted to your side's heroes. In banning pick (the competetive choice) you're not restricted in this way. I think I misunderstood the question. I though he meant if it were like in LoL where one hero could be picked by both teams, not being able to pick any hero no matter which team you are on. I probally didn't pay enough attention, since it is a major diference from LoL that jumped immediatly to my mind. | ||
Poland17202 Posts
On August 18 2011 09:43 semantics wrote: pretty sure 5 plague riders win, deny whole creep wave you lvl 6 they lvl 1 maybe lvl 2 And what if enemy team picks plague riders too? No creepwaves all game except for catas ![]() | ||
United States20288 Posts
On August 18 2011 12:49 Manit0u wrote: And what if enemy team picks plague riders too? No creepwaves all game except for catas ![]() use long range nukes to try to pick them off one by one? | ||
United States2330 Posts
Too bad legion wins every game | ||
United States1608 Posts
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France8043 Posts
I have tried Dampeer he seems quite cool but a bit too much glasscannon for my taste. Nomad seems too technical for me atm, i always get killed lol but i hate to play against him. So far i had my best success with Hellbringer. He is quite fragile and i always get shitty K/D stats but at least i don't feel the need to be agressive. I usually try to go with another hero and i can be annoying early on with the ranged attack. However once we get to mid / late game i feel really useless ( only assists ) and i get killed so fast if i'm not very careful. The only good thing is the invocation ( works well against towers ). Some tips ? Since it is free mode i have a limited number of heroes available :o | ||
Denmark3900 Posts
On August 18 2011 14:39 Boblion wrote: Just started HoN tonight ( free mode ), it is my first moba and i don't really know what hero is good for a beginner. I have tried Dampeer he seems quite cool but a bit too much glasscannon for my taste. Nomad seems too technical for me atm, i always get killed lol but i hate to play against him. So far i had my best success with Hellbringer. He is quite fragile and i always get shitty K/D stats but at least i don't feel the need to be agressive. I usually try to go with another hero and i can be annoying early on with the ranged attack. However once we get to mid / late game i feel really useless ( only assists ) and i get killed so fast if i'm not very careful. The only good thing is the invocation ( works well against towers ). Some tips ? Since it is free mode i have a limited number of heroes available :o "/join Clan Teamliquid" You can usually get your questions answered aswell as find people for TMM. I could give you tips, but the problems you're having are very common for new players, and should dissapear in time. In terms of improving I feel like watching vods/replays of top tier players gave me an idea of how I was supposed to play. If you're not very familiar with the scene, anyone from the top of http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/players_mm/ should do. Or you can hop onto TS and find me, we can play some games together if there isn't any DotA 2 going on. | ||
Australia833 Posts
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679 Posts
This EHOME vs Tyloo match is so o_o''... | ||
Poland17202 Posts
On August 18 2011 14:39 Boblion wrote: Just started HoN tonight ( free mode ), it is my first moba and i don't really know what hero is good for a beginner. I have tried Dampeer he seems quite cool but a bit too much glasscannon for my taste. Nomad seems too technical for me atm, i always get killed lol but i hate to play against him. So far i had my best success with Hellbringer. He is quite fragile and i always get shitty K/D stats but at least i don't feel the need to be agressive. I usually try to go with another hero and i can be annoying early on with the ranged attack. However once we get to mid / late game i feel really useless ( only assists ) and i get killed so fast if i'm not very careful. The only good thing is the invocation ( works well against towers ). Some tips ? Since it is free mode i have a limited number of heroes available :o Check a few pages back, there was some beginner advice. Also: HoN Beginner's Guide It's pretty dated (I believe I made it during beta for all the people unfamiliar with DotA/HoN) and the game has gone a very long way since then but the basics should still be true. There's also some good discussion in the thread. http://heroes-newerth.com/hon-strategy/the-ultimate-guide-to-winning-games Pretty bad guide too but touches on several topics newcomers might find interesting (pushing, counter-pushing). + Show Spoiler [movies] + Specific hero guides: http://honcast.com/guides (this page also has competetive vods with commentary) I think you can follow from there. Also, remember NotJack's advice: 1. Learn to play heroes who don't need farm (Wtich Slayer, Andromeda, Plague Rider). 2. Learn to farm. 3. Learn to play heroes who don't work without farm. Edit: For free mode, provide us with the list of hero pool available this week so we can point you towards better starting heroes. | ||
United States2055 Posts
On August 18 2011 14:39 Boblion wrote: Just started HoN tonight ( free mode ), it is my first moba and i don't really know what hero is good for a beginner. I have tried Dampeer he seems quite cool but a bit too much glasscannon for my taste. Nomad seems too technical for me atm, i always get killed lol but i hate to play against him. So far i had my best success with Hellbringer. He is quite fragile and i always get shitty K/D stats but at least i don't feel the need to be agressive. I usually try to go with another hero and i can be annoying early on with the ranged attack. However once we get to mid / late game i feel really useless ( only assists ) and i get killed so fast if i'm not very careful. The only good thing is the invocation ( works well against towers ). Some tips ? Since it is free mode i have a limited number of heroes available :o Tip #1. Don't play predator. I'm a pretty n00b player myself, and after playing random for a couple months, I am trying to focus on really learning a couple heroes well. And after about 10 games of desperately trying to make pred work.....I give up. He just sucks. He's a 1 v 1 supreme that can't actually kill anyone 1 v 1....He'll probably never lose a 1 v 1 vs anyone remotely close in lvls or items, but he has no stuns and his slow lasts about 2 seconds. So he'll get someone down to about 30% hp, and then they'll just run off and he'll never catch them. He never dies, but if your team sucks, you'll never get kills either. Just had a game last night where I was 0/1/9 in a 40 minute game. I died once while doing some jungling early, and got a few assists from initiating, but never was useful the entire game despite being involved in most teamfights. I was farmed like a beast, but never could really put it to good use. Contrast that to the witchslayer game I had immediately afterwards where i was something like 13/4/19 in the same time period. Tip #2. Don't play heroes with skill shots/complicated skill mechanics. That means valk, devourer, magmus, soul-stealer, pharoah, aluna.........you get the idea. If a hero has 3/4 abilities that pretty much need to be synced well to be fully effective, then don't play that hero. | ||
United Kingdom186 Posts
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United States2055 Posts
On August 18 2011 23:55 maJes wrote: Don't initiate with pred, that's for your team to do. Just clean up everyone by jumping someone during/after initiation and proceed to activate ult, stone hide and wreck everyone who can't get away. Hence why I said "if your team sucks". If your team composition is sub-par/your teamates can't hit stuns, then you aren't a hard carry, you're just an inconvenience for the opposing team. You can't do anything to them, they can't really do anything to you. I could see him as a counter-pick to a hero like pharoah or zephyr, but otherwise avoid at all costs. | ||
Lithuania43 Posts
On August 18 2011 23:55 maJes wrote: Don't initiate with pred, that's for your team to do. Just clean up everyone by jumping someone during/after initiation and proceed to activate ult, stone hide and wreck everyone who can't get away. yes dont init with pred ever wich has shrun inside his ass, lifesteal and slow , and silly ulti. Better wait till all your support dies then go rampage mode. above guy plz stay at 1300 rating. or stop trolling | ||
United Kingdom186 Posts
On August 19 2011 00:13 Zum_ltu wrote: yes dont init with pred ever wich has shrun inside his ass, lifesteal and slow , and silly ulti. Better wait till all your support dies then go rampage mode. above guy plz stay at 1300 rating. or stop trolling I'm guessing you're not really that great if you resort to throwing around made up MMR as a reason for shitting all over what I posted. If your team initiation is predator you're probably not going to do very well if you're playing the pred imo, because if you are herping and derping and jumping on someone to start a teamfight you are going to get wrecked by the other team, who must have outpicked you horrendously for pred to be your only initiation. You might also want to get your glasses prescription checked friend, because I didn't say anything about letting your support feed and jumping in 5 minutes later, I distinctly said to go in after or during, which means as soon as say your tempest/behe/bubbles/whoever has ported in and activated their ulti, or as they are blinking in to do it. All that unpleasentness aside predator is a pretty strong hero Sm3agol. He's fantastic at teamfights when he enters them properly, and great at pickoffs due to leap and stonehide. Even if your team has no initiation potential he farms like a beast and as said, you can pick people off if you're patient before just rolling through the opposing team with superior items and survivability. | ||
Denmark3900 Posts
On August 18 2011 23:36 Sm3agol wrote: Tip #1. Don't play predator. I'm a pretty n00b player myself, and after playing random for a couple months, I am trying to focus on really learning a couple heroes well. And after about 10 games of desperately trying to make pred work.....I give up. He just sucks. He's a 1 v 1 supreme that can't actually kill anyone 1 v 1....He'll probably never lose a 1 v 1 vs anyone remotely close in lvls or items, but he has no stuns and his slow lasts about 2 seconds. So he'll get someone down to about 30% hp, and then they'll just run off and he'll never catch them. He never dies, but if your team sucks, you'll never get kills either. Just had a game last night where I was 0/1/9 in a 40 minute game. I died once while doing some jungling early, and got a few assists from initiating, but never was useful the entire game despite being involved in most teamfights. I was farmed like a beast, but never could really put it to good use. Contrast that to the witchslayer game I had immediately afterwards where i was something like 13/4/19 in the same time period. Tip #2. Don't play heroes with skill shots/complicated skill mechanics. That means valk, devourer, magmus, soul-stealer, pharoah, aluna.........you get the idea. If a hero has 3/4 abilities that pretty much need to be synced well to be fully effective, then don't play that hero. Your letting your own bad experiences corrupt your objectivity, pred is a solid hero, and with the right amount of farm he can completely plow through a team. | ||
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