On August 02 2012 03:56 NB wrote: Is there an in game trading system? or you have to go on forum and shit?
currently the only way to trade is to drop items on the ground old school style. but there is a trading forum where everyone can see the items that you have listed from your stash.
On August 02 2012 00:34 NB wrote: damn... im quite hyped. Now all i need is a key
Just spend 10$ :S
You have no clue how poor i am right now. Just spend pretty much my next month lunch on repairing my gaming equipment T_T. Even 5$ is very excessive to a poor student like me
but back to game discussion: anyone have stat on the class distribution in game? I read the OP and see shadow is pretty cool class . Can i just go pure DPS glass canon like wizard D3 into late late inferno?
On August 02 2012 00:34 NB wrote: damn... im quite hyped. Now all i need is a key
Just spend 10$ :S
You have no clue how poor i am right now. Just spend pretty much my next month lunch on repairing my gaming equipment T_T. Even 5$ is very excessive to a poor student like me
but back to game discussion: anyone have stat on the class distribution in game? I read the OP and see shadow is pretty cool class . Can i just go pure DPS glass canon like wizard D3 into late late inferno?
I am curious for people who have played quite a bit of the game. How do you feel about a no gold economy? Does the system work for you? Do others seem to like it? Does it feel rewarding? Does it feel lacking in any regards? Thanks for the input!
On August 02 2012 15:41 Imperfect1987 wrote: I am curious for people who have played quite a bit of the game. How do you feel about a no gold economy? Does the system work for you? Do others seem to like it? Does it feel rewarding? Does it feel lacking in any regards? Thanks for the input!
Personally I think it's perfect, gold is a crap system for ARPGs. This system is an item sink in itself, and at the same time, you don't feel as inclined to pick up and sell items all the time. You sell items because you need the stuff you get, not because you feel you have to hoard. What's also nice is that it allows even white items to be worth something because they are guaranteed identify scrolls.
On August 02 2012 15:41 Imperfect1987 wrote: I am curious for people who have played quite a bit of the game. How do you feel about a no gold economy? Does the system work for you? Do others seem to like it? Does it feel rewarding? Does it feel lacking in any regards? Thanks for the input!
Personally I think it's perfect, gold is a crap system for ARPGs. This system is an item sink in itself, and at the same time, you don't feel as inclined to pick up and sell items all the time. You sell items because you need the stuff you get, not because you feel you have to hoard. What's also nice is that it allows even white items to be worth something because they are guaranteed identify scrolls.
This and the ability to transform whites into magic items and rares etc. Its quite unbelieveable but these guys seem to have found a solution for almost every issue other ARPGs suffered from. And yes PoE still has its own issues but something tells me that this is only a matter of time. I wont even start to talk about the PvP stuff that is coming our way.
Are they serious about selling things for 1k USD???? OLOLOLOLOLOL
Look at the stuff you're getting. It's meant for people who want to support the studio (name in credits, etc.). The standard "Collector's Edition" (Silver Pack) is prized at 100 USD, which is also pretty standard for a collector's edition.
Are they serious about selling things for 1k USD???? OLOLOLOLOLOL
you'd be surprised how many people actually bought it.:/
given the chance a lot of people would go out of their way to support a studio they like and did you see what you get for a diamond supporter pack, WOW!
DAMNNN SON! got my beta key thanks to certain somebody from Teamliquid :3. LOVE IT!!
Installing while watching assembly. Crossing fingers hoping for a good experience. So far watching kripp stream and total biscuit video was very tempting. Any tip that i should know before i start my journey? xD
Are they serious about selling things for 1k USD???? OLOLOLOLOLOL
They not "selling" anything.., its donation . Its two other things , and imo if someone is rich and love this game 1k$ is nothing for things you got from these. If the game will be HUGE in future .. , your name in credits and own unique item in game is superb
On August 02 2012 22:24 NB wrote: DAMNNN SON! got my beta key thanks to certain somebody from Teamliquid :3. LOVE IT!!
Installing while watching assembly. Crossing fingers hoping for a good experience. So far watching kripp stream and total biscuit video was very tempting. Any tip that i should know before i start my journey? xD
It's pretty straight forward. Just.. don't waste your time picking everything up and selling, not even blues are really worth it since your inventory is so small and you get so "little" for selling. In the start, it's nice to pick up small white items and sell for identity scrolls though!
On August 02 2012 22:24 NB wrote: DAMNNN SON! got my beta key thanks to certain somebody from Teamliquid :3. LOVE IT!!
Installing while watching assembly. Crossing fingers hoping for a good experience. So far watching kripp stream and total biscuit video was very tempting. Any tip that i should know before i start my journey? xD
-The only difference in classes is your starting stats, and where you start on the skill tree, oh, and what your character looks like.
-Get used to using potions a lot. They refill when you kill enemies so use them constantly; spam abilities, kill faster, use potions to keep mana / hp up, the fast killing refills potions quickly. I play a dual-wield marauder with dual strike / cleave and leap. Usually I kite mobs into a pack, leap in, and cleave the shit of out everything while spamming pots.
-Game feels clunky and slow at start. Takes a combination of getting better gear and getting used to it. Don't give up really early, it gets better really quickly.
-WAYPOINTS! Find waypoints in the zones. It's a bitch to die / because this is beta, DC, and have to haul your ass all the way back to the location you were doing quests. Waypoints are extremely important, and you must click on them to be able use them.
-Have a build in mind. Pick 2 or 3 things you want your character to be and build around that. Keeps a goal in mind as well as builds a more rounded character than just picking what you want. " Templar who is tanky, uses strong auras to boost himself / teammates, and a 2h to dish out some hits". You get the idea; there are a lot of passives.
-Don't get surrounded. Don't let casters chain cast on you. Kill necro's first.
-Control-Click on the actual instance portal opens up the instance management menu (self explanatory). Use this to farm dungeons you find that have large chests at the end for lots of loot.
-Once you are higher than 2 levels of the area, currency item drops start to take a % hit (drop less). Try to pace yourself so you are no more than 2 levels above the zone. Best drops, good XP and fastest killing. What I do is if I'm 3+ levels in a zone, I just run past everything, only stopping once or twice to kill the ~30 mobs following me. 2-3 at a time will be extremely slow.
-Create your own characters. No one has played this game long enough to know whats the best / worst, pick your own passives.
-Each act finishes with you killing a boss. Act I is self explanatory, Act II you need to complete the pyramid (don't worry this isn't a spoiler).
-The bandit quests will either give you an extra skill point if you kill all 3 bandits, or +hp, +mana, or +resist to all permanently depending on what bandit you leave alive; they'll tell you which stat they give.
-Have fun! The community is still small and everyone playing this game are people who want to. Be friendly, answer people's questions if you know the answer, make friends.
So I got a beta key, a long, long time ago. I think September 2011, just after closed beta hit. I logged in ran around absolutely hated it and logged out. I tried again a month later in October and had the same result.
After the D3 mess, and many, many months I decide to give it another shot last night. Well, I was actually quite impressed. While there are still some 'clunky' issues overall the devs have made huge strides in making this a better game. After my adventures last night (on a witch) I can easily see myself playing this game and will likely continue to participate in the beta when I'm not slaying nerds in Dota.
+ the game feel pretty damn good. The engine is obviously inferior compare to D3 but all the hit box system is way far better and less frustrating.
+ Mobs AI is very stupid, typical rpg AI basicly. The mobs are hard bc of their stat, not their action.
+ Pathing exists which is awesome. Try to juke a bunch of mobs into a choke point and they do back off and try to fire from far away. Very promising.
+ Spaming potion system is very refreshing and interesting. Very excited to see how they balance this in end game.
+ Item system is VERY confusing. Gem giving skill is quite unique. I still need to learn if they share same exp between gems or its all constant. There are 'link' gem slot? not sure if they give anything better. Right now i have like 5-6 gems at level 5 and i just have no clue what im doing, "oh hey its green, lets put it into a green slot and hope it work". The small inventory slot clearly hurt a bit compare to the comfort you get from D3 especially now item is your main currency. Dont like the color they choose for rare items, looks quite similar to white items which make me wana turn the white filter on (which i dont want to).
+ Died once so i guess my character no longer hardcore? It doesnt said anywhere in the game. Had a really bad time since i didnt choose an AoE spells early on and have to farm a bunch of mobs by right clicking every single one multiple times. Currently im quite confused that you have 2 weapon slots and you have a hotkey to switch between? Does that mean i could equip 2 different skill set? Does the gem from 1 set level while im using the other set?
+ The item currency is sooooooooooo weird, but not in a bad way. It is hard to decide to use anything bc i dont know how rare these items are? Should i improve my flask now or wait until level 50 and find something better to improve?
+ Skill tree is fun. Gona study it closer once i get back home .