Getting double mid vs dev is so hard in pubs, esp in AP where team comps are random, and the players think double laning mid = wat.
I really felt that snowball crushing me after I died just once, lol. It feels like if I even get that early bracer on any squishy (but typically strong solo mid) like flint or SS or whoever, its completely negated if dev just gets one hook out of like 4 attempts.
Hag/valk isn't so bad since they have escapes and even easier access to runes, but flint/ss vs dev is problematic for me sometimes.
Arachna rapes hag, no contest. Unless the hag gets really really good runes and all of them, like DD/illusion, hag will lose badly. Arachna's animation + damage is far far better than hag's. Her carapace also owns haunt and magic damage. The only way you'll kill her is if she's low already and you can blink scream ult and they're dumb enough to not press w/not have a level in w in between the whole process to take 1/2 the damage off your scream or your ult.
Sidelanes are different, arachna still beats hag in a sidelane but hag can be creative and actually hit arachna with the scream while farming instead of being forced to scream creeps only in mid, as a good arachna will never be getting hit by screams that are also getting the hag creep kills.
Also hag's HP is trash, which is also true of arachna, except at lower levels scream's radius sucks and if a hag trades hits with arachna + her web the hag will lose every single time, probably even with a scream or two which won't be in range to hit arachna unless the hag blinks in, in which case she'll die to the webshot anyways.
Last point I want to make is that hag is one of my best/most played heros and the more you play her at higher levels the more you realize she fucking sucks against almost every other mid hero. She can get the runes but her attack animation and damage blow and unless you're on top of your game super hard you're almost certainly going to get out last hit badly without using nukes, which means you NEED the runes, and luck is always a factor.
Devourer is really irritating middle and I personally have a very difficult time with him even when against players far below my skill level. I dislike having to think about it so much and watch him so carefully for hook possibilities. I've also been hooked a few times by the most ridiculously and obviously shouldn't-be-hitting-me-hooks that I have a psychological fear of them. Good devourers will constantly pull the lane to try to get you in a position where you can't see uphill and he's in the fog, so you need to pull back. A ward in the middle on your opponent's hill does wonders against devo. You can either place it purely for use against devo or, for example, if you're legion you can place a ward on the left hellbourne middle ramp on the edge to see the rune + see about 1/2 of devo's middle lane, so you can get some bonus vision for dodging hooks + rune vision.
Heros like defiler, flint, SS etc are total trash against a good devourer. 0 escapes, 0 damage if forced to fight inside rot, shitty HP pools. Any ranged hero can "sort of" win with good harass but if you get hooked even ONCE you're done, there's literally nothing you can do. Heros with leaps like valk, hag, or with good disables like puppet, completely rape devo. Heros who can do a lot of melee range damage while standing their ground also rape devo, like DR, who can spam his Q for extra damage to harass + if he gets caught in rot just Q 3 times in 9 seconds and rape the devo.
This really opens my eyes to the whole concept of winning vs dev by not laning against him with 0-escape heroes LOL
On June 29 2011 05:25 Nevuk wrote: One of the best feelings in the world is winning a game after being a rax down in a massively bm filled game.
edit : I just typed a very long sort of summary/battle report of it. No idea why. Bored I guess. Match ID is at the end. Solo queue as support. If you want to see the rage watch it from legion perspective, most HB rage was over mic.
58 minute game. Very long and ridiculous.
Probably average 1815 mmr both teams, I was the only one above 1800 on my team but everyone was fairly close to it.
Played nymph/bs vs pesti/vj and obviously got raped lasthitting after my BS did nothing but stun the pesti in laning phase while the opponents denied in tandem constantly nearly every ck. Really annoying, nymph's awful animation makes her really weak in a dual lane anyways.
Our opponents have been raging at each other from 30 seconds before the game starts, apparently teal was grouped up with one of the same people last game and went 1-16 on slither. Teal votes for a rage-remake, it gets voted down. He's on aluna. He decides to dual lane mid with purple, as apparently both of them think each other are awful noobs.
So Pesti has a 5:30 minute PK (Slardar/blink, but i assume everyone knows) while our pred has been raping top and our mid has been failing really hard. (DR vs Devo). After laning phase their team is better at attacking places we're not than we are. This is my fault as I'm not being very active with Nymph's ult, but when engagements were happening we were winning them handily so I figured no big deal.
Essentially a team would win a team fight, push, get to the tower, get genocided by people tping immediately after rezing. (Happened 3 times before the 25 minute mark, I think).
Then our DR (stormspirit) just... stops initiating, allowing Pesti/Dev to get off some excellent initiation 3-4 team fights in a row and forcing bad plague ults. I miss a stun on a fairly important gank, get picked off easy, team collectively rages at each other for a minute or two.
We get an easy kongor kill, give aegis to pred. It's been an even game up to this point but it's a conclusive advantage for my team. We push mid, win a team fight by a slight margin (2 for 3). The surviving members of my team are out of mana and decide to back off. Pred then decides it's a great idea to attack the tower alone, get's killed twice in a row 1v5 and I die after coming back in with enough mana for just one stun to try and let him live. At this point our advantage is thrown away entirely for no real reason. I finish my tablet.
They come to gank our jungle, the team decides it's good to fight and engages far away from all towers 5v5. We get raped, lose 5 for 3. I hear "why don't we have sight anywhere????" and 30 seconds later their team complains about the number of wards we have that prevent them from catching when I run. Their team appears to be raging harder and doing it more in all-chat.
We still have kill advantage but lose two mid towers, lose another team fight, lose rax. I call concede, it goes 3/5 for concede (which was pretty fair, I tend to call concedes early in general and even earlier if I'm solo queueing like I was).
Opponents taunt us, asking why we haven't conceded yet, criticize item choices (predator went shieldbreaker instead of something more normal), call us noobs, etc. I finish my 40 minute shamans. (I'm rocking a pretty awesome 121 gpm at this point).
They attempt to push into our top rax about a minute later and get raped, we lose nothing. It turns out some wires got crossed somewhere and their pesti was farming bot lane. Rage ensues. We're asked if we're mad at pest. (Why would my team be mad at him?)
For some reason my team decides to rage about pred's item choices at this point, twenty minutes after they had been picked up (his abyssal. apparently the deso was fine, but getting a vlad's at the 35 minute mark was a nono).
I finish my idol with the money made from that teamfight. The opponents decide they've had enough and go for a throne kill - which is always a really risky endeavor. They've been up the center rax for about 10-15 minutes at this point and decide to go through that lane with their mega creeps.
I'm hooked by devourer, tablet away, get stunned and then drop to 60 hp - at which point I active idol, covering my entire team, throw out my stun, and get off my heal. The plague astrolabes and I'm back to 700 hp and rapidly climbing from the innate regen idol gives. The opponents have blown their cc at this point, both aluna's chain stun and pesti's aoe.
The opposing team rages very hard because no one sheeped the magic immune pred. Aluna (the teal player who went 1-16 last game, also the one with the sheepstick) decides at this point that the best way to help their team is to not be in the teamfights at all, and proceeds to only power throw from across the map for the rest of the game.
I'm still not sure if this was intentional throwing at its finest or just coincidentally bad play. After the next team fight, they lose two rax. The final fight occurs at the bottom second tower, Aluna chooses to abstain and attack the mega creeps pushing in the center lane. A single red power throw comes out and does pretty much nothing. She tries to 1v5 at the bottom rax, or rather stuns, power throws, then tries to run away. Doesn't work vs pk/frenzied opponents and she dies in a hail of magical fire, electricity, and plagueicity. Opposing team gg's after shit-talking their teal player for a while longer.
This is mostly my experience with solo queue - people on the other team do lots of silly stuff. So do the people on my team, and sometimes so do I.
(match id 50768673).
I always find it funny that people make fun of unconventional builds and proceed to lose to it, it's so boring to do the same builds every game because rarely are games the same.
On June 29 2011 08:56 Durak wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2011 08:27 GhostKorean wrote:On June 29 2011 05:25 Nevuk wrote: One of the best feelings in the world is winning a game after being a rax down in a massively bm filled game.
edit : I just typed a very long sort of summary/battle report of it. No idea why. Bored I guess. Match ID is at the end. Solo queue as support. If you want to see the rage watch it from legion perspective, most HB rage was over mic.
58 minute game. Very long and ridiculous.
Probably average 1815 mmr both teams, I was the only one above 1800 on my team but everyone was fairly close to it.
Played nymph/bs vs pesti/vj and obviously got raped lasthitting after my BS did nothing but stun the pesti in laning phase while the opponents denied in tandem constantly nearly every ck. Really annoying, nymph's awful animation makes her really weak in a dual lane anyways.
Our opponents have been raging at each other from 30 seconds before the game starts, apparently teal was grouped up with one of the same people last game and went 1-16 on slither. Teal votes for a rage-remake, it gets voted down. He's on aluna. He decides to dual lane mid with purple, as apparently both of them think each other are awful noobs.
So Pesti has a 5:30 minute PK (Slardar/blink, but i assume everyone knows) while our pred has been raping top and our mid has been failing really hard. (DR vs Devo). After laning phase their team is better at attacking places we're not than we are. This is my fault as I'm not being very active with Nymph's ult, but when engagements were happening we were winning them handily so I figured no big deal.
Essentially a team would win a team fight, push, get to the tower, get genocided by people tping immediately after rezing. (Happened 3 times before the 25 minute mark, I think).
Then our DR (stormspirit) just... stops initiating, allowing Pesti/Dev to get off some excellent initiation 3-4 team fights in a row and forcing bad plague ults. I miss a stun on a fairly important gank, get picked off easy, team collectively rages at each other for a minute or two.
We get an easy kongor kill, give aegis to pred. It's been an even game up to this point but it's a conclusive advantage for my team. We push mid, win a team fight by a slight margin (2 for 3). The surviving members of my team are out of mana and decide to back off. Pred then decides it's a great idea to attack the tower alone, get's killed twice in a row 1v5 and I die after coming back in with enough mana for just one stun to try and let him live. At this point our advantage is thrown away entirely for no real reason. I finish my tablet.
They come to gank our jungle, the team decides it's good to fight and engages far away from all towers 5v5. We get raped, lose 5 for 3. I hear "why don't we have sight anywhere????" and 30 seconds later their team complains about the number of wards we have that prevent them from catching when I run. Their team appears to be raging harder and doing it more in all-chat.
We still have kill advantage but lose two mid towers, lose another team fight, lose rax. I call concede, it goes 3/5 for concede (which was pretty fair, I tend to call concedes early in general and even earlier if I'm solo queueing like I was).
Opponents taunt us, asking why we haven't conceded yet, criticize item choices (predator went shieldbreaker instead of something more normal), call us noobs, etc. I finish my 40 minute shamans. (I'm rocking a pretty awesome 121 gpm at this point).
They attempt to push into our top rax about a minute later and get raped, we lose nothing. It turns out some wires got crossed somewhere and their pesti was farming bot lane. Rage ensues. We're asked if we're mad at pest. (Why would my team be mad at him?)
For some reason my team decides to rage about pred's item choices at this point, twenty minutes after they had been picked up (his abyssal. apparently the deso was fine, but getting a vlad's at the 35 minute mark was a nono).
I finish my idol with the money made from that teamfight. The opponents decide they've had enough and go for a throne kill - which is always a really risky endeavor. They've been up the center rax for about 10-15 minutes at this point and decide to go through that lane with their mega creeps.
I'm hooked by devourer, tablet away, get stunned and then drop to 60 hp - at which point I active idol, covering my entire team, throw out my stun, and get off my heal. The plague astrolabes and I'm back to 700 hp and rapidly climbing from the innate regen idol gives. The opponents have blown their cc at this point, both aluna's chain stun and pesti's aoe.
The opposing team rages very hard because no one sheeped the magic immune pred. Aluna (the teal player who went 1-16 last game, also the one with the sheepstick) decides at this point that the best way to help their team is to not be in the teamfights at all, and proceeds to only power throw from across the map for the rest of the game.
I'm still not sure if this was intentional throwing at its finest or just coincidentally bad play. After the next team fight, they lose two rax. The final fight occurs at the bottom second tower, Aluna chooses to abstain and attack the mega creeps pushing in the center lane. A single red power throw comes out and does pretty much nothing. She tries to 1v5 at the bottom rax, or rather stuns, power throws, then tries to run away. Doesn't work vs pk/frenzied opponents and she dies in a hail of magical fire, electricity, and plagueicity. Opposing team gg's after shit-talking their teal player for a while longer.
This is mostly my experience with solo queue - people on the other team do lots of silly stuff. So do the people on my team, and sometimes so do I.
(match id 50768673).
Oh HoN, the only game where teams rage while they're winning and both teams say they got outpicked and are losing at the same time Oh Sunye, the only person who quotes a long post to post one sentence. Not anymore. Anyway, most team games don't have the "outpicked" excuse.
On June 29 2011 09:32 Ganfei2 wrote: Arachna rapes hag, no contest. Unless the hag gets really really good runes and all of them, like DD/illusion, hag will lose badly. Arachna's animation + damage is far far better than hag's. Her carapace also owns haunt and magic damage. The only way you'll kill her is if she's low already and you can blink scream ult and they're dumb enough to not press w/not have a level in w in between the whole process to take 1/2 the damage off your scream or your ult.
Sidelanes are different, arachna still beats hag in a sidelane but hag can be creative and actually hit arachna with the scream while farming instead of being forced to scream creeps only in mid, as a good arachna will never be getting hit by screams that are also getting the hag creep kills.
Also hag's HP is trash, which is also true of arachna, except at lower levels scream's radius sucks and if a hag trades hits with arachna + her web the hag will lose every single time, probably even with a scream or two which won't be in range to hit arachna unless the hag blinks in, in which case she'll die to the webshot anyways.
Devourer is really irritating middle and I personally have a very difficult time with him even when against players far below my skill level. I dislike having to think about it so much and watch him so carefully for hook possibilities. I've also been hooked a few times by the most ridiculously and obviously shouldn't-be-hitting-me-hooks that I have a psychological fear of them. Good devourers will constantly pull the lane to try to get you in a position where you can't see uphill and he's in the fog, so you need to pull back. A ward in the middle on your opponent's hill does wonders against devo. You can either place it purely for use against devo or, for example, if you're legion you can place a ward on the left hellbourne middle ramp on the edge to see the rune + see about 1/2 of devo's middle lane, so you can get some bonus vision for dodging hooks + rune vision.
Heros like defiler, flint, SS etc are total trash against a good devourer. 0 escapes, 0 damage if forced to fight inside rot, shitty HP pools. Any ranged hero can "sort of" win with good harass but if you get hooked even ONCE you're done, there's literally nothing you can do. Heros with leaps like valk, hag, or with good disables like puppet, completely rape devo. Heros who can do a lot of melee range damage while standing their ground also rape devo, like DR, who can spam his Q for extra damage to harass + if he gets caught in rot just Q 3 times in 9 seconds and rape the devo. Why can't your skill carry over to LoL
On June 29 2011 02:54 rabidch wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2011 02:17 Judicator wrote: ? I love PL. He's actually my favorite carry to play. so the heroes you like to play more are the ones that you complain about how broken they are. i see
Hardly broken after the stats nerf and the other broken shit that was put out. PL is just fun cause people always play me like I have Dopplewalk and then they ask where all those lances come from.
On June 29 2011 09:38 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2011 02:54 rabidch wrote:On June 29 2011 02:17 Judicator wrote: ? I love PL. He's actually my favorite carry to play. so the heroes you like to play more are the ones that you complain about how broken they are. i see hahaha  Hardly broken after the stats nerf and the other broken shit that was put out. PL is just fun cause people always play me like I have Dopplewalk and then they ask where all those lances come from. iirc you still made a few posts after the stats nerf
On June 29 2011 09:21 doktorLucifer wrote:Show nested quote +On June 28 2011 15:29 bkrow wrote:On June 28 2011 15:03 wonderwall wrote:Off topic; Solo Q'd and someone insta-picks arachna and refuses to go mid against hag. So i go as pr and somehow win mid verse hag (plague is gosu solo) and beat her to runes (that one i don't understand) - i was even kind enough to gank bot twice and kill their aluna both times.. Plague is actually a really great solo, there a better options for mid of course but plague has good capacity to win a lane. He keeps it pushed back with minimal effort and he has decent damage/animation with a way of applying pressure through his nuke. He is an awesome solo i agree; his extinguish and nuke make for some easy farm/harass and lane control. But arach mid dominates in levels, harass, farm, everything.. I also kind of feel hag is one of the best mid heroes just because of her rune control. Anyway.. then the servers crashed-yippy So in this specific matchup at mid... arach vs hag, how should it play out? What should each of these heroes be doing? Also, I still have trouble vs devs. Granted, the last dev I faced was some 1700 ish psr dude with like 3.5 kdr just stomping. I was midding vs him with flint, was harassing decently and keeping the lane pulled to me. I got a rune at 4 minute mark, but the lane ended up pushing forward a bit, and I literally walked into a hook. After that, I died like 4 times in row to random nonsense. (My little brother said to me "just rush boots after going your normal item opening and learn to dodge skillshots lol noob") So what I do eh?
Hag will lose the lane and win the gank war, usually. So it's about an even matchup. Arachna will get a lot of farm, but hag can nuke the wave in order to win the rune battle unless Arachna is camping a spawn and praying to get lucky, in which case Arachna will lose the lane and be about even with Hag in terms of ganks (totals up to a bad arachna).
Something to watch out for as hag is being at low health and thinking you can just blink away from a lvl 6+ arachna. The ult chases you... (I swear I've never had this happen to me >.> <.<)
Perfectly played it comes down to the item build Arachna uses and whether the side lanes die to hag ganks. This is why hag is fucking amazing sub-1750 and considered somewhat subpar and easily outpicked beyond that (because beyond 1750 people usually have their shit together and will get back when mid goes missing)
On June 29 2011 09:46 rabidch wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2011 09:38 Judicator wrote:On June 29 2011 02:54 rabidch wrote:On June 29 2011 02:17 Judicator wrote: ? I love PL. He's actually my favorite carry to play. so the heroes you like to play more are the ones that you complain about how broken they are. i see hahaha  Hardly broken after the stats nerf and the other broken shit that was put out. PL is just fun cause people always play me like I have Dopplewalk and then they ask where all those lances come from. iirc you still made a few posts after the stats nerf
Yeah, definitely rode that broke PL too long after the stats nerf, should have gone to the broken shit Morph.
![[image loading]](http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/4299/unledbmk.png)
This is the second guy that lied about their CS after being asked. The idiot was complaining about how Viper vs DK was unfair...when he had stupid regen from the Tree aura on top of maxing out his armor first.
Share your stupidity.
Hag is a weak mid and loses to everyone lol
On June 29 2011 10:08 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2011 09:46 rabidch wrote:On June 29 2011 09:38 Judicator wrote:On June 29 2011 02:54 rabidch wrote:On June 29 2011 02:17 Judicator wrote: ? I love PL. He's actually my favorite carry to play. so the heroes you like to play more are the ones that you complain about how broken they are. i see hahaha  Hardly broken after the stats nerf and the other broken shit that was put out. PL is just fun cause people always play me like I have Dopplewalk and then they ask where all those lances come from. iirc you still made a few posts after the stats nerf Yeah, definitely rode that broke PL too long after the stats nerf, should have gone to the broken shit Morph. ![[image loading]](http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/4299/unledbmk.png) This is the second guy that lied about their CS after being asked. The idiot was complaining about how Viper vs DK was unfair...when he had stupid regen from the Tree aura on top of maxing out his armor first. Share your stupidity.
Yo man, gotta impress strangers on the internet. If they go through the trouble to check if you're telling the truth, they're just nolife stalking losers anyway, fuck 'em, am I right? On an unrelated note, got new job CEO'ing 10k/day sup?
On June 29 2011 09:32 Ganfei2 wrote:
Devourer is really irritating middle and I personally have a very difficult time with him even when against players far below my skill level. I dislike having to think about it so much and watch him so carefully for hook possibilities. I've also been hooked a few times by the most ridiculously and obviously shouldn't-be-hitting-me-hooks that I have a psychological fear of them. Good devourers will constantly pull the lane to try to get you in a position where you can't see uphill and he's in the fog, so you need to pull back. A ward in the middle on your opponent's hill does wonders against devo. You can either place it purely for use against devo or, for example, if you're legion you can place a ward on the left hellbourne middle ramp on the edge to see the rune + see about 1/2 of devo's middle lane, so you can get some bonus vision for dodging hooks + rune vision.
Heros like defiler, flint, SS etc are total trash against a good devourer. 0 escapes, 0 damage if forced to fight inside rot, shitty HP pools. Any ranged hero can "sort of" win with good harass but if you get hooked even ONCE you're done, there's literally nothing you can do. Heros with leaps like valk, hag, or with good disables like puppet, completely rape devo. Heros who can do a lot of melee range damage while standing their ground also rape devo, like DR, who can spam his Q for extra damage to harass + if he gets caught in rot just Q 3 times in 9 seconds and rape the devo. I think everyone knows that the best counter to dev is panda/pred/melee str mid. Flux imba too. Start punch dagger hp pot and rape.
(Not being serious here... just making fun of Nome's guides. Such bad starting items always. Many melee heroes are ok vs dev mid, I think it's just that if they predict it and sidelane dev you're a little screwed).
It is true that you're bad vs dev though, I've seen you lose defiler to legit 1650 dev players. We usually win those games later on anyways however. Also, that is my favorite ward spot.
I always find it funny that people make fun of unconventional builds and proceed to lose to it, it's so boring to do the same builds every game because rarely are games the same.
It was strange, the other team questioned the deso but then my team's plague rider decided that the 35 minute vlad's after deso was an awful awful pickup. So most of the item choices in the game were team-criticisms, which was a pretty odd experience. I dunno, it kind of made sense to me but I don't ever play carries. Whenever I play a melee carry I pretty much flip a coin to determine when I want vlad's. Farming is pewpew boring to me. (Either way the bkb would've probably been a little better coming before vlad's rather than after. I rarely ever played dota and still find the dota names so much better for the most part).
I find it really depends on the hero and lineup you're playing. Some heroes almost always have the same item builds while others are lot more flexible. (Gladiator is almost always shroud, behe eventually needs his blink, etc). The one that always bothers me is everyone playing tempest pk first in jungle. I do it sometimes but really his stat gain lets you do really different stuff and be fine, but people get really whiny if you have a 30 minute pk, shamans, steamboots instead of a 20 minute naked pk. As I understand it this is pretty much something that's exclusive to hon, and I've never really figured out why enigma is a solo sidelane hero and tempest is a jungle for 30 minutes hero. (I mean obviously a well-played tempest ganks more)
On June 29 2011 02:17 Judicator wrote: Yo man, gotta impress strangers on the internet. If they go through the trouble to check if you're telling the truth, they're just nolife stalking losers anyway, fuck 'em, am I right? On an unrelated note, got new job CEO'ing 10k/day sup? I once played an hour and forty minute pvz on andromeda in BW at the D+ level. The entire map was mined out and my opponent was building sunken colonies around the last mineral only. I asked my opponent how much he had and he said 4k. Watching the replay it was 34 minerals :/ I eventually won through dark archons and scouts, but I would've made less mineral efficient stuff had I thought he had less money.
Vladmir's Offering: If you seriously considered buying this, ask yourself this question: "am I playing in a pub?" If yes, then take a look at the rest of your teammates' items--there's a 95% chance that all of them are holding one, so don't even bother buying Vlad's since you can just mooch off of your teammates.
Doctor Repulsor > devo before lv 6 you can literally just sit there and wait for him to hook you (as long as its not into tower) and then kill him when he does even after lv6, as long as you have strength boots, he can't possibly kill you and u can just ulti away + u'll have more rune controll and rape him in cs
I never understand why people insult their own allies on the team. Whenever I soloQ, I get the loudest people who feel the need to tell others they suck, but need to be reminded that we all have the generally same PSR.
It just boggles and baffles my mind.
Don't worry the same thing is going on on the other team too
Except they win. I honestly hope I lose everytime I get an asshole like that. I do the cowardly preteen thing and talk about my shitty team at the end with other people :3
Flint is a terrible mid - really bad base damage, no escapes, dies when out of position to like anything.
Hag is weak too. My favorite is to pick fayde against hag because cull is either free or gives you mana back @ lvl 3-4 if you hit hag/ranged creep, so you can stun/cull to harass and then kill her with ult early on. Conveniently scream range = stun range.
And you never want to see a fayde get big early on ;o
Winning/surviving against pudge with a ranged non-escape hero in mid is first and foremost about positioning and secondly about keeping his hp in check. It's a rather difficult with heroes that do not have any nuke or crazy dmg/animation. In DotA an SF can beat a pudge rather convincingly by keeping his hp in check and then by simply pushing the lane and ganking instead when it gets dangerous (6+ min mark, limited vision, lvl 6/7 pudge). Unless pudge somehow kills you on level 3/4 you should be fine.
On June 29 2011 15:43 TheTester wrote: Flint is a terrible mid - really bad base damage, no escapes, dies when out of position to like anything.
Hag is weak too. My favorite is to pick fayde against hag because cull is either free or gives you mana back @ lvl 3-4 if you hit hag/ranged creep, so you can stun/cull to harass and then kill her with ult early on. Conveniently scream range = stun range.
And you never want to see a fayde get big early on ;o mostly you don't want flint mid becuase hes not a roamer