On April 28 2015 13:37 -Dustin- wrote: All my hype has died. Battlefront 2 is one of my favorite games of all time... I don't even think I'll give this one a shot.
You say that but most of you people will end up getting it. The amount of anger over this is kind of hilarious lol. I reserve judgement until I see actual gameplay. Of course I won't lie I know i'll be getting this game 99.9%, only way I don't is well the actual gameplay would have to be really really horrific.
The anger is kinda warranted. From what they have shown I'm 100% I won't be getting it. If its anything like Battlefield I don't like that series anyways.
Hope this games bombs critically and financially to start showing EA they can't do whatever the fuck they want. Sadly it will sell incredibly well cause of all the SW hype.
On April 28 2015 13:37 -Dustin- wrote: All my hype has died. Battlefront 2 is one of my favorite games of all time... I don't even think I'll give this one a shot.
You say that but most of you people will end up getting it. The amount of anger over this is kind of hilarious lol. I reserve judgement until I see actual gameplay. Of course I won't lie I know i'll be getting this game 99.9%, only way I don't is well the actual gameplay would have to be really really horrific.
"Anger" haha. I didn't think you were one of those guys who call people "mad" on the Internet because they used a few negatives and one exclamation point in a written post. With that being said, there are ways to excite your potential customers, and telling them that a bunch of cool original features of the previous games are not returning, except maybe as part of planned paid DLCs, is not one.
So yeah, nothing hilarious about our anger. Speaking for me it's hilariously inexistent if anything. I'm just not as "hyped" anymore.
On April 28 2015 14:01 GumBa wrote: Hope this games bombs critically and financially to start showing EA they can't do whatever the fuck they want. Sadly it will sell incredibly well cause of all the SW hype.
Gamesales only depend on PR Budget, because most people are fucking retards. Even terrible Games like AC3, Call of Duty or Watch-Dogs sold pretty well.
The controls look good, smooth and responsive. The graphics look good to, easy to see stuff etc.
Why no lightsabers battles? How does lightsaber vs lightsaber work? Lightsaber vs laser guns?
What about the darkforce? Lightforce?
These exist right?
The problem i have with alot of fps games is that the interaction isnt there. When you face someone its not about the duel its mostly about just aim and win in 3sec. This looks like it plays like battlefield+ abit of halo.
I for sure expected ppl to live longer and it would be more about "duels". Maybe the duel exist tho since shields and stuff do exist in starwars. And one last thing, alot of these ppl might be complete noobs to which makes the gameplay worse to watch.
On April 28 2015 14:01 GumBa wrote: Hope this games bombs critically and financially to start showing EA they can't do whatever the fuck they want. Sadly it will sell incredibly well cause of all the SW hype.
Gamesales only depend on PR Budget, because most people are fucking retards. Even terrible Games like AC3, Call of Duty or Watch-Dogs sold pretty well.
I think this is true to but one maybe even more important thing is that we dont have many games to choose from.
On April 28 2015 14:01 GumBa wrote: Hope this games bombs critically and financially to start showing EA they can't do whatever the fuck they want. Sadly it will sell incredibly well cause of all the SW hype.
Gamesales only depend on PR Budget, because most people are fucking retards. Even terrible Games like AC3, Call of Duty or Watch-Dogs sold pretty well.
I think this is true to but one maybe even more important thing is that we dont have many games to choose from.
Is this sarcasm? There are more games to choose from than ever before.
On April 28 2015 14:01 GumBa wrote: Hope this games bombs critically and financially to start showing EA they can't do whatever the fuck they want. Sadly it will sell incredibly well cause of all the SW hype.
Gamesales only depend on PR Budget, because most people are fucking retards. Even terrible Games like AC3, Call of Duty or Watch-Dogs sold pretty well.
I think this is true to but one maybe even more important thing is that we dont have many games to choose from.
Is this sarcasm? There are more games to choose from than ever before.
So you are a person that can walk into a video store and say "Omg, there are literally three thousands movies to choose from?". Myself, I, think the majority of the movies just plain suck. Same with video games. Even games which get good reviews are not good enough.
Gameplay looks madness on the twitch streams atm xD
Open beta in 1 day x amount of hours. Time to pre load and enjoy a weekend of constant crashing and shouting at stupid EA cuz...fucking EA so fkn bad with servers TT
I beleive it will be up at 1pm EST/Oct 8th judging by counter at the top of the Origin website. Im going to assume servers will be unplayable for a couple hours tho, so have something else to play while we all wait!
On October 07 2015 03:58 Foxxan wrote: Omg that looks very lame! Haha.
I have no earthly idea why all lightsaber games don't just emulate the Jedi Knight series. Kinetic lightsabers with movesets you learned and manipulated to get through to the enemy, who generally went down in a hit or two, but was hard to kill because it's hard to get through a lightsaber defense. A few simple force moves to round it out, which were useful in different circumstances (push for knockdown/knockback, grip for throwing enemies laterally, lightning for chip damage, saber throws for trying to score backstabs for take out saberless enemies quickly).
Those games still hold up so well. Like Force Unleashed with a way longer campaign and actually good saber to saber combat. Surely it isn't so hard to program up+right+click=upwards diagonal slash.