On June 09 2011 11:55 splinter9 wrote: im confused cause there is a game on xbox live called SSF4 AE for 29.99
there seems to be a version you can buy on xbox live. You have to own SSF4 to play arcade, so if you already have the disk you can download the DLC for 1200 points, if you don't have the disc then you can buy it on the 360 for $30 and get the DLC for 1200
That's because people are playing the new characters more.
Man, it's been way too long since I last played SSF4. Yang is confusing, since they switched the teleport and the roll commands. Still undecided though, I really want to use Makoto, but I wasn't fairing too well with her, since peole just mash jabs or shoryukens online.
Any good ways to punish Yun's special moves on block? Shoulder seems safe, but I'm not too sure. Any way to stop his block string pressure?
If anyone's interested in a write up similar to what I did with yun in the previous page, post up the char and I'll see what I can do. If I'm interested in the char I'll most likely do it in my free time.
On June 09 2011 19:16 Fryght wrote: That's because people are playing the new characters more.
Man, it's been way too long since I last played SSF4. Yang is confusing, since they switched the teleport and the roll commands. Still undecided though, I really want to use Makoto, but I wasn't fairing too well with her, since peole just mash jabs or shoryukens online.
Any good ways to punish Yun's special moves on block? Shoulder seems safe, but I'm not too sure. Any way to stop his block string pressure?
blockstring into shoulder isnt a true blockstring, reversal moves (dps) will stuff it.
light shoulder is also -3 on block, so most chars have a 3 frame move (either a dp or a cr.lk into combo) that will punish after blocking.
every other shoulder (including ex) is even more unsafe, so definitely try to punish shoulders.
the mp->fp->back+fp is -8 on block, so there are a million things that can punish that. mp->fp is still also -3, but that chain leaves yun further away, so might not be as easy as shoulder to punish.
general rule of thumb for divekicks is that if you block it above the waist, you can throw yun as he lands, or start a jab combo etc. If youre gonna block dive kicks, stand up, dont crouch block em. crouch block gives twins free frame advantage.
there are a LOT of moves you can stuff divekicks with though. not just your regular anti airs either, stuff like mps, crmps etc can stuff em. straight jumping with one of your good normals can be a really good way to stuff them / land on them and start a beefy combo.
this last part is speculation on my part, not tested yet, but I think the upkicks dont hit low moves (like sweeps, crmks) so I think you can do meaty low moves on yun after a knockdown like you would against balrog and it could be 100% safe meaty. I need to test that last part more though
the real question is why the hell am I still awake. Goddamn starcraft schedules :<
With Makoto, all your medium buttons blow up dive kicks for free.
I wouldn't worry too much about punishing stuff against the twins with Makoto since she's not that reliant on it. As a Makoto player you really need to learn how to get them off you and establish your space. Make sure you're going in on your terms and not theirs. I can't really give you any specific advice besides general stuff like that and abuse st.mp at all ranges that it'll hit.
On June 09 2011 19:55 Demoninja wrote: With Makoto, all your medium buttons blow up dive kicks for free.
I wouldn't worry too much about punishing stuff against the twins with Makoto since she's not that reliant on it. As a Makoto player you really need to learn how to get them off you and establish your space. Make sure you're going in on your terms and not theirs. I can't really give you any specific advice besides general stuff like that and abuse st.mp at all ranges that it'll hit.
Yeah, mostly just fishing with cMP. Not too sure how I should go in for karakusa, because people mash a lot after hayates. Any tips?
can't wait to get some free time to try AE, will stick to Guile, even tho he got slightly nerfed from what i read, i'm not that great of a player anyway, so it doesnt matter much to me, as long as c mp to flash and p-links are doable im fine, sonic boom the hell out of em.
Will they release new arcade sticks as well? I only have a Tekken 6 arcade stick, but I think the SSFIV arcade sticks are way better. They don't sell them in Norway anymore, so I hope they release new ones:D
@Trumpet, Hey man have you been keeping a list of those U1 set ups you found after command grabs? I just read one for Gief and it seems like the majority of the cast has it so it'll be something I'll work on long term.
On June 10 2011 04:26 Demoninja wrote: @Trumpet, Hey man have you been keeping a list of those U1 set ups you found after command grabs? I just read one for Gief and it seems like the majority of the cast has it so it'll be something I'll work on long term.
Problem w/ gief is that the ult setups are a gamble. If they jump/backdash dodge properly, you'll be punished big time.
That is true for any command grab. If someone jumps gief's spd or back dashes or something than he can get punished as well. Yun's command grab has such a long range that it is definitely viable to get one or more command grabs in a round.
On June 09 2011 19:55 Demoninja wrote: With Makoto, all your medium buttons blow up dive kicks for free.
I wouldn't worry too much about punishing stuff against the twins with Makoto since she's not that reliant on it. As a Makoto player you really need to learn how to get them off you and establish your space. Make sure you're going in on your terms and not theirs. I can't really give you any specific advice besides general stuff like that and abuse st.mp at all ranges that it'll hit.
Yeah, mostly just fishing with cMP. Not too sure how I should go in for karakusa, because people mash a lot after hayates. Any tips?
Personally, I started to do better as Mak once I stopped relying on karakusa. I don't know about in AE, but in Super it was a pretty shitty command grab with no range and no priority. I liked to use it on reset situations, but against dp characters it was failure. lol
A lot of players would say "with Mak u MUST get in." Well, the problem is that when you get overly aggressive getting in, you'll end up eating a lot of damage and lose easily. She's a character that you can just sit and defend with st. MP and axe kick. The time to get in with Mak is definitely on knockdown. She has a lot of mix-ups and can be scary as hell.
Oh yeah, speaking of axe kick, it's better in AE because it has less delay. I like to use the instant version. Basically, do a Gief style spinning piledriver starting from UF and ending at B. It punishes the hell out of lows and has very good priority.
Generally when I played as Makoto, if I was getting rush downed I would just block until they try to dive kick. Stuff the dive kick and then back dash out of there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with back dashing until you're full screen away from them. Only try to get in that ass if you can do it safely.
Karakusa is a strictly offline tool or high level tool. You're only gonna get it against someone who isn't an idiot and mashes dp all the time. Knowing tricky ways to set it up as well. Stuff like f.mk, karakusa or meaty karakusa are good ways to land it. Meaty set ups are super important so you should learn how to set up meaty normals.
I agree with the mentality that you must get in. However keep in mind that you have 99 seconds to work with PER round so there's no need to go crazy if you can keep it cool and just play a bit slowly and safely.