Before rooftrellen was nerfed in the most recent patch any team with rooftrellen + pit lord + necro and two heroes was pretty much the best possible team.
The last two could be Terrorblade/BB/WR/Invoker. Its the first time in a long time I read a patch-notes and was immediately like wow this push lineup would fucking roll everything.
Roof+pit+necro was like greater than heart hp regen for every hero while dealing inescapable damage.
Global building regen was fucking stupid good too. I believe you guys when you think pit lord is ridiculous, but its mostly him in combination with someone like Dirge or broken-as-fuck rooftrellen. Thank god for the quick fix.
I haven't had any problems logging into HoN since the DDoS was fixed. Maybe i'm just lucky with timing. Also, every pub game I've played has had people all of similar skill to mine. Has been pretty nice!
On June 01 2011 22:21 LordWeird wrote: I haven't had any problems logging into HoN since the DDoS was fixed. Maybe i'm just lucky with timing. Also, every pub game I've played has had people all of similar skill to mine. Has been pretty nice! I'm still in the 1500ish range. I'm gonna go into mid-carry mode. Going sidelane support won't give you any way to win if you have an idiot on your team :\ GONNA GET CARRRIIIIIEEEED
just won 3vs5 in the 1700+ department after 2 guys left after 15min. Feel like a boss now :D
Streaming Na'vi vs fearz (www.own3d.tv/live/13323).
On June 02 2011 02:39 Gummy wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2011 22:21 LordWeird wrote: I haven't had any problems logging into HoN since the DDoS was fixed. Maybe i'm just lucky with timing. Also, every pub game I've played has had people all of similar skill to mine. Has been pretty nice! I'm still in the 1500ish range. I'm gonna go into mid-carry mode. Going sidelane support won't give you any way to win if you have an idiot on your team :\ GONNA GET CARRRIIIIIEEEED This isn't true at all, at least not past 1400 or so. I mainly do support with some initiation, and play solo MM about 50% of the time (My max mmr from solo is 1896, from team is 1892). I get plenty of idiots. But the other team gets just as many, and I win games with some of the dumbest people ever occasionally.
I find it to be worse to have an idiot on your support than it is to have an idiot on your carry. Carries tend to have escapes and higher hp pools to make them harder to feed with. (There's a limit to this, a 1300 carry player will still fail at 1800+ and lose you the game - but a 1300 player at that level generally will lose you the game no matter what role they are playing).
On June 02 2011 07:47 Nevuk wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 02:39 Gummy wrote:On June 01 2011 22:21 LordWeird wrote: I haven't had any problems logging into HoN since the DDoS was fixed. Maybe i'm just lucky with timing. Also, every pub game I've played has had people all of similar skill to mine. Has been pretty nice! I'm still in the 1500ish range. I'm gonna go into mid-carry mode. Going sidelane support won't give you any way to win if you have an idiot on your team :\ GONNA GET CARRRIIIIIEEEED This isn't true at all, at least not past 1400 or so. I mainly do support with some initiation, and play solo MM about 50% of the time (My max mmr from solo is 1896, from team is 1892). I get plenty of idiots. But the other team gets just as many, and I win games with some of the dumbest people ever occasionally. I find it to be worse to have an idiot on your support than it is to have an idiot on your carry. Carries tend to have escapes and higher hp pools to make them harder to feed with. (There's a limit to this, a 1300 carry player will still fail at 1800+ and lose you the game - but a 1300 player at that level generally will lose you the game no matter what role they are playing). The problem I've been really having is that I keep running into brand new players from LoL. And since I'm in solo instead of team, the 5/9 vs. 4/9 chance of having a total rando who doesn't know how to play on your team (and who is near 1500 mmr) is not valid. Of course, last time I broke through this range pretty easily simply by picking a mid hero and carrying the game with it, buying courier wards, etc... but I've been trying to more properly play the intended role of my hero picks, which doesn't give me many options when the supports don't buy wards :\
Wanna carry me?!?!??!! :D
On June 02 2011 11:24 Gummy wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 07:47 Nevuk wrote:On June 02 2011 02:39 Gummy wrote:On June 01 2011 22:21 LordWeird wrote: I haven't had any problems logging into HoN since the DDoS was fixed. Maybe i'm just lucky with timing. Also, every pub game I've played has had people all of similar skill to mine. Has been pretty nice! I'm still in the 1500ish range. I'm gonna go into mid-carry mode. Going sidelane support won't give you any way to win if you have an idiot on your team :\ GONNA GET CARRRIIIIIEEEED This isn't true at all, at least not past 1400 or so. I mainly do support with some initiation, and play solo MM about 50% of the time (My max mmr from solo is 1896, from team is 1892). I get plenty of idiots. But the other team gets just as many, and I win games with some of the dumbest people ever occasionally. I find it to be worse to have an idiot on your support than it is to have an idiot on your carry. Carries tend to have escapes and higher hp pools to make them harder to feed with. (There's a limit to this, a 1300 carry player will still fail at 1800+ and lose you the game - but a 1300 player at that level generally will lose you the game no matter what role they are playing). The problem I've been really having is that I keep running into brand new players from LoL. And since I'm in solo instead of team, the 5/9 vs. 4/9 chance of having a total rando who doesn't know how to play on your team (and who is near 1500 mmr) is not valid. Of course, last time I broke through this range pretty easily simply by picking a mid hero and carrying the game with it, buying courier wards, etc... but I've been trying to more properly play the intended role of my hero picks, which doesn't give me many options when the supports don't buy wards :\ Wanna carry me?!?!??!! :D It's never really straight up wrong for the solo mid to buy a courier or his own wards, especially if the supports can't afford them. It's not always good in a fully arranged lineup, but sometimes it makes logical sense for the mid to be the one flying the courier/getting wards even in one. If getting 1 ward/flying courier wins you mid, go ahead and get it if there isn't one already. A single ward for the rune (or vision of a gank spot if you've been ganked more than once) is a fairly low cost with a pretty large payoff - not doing this is relying on luck and/or map awareness (which is still useful and necessary - if you want to develop your map awareness continue as you are doing, just be aware that it's not playing to win and rather it is playing to practice this specific tenet of the game).
Over the course of a lot of games it should work out that more games wound up won from warding as opposed to drilling map awareness and getting an extra 400 gold in the first 24 minutes, and you can farm more safely and confidently in general. As you noted in your post, you made it out of the bracket by buying wards last time - exactly, knowing how much supportish stuff needs to be done is pretty key.
There may be one or two heroes in the game that go solo mid that don't need wards (very few come to mind immediately, at least no common ones), but that doesn't mean that their team doesn't need wards.
Generally it's only the really hard carries like SW or DL who shouldn't bother getting those items, as the extra minute or two delay on their items can lose the game. (But keep in mind that every death is going to delay your items by more than a minute or two). edit : And if your team isn't paying attention to wards, pay attention for them. Ping wildly. Scream into the mic. Whatever. They'll be annoyed, but they may live through a gank because of it.
On June 02 2011 12:01 Nevuk wrote: And if your team isn't paying attention to wards, pay attention for them. Ping wildly. Scream into the mic. Whatever. They'll be annoyed, but they may live through a gank because of it.
Hahahaha.... I do this. They just get pissed off and mute me. These guys just refuse refuse refuse to buy wards or courier or anything useful. Every engi, slither, aluna, etc... sees a vod where they do well late game and suddenly they think they're the carry and spend all game farming, when the actual carries are left to stack for themselves if they want to have any hope of keeping up.
I also need to unlearn this habit of trying to help idiots. Like mid will be coming to gank, I ping on the minimap, and I say "b" "b" "b" over and over again, and scream into the mic. The swiftblade I'm babysitting just runs out and tower dives anyway, misses the kill and dies, but not before I get killed trying to save him, only to have him run the wrong direction >
I hate babysitting idiots.
And these LoL people keep coming in yelling at you like they know what they're talking about, when they run back to base every 30 seconds for an item when I spend 400 gold on flying courier....
I am going to take a break from this game. So much rage.
every single game is the same, I end up crushing face in the first 10 minutes, everyone gets excited and overzealous and then feed em about 10 kills. Then everyone gets demoralised they forsake all attemtps at map control and we slowly and surely die. 
Ofcourse this is a fundamental problem with *my* strategy in these games, since it's not feasible to permanently fuel aggression unless I get super lucky early. But it's just lame
On June 02 2011 13:51 Gummy wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 12:01 Nevuk wrote: And if your team isn't paying attention to wards, pay attention for them. Ping wildly. Scream into the mic. Whatever. They'll be annoyed, but they may live through a gank because of it. . I also need to unlearn this habit of trying to help idiots. Like mid will be coming to gank, I ping on the minimap, and I say "b" "b" "b" over and over again, and scream into the mic. The swiftblade I'm babysitting just runs out and tower dives anyway, misses the kill and dies, but not before I get killed trying to save him, only to have him run the wrong direction >  .
I mid quite often and this annoys me too, I've had to get in the habit of instead of saying "ss mid" like write four or five lines of "Mid missing care bot" "care bot mid still miss, may have rune" "guys back ffs" "seriously BACK"
And it's annoying because if people just pay attention and respond well you look like a dick for typing too much and seeming condescending, yet if people don't respond and you do the usual "ss mid" they will blame you for getting ganked.
no matter what I do I'll look like a dick, I just try and look like a slightly classier and mysterious dick
On June 02 2011 02:40 Skilledblob wrote: just won 3vs5 in the 1700+ department after 2 guys left after 15min. Feel like a boss now :D
Its so epic. Happned to me once, was the best HoN game I ever played. Also 1690+
And the other team had a really good balanced team and good teamplay but we had sw, pm(who did fairly well mid) and me nh, who was up against sb / glacius (so no farm at all there)
but with the passiv +xp and +gold as long as you survive it works. And sw ult in 3v5 is still so nice!
So what heroes did you have? (or post match id)
On June 02 2011 17:00 xZiGGY wrote:every single game is the same, I end up crushing face in the first 10 minutes, everyone gets excited and overzealous and then feed em about 10 kills. Then everyone gets demoralised they forsake all attemtps at map control and we slowly and surely die.  Ofcourse this is a fundamental problem with *my* strategy in these games, since it's not feasible to permanently fuel aggression unless I get super lucky early. But it's just lame 
Yeah... That's why I keep throughing in random concede votes to give my allies the feeling that we still have to play proper and won't win with playing like completly brainless...
Usually I get flamed hard for this though.. especially from my brother and in the end it's always "and who wanted to cc the whole tiem..." wtf.. =(
Played my first Nomad(man) game last night with my friends. Bearing in mind I'm hilariously bad (~1650MMR) I was able to go something like 14/3/8 and grab all of my items np.
Hero seems a little silly.
I never these problems. I just play with my friends all of the time. Is it not possible for you guys to grab a hold of a few people when you want to play or what's up?
Maybe I just have a different mindset. I probably wouldn't even bother playing without people I knew unless I was really desperate or something.
On June 02 2011 23:34 alia wrote: I never these problems. I just play with my friends all of the time. Is it not possible for you guys to grab a hold of a few people when you want to play or what's up?
Maybe I just have a different mindset. I probably wouldn't even bother playing without people I knew unless I was really desperate or something. wish i could do that but none of my friends play dota but for now im having fun watching the same people in dcihl every game bm eachother and the occasional dlg that is much higher skilled than dotacash
On June 02 2011 17:21 XeliN wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 13:51 Gummy wrote:On June 02 2011 12:01 Nevuk wrote: And if your team isn't paying attention to wards, pay attention for them. Ping wildly. Scream into the mic. Whatever. They'll be annoyed, but they may live through a gank because of it. . I also need to unlearn this habit of trying to help idiots. Like mid will be coming to gank, I ping on the minimap, and I say "b" "b" "b" over and over again, and scream into the mic. The swiftblade I'm babysitting just runs out and tower dives anyway, misses the kill and dies, but not before I get killed trying to save him, only to have him run the wrong direction >  . I mid quite often and this annoys me too, I've had to get in the habit of instead of saying "ss mid" like write four or five lines of "Mid missing care bot" "care bot mid still miss, may have rune" "guys back ffs" "seriously BACK" And it's annoying because if people just pay attention and respond well you look like a dick for typing too much and seeming condescending, yet if people don't respond and you do the usual "ss mid" they will blame you for getting ganked.
just for the record, i fucking hate people who say ss mid especially if there's an ss in the fucking game do you know how confusing that is? is it really a problem to type mia mid or mis mid or care bot care top etc etc of all things you can type, you pick the one thing that has ambiguous meaning. way to go.
On June 02 2011 23:24 maJes wrote: Played my first Nomad(man) game last night with my friends. Bearing in mind I'm hilariously bad (~1650MMR) I was able to go something like 14/3/8 and grab all of my items np.
Hero seems a little silly.
His harass potential in lane is a bit obscene. However, if you can manage to survive (and his partner's harass), it puts Nomad at a pretty big disadvantage b/c he needs a lot of farm in order to carry going into the midgame.
On June 02 2011 23:24 maJes wrote: Played my first Nomad(man) game last night with my friends. Bearing in mind I'm hilariously bad (~1650MMR) I was able to go something like 14/3/8 and grab all of my items np.
Hero seems a little silly. I'm still at the point where I random every game because I don't know any of them well enough, but the two times I've randomed Nomad, I've done fairly well. At my skill level(sub 1500), you can pretty much deny any creep farming whatsoever as long as you have enough pots to keep your mana(and hence harrassing attacks) up.