I'm trying to relearn DotA here. How does tower AI work? It doesn't function quite like in LoL. Some googling turned this up: + Show Spoiler +This is from an old guide, not my work
3) How Towers choose targets...
IMPORTANT its a very complicated system i overworked it, cause of the last tests in 6.43... please dont give coments to it if you are not sure you are right!
Towers perform each 7th (after the last tests it looks like its 7 seconds and not 8) second a priority check. If the old target of the target dies the tower will automaticly fullfill a priority check. Also it makes a priority check, every time the attacked unit changes it's target or when a new unit enters the AoE This prioritys are (The Threat is made of 4 categorys):
1)Low HP units with under 20% life 2)Low HP with under 50% life 3)Other Units
1) Enemys atacking allied heros (NOTE: Using spells at a hero IS NOT atacking) 2) Current tower target 3) Enemys that atack the tower (NOTE: Using spells at the tower IS NOT atacking) 4) Enemys that atack allied units (non-hero) 5) Other Targets
1) Venomancer/Rhasta wards 2) Techie mines 3) Other Units
1)Units within low distance 2)Units with high distance
Here is a another priority list (the same but listed at a another way)
1) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with low HP, that are in low range from tower 2) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with low HP, that are in bigger range from tower 3) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with higher/full HP, that are in low range from tower 4) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with higher/full HP, that are in bigger range from tower 5) Goblin Land Mines 6) Units atacking the tower, that are in low range from tower (low HP) 7) Units atacking the tower, that are in bigger range from tower (low HP) 8) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in low range from tower (low HP) 9) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in bigger range from tower (low HP) 10) Extremly low HP unit "running around" 11) Venomancer Wards 12) Curent target of the tower 13) Units atacking the tower, that are in low range from tower (full/high HP) 14) Units atacking the tower, that are in bigger range from tower (full/high HP) 15) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in low range from tower (full/high HP) 16) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in bigger range from tower (full/high HP) 17) Siege weapons atacking the tower 18) Siege weapons atacking an ally (but normaly siege weapons atack only the tower if in tower range) 19) Summoned units atacking allys 20) other units it's pretty old... is this right?
It looks pretty accurate from when I used to play a lot of DotA lol...
On May 31 2011 13:02 myopia wrote:I'm trying to relearn DotA here. How does tower AI work? It doesn't function quite like in LoL. Some googling turned this up: + Show Spoiler +This is from an old guide, not my work
3) How Towers choose targets...
IMPORTANT its a very complicated system i overworked it, cause of the last tests in 6.43... please dont give coments to it if you are not sure you are right!
Towers perform each 7th (after the last tests it looks like its 7 seconds and not 8) second a priority check. If the old target of the target dies the tower will automaticly fullfill a priority check. Also it makes a priority check, every time the attacked unit changes it's target or when a new unit enters the AoE This prioritys are (The Threat is made of 4 categorys):
1)Low HP units with under 20% life 2)Low HP with under 50% life 3)Other Units
1) Enemys atacking allied heros (NOTE: Using spells at a hero IS NOT atacking) 2) Current tower target 3) Enemys that atack the tower (NOTE: Using spells at the tower IS NOT atacking) 4) Enemys that atack allied units (non-hero) 5) Other Targets
1) Venomancer/Rhasta wards 2) Techie mines 3) Other Units
1)Units within low distance 2)Units with high distance
Here is a another priority list (the same but listed at a another way)
1) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with low HP, that are in low range from tower 2) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with low HP, that are in bigger range from tower 3) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with higher/full HP, that are in low range from tower 4) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with higher/full HP, that are in bigger range from tower 5) Goblin Land Mines 6) Units atacking the tower, that are in low range from tower (low HP) 7) Units atacking the tower, that are in bigger range from tower (low HP) 8) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in low range from tower (low HP) 9) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in bigger range from tower (low HP) 10) Extremly low HP unit "running around" 11) Venomancer Wards 12) Curent target of the tower 13) Units atacking the tower, that are in low range from tower (full/high HP) 14) Units atacking the tower, that are in bigger range from tower (full/high HP) 15) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in low range from tower (full/high HP) 16) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in bigger range from tower (full/high HP) 17) Siege weapons atacking the tower 18) Siege weapons atacking an ally (but normaly siege weapons atack only the tower if in tower range) 19) Summoned units atacking allys 20) other units it's pretty old... is this right?
yo spidy you playing dota? what happened to lol haha.
anyways main thing to remember is that the tower can attack you even if you have ranged creeps attacking. pretty sure magic aggros towers though. not sure cuz i haven't played dota in forever either
in general, towers aggro you if you right click a hero while in range of the tower. Magic doesn't draw aggro. If you want to get aggro off yourself, a+click an allied creep (usually works).
On May 31 2011 13:34 shawster wrote: yo spidy you playing dota? what happened to lol haha.
anyways main thing to remember is that the tower can attack you even if you have ranged creeps attacking. pretty sure magic aggros towers though. not sure cuz i haven't played dota in forever either
I uninstalled LoL (for the 5th time) a few weeks ago, we'll see if it sticks. I've been unhappy with how Riot's been running things for a while - bad internet in my new place combined with the most recent Shen change was the last straw.
I came back to Dota because I don't want to play LoL, don't like BLC at all, and can't justify buying HoN when Dota 2 is coming. Honestly, all I want is Dota 2.
On May 31 2011 13:02 myopia wrote:I'm trying to relearn DotA here. How does tower AI work? It doesn't function quite like in LoL. Some googling turned this up: + Show Spoiler +This is from an old guide, not my work
3) How Towers choose targets...
IMPORTANT its a very complicated system i overworked it, cause of the last tests in 6.43... please dont give coments to it if you are not sure you are right!
Towers perform each 7th (after the last tests it looks like its 7 seconds and not 8) second a priority check. If the old target of the target dies the tower will automaticly fullfill a priority check. Also it makes a priority check, every time the attacked unit changes it's target or when a new unit enters the AoE This prioritys are (The Threat is made of 4 categorys):
1)Low HP units with under 20% life 2)Low HP with under 50% life 3)Other Units
1) Enemys atacking allied heros (NOTE: Using spells at a hero IS NOT atacking) 2) Current tower target 3) Enemys that atack the tower (NOTE: Using spells at the tower IS NOT atacking) 4) Enemys that atack allied units (non-hero) 5) Other Targets
1) Venomancer/Rhasta wards 2) Techie mines 3) Other Units
1)Units within low distance 2)Units with high distance
Here is a another priority list (the same but listed at a another way)
1) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with low HP, that are in low range from tower 2) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with low HP, that are in bigger range from tower 3) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with higher/full HP, that are in low range from tower 4) Unit (heros have higher priority) atacking Hero, with higher/full HP, that are in bigger range from tower 5) Goblin Land Mines 6) Units atacking the tower, that are in low range from tower (low HP) 7) Units atacking the tower, that are in bigger range from tower (low HP) 8) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in low range from tower (low HP) 9) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in bigger range from tower (low HP) 10) Extremly low HP unit "running around" 11) Venomancer Wards 12) Curent target of the tower 13) Units atacking the tower, that are in low range from tower (full/high HP) 14) Units atacking the tower, that are in bigger range from tower (full/high HP) 15) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in low range from tower (full/high HP) 16) Units atacking a non-hero ally, that are in bigger range from tower (full/high HP) 17) Siege weapons atacking the tower 18) Siege weapons atacking an ally (but normaly siege weapons atack only the tower if in tower range) 19) Summoned units atacking allys 20) other units it's pretty old... is this right? an overly complicated guide (i never think this way). just better to read 5-s's post lol. just dont be the first one to hit, dont be closer than creeps that are going to attack it if you dont want ot draw aggro, and it kills siege weapons last.
yah the force attack ally trick always works unless you drew the tower aggro by targeting an enemy hero.
Someone said that KOTF/Treant was getting a Remake in hon can anyone confirm/deny/elaborate?
On May 31 2011 22:32 Dacendoran wrote: Someone said that KOTF/Treant was getting a Remake in hon can anyone confirm/deny/elaborate?
Hatchet now cuts trees at a distance so KOTF's Eyes are extremely easy to kill. He's going to get a buff to compensate.
Also because he's a useless piece of crap unless you want to surrender your mid lane to an auto attack farming carry who has nothing but an ultimate and some armor.
I really like his ult but other than that he's so underwhelming. Compare him to other big ult heros, magmus, behemoth, tempest, etc, they've all got comparably powerful ults (although different, obviously) but they have much much much more useful other skills like stuns, blocks, all that jazz. Kotf is also fun to go mid carry style mock demonic heart etc but really, not that good; if you're taking over games super hard with him then how much harder would you have taken over with a better carry?
On May 31 2011 22:32 Dacendoran wrote: Someone said that KOTF/Treant was getting a Remake in hon can anyone confirm/deny/elaborate? it's on one of the honcast podcast things
On May 31 2011 22:57 Ganfei2 wrote: Also because he's a useless piece of crap unless you want to surrender your mid lane to an auto attack farming carry who has nothing but an ultimate and some armor.
I really like his ult but other than that he's so underwhelming. Compare him to other big ult heros, magmus, behemoth, tempest, etc, they've all got comparably powerful ults (although different, obviously) but they have much much much more useful other skills like stuns, blocks, all that jazz. Kotf is also fun to go mid carry style mock demonic heart etc but really, not that good; if you're taking over games super hard with him then how much harder would you have taken over with a better carry?
I like keepers ult, but it is pretty gosh darn easy to circumvent. But any buff to keeper is good for noob bashers like me keeper is such an obnoxious powerhouse early game and any buff to that would be sweeeet :D
On May 31 2011 12:22 tube wrote: holy shit pit lord is ridiculous just played multiple games vs him on dlg and i have to say.. RIDICULOUS
I use to think so too, except then you realize he's a melee STR Witch Doctor. The penalties for mistimed and misplaced spells is pretty severe. His early game is pretty weak, but I can see someone like miGGel or Kuroky just sitting at Sent bot farming with him to hit some mid game item timing.
5-s, vouch me for Dotalicious' Vouch League prz.
Keeper's ult should perplex as well as root imo. That'd be nice. Bit silly how you can just ignore it most of the time with items you'd get anyway (manta bkb even euls kinda)
On June 01 2011 00:26 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2011 12:22 tube wrote: holy shit pit lord is ridiculous just played multiple games vs him on dlg and i have to say.. RIDICULOUS I use to think so too, except then you realize he's a melee STR Witch Doctor. The penalties for mistimed and misplaced spells is pretty severe. His early game is pretty weak, but I can see someone like miGGel or Kuroky just sitting at Sent bot farming with him to hit some mid game item timing. Edit: 5-s, vouch me for Dotalicious' Vouch League prz. nobody misplaces pit of malice, it's a relatively huge aoe stun that owns in teamfights because it goes through magic immune and also has low-ish cd also it's extremely hard to kill pit as opposed to wd and he farms vg sheep almost always before 25 minutes
On June 01 2011 03:28 tube wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2011 00:26 Judicator wrote:On May 31 2011 12:22 tube wrote: holy shit pit lord is ridiculous just played multiple games vs him on dlg and i have to say.. RIDICULOUS I use to think so too, except then you realize he's a melee STR Witch Doctor. The penalties for mistimed and misplaced spells is pretty severe. His early game is pretty weak, but I can see someone like miGGel or Kuroky just sitting at Sent bot farming with him to hit some mid game item timing. Edit: 5-s, vouch me for Dotalicious' Vouch League prz. nobody misplaces pit of malice, it's a relatively huge aoe stun that owns in teamfights because it goes through magic immune and also has low-ish cd also it's extremely hard to kill pit as opposed to wd and he farms vg sheep almost always before 25 minutes
If Pit is farming that hard, I'll be kind of happy as the opposing team. You really should crunch the numbers on those item claims and realize how little farm that leaves your carry as well as how difficult it is to do that without giving the other team lots of farm as well.
Pit isn't any harder to kill than a decent WD is. In fact, he's easier to handle in the lane than WD is. Unlike Casks and Maledict, Malice is effectively countered by a Force Staff as all non-stunning/disable zoning spells are.
Like really, he plays almost exactly like a melee WD, mess up your skills you're boned, Malice or no Malice. And he isn't going to get that farm unless the other is just that bad, he's actually pretty shitty when the lanes break down because his offensive capabilities mid-game are near non-existent compared to the other supports.
That being said, nothing about him has really changed other than he's just even more of a turtling hero that still gets raped by Force Staffs.
tombstone + new expulsion is funz0rz!
On June 01 2011 04:09 Corr wrote: tombstone + new expulsion is funz0rz! yeah i guess the times i played against him they also picked dirge and nobody on our team could do anything against countless ministuns
they took out ministun from expulsion, it heals a buttload now. also 5 corpses are created per pit.
oh well still its really freaking hard to kill pit with his huge heals and ult