On August 03 2012 00:45 NB wrote:Okay, i just play 1 hour with shadow. Thoughts: + the game feel pretty damn good. The engine is obviously inferior compare to D3 but all the hit box system is way far better and less frustrating. + Mobs AI is very stupid, typical rpg AI basicly. The mobs are hard bc of their stat, not their action. + Pathing exists which is awesome. Try to juke a bunch of mobs into a choke point and they do back off and try to fire from far away. Very promising. + Spaming potion system is very refreshing and interesting. Very excited to see how they balance this in end game. + Item system is VERY confusing. Gem giving skill is quite unique. I still need to learn if they share same exp between gems or its all constant. There are 'link' gem slot? not sure if they give anything better. Right now i have like 5-6 gems at level 5 and i just have no clue what im doing, "oh hey its green, lets put it into a green slot and hope it work". The small inventory slot clearly hurt a bit compare to the comfort you get from D3 especially now item is your main currency. Dont like the color they choose for rare items, looks quite similar to white items which make me wana turn the white filter on (which i dont want to). + Died once so i guess my character no longer hardcore? It doesnt said anywhere in the game. Had a really bad time since i didnt choose an AoE spells early on and have to farm a bunch of mobs by right clicking every single one multiple times. Currently im quite confused that you have 2 weapon slots and you have a hotkey to switch between? Does that mean i could equip 2 different skill set? Does the gem from 1 set level while im using the other set? + The item currency is sooooooooooo weird, but not in a bad way. It is hard to decide to use anything bc i dont know how rare these items are? Should i improve my flask now or wait until level 50 and find something better to improve? + Skill tree is fun. Gona study it closer once i get back home  .
Gems aren't that confusing. Gems give you abilities and level up on their own. Gems gain 10% of your overall experience gain as long as they are equipped.
You haven't found any yet, but the link is for support gems. This might be something like "increases physical damage by 30%". You put this into a slot that links to an ability, and that ability will do 30% more physical damage. You have 6 slots all linked, you can have 1 ability with 5 supports, or whatever combination you want. All gems level as long as they are equipped.
You must be a bit colorblind. The yellow looks nothing like white to me. And don't let the overwhelming options frustrate you. Learn 1 thing a time, only thing you can do. I played a character through Act I normal to sort of learn all the systems, then restarted a new character. The second time around is a LOT faster.
Read the FAQ's I linked a couple posts up. They will answer a lot of your questions, and then confuse you some more.
On August 03 2012 00:45 NB wrote:Okay, i just play 1 hour with shadow. Thoughts: + the game feel pretty damn good. The engine is obviously inferior compare to D3 but all the hit box system is way far better and less frustrating. + Mobs AI is very stupid, typical rpg AI basicly. The mobs are hard bc of their stat, not their action. + Pathing exists which is awesome. Try to juke a bunch of mobs into a choke point and they do back off and try to fire from far away. Very promising. + Spaming potion system is very refreshing and interesting. Very excited to see how they balance this in end game. + Item system is VERY confusing. Gem giving skill is quite unique. I still need to learn if they share same exp between gems or its all constant. There are 'link' gem slot? not sure if they give anything better. Right now i have like 5-6 gems at level 5 and i just have no clue what im doing, "oh hey its green, lets put it into a green slot and hope it work". The small inventory slot clearly hurt a bit compare to the comfort you get from D3 especially now item is your main currency. Dont like the color they choose for rare items, looks quite similar to white items which make me wana turn the white filter on (which i dont want to). + Died once so i guess my character no longer hardcore? It doesnt said anywhere in the game. Had a really bad time since i didnt choose an AoE spells early on and have to farm a bunch of mobs by right clicking every single one multiple times. Currently im quite confused that you have 2 weapon slots and you have a hotkey to switch between? Does that mean i could equip 2 different skill set? Does the gem from 1 set level while im using the other set? + The item currency is sooooooooooo weird, but not in a bad way. It is hard to decide to use anything bc i dont know how rare these items are? Should i improve my flask now or wait until level 50 and find something better to improve? + Skill tree is fun. Gona study it closer once i get back home  . Link gem slots is used for special gems you get later which affect other gems. For example, there's a gem which raises crit chance, so if you put it in a slot linked to, say, double strike, you will get the increased crit chance when using double strike.
On August 02 2012 00:49 -Archangel- wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 09:14 superstartran wrote:On August 01 2012 05:40 -Archangel- wrote:On August 01 2012 05:19 Pudge_172 wrote: Shadow character class is a bit speedier in the early levels. I played one today and got him to level 10. Plus he has attack speed/move speed pretty close on the Passive list... He is also the most squishy of them all. Late game only Witch has better survivability than a shadow, and that's only because she has crazy CC through Ice damage. ES is by far the best defense mechanic in the game, and the Shadow when built correctly massacres everything in sight with a Rapier crit build. Between block, evasion, and thousands of ES stacked up, he can pretty much plow through the game np. You gotta know what you're doing the first 30 levels or so, as that is when you are weakest. The other classes are more straight forward and less punishing early on, but their trees are pretty weak late game. Ranger has big troubles staying alive and is prohibitively expensive to build (Thicket/Imperial bows are absolutely necessary, and 5/6 socket versions with good mods are extremely hard to come by; you have to have a double roll on phys mods to make it good) and Mara/Templars have big issues staying alive in end game maps that are rare. That is cute, but the whole point of PoE is to do your own thing and not only follow cookie cutter builds.
Yeah, and then die instantly in HC/Default when your build is absolutely trash.
There are a couple of creative viable builds out there, but in general, Mara/Templars have issues late game without massive gear to keep themselves alive. Witches have it the easiest because they are by far the least gear dependent class, and can forgo many stats like FHR etc. for just pure ES/Resist/Spell Dmg, which is much easier to come by then say double phys roll mods on your weapon, along with IAS, life leech/mana leech, etc.
I play HC so the build diversity becomes much more limited. 61 Ranger currently with garbage levels of HP. The game does allow you some creativity, but will punish you for doing something stupid like trying to make a caster Marauder. Kripparian currently has a silly Frost Wall Marauder that is going to get completely obliterated come Merciless/End Game maps; his distinct lack of block is going to get him killed. Builds like these are completely not viable end game.
On August 02 2012 12:02 NB wrote:Show nested quote +On August 02 2012 10:17 Esoterikk wrote:On August 02 2012 00:34 NB wrote:damn... im quite hyped. Now all i need is a key  Just spend 10$ :S You have no clue how poor i am right now. Just spend pretty much my next month lunch on repairing my gaming equipment T_T. Even 5$ is very excessive to a poor student like me  but back to game discussion: anyone have stat on the class distribution in game? I read the OP and see shadow is pretty cool class  . Can i just go pure DPS glass canon like wizard D3 into late late inferno?
Then you shouldn't really be playing games; I never understood why people couldn't prioritize properly. I do understand you need some minor entertainment for the occasional distraction, but it's pretty obvious that you really have bigger priorities in life such as putting food on the table.
On August 03 2012 01:52 superstartran wrote:Show nested quote +On August 02 2012 12:02 NB wrote:On August 02 2012 10:17 Esoterikk wrote:On August 02 2012 00:34 NB wrote:damn... im quite hyped. Now all i need is a key  Just spend 10$ :S You have no clue how poor i am right now. Just spend pretty much my next month lunch on repairing my gaming equipment T_T. Even 5$ is very excessive to a poor student like me  but back to game discussion: anyone have stat on the class distribution in game? I read the OP and see shadow is pretty cool class  . Can i just go pure DPS glass canon like wizard D3 into late late inferno? Then you shouldn't really be playing games; I never understood why people couldn't prioritize properly. I do understand you need some minor entertainment for the occasional distraction, but it's pretty obvious that you really have bigger priorities in life such as putting food on the table. Personally, i think its a very bad idea to advise people how they should live. Especially if you only know a part of it through the internet.
2ndly, im a student. When im done studying i play games. Being international student does limit yourself into having part time job which is a downer. And yes, i could probably earn a couple more bucks by playing poker online but meh...
Back on topic: Need to find more about the mechanic of the game. Is there a good community website for PoE except the official forum? Currently level 16 into act 2 and im still confuse on quite a lot of stuff. xD
On August 01 2012 18:16 MrKn4rz wrote: The hardcore thing is really the only thing that I dont like about this game. There should at least be a real hardcore league/mode where you loose your character permanently. Its just doesnt feel like hardcore to me.
Play with others, when you die you cant play with your friends anymore, thats pretty hardcore too. Also you dont need to play in SC if you dont want to, you can keep your char, but your items are all in SC. I think its a ok system.
On August 02 2012 16:50 Tobberoth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 02 2012 15:41 Imperfect1987 wrote: I am curious for people who have played quite a bit of the game. How do you feel about a no gold economy? Does the system work for you? Do others seem to like it? Does it feel rewarding? Does it feel lacking in any regards? Thanks for the input! Personally I think it's perfect, gold is a crap system for ARPGs. This system is an item sink in itself, and at the same time, you don't feel as inclined to pick up and sell items all the time. You sell items because you need the stuff you get, not because you feel you have to hoard. What's also nice is that it allows even white items to be worth something because they are guaranteed identify scrolls.
This is the best economy system. Comparing it to D2 is quite obvious, Gold was (almost) useless in D2, also it was worthless to other players, there the people traded mostly with Runes wich is a bit similar to PoE. In D3 my first thought was wow, Gold is actually worth anything. But actually its just to be used in the AH, Crafting items was totally worthless and Gold Consuming until you found a nice Recipe, same with combining Runes(at least until that one patch). Gold just made too much of an impact on the game that felt rly negative. In D2 it didnt have any good impact at all.
The Devs of PoE felt that Gold in itself is a bad system, they wanted a Currency that was Usable(remember the saying: You cant eat money?), so they made a Currency/Crafting system wich is pretty awesome, you will like it. There are also a lot of Recipes out there (for example Offer 1 red gem, 1 blue gem, 1 green gem and an Amulet to any vendor). I dont want to Spoiler them but I can leave you with a Link so you can Spoiler it at your own risk: Path of Exile: Recipe List
On August 02 2012 01:38 Tobberoth wrote: My biggest gripe with PoE atm is the difficulty in getting gems. I started a shadow with the goal of building it around flicker strike. Well, sucks to be me, I'm lvl 20 now and I still haven't gotten that fucking gem, still running around with double strike.
LvL 20 Isnt that far rly, also you could try to trade it?
On August 02 2012 08:56 Kojak21 wrote: Is there a point of making a new guy right now? or isnt there sposed to be a wipe coming up pretty soon
I dont think that there is a Wipe coming up soon :o The Open Beta date of "August" has been delayed(no new date given) so I guess you can go play! :D
Is anyone going to attend this event? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/42651/page/1 (i love these things ;>)
so i went through the skill tree, im playing a main Dex shadow and i have yet find anything interesting so far. Anyone spot any good Dex skill in that giant map?
Also when do i get aura watch all the youtube vids and stream see people having at least 2 while im having a bunch of active skills... I think i might be doing it wrong.
What do i do with duplicate skill gem btw?
On August 03 2012 13:03 NB wrote:so i went through the skill tree, im playing a main Dex shadow and i have yet find anything interesting so far. Anyone spot any good Dex skill in that giant map? Also when do i get aura  watch all the youtube vids and stream see people having at least 2 while im having a bunch of active skills... I think i might be doing it wrong. What do i do with duplicate skill gem btw?
Continue playing the game. You get the first aura option for a quest reward at the end of act 2 I believe. Duplicate skill gems can either be sold or traded or saved for another character.
oh thanks... was trying to look through the official forum but things a messy over there. Looks like my skill tree will lead to Claw life steal road which i quite like xD Vamp all the thing 
If i have to play the game again, i will definitely choose a normal class but hybrid like shadow T_T
On August 03 2012 12:02 Daumen wrote: LvL 20 Isnt that far rly, also you could try to trade it?
I have tried, and I've seen others try as well. No response. I even made a duelist and leveled through the first few quests hoping to be able to pick it as a quest reward, because a guy in chat said he got to pick it on 3 different duelists in the early quests... nothing.
well, its not really a good skill to "base" your build on because u can't really spam it i guess - or maybe i just don't understand how to get more out of it. i just use it as an utility skill to get to the enemy quicker and then use other skills to whack on.
On August 03 2012 19:07 praetor.at wrote: well, its not really a good skill to "base" your build on because u can't really spam it i guess - or maybe i just don't understand how to get more out of it. i just use it as an utility skill to get to the enemy quicker and then use other skills to whack on. Maybe it has been nerfed, I know that Shadow Flicker Strike Elemental Damage was a really popular insanely strong build before at least.
On August 03 2012 19:09 Tobberoth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2012 19:07 praetor.at wrote: well, its not really a good skill to "base" your build on because u can't really spam it i guess - or maybe i just don't understand how to get more out of it. i just use it as an utility skill to get to the enemy quicker and then use other skills to whack on. Maybe it has been nerfed, I know that Shadow Flicker Strike Elemental Damage was a really popular insanely strong build before at least.
When you could still spam it it was quite op tbh
Croatia7457 Posts
On August 03 2012 19:09 Tobberoth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2012 19:07 praetor.at wrote: well, its not really a good skill to "base" your build on because u can't really spam it i guess - or maybe i just don't understand how to get more out of it. i just use it as an utility skill to get to the enemy quicker and then use other skills to whack on. Maybe it has been nerfed, I know that Shadow Flicker Strike Elemental Damage was a really popular insanely strong build before at least. It has been nerfed, Flicker Strike now uses one frenzy charge to activate or you have wait for cooldown. So now you need to make it around using frenzy skill and having more then 3 max frenzy charges.
On August 03 2012 09:26 NB wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2012 01:52 superstartran wrote:On August 02 2012 12:02 NB wrote:On August 02 2012 10:17 Esoterikk wrote:On August 02 2012 00:34 NB wrote:damn... im quite hyped. Now all i need is a key  Just spend 10$ :S You have no clue how poor i am right now. Just spend pretty much my next month lunch on repairing my gaming equipment T_T. Even 5$ is very excessive to a poor student like me  but back to game discussion: anyone have stat on the class distribution in game? I read the OP and see shadow is pretty cool class  . Can i just go pure DPS glass canon like wizard D3 into late late inferno? Then you shouldn't really be playing games; I never understood why people couldn't prioritize properly. I do understand you need some minor entertainment for the occasional distraction, but it's pretty obvious that you really have bigger priorities in life such as putting food on the table. Personally, i think its a very bad idea to advise people how they should live. Especially if you only know a part of it through the internet. 2ndly, im a student. When im done studying i play games. Being international student does limit yourself into having part time job which is a downer. And yes, i could probably earn a couple more bucks by playing poker online but meh... Back on topic: Need to find more about the mechanic of the game. Is there a good community website for PoE except the official forum? Currently level 16 into act 2 and im still confuse on quite a lot of stuff. xD
In a few posts back I linked you an FAQ on game mechanics. Go look there it explains all the mechanics.
feel quite a bit anti social playing tthis game bc i have no friend playing it ... kinda sad
anyone doing the HC race? starts in 8 mins
On August 05 2012 04:49 NB wrote:feel quite a bit anti social playing tthis game bc i have no friend playing it  ... kinda sad Playing alone myself so feel free too add me, playing on Kaarekaariknut_iv in the 2 week hc race atm. On another note i played in the 3 hour HC race tonight and it was great fun. Got to lvl 23 1/2 and was nr15 , and since i've only been playing PoE for a week i'm quite happy with it. Didn't really have a clue what i was doing , but my poison arrow ranger turned out surprisingly good. Definently sticking around with this game!
i really enjoy the game i just really don't like HC at least during normal mode. i was doing the race and was going through the caverns of wrath as a templar, i made sure i had a lot of CR (60%ish) and i had 230HP/54shield. then i run and literally got 1-shot by a rare mob who had an affix "increased critical strike chance and damage" among others. i was literally just walking down the tunnel and got one shot.
i have a level 47 marauder in default - ruthless, and it seems that the game gets easier as you go through it instead (which is nice - but not when you get 1 shot from something you can't even avoid) of getting harder. but yeah there was literally 0 way for me to avoid that - it was the affix that killed me. i don't like how bad luck can get you insta killed even with getting the resistance passives ASAP in order to be able to kill Merv and running CR gear. only in normal mode does this happen...
Croatia7457 Posts
On August 05 2012 10:04 Silidons wrote: i really enjoy the game i just really don't like HC at least during normal mode. i was doing the race and was going through the caverns of wrath as a templar, i made sure i had a lot of CR (60%ish) and i had 230HP/54shield. then i run and literally got 1-shot by a rare mob who had an affix "increased critical strike chance and damage" among others. i was literally just walking down the tunnel and got one shot.
i have a level 47 marauder in default - ruthless, and it seems that the game gets easier as you go through it instead (which is nice - but not when you get 1 shot from something you can't even avoid) of getting harder. but yeah there was literally 0 way for me to avoid that - it was the affix that killed me. i don't like how bad luck can get you insta killed even with getting the resistance passives ASAP in order to be able to kill Merv and running CR gear. only in normal mode does this happen... You can avoid it, stack more life. Your life was low, probably your armor was as well. When I play new characters I always stack 2 life rings and only exchange them with cold resistance rings for bosses.
On August 05 2012 19:06 -Archangel- wrote:Show nested quote +On August 05 2012 10:04 Silidons wrote: i really enjoy the game i just really don't like HC at least during normal mode. i was doing the race and was going through the caverns of wrath as a templar, i made sure i had a lot of CR (60%ish) and i had 230HP/54shield. then i run and literally got 1-shot by a rare mob who had an affix "increased critical strike chance and damage" among others. i was literally just walking down the tunnel and got one shot.
i have a level 47 marauder in default - ruthless, and it seems that the game gets easier as you go through it instead (which is nice - but not when you get 1 shot from something you can't even avoid) of getting harder. but yeah there was literally 0 way for me to avoid that - it was the affix that killed me. i don't like how bad luck can get you insta killed even with getting the resistance passives ASAP in order to be able to kill Merv and running CR gear. only in normal mode does this happen... You can avoid it, stack more life. Your life was low, probably your armor was as well. When I play new characters I always stack 2 life rings and only exchange them with cold resistance rings for bosses. it was the HC race dude. when i was there, some guy was already going to Oak in A2. Deep Dweller was killed <15 mins into the race starting, and the Flame was turned in not long after that. i got an unlucky affix on a mob, when i did brutus he barely was doing any dmg to me.
i was in like 60th place when i died...it was just an unlucky affix for me really. no one else farmed up health gear since i was ~6-7 lvls behind the #1 guy lol
here are some +hp i had from gear: 14hp from gloves 24hp from helm 22hp from chest 22hp from ring