[HoN/DotA] Let's Play~!! - Page 1358
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United Kingdom801 Posts
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New Zealand695 Posts
the optimal solo strategy is: random a hero, troll your team. \o\\\ Forgot to spam swap with your teammates to try and get rid of your terrible random. | ||
United Kingdom801 Posts
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時の回廊10066 Posts
On June 28 2011 18:06 xZiGGY wrote: no you swap your hard carry to kupon3ss and watch him hard fail :O that only happens when i'm doing shit like winning lanes with Sand Wraith 1v2 and then look around, hey look team's like 2-10 o_O, infinite ganks inc | ||
United States20288 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [Judicator's worst nightmare] + Lancer had a bug that made it so all his attacks made clones and all his clones attacks made clones. Had a game where we all went down to 5 FPS after there was over 2,000 clones on the screen just eating anything that moved. | ||
United States7270 Posts
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Torte de Lini
Germany38463 Posts
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United States20288 Posts
On June 29 2011 02:17 Judicator wrote: ? I love PL. He's actually my favorite carry to play. so the heroes you like to play more are the ones that you complain about how broken they are. i see | ||
Torte de Lini
Germany38463 Posts
On June 29 2011 02:54 rabidch wrote: so the heroes you like to play more are the ones that you complain about how broken they are. i see lolzing. I won my first soloq lane! I beat a soulstealer mid with corrupted disc O: | ||
United States1475 Posts
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Germany7494 Posts
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United States16280 Posts
On June 29 2011 04:05 FliedLice wrote: is hon working for you atm? Yes. A bit slow to login but nothing too bad. | ||
United States2 Posts
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10040 Posts
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United States16280 Posts
edit : I just typed a very long sort of summary/battle report of it. No idea why. Bored I guess. Match ID is at the end. Solo queue as support. If you want to see the rage watch it from legion perspective, most HB rage was over mic. 58 minute game. Very long and ridiculous. Probably average 1815 mmr both teams, I was the only one above 1800 on my team but everyone was fairly close to it. Played nymph/bs vs pesti/vj and obviously got raped lasthitting after my BS did nothing but stun the pesti in laning phase while the opponents denied in tandem constantly nearly every ck. Really annoying, nymph's awful animation makes her really weak in a dual lane anyways. Our opponents have been raging at each other from 30 seconds before the game starts, apparently teal was grouped up with one of the same people last game and went 1-16 on slither. Teal votes for a rage-remake, it gets voted down. He's on aluna. He decides to dual lane mid with purple, as apparently both of them think each other are awful noobs. So Pesti has a 5:30 minute PK (Slardar/blink, but i assume everyone knows) while our pred has been raping top and our mid has been failing really hard. (DR vs Devo). After laning phase their team is better at attacking places we're not than we are. This is my fault as I'm not being very active with Nymph's ult, but when engagements were happening we were winning them handily so I figured no big deal. Essentially a team would win a team fight, push, get to the tower, get genocided by people tping immediately after rezing. (Happened 3 times before the 25 minute mark, I think). Then our DR (stormspirit) just... stops initiating, allowing Pesti/Dev to get off some excellent initiation 3-4 team fights in a row and forcing bad plague ults. I miss a stun on a fairly important gank, get picked off easy, team collectively rages at each other for a minute or two. We get an easy kongor kill, give aegis to pred. It's been an even game up to this point but it's a conclusive advantage for my team. We push mid, win a team fight by a slight margin (2 for 3). The surviving members of my team are out of mana and decide to back off. Pred then decides it's a great idea to attack the tower alone, get's killed twice in a row 1v5 and I die after coming back in with enough mana for just one stun to try and let him live. At this point our advantage is thrown away entirely for no real reason. I finish my tablet. They come to gank our jungle, the team decides it's good to fight and engages far away from all towers 5v5. We get raped, lose 5 for 3. I hear "why don't we have sight anywhere????" and 30 seconds later their team complains about the number of wards we have that prevent them from catching when I run. Their team appears to be raging harder and doing it more in all-chat. We still have kill advantage but lose two mid towers, lose another team fight, lose rax. I call concede, it goes 3/5 for concede (which was pretty fair, I tend to call concedes early in general and even earlier if I'm solo queueing like I was). Opponents taunt us, asking why we haven't conceded yet, criticize item choices (predator went shieldbreaker instead of something more normal), call us noobs, etc. I finish my 40 minute shamans. (I'm rocking a pretty awesome 121 gpm at this point). They attempt to push into our top rax about a minute later and get raped, we lose nothing. It turns out some wires got crossed somewhere and their pesti was farming bot lane. Rage ensues. We're asked if we're mad at pest. (Why would my team be mad at him?) For some reason my team decides to rage about pred's item choices at this point, twenty minutes after they had been picked up (his abyssal. apparently the deso was fine, but getting a vlad's at the 35 minute mark was a nono). I finish my idol with the money made from that teamfight. The opponents decide they've had enough and go for a throne kill - which is always a really risky endeavor. They've been up the center rax for about 10-15 minutes at this point and decide to go through that lane with their mega creeps. I'm hooked by devourer, tablet away, get stunned and then drop to 60 hp - at which point I active idol, covering my entire team, throw out my stun, and get off my heal. The plague astrolabes and I'm back to 700 hp and rapidly climbing from the innate regen idol gives. The opponents have blown their cc at this point, both aluna's chain stun and pesti's aoe. The opposing team rages very hard because no one sheeped the magic immune pred. Aluna (the teal player who went 1-16 last game, also the one with the sheepstick) decides at this point that the best way to help their team is to not be in the teamfights at all, and proceeds to only power throw from across the map for the rest of the game. I'm still not sure if this was intentional throwing at its finest or just coincidentally bad play. After the next team fight, they lose two rax. The final fight occurs at the bottom second tower, Aluna chooses to abstain and attack the mega creeps pushing in the center lane. A single red power throw comes out and does pretty much nothing. She tries to 1v5 at the bottom rax, or rather stuns, power throws, then tries to run away. Doesn't work vs pk/frenzied opponents and she dies in a hail of magical fire, electricity, and plagueicity. Opposing team gg's after shit-talking their teal player for a while longer. This is mostly my experience with solo queue - people on the other team do lots of silly stuff. So do the people on my team, and sometimes so do I. (match id 50768673). | ||
United States2330 Posts
On June 29 2011 05:25 Nevuk wrote: One of the best feelings in the world is winning a game after being a rax down in a massively bm filled game. edit : I just typed a very long sort of summary/battle report of it. No idea why. Bored I guess. Match ID is at the end. Solo queue as support. If you want to see the rage watch it from legion perspective, most HB rage was over mic. 58 minute game. Very long and ridiculous. Probably average 1815 mmr both teams, I was the only one above 1800 on my team but everyone was fairly close to it. Played nymph/bs vs pesti/vj and obviously got raped lasthitting after my BS did nothing but stun the pesti in laning phase while the opponents denied in tandem constantly nearly every ck. Really annoying, nymph's awful animation makes her really weak in a dual lane anyways. Our opponents have been raging at each other from 30 seconds before the game starts, apparently teal was grouped up with one of the same people last game and went 1-16 on slither. Teal votes for a rage-remake, it gets voted down. He's on aluna. He decides to dual lane mid with purple, as apparently both of them think each other are awful noobs. So Pesti has a 5:30 minute PK (Slardar/blink, but i assume everyone knows) while our pred has been raping top and our mid has been failing really hard. (DR vs Devo). After laning phase their team is better at attacking places we're not than we are. This is my fault as I'm not being very active with Nymph's ult, but when engagements were happening we were winning them handily so I figured no big deal. Essentially a team would win a team fight, push, get to the tower, get genocided by people tping immediately after rezing. (Happened 3 times before the 25 minute mark, I think). Then our DR (stormspirit) just... stops initiating, allowing Pesti/Dev to get off some excellent initiation 3-4 team fights in a row and forcing bad plague ults. I miss a stun on a fairly important gank, get picked off easy, team collectively rages at each other for a minute or two. We get an easy kongor kill, give aegis to pred. It's been an even game up to this point but it's a conclusive advantage for my team. We push mid, win a team fight by a slight margin (2 for 3). The surviving members of my team are out of mana and decide to back off. Pred then decides it's a great idea to attack the tower alone, get's killed twice in a row 1v5 and I die after coming back in with enough mana for just one stun to try and let him live. At this point our advantage is thrown away entirely for no real reason. I finish my tablet. They come to gank our jungle, the team decides it's good to fight and engages far away from all towers 5v5. We get raped, lose 5 for 3. I hear "why don't we have sight anywhere????" and 30 seconds later their team complains about the number of wards we have that prevent them from catching when I run. Their team appears to be raging harder and doing it more in all-chat. We still have kill advantage but lose two mid towers, lose another team fight, lose rax. I call concede, it goes 3/5 for concede (which was pretty fair, I tend to call concedes early in general and even earlier if I'm solo queueing like I was). Opponents taunt us, asking why we haven't conceded yet, criticize item choices (predator went shieldbreaker instead of something more normal), call us noobs, etc. I finish my 40 minute shamans. (I'm rocking a pretty awesome 121 gpm at this point). They attempt to push into our top rax about a minute later and get raped, we lose nothing. It turns out some wires got crossed somewhere and their pesti was farming bot lane. Rage ensues. We're asked if we're mad at pest. (Why would my team be mad at him?) For some reason my team decides to rage about pred's item choices at this point, twenty minutes after they had been picked up (his abyssal. apparently the deso was fine, but getting a vlad's at the 35 minute mark was a nono). I finish my idol with the money made from that teamfight. The opponents decide they've had enough and go for a throne kill - which is always a really risky endeavor. They've been up the center rax for about 10-15 minutes at this point and decide to go through that lane with their mega creeps. I'm hooked by devourer, tablet away, get stunned and then drop to 60 hp - at which point I active idol, covering my entire team, throw out my stun, and get off my heal. The plague astrolabes and I'm back to 700 hp and rapidly climbing from the innate regen idol gives. The opponents have blown their cc at this point, both aluna's chain stun and pesti's aoe. The opposing team rages very hard because no one sheeped the magic immune pred. Aluna (the teal player who went 1-16 last game, also the one with the sheepstick) decides at this point that the best way to help their team is to not be in the teamfights at all, and proceeds to only power throw from across the map for the rest of the game. I'm still not sure if this was intentional throwing at its finest or just coincidentally bad play. After the next team fight, they lose two rax. The final fight occurs at the bottom second tower, Aluna chooses to abstain and attack the mega creeps pushing in the center lane. A single red power throw comes out and does pretty much nothing. She tries to 1v5 at the bottom rax, or rather stuns, power throws, then tries to run away. Doesn't work vs pk/frenzied opponents and she dies in a hail of magical fire, electricity, and plagueicity. Opposing team gg's after shit-talking their teal player for a while longer. This is mostly my experience with solo queue - people on the other team do lots of silly stuff. So do the people on my team, and sometimes so do I. (match id 50768673). Oh HoN, the only game where teams rage while they're winning and both teams say they got outpicked and are losing at the same time | ||
Canada3684 Posts
On June 29 2011 08:27 GhostKorean wrote: Oh HoN, the only game where teams rage while they're winning and both teams say they got outpicked and are losing at the same time Oh Sunye, the only person who quotes a long post to post one sentence. | ||
United States16280 Posts
On June 29 2011 08:27 GhostKorean wrote: Oh HoN, the only game where teams rage while they're winning and both teams say they got outpicked and are losing at the same time I watched the replay after posting that from the legion perspective, and the funny part about the chat is that 90% of it on both sides is just everyone calling each other horrible - their allies, their opponents, etc. Just "so bad" over and over, and no one really had any room to call anyone out since so many pretty lulzy mistakes were made. (Myself included) I called one of my allies horrible, but he had been raging from the 15 second mark and thus I sorta considered it fair game to do so at the 40 minute mark and it was only the one remark. If people are somewhat nice/polite I rarely rage at them, even if their play is spectacularly bad. The VJ all game was wondering where my wards were, after the game I messaged him, complimented his game, and told him where I had been warding since they were kind of weird spots. (I ward in the middle of the river at bot now, basically the exact same spot you used to ward on top of the ramp at. | ||
United States855 Posts
On June 28 2011 15:29 bkrow wrote: He is an awesome solo i agree; his extinguish and nuke make for some easy farm/harass and lane control. But arach mid dominates in levels, harass, farm, everything.. I also kind of feel hag is one of the best mid heroes just because of her rune control. Anyway.. then the servers crashed-yippy So in this specific matchup at mid... arach vs hag, how should it play out? What should each of these heroes be doing? Also, I still have trouble vs devs. Granted, the last dev I faced was some 1700 ish psr dude with like 3.5 kdr just stomping. I was midding vs him with flint, was harassing decently and keeping the lane pulled to me. I got a rune at 4 minute mark, but the lane ended up pushing forward a bit, and I literally walked into a hook. After that, I died like 4 times in row to random nonsense. (My little brother said to me "just rush boots after going your normal item opening and learn to dodge skillshots lol noob") So what I do eh? | ||
New Zealand695 Posts
So what I do eh? Get some health so you don't just die in his combo. Try and dodge hooks/hug creeps to block them. It's kind of a hard matchup as there's the point where if you get hooked you just plain die and then devourer snowballs and you can't take him out of the lane anymore. Bring a second person mid. If Devourer doesn't get a strong earlygame then it's basically a 4v5 and all he can do is semi-initiate. | ||
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