On July 13 2017 16:40 -Archangel- wrote: Has anyone here tried Phase Run with Cast on damage taken? It is pretty cool, especially for builds that don't need to spam their attack a lot. Lets you run away easily or run to next pack fast.
I've used it on a couple builds. It's great to be honest, very underrated. Of course it's only useful if you don't use frenzy charges.
Wait.. you pick EO and RT. I guess RT is a mistake. Also you don't pick a 6% Life node.
My take: + Show Spoiler +
But I'm no expert for RF, I think the Life of my suggested tree isn't very high and I don't like the not picked jewel slots... just kinda hard since you can use so many things. :D
What's wrong with EO? - OH, can't crit. righttttttttttt
RT actually isn't a mistake. The idea is to have 2 (and hopefully later, 3) curse and one or them will be applied with something like cyclone, fortify, coh, curse
i like how you go down to the bottom in that 2nd one.. more str there. im gonna consider that
how many people think they playing 2W regular HC race? I'm leaning SSF but if we have a small crew could be fun to push and share maps
So. Hello everybody :D
I just wanted to take a minute to drop by and publicly declare that I`m still alive  I got a new job that started mid may, and that kinda ate a LOT more of my gaming time and motivation than I previously thought... its great, its fun, the people are super nice, but its also 50+ hours a week (incl. commute of ~100 km per day). And so I kinda dropped out rather suddenly. I expected to be there more often, but it just didnt happen, so I didnt even say goodbye from legacy league.
I hope everyone is doing well and you have fun with races/beta. Hopefully once things settle down a bit (and I get used to .. you know.. actually working a lot, something I kinda managed to avoid before), I´ll manage to come back to 3.0, at least for some casual SSF story stuff.
regular hc here, not ssf, i dont play often because of school, but it's summer now. so, i want to experience being fully decked out, so I'll need to trade
i typically do things solo though, for multiple reasons. mostly im unreliable
Probably regular HC for me as well. Ill be late to the start of the race however.
So many people posting stuff about Baron builds these days sigh. Might not be a good starter due to cost pretty soon.
real life strikes again Espe hope it is going well. we're always be here it seems
Fuuuck now rank #2-5 get regular demis. I mean it's a good decision but now I'll probably have to take more time off work.
Damn, that's all excuses taken away. Do we know whether streamers are mostly doing SSF again or not?
I'm still a bit unsure whether I should open Hierophant SWT or Elementalist EA but will most likely do Hiero. SRS is also in the back of my head but hngggg... tough shit.
Elementalist ea most fun build and will almost certainly be gone in 3.0 - take advantage while you still can evo!
I already played it once and really loved it, I think the hiero is more solid for day 1 though. And it struggles a bit in Breaches with shitty gear. Perfect "I randomly died"-build. :3
On July 14 2017 14:23 r.Evo wrote: Damn, that's all excuses taken away. Do we know whether streamers are mostly doing SSF again or not? Haven't watched streams much lately... we'll see later.
I think I'm going to play a Gladiator, which I haven't since Ascendancy first came out. Anyone know the scaling details of the explosions from Gratuitous Violence? What I know is that pure Physical Damage (like from Jewels) increases its damage, and Area Damage ofc too.
What about
1. Melee Physical Damage, 2. Physical Damage with Attacks, 3. Physical Damage with Weapons (pretty sure this one doesn't work), 4. Gems with which I do the killing. Like, if I kill with Sunder linked with AoE or Conc Effect, will the Gratuitous Violence Area get affected? 5. Hatred and Herald of Ash. I read a guide which claimed it works, so I guess it does but maybe someone here knows better.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Based on how I'm 98% sure how it should work just generic damage, increased phys and area damage. Frenzy Charges/Vulnerability also work obviously. Gems should have no effect since it's a secondary effect like profane bloom and not inherent from an item like decay.
This thread gives a reasonable explanation for how and why all of this should turn out in practice:
death explosions are 'your' damage, they're considered 'secondary' damage (except HoA's, that's damage over time)... it's a fairly uncommon damage source that's not spell, not attack, and not damage-over-time. Unlike those other three damage sources, there's no modifiers that provide 'increased/more secondary damage', so it's a little tougher to scale, as you need to rely on scaling the other properties of the skill... in the case of death/corpse explosions, 'area' and whatever damage 'type' (phys, fire, etc).
Ahh, I see. Seems reasonable. So you could basically use some really strong ST skill with conc effect and still have decent AoE due to the explosions.
i am going regular hc and will play a sabateur.
I think the majority of streamers will play SSFHC again. RaizQT and Havoc already have it in their title.