Ive had my closed beta invitation for quite a long time now. I only picked up the game a few weeks ago, but im already fallen in love with it big time. I have a couple of newbie questions, which i couldnt get a proper answer on global chat:
- After the upcoming wipe, ive been considering on rolling a ranger. Is there any downside on this, ie. is ranger currently considered to be in balance?
- Which build(s) would you recommend for a bow wielding ranger? Or would you rather say that melee ranger is the way to go? If possible, i would like to stick to bows for that lovely range. I tried to get an answer for this several times, but couldnt really get any reasonable.
Check this out, i like it a lot and have played it up to level 51 just to test the leveling phase. It went rather well, it's fun. The build is dependent on a few things like getting life leech support gem and such but i think it can work well as a starter build for OB and isn't too hard to play.
LA builds aren't going to be very good if it doesn't have chance to shock as part of the gem.
Ive had my closed beta invitation for quite a long time now. I only picked up the game a few weeks ago, but im already fallen in love with it big time. I have a couple of newbie questions, which i couldnt get a proper answer on global chat:
- After the upcoming wipe, ive been considering on rolling a ranger. Is there any downside on this, ie. is ranger currently considered to be in balance?
- Which build(s) would you recommend for a bow wielding ranger? Or would you rather say that melee ranger is the way to go? If possible, i would like to stick to bows for that lovely range. I tried to get an answer for this several times, but couldnt really get any reasonable.
Check this out, i like it a lot and have played it up to level 51 just to test the leveling phase. It went rather well, it's fun. The build is dependent on a few things like getting life leech support gem and such but i think it can work well as a starter build for OB and isn't too hard to play.
LA builds aren't going to be very good if it doesn't have chance to shock as part of the gem.
You don't level LA at all for this build anyway, it doesn't rely on shock but rather on diamond flasks when you really need to take something down quickly.
Also, you could use Split arrow as an alternative to LA for aoe. It's flexible.
Well, im confirmed to be running a Dual Spork Templar. Its going to be safe,and relatively gear independent, to use for farming for my future characters
That trailer is very good. A bit unrealistic compared how the game feels when you play it but still good.
As for dual totems, it is not that nerfed. You can still have 2 totems but then you cannot use attack skills yourself. But you can still use traps, auras and curses. And maybe summons.
Except for the graphics and resource system, this is going to be a more worthy successor to the ARPG genre evolution since diablo 2 and diablo 3. Though their new patch seems to be fixing some things, the sheer size of the game world is going to be a breaking point for me.
They're apparently removing the ability to do damage with traps when you have dual totems, leaving you with only totems/curses/utility.
As for LA, its strength resides in multi-hitting each mob, a thing split arrow is really bad at. LA does full damage and has a big AoE. It's not uncommon to hit the same mob 4+ times in a single volley with LMP + pierce/fork. The way they're changing it, you'll be able to level it without the huge mana cost, so you'll trade Shock chances for physical damage. The AoE on LA is much, much bigger than the one on Ice Shot, for example. It's hard to multi-hit with Ice Shot and its weird cone damage.
They're also nerfing Elemental Hit (finally), and looking at elemental numbers on gear. Physical archers might be viable, or even *gasp* better (but I doubt it).
They should be looking at buffing melee instead. As for totems, only question that remains is if they work with other summons. Because summoners are already powerful, so people are just going to go summon/dual totem now.
These guys really know what they are doing. Not sure if this has been posted yet, but found this video of Jonathan Rogers from GGG doing a talk on their game design and their theory's on itemization.
On January 16 2013 18:40 OopsOopsBaby wrote: ^ i think they removed dual totems from what i heard from kripp.
Dual totem not removed, just nerfed in the sense that you cannot attack while having 2 totems out. So you either dual totem and watch things die, or drop 1 totem and cast your spells.
Summoner/Totem builds are the way to go now. Doesnt stop your summons from attacking
On January 17 2013 12:26 skeldark wrote: After playing the "closed beta" for over 1 year now, i feel like im done with the game.
So not hyped for the release (or the new name for release today: "open beta") anymore.
isnt this game barely half finished? How many acts are there going to be ? 3 more right ?
Also since i'm on the topic about the content of the game, is there going to be new gems/gear added over time ? or even classes/expansions ??
They will keep improving the game. Act 4 is planned, more gems ect...
For sure, i will play act3 once, but the core game idea is done long time by now.
I saw many, many changes, however they did not change the game idea - feeling.
Dont get me wrong, its a nice action-rpg but i dont think its something that you want to play for really long time.
Uhh, what? D2 is the same exact genre as this game and it's still being played today.
Yeah i know. I played both a lot. But something is different.
Perhaps its just that i played the same 2 acts with all kind of builds all the time (first half year only act 1), but i think its something with the lategame. Also that you focus on one single gem later dont help.
Its just that i got bored after playing for one or two hours every time and only picked it up again after a longer break.
I never felled "addictive" to this game if you understand what i mean.